Archive for July, 2011

America-Pakistan-India Triangle

Posted on31. Jul, 2011 by .

S.M. Krishna, Hina Rabbani Khar

Air Commodore (Retd) Khalid Iqbal Pakistan's ambassador to the United States, who ironically enjoys the reputation of being American ambassador to Pakistan, based in Washington, has recently quipped, "The most hated country in Pakistan is our top trading partner, top aid donor, top weapon supplier and top remittance source". Significant reason behind this anomaly is [...]

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Pakistan: Blackmailed Elite

Posted on31. Jul, 2011 by .

Asif Zardari and Daphne Israeli GF

Dr Shahid Qureshi:
Asif Zardari and his corrupt regime are undermining Pakistan’s national interests in a very sophisticated way. Appointment of corrupt, incompetent and compromised people on the top position is on top of his agenda. He has learnt to bypass the state system of governance that is how Hussain Haqani was able to issue visas to black water mercenaries from Washington and his close relative from UAE,

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The Norway Manifesto: A New Bin Laden Is Born

Posted on31. Jul, 2011 by .


By Dr Ashraf Ezzat:
“The Norway massacre: Is it a coincidence, is it another 9/11 or is it something that has been brewing for years now and nobody took notice of or saw it coming?”

“The termination of Bin Laden was not the end of this madness; rather it was only the beginning.”

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Pakistan: Plot to kill Afaq Ahmed

Posted on31. Jul, 2011 by .

afaq ahmed

A MQM-(Haqiqi) leader in Jail exposed By Special Correspondent  Karachi: It is reported from reliable sources that a plot to kill Afaq Ahmed leader of MQM-Haqiqi in Karachi Central Jail was toppled. Plan was to poison Afaq Ahmed in Karachi Jail. In past Shoaib Khan a Karachi business man was killed in jail by poisoning. Shoaib Khan survived [...]

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Pakistan Faces Unjust World Order

Posted on30. Jul, 2011 by .


"The world is on the side of the strong, weak and submissive are always looked down upon." Raja Mujtaba By Sajjad Shaukat Although all the small countries have been facing the unjust world order, reflected by the US-led privileged status quo of the affluent countries in the uni-polar system, yet Pakistan has become its special [...]

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Pak-India talks: A way forward?

Posted on30. Jul, 2011 by .


By S M Hali:
The smug faced and condescending S. M. Krishna must be smiling inwards that he got the better of his coy and suave counterpart. It has been India’s resolve to talk of developing and enhancing friendly relations through trade and tourism but let the core issue of Kashmir lie on the backburner.

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British Actress Inspired by Prophet’s Life

Posted on30. Jul, 2011 by .

Myriam Cerrah

“The opening of Al Fatiha, with its address to the whole of mankind, psychologically stopped me in my tracks. It spoke of previous scriptures in a way which I both recognized, but also differed. It clarified many of the doubts I had about Christianity. It made me an adult as I suddenly realized that my destiny and my actions had consequences for which I alone would now be held responsible.” Myriam Francois-Cerrah

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Israel And The American Jewish Voter

Posted on30. Jul, 2011 by .


By Prof Lawrence Davidson:
This situation is potentially more dangerous then most American Jews realize. The Zionist hold over U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East has already cost the country dearly. It was at least part of the reason we were attacked on 9/11 and why we subsequently invaded Iraq.

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Pakistan: Uphold the Constitution

Posted on30. Jul, 2011 by .

ScreenHunter_01 Jul. 30 10.29

By General Mirza Aslam Beg:
Civilian supremacy over the military can be established only by a sovereign parliament and an independent judiciary. The armed forces, therefore must support the Parliament’s resolution, demanding cessation of drone attacks, which the Americans flouted and the parliament was helpless. The political parties also have the shared responsibility to help the military, establish the supremacy of the civilian rule and support the government, to build a sovereign parliament, an independent judiciary and the institutions to deliver above board accountability.

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Pakistan: Civilian Supremacy!

Posted on29. Jul, 2011 by .


By M Ijaz-ul-Haq:
The ruling party has disappointed the man on the street, who equally is dismayed with the Opposition .Adjectives and invectives for one truly hold good for the other. Maulvi, Moulana, Mullah or any such title to berate an opponent falls short of decency expected of a man at the top. It is violative of a judicial ruling and against the norms, decor and dignity of his Office. Politicians as leaders stand discredited altogether.

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