Archive for June, 2011
Countdown to Zero
Posted on26. Jun, 2011 by S M Hali.

By S M Hali:
United States was passing through one of the worst economic crunches in its history since the crash of 1929, why did he not conclude that the US is on the path of disintegration? He replied that the leaders of Pakistan were corrupt, to which my response was that a few corporate leaders and some politicians in the USA were reportedly corrupt and that is how they brought about the current economic meltdown.
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A “Responsible” End in Afghanistan?
Posted on26. Jun, 2011 by Lawrence Davidson.

An Analysis By Prof Lawrence Davidson Part I – The Draw Down Back in December of 2009 President Obamacommitted the U.S. to an "Afghan surge." He allocated an additional 30,000 soldiers for a projected 18 months in order to accomplish specific "narrowly defined" goals. He told the nation that chief among these goals was [...]
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State Terrorism US Speciality
Posted on26. Jun, 2011 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja:
Prejudice, fanaticism, extremism, intolerance and cruelty are some of the characteristics deeply ingrained into the minds of US officials and elites. With such hideous traits and black track record, on what basis the US is voicing its concerns about terrorism when it is the biggest terrorist state of the world?
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Notes from a Social Scientist
Posted on25. Jun, 2011 by Dr Haider Mehdi.

By Dr. Haider Mehdi Solitude shows us what should be; society shows us what we are. Anatol Rapoport [...]
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Hopeless Noora Kushti (Fake Battle) Begins Again
Posted on24. Jun, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
Survival has been made difficult by successive military and civil regimes. The middle class has all but disappeared and there is an increasing gap between those who have and those who do not. The wretched and the poor are dispossessed to such an extent that they do not even have a consciousness of what they are dispossessed of; such is the scale of Pakistan’s tragic millions.
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Gradual ascent of Chinese economy
Posted on24. Jun, 2011 by S M Hali.

By S M Hali:
China has a firm control over its economy. Prudent planning, astute strategizing and futuristic forecasting has brought Chinese economy from the downtrodden and battered in the 1950s, to the current state where it is second only to the US but according to the IMF, likely to overtake it by 2016.
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Pakistan: Scope of Revolution
Posted on23. Jun, 2011 by Tanvir Siddiqui.

In Rearview Mirror and the Windshield: By Tanvir Ahmed Siddiqui There is quite a famous saying that tells us to “Look at life through windshield and not through rear view mirror’. But unfortunately when there is nothing much to view through the windshield you are left with nothing else but to keep on looking and [...]
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Pakistan-India Relations: Fruitless Dialogue with India
Posted on22. Jun, 2011 by Sajjad Shaukat.

By Sajjad Shaukat:
It is notable that Indian adamant stand in relation to Pak-Indian parleys are not without some sinister designs. In this connection, India is determined to keep its hold on Kashmir which is considered by it as integrated part of the Indian union. India wants to continue state terrorism on the innocent Kashmiris who are waging a ‘war of liberation’ for their legitimate rights.
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Posted on22. Jun, 2011 by Ellen Brown.

By Ellen H Brown:
The reason massive military spending is considered the most “obvious” way to produce a fiscal stimulus is simply that it is the only form of direct government spending that gets a pass from the deficit hawks. The economy is desperate to get money flowing through it, and today only the government is in a position to turn on the spigots; but there is a tourniquet on government spending.
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Global War Racketeering
Posted on22. Jun, 2011 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.

By Dr Mahboob A khawaja.
There are no objective values in the imperial philosophy of global economic development, control and domination. Power and wisdom are immeasurably separated by the gulf of greed, militarization and hegemonic control over the oil-rich Arab Middle East. The plans essentially envisage grand scheme of THINGS to build, destroy through intrigues and conflicts and rebuild the infrastructures to sustain the imperial economies – the war led economies of Western Europe and America.