Israel: an impediment to nuclear-free Mid East

Posted on 16. Jun, 2011 by in Israel

By Kourosh Ziabari

You might have frequently heard of the Western mainstream media's claims that Iran is pursuing a military nuclear program which is aimed at developing atomic weapons. Actually, spreading falsehood and untruth about the nature of Iran's peaceful nuclear program has been a constant, unchanging and recurring theme of the Western corporate media's coverage of Iran's events.

Over the past years, the world mainstream media, funded and fueled by certain Western governments to derail Iran's sublime position in the international community through their unyielding black propaganda have laboriously and persistently attempted to pretend that Iran's nuclear program poses a serious threat to the global peace and security and that Tehran is taking steps to create atomic bombs to drop on Israel and European countries.

Unfortunately, the people who believe such claims are credulously unaware of the fact that those who accuse Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons are themselves the largest possessors of the state-of-the-art nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction.

It should not be neglected that Iran has always been at the forefront of combating the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and also a victim of such weapons during the 8-year imposed war with the Ba'athist regime of Saddam Hussein which claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iranians, and it was the United States that equipped Saddam with such weapons to use against the Iranian people in an unequal and unjustifiable war in which the brutal Iraqi dictator was unconditionally supported by a strong coalition of the United States and its European allies.

Since the U.S.-manufactured controversy over Iran's nuclear program was ignited in the early 2000s, the White House and its cronies successfully distracted the international attention from the illegal, underground nuclear activities of Israeli regime and helped Tel Aviv to secretively further its nuclear program and build atomic weapons.

According to the Federation of American Scientists, Israel now possesses up to 200 nuclear warheads and since it is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT), it cannot be held accountable over its military nuclear program.

The US Congress Office of Technology Assessment has recorded Israel as a country generally reported as having undeclared chemical warfare capabilities, and an offensive biological warfare program.

Since Israel started the development of nuclear weapons in early 1950s, it adopted a so-called policy of "deliberate ambiguity" and concealed its nuclear activities under this counterfeit label to enjoy immunity and avoid responsibility over its nuclear program, meaning that it neither confirms nor denies the possession of nuclear weapons, while even the U.S.-based scientific and research organizations have admitted that it has a perilous nuclear arsenal which is potentially able to evaporate the whole Middle East in a matter of seconds.

On June 19, 1981, the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution which urgently called upon Israel to put its nuclear facilities under the comprehensive safeguards of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); however, Israel never heeded the calls of the UNSC and following that resolution, no significant decision was ever made to domesticate Israel and bring its dangerous nuclear facilities under control.

According to Nuclear Weapons Archive website, "the most specific and detailed information to be made public about Israel's nuclear program came from a former mid-level nuclear technician named Mordechai Vanunu. Vanunu had worked at the Machon 2 facility, where plutonium is produced and bomb components fabricated, for 9 years before his increasing involvement in left wing pro-Palestinian politics led to his dismissal in 1986. Due to lax internal security, prior to his departure he managed to take about 60 photographs covering nearly every part of Machon 2."

He made contact with the London Sunday Times and began to write an exclusive story about the details of Israel's nuclear program. Unfortunately for Vanunu, "the Israeli government had found out about his activities and the Mossad arranged to kidnap him and bring him back to Israel for trial," the report added.

Now, Iran has hosted dozens of representatives and experts from over 40 countries in the Second International Nuclear Disarmament Conference in Tehran to discuss the most important nuclear threats which jeopardize the international peace and security.

Last year, Iran had hosted the first Nuclear Disarmament Conference under the title of "Nuclear Energy for All, Nuclear Weapon for None."

According to the scholars and experts who took part in this years conference, the possession of nuclear weapons by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council along with Israel which is the sole possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East are among the main concerns of international community which not only thwart the creation of a nuclear-free Middle East but also portray an unquestionable exercise of double standards by the Western powers.

The Tehran conference on nuclear disarmament has concluded that all of the non-NPT members should ratify this treaty and allow the inspection of their nuclear facilities. It has also proposed that Israel should be disarmed as soon as possible, because it's the only owner of nuclear weapons in the Middle East.

Even as the U.S. intelligence services have confirmed that Iran does not intend to produce nuclear weapons, Tehran is lethally under the pressure of the United States and its European friends over its civilian nuclear program. This is while 9 countries in the world own more than 20,000 nuclear warheads and this leaves us with a basic question: who poses the real threat to international peace and security?

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Tags: , Israel nuclear weapons, , nuclear threat,

3 Responses to “Israel: an impediment to nuclear-free Mid East”

  1. [...] Helen Caldicott, MD, Founder and President of the Nuclear Policy Research Institute in Maryland explains what happens if We get attacked with a Nuclear Bomb. Yes, It’s scary, But it’s a Reality again. With Russia and America at odds with one another, I believe that the stark reality of this nightmare needs to be told so that “We” as a civilization can stop this madness before it’s to late. I encourage everyone to look her up and watch her seminars. Wake Up. Look at what’s going on around you, And Get involved. ——– On another note, Are you aware that the US Military is using Depleted Uranium For Weapons? Look Up DU on Youtube. Not for the timid at heart. Video Rating: 4 / 5 Also you can check out this related blog post: [...]

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  2. Rehmat

    17. Jun, 2011

    While the Zionist-regime and its poodle US lawmakers along with Obama administration keep parroting Tel Aviv’s propaganda against Tehran’s nuclear program – many Israeli intelligence officials including former Mossad head Meir Dagan admitted early this year that Tehran is not capable of producing a nuclear device before 2015.
    So why the knee-jerk reaction to Iran’s non-existing nuclear bomb by the Zionist-regime and its western marching band? There are two main reasons for this ‘Iranophobia’. First, Zionism is not compatible with peace. The Zionist leaders need to whip constant fear of the Israeli Jews, such as, “300 million Arabs want to destroy Israel and push them into sea” or “Ahmadinejad intends to create second Holocaust”, etc, for deflecting  world’s attention away from Israeli fascism against native Palestinian and its other Arab neighboring countries. However, the real reason is Zionist leaders fear that if Tehran succeeds in possesing a nuclear device, their freedom to go on imposing on the region will greatly restricted. 

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  3. michael mazur

    17. Jun, 2011

    Israel wants to dominate the ME `from the Nile to the Euphrates`, which is what the two blue bands mean on their flag. But that `modest` ambition only conceals the larger ambition of total domination of the whole of the ME, which means including far flung places like Libya and Iran.
    Accusing the nation targetted for destruction of harbouring or developing or merely being accused of having blueprints of nuclear weapons, or even having a nuclear power station under construction or having plans to do so, is grounds for ceaseless agitation lest the power station is supposedly a cover for weapons grade enriched uranium production; with the public deliberately not at all appraised of the difference between weapons grade and reactor grade enriched uranium, being, in passing, 90% and 3% respectively.
    In succession, elements on this nuclear theme have been applied by USrael to Iraq - with the consequences we all know about, and also are being applied to both Syria and Iran right now, clearly preparing the fuzzy public mind as to the threat these two countries somehow supposedly pose, so to repeat the Iraq episode on them.
    Israel knows Iran and Syria have no nukes, nor have plans for them, but it is essential for the public mind in America to make that association, thus signifying passive assent to the obliteration of two more innocent nations.
    But given the spreading awareness in America of the deceit involved in getting into both Afghanistan and Iraq, it will be necessary for the Obama admin. to set off a small nuke within the United States and to blame Iran for it, justifying the immediate use of hundreds of small nukes across Iran.
    Unfortunately for Israel, with Jews leaving Israel already or finding out about dual citizenship options in the EU, the exodus from Israel, once the systematic destruction of Iran gets underway using nuclear devices, will be unstoppable, for the reason that the radioactivity in the region will be too high for continued human life. 

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