Archive for May, 2011
Arab Spring of Bloody Freedom
Posted on28. May, 2011 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.

Palestine and Wicked Leaders By Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. With the failing of international institutions responsible for saving the humanity from the scourge of wars and maintenance of peace and security, global politics is fast becoming a puppet show for fantasy and amusement. Politicians with borrowed public funds, time and interests ruling the societies act [...]
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Pakistan’s Security
Posted on28. May, 2011 by Asif H Raja.

02 May incident aggravated Pakistan’s security environments when Osama was rekilled By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Till 02 May incident, people agonizing under the oppressive policies of democratic government drew satisfaction from the thought that in the presence of highly professional armed forces, robust intelligence agencies and independent judiciary, no harm could come to the existence [...]
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US: Friend or Foe
Posted on28. May, 2011 by Huma Hashmi.

By Huma Hashmi:
If the world (vested interests) keeps screaming that Pakistan harbors terrorists, then why are the militants targeting all our Military and Security Establishments? To avenge Osama’s death? He died at least five years ago. The Tehreek-Taliban has claimed responsibility. Sources say, that this particular outfit is funded by the CIA with whom Raymond Davis, the CIA contractor had connections.
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Posted on28. May, 2011 by Brig Samson Sharaf.

By Brig Samson S Sharaf:
As destiny would have it, I was the only officer in the General Staff with sound academic credentials in Nuclear Proliferation and Strategy. Though the study was simultaneously being carried out by many concerned branches, the ultimate responsibility of carrying out the final analysis for the General Staff in GHQ fell on my shoulders. Destiny placed me in the footsteps of a great Pakistani diplomat, Mr. S M Burke, who had been most instrumental in procuring Pakistan’s first nuclear reactor from Canada.
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Pakistan Nukes and 28th May
Posted on27. May, 2011 by Yousaf Alamgirian.

By Yousaf Alamgirian:
America’s war strategy in Afghanistan has already met a failure as former UK envoy to Afghanistan Sir Sherard Cowper has said that American Afghan war tactics are profoundly wrong. The Guardian UK narrates that “Britain’s former ambassador to Afghanistan has attacked the conduct of the war by the US commander, Gen David Petraeus, describing the future CIA chief’s tactics as counterproductive and “profoundly wrong”. Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, who also served as the UK’s special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, added that Petraeus should be “ashamed of himself” for making claims of the number of insurgent commanders his forces had killed.”
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Pakistan Rulers Sold to the US Magic Spell
Posted on27. May, 2011 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja I have been writing columns in local and foreign newspapers and websites since 2004. I got spurred into writings after getting perturbed over sudden turn in Pakistan’s geopolitical environments in the aftermath of 9/11 which many in Pakistan viewed as blessings in disguise for Pakistan since Pakistan’s debts had been [...]
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How Pakistan was sold to America
Posted on27. May, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
Liaqat Ali Khan was mysteriously assassinated on 16 October 1951, while addressing a public meeting at Company Bagh, Rawalpindi. The police immediately shot the assassin, who was later identified as Saad Akbar Babrak, and who was well-known to the police as a professional assassin. This assassination was a turning point in Pak-US relations, because after Liaqat, the rest of the politicians were merely fake coins in Jinnah’s pocket, as he himself describe them.
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Russo-Pak Relations: New Dimensions
Posted on26. May, 2011 by Jawad Raza.

Should Pakistan consider learning from history? By Jawad Raza Khan Creation of Pakistan in middle of the 20th century raised many eyebrows from east to west and north to south. An ideological Muslim state was created between an imaginary line carved by Mr. Henry Mortimer Durand, the foreign secretary of British India in 1892 and [...]
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Global Crusade against Islam
Posted on26. May, 2011 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.

The US-Britain Defeated Empires in Iraq and Afghanistan By Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. The continued US-British planned crusade against Islam in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan give alarming signals of the failure of the global institutions and diplomacy for peace and conflict management and the hope to [...]
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China: Protect “Gawadar Port” & topple Indian Plot
Posted on26. May, 2011 by Editor.

By Dr Shahid Qureshi:
“Silence is betrayal to the Pakistani Nation now”, said a senior security official. He was talking to me exclusively in the context of MQM’s agenda and Indian triple game with Pakistan. Dr Farooq Sattar leader of the MQM said in ARY TV Channel program on 28th November 2009 with a planted anchor that, “…total control of Port (Gawadar) and all the resources gas…” should be handed over to the province. The program was fully loaded with Indo-US propaganda and lines?