The US: From a Hunter to a Hunted Quarry

Posted on 14. Apr, 2011 by in War On Terror

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja

Although USA has the largest economy and strongest military power in human history, its moral, political and diplomatic strength has eroded since 9/11. Despite using excessive force, it has failed to shape a more prosperous and more just world as it had stated. Its arbitrary military adventures in Afghanistan and in Iraq haven’t enhanced global security environments. Although its craze for bloodletting and destruction has so far not diminished, fatigue, homesickness, weariness and mental disorders have clouded the minds of US military and its allies.Suicide rate among non-active members of US National Guard almost doubled in 2010. Total cases of active and non-active soldiers were 252 as opposed to 242 in 2009. According to Chris Phil brick, growth was linked to drug abuse, brain injuries, depression and back home economic woes. Other than indiscipline cases in Iraq and Afghanistan, several cases of shootings within military establishments have occurred within USA.

In Afghanistan, battle is raging between conventional forces laced with high-tech ground and air weaponry and rag-tag unconventional forces lacking modern weapons, airpower and electronic means. The resistance forces in Afghanistan lack everything that is essential to wage a successful war. The only thing they have in abundance is fanatical motivation and will to fight to death. Suicide attacks were made part of the guerrilla war by the Taliban and al-Qaeda to offset their inferiority in firepower. While the militants have no answer to drones and aerial attacks, the conventional forces have also not been able to counter suicide threat. Another weapon in extensive use by militants in is improvised explosive device (IED). Coalition forces in Iraq and now in Afghanistan have suffered maximum casualties from IEDs.   

Despite its best efforts, events are not moving as planned. Taliban are maintaining an upper edge. Al-Qaeda-Taliban nexus has not been broken and the Taliban haven’t been split up. They are convinced that they have already won the war and hence are in no mood to compromise. The Taliban are refusing to negotiate with Karzai regime till the occupiers vacate their land unconditionally. Announcement of date of withdrawal by Obama, failure of Helmand operation, mounting casualties of ISAF, delay in hyped Kandahar operation, demoralization of US-NATO forces and their desire to return home, and emergence of differences between US military and civil leaders are seen by them as signs of defeat.

The Taliban have smelt that Afghan imbroglio is being solved on whims and wishes of senior US leadership rather than on the basis of a sound strategy and as such, Like Gen McChrystal, Gen Petraeus will also fail. Knowing the past record of Taliban, it will be wishful to assume that at this juncture when coalition forces stand divided and demoralized, the Taliban would agree to break ties with Al-Qaeda that stood with them in difficult times or negotiate with Karzai on the basis of US formula of first agreeing to cease fighting and renounce violence. For them, the US is now like a wounded animal which has turned from a hunter into a hunted quarry and countdown has started. In case the stay is prolonged as is being aired by US leaders, it will be at the cost of the wound getting cancerous.                           

The fast evolving security situation compelled the US to negotiate with Taliban for a political settlement. Otherwise this option was never contemplated till as late as mid 2008. Use of force was the only option totally relied upon. From that time onwards, strenuous efforts are being made by USA to win over Taliban and pitch them against Al-Qaeda to weaken both. For over a year contacts were made secretly but secrecy had to be put aside when the US as well as Karzai realized that without active participation of Pakistan no headway could be made.

Failing to divide them, efforts were then directed towards dividing Taliban on the basis of good and bad Taliban, or reconcilable and irreconcilable, or moderate and hardliners. Overtures were made on the basis of reconciliation and re-integration and offer of incentives. While some breakthrough has been made from among the lower cadres of Taliban, success among hardliners is minimal. Taliban Shura is still united under Mullah Omar and has rejected pre-conditions of USA asking them to renounce violence, de-link from Al-Qaeda and accept constitution framed by current regime. They know that the US is no more in a position to dictate terms. Despite two troop surges the balance remains tilted in favor of Taliban. They know that they have sailed past the most trying times and that US power is on the wane.

The US has also activated Hamid Karzai and his half-brother Wali to woo Taliban leaders by offering share in power. Twenty Taliban notables have been de-listed from the UN list of terrorists. Karzai is working hard to win the support of Pashtuns and to keep Afghanistan united. He is also trying to cultivate certain important leaders in central and northern provinces to be able to form a broad based government. Contacts with Karim Khalili, Qasim Faheem and Ustad Muhaqiq have been established. Mujadadi is also lending a helping hand to Karzai.

However, except for some important figures from former Taliban Shura, Karzai’s progress within the forte of hard line Taliban has been limited. Mullah Omar, Jalaluddin Haqqani and other hardliners are not prepared to negotiate with Karzai as long as foreign forces are present on Afghan soil. They otherwise consider him a US puppet and hold him responsible for the sufferings of Afghans, particularly Pashtuns. Hikmatyar might have agreed if shortened timeframe of withdrawal was given.                         

Several issues were discussed at Lisbon in November 2010, but Afghanistan topped the agenda. NATO commanders opined that failure in Afghanistan would undermine the prestige of NATO and render its existence vulnerable since it has no moral justification to remain operative after the demise of USSR and end of cold war. Lisbon summit approved continuation of destructive war till end 2014 so as to be able to weaken Taliban and negotiate a political settlement of its choice from a position of strength. The only worrying factor for US-NATO is its own human losses. Occupation forces are least bothered about mounting casualties of non-combatants of Afghanistan since they are an expendable commodity. They are devising means how to minimize own casualties and how to maximize slaughter of Pashtuns residing both sides of the border.

The US reinforced Lisbon plan and extended its departure date from Afghanistan to 2014. It is now having second thoughts and is throwing feelers that it may stay up to 2024. Karzai stated in February 2011 that Washington intends to establish permanent military bases in Afghanistan. The US has for long been planning to convert Baghram in north, Kandahar in south, Shindad in west, Herat and Kabul as military bases from where Pentagon can conduct surveillance and combat operations within and outside Afghanistan. These places are being speedily fortified and modernised. The US Ambassador Cameron Munter has now stated that the US will not leave Afghanistan.  

Although hardnosed hawks have softened their mulish stance to some extent, it will still require more time before they get rid of their conceited ego and start seeing the changed ground reality objectively and astutely. It may take another 1-2 years of further bloodshed before the realization sink into their jaundiced minds that hope of victory, or forcing Taliban to agree to their conditions is illusive. Resurgence of Taliban, casualty factor, growth of psychiatric illnesses among the troops, home pressure, melting economy and growing instability in Middle East are some of the factors that have converted USA from a hunter to a hunted. This change in profile would compel occupation forces to retreat well before the given cutout time.

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14 Responses to “The US: From a Hunter to a Hunted Quarry”

  1. joe mama

    15. Apr, 2011


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    • Jos Talin

      16. Apr, 2011

      Oh, Joe, what a pitiable intellect YOU possess.
      Islam? Our theat comes not from Islam but from Israel, and the treasonous likes of the Rockefellers, the Bushes, and the Rothschild front man going now by the name Obama, who is using a SSN from Connecticut, a place where he never resided.
         It wasn't Arabs that painted thermite on the WTC towers so that critical structural steel components would melt, thus allowing for the nearly free fall speed of the collapse of the towers. And that thermite was the world's most advanced at the time, having twice the energy content of the stuff developed at Lawrence Livermore just the previous year, which they advertised in thier year end publication. And it wasn't Arabs that stood down NORAD. Nor was it Arabs that had concealed bombs beneath the structure of the WTC, so that seismic shocks were recorded 'just' prior to the collapse of either tower and satellite photos showed sub-ground temperatures of ~1700 degrees six weeks after the event. And it wasn't Arabs that wanted to invade Afghanistan or Iraq, for which WTC was used as a pretext.
      Nor was it Arabs that needed to re-float $250 billion in fruadulent US Treasuries that were issued on Sept. 11, 1991. Those instruments were issued under poppy Bush, and used to finance the Rothschild "dissolution" of the Soviet Republic. Or had you noticed that the (zionist) FedRes suspended the usual clearing practices for securities owing to the events of that day?
      But, on your behalf, Mr. Mama, I will say that blaming Islam is what they want you to do, so go ahead.

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    • antony

      16. Apr, 2011

       There is no need to 'combat' islam. The USA is fighting for the diminishing global resources by trying to grab any that is available. Do not be so naive or worse, a hypocrat. It is ok, you like to drive your car on the cheapest gas available and so do I. Am I willing to kill for it? No. If it goes up in price I will cope with it and ride my bycicle more often.
      I can surely say, Europe would be better off without the USA  playing the unwanted big daddy role. Under the false pretext of 'liberation' Europe and the USA as well, were ripped off by the global banking elit during ww2. Americans and Europeans fought for and died for the Rotschilds and Warburgs and their cronies. Thanks to the following liberal policies, Europeans are second class now in their own homeland drowning among mass coloured and muslim migrants. I hear the USA is not better off either. Go to Marseille,France and you will realise very fast that Hitler would have been a better alternative. I do not know about you, but my country is like my house. I do not like anyone to come in and crap where I live.
      The USA is broke, because of its corrupt leaders and also, because americans themselves have been corrupted into spending freely on credit. No one ever became wealthy by spending, but I guess now you will have to learn the hard way.
      The USA spent money on China during the past 50 years? Any receipts? China was boycotted during the cold war due to being communist. The little help they got was from the Soviets and as even their friendship cooled the other communist satellites stepped in. The Chinese actually got to where they are by very hard work, consuming much less than produced and the sheer luck for not being interfered in their own development. The recent Lybia 'incident' is geopolitics to check China's energy deals and the next road leads to the rest of Africa, culminating in Nigeria and Angola. Iran will be dealt with for the sake of Izrael.
      Amerika, your leadership or actually the lack of your leadership is the problem. No one hates you for being american (Dallas, the TV show, was loved all over the wold and that is how we remember you, cowboy hat and all) and the little freedom you have left is the envy of no one.
      Taxing the whole world for the protection you provide? The mafia ran a protection racket too. You must be thinking about something similar. Yes, perhaps countries would pay you to leave them alone and just let them be.

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  2. Barton C. Kalsik

    15. Apr, 2011

    Actually, you FAIL to see the ONE THING that MOTIVATES the USA….A
    sense of FRUSTRATION over their inability to control world events to their
    liking when it comes to terrorism.
    You are forgetting that the United States was ATTACKED on home soil
    and I can tell you from experience that AMERICANS have looooong
    memories when it comes to personal attacks…For your information
    the The U.S. Civil War from 1860 to 1865 is STILL being talked about
    and debated 150 YEARS AFTER the fact.
    Ironically, Osama Bin Laden was SMART ENOUGH TO NOT carry
    out his original plan to fly large planes into the nuclear power plants
    at Indian Point in New York and a few others….If that had happened
    the ENTIRE Middle East WOULD NOT BE HERE TODAY…It would be an
    OCEAN of GREEN GLOWING GLASS highly radioactive for the
    next 90,000 YEARS!
    THEY (the M.E.) is extremely LUCKY that their ORIGINAL plans did
    not see the light and that the Pennsylvania aircraft originally destined
    to take out the White House was brought down by the BRAVE passenger
    souls onboard who decided to DIE FREE!
    I can asure you the USA will LEAVE Afghanistan when IT is ready to do so!
    That means the persons that HARBOUR the terrorists will FIRST be
    stopped and neutralized and ONLY THEN will the USA leave!
    ON a secondary note, the USA has an election coming up and there
    are a LOT of VERY, VERY, VERY ANGRY AMERICANS who don't like
    where their country is headed….In fact, America is turning RIGHT WING
    …FAAAAR RIGHT WING…..and if a Candidate like Donald Trump (YES!
    head wildly in dis-belief) is elected…the NEXT TIME an attack on OUR
    home land occurs (and I can assure you that THERE WILL PROBABLY
    be another middle east originated terrorist attack on U.S. home soil in teh near future) ,  the response WILL NOT BE SO civilized, it will be like
    Dresden Germany 1945…A whole lot of bomber fleets napalming
    hundreds of thousands if not TENS OF MILLIONS of civilians
    to a burnt crisp….There will come a time where the west will
    say…ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! If you can't live with us…then
    WE WILL LIVE WITHOUT YOU!!!!!! And that means
    UTTER DESTRUCTION and 3 million square miles of
    glowing green glass in a NUCLEAR ARMAGEDDON!
    and THAT is a TRUE FACT
    …so DO NOT KEEP POKING THE BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Reply to this comment
    • Jos Talin

      15. Apr, 2011

      If by "another middle east originated terror attack" you mean Arabs, you are sadly confused. Israel did 911, in concert with the treasonous Neoconjews from PNAC ( do you know what PNAC is?). Look here for instance:
      Or consider what Dr. Alan Sabrosky, a former War College instructor, says on the subject:
      Actaully I am pretty sure my response to you is a waste of time, so don't bother. You probably can not see the chemtrails right above your ignorant head, either. Too bad – 330 million "too bads."

      Reply to this comment
    • antony

      16. Apr, 2011

      Terrorism is just a pretext the powers throw at the dumbed down public. 20 years ago it has been written that future wars will be about geopolitics;securing natural resources. In fact, wars in general have been about resources or the global banker led lending/leasing scheme.
      The funny thing about nuking someone is that eventually radioactivity will find its way back to the sender. Are you following the Fukushima melt down? Enjoying your radioactive iodine and cessium in your rain/drinking water, milk and meat? You are talking about blasting the M.E. into a 90,000 year radioactive glass…make sure you take all the oil you need, before.
      Do not be so proud of the destruction of Dresden. It was women and kids and only civilian targets the bombers bravely killed. After the bombing, the dead were photographed and passed off as jews killed by the evil nazis so as to cover up the allied crime.
      Do you read/research at all or just glue yourself to CNN a.k.a The Voice of Israel?
      It does not matter left or right, blue or red, all that is just dressing for the masses. Political rallies and elections are like beauty queen pageants. You are not voting for Obama, or Trump or what ever figurehead the establishment comes up with, however you are voting for the invisible masters who really pull the strings. Is a corporation really ran by its president? You must know this one if you took any business classes.
      Anyway, what really matters is the living standard, level and quality of education and the way others look upon you. Right now the USA is perceived by the world as the bully in the sand box, kind of literally. The living standard is down for the middle class and public education is breeding slaves to the corrupt system.  By simple rational deduction one arrives to the conclusion that this American corporation is being ran into the ground either deliberately or by ignorance and incompetence.

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  3. Kal Dani

    15. Apr, 2011

    Prince William was 5555 days old on princess Diana's funeral and more:

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  4. Jos Talin

    15. Apr, 2011

    Type your comment here…Ahhh, and Amerika hasn't even begun the war it will take to cleanse itself of the vile Illuminatijew influence, for which it wastes its money and blood in a never ending orgy of ignorant compliance – never standing up to the jewmachinations of the likes of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Soros, and royal jewhouses of Europe. Fuck it. The best that can be hoped for at this point is the total dissolution of the USSA – denying these fucks the use of this country as chattel for whatever their current objectives are.
    Tavistock is a raging success here.
    Wake the fuck up, you smelly, petty little psychic dwarves that call yourself American. The world need no longer bear the stench of your ignorance – paid for with the blood of your victims by your compliance to the cabal's aggression – which you mistake for innocence. America has proven itself unworthy, dismantle it before they use it against you.

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  5. Rabbit

    15. Apr, 2011

    Definately a creature which once hunted and caught should be just shot and buried. Nothing worth keeping on this corpse so it is being hunted for extermination at this point.

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  6. rex

    15. Apr, 2011

    I agree completely with Jos Talin.

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  7. anonM

    15. Apr, 2011

    Al-Qaeda and Taliban were created (and are still funded) by the CIA. Bush administration gave the Taliban 43 million dollars FOUR MONTHS before Sept. 11. And everyone with halfway decent intelligence and integrity knows that 911 was an inside job; you can't denounce terrorist acts while giving support to terrorist groups that you created. But Obama is an utter lair and hypocrite as well, and given the people who're funding him there's no big surprise there. They're all funded by the same pile of weasels.
    The semblance of Democracy is one of the many tools used to keep Americans complacent and focused away from the real issues. America is not a democracy it's a corporatocracy; all the wars and conflict, everything that is dismantling what's left of this nation is being done to benefit the corporations who own it. The majority of the country's wealth is owned by 1% of the population. Has anyone seen "Capitalism: A Love Story"?   
    If you don't want to end up as fodder for these swine who have never had your best interests in mind, then do some research and find ways to stop being an accomplice to this criminal regime. The people who dismiss any of this as 'far-fetched' or 'unrealistic' obviously have not read and researched the irrefutable evidence that is more widely available than ever. All you have to do is open your eyes and start asking yourself some honest questions.  
    Stop participating in this house of cards… be warned that this opportunity to 'opt out' is closing fast. Retribution is fast approaching.

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  8. Joe

    15. Apr, 2011

    Oh, wow, goyim killing goyim, goyim hating goyim, goyim wanting to kill goyim by the millions, all at once…nice!  God bless Israel!

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  9. Timothy Chilman

    15. Apr, 2011

    This guy really needs to get the hang of articles.

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  10. Moshe Ben Ze'Ev

    15. May, 2011


    My name is Moshe Ben Ze'Ev. I am a Jew, living in Tel-Aviv, in the holy land of Judea-Samaria. You are followers of the descendants of Hagar and Ishmael. I am descended from Sarah, and I worship the one true God as He should be worshipped. I look at your country and laugh. Your country's founder was a pork-eating wine-drinking Savile-Rowed lawyer whose descendants chose to live in India. You declare the only Muslim Nobel Prize winner a non-Muslim minority and desecrate his headstone because he was Ahmediya.  You claim India's part of Kashmir, but have willingly gifted part of your part to China and have allowed Chinese troops full sway over Gilgit-Baltistan. It is true that the MOSSAD and Haganah controls every aspect of your life, from the power outages in Karachi to the floods that have devastated your country. And you will be destroyed: not by missiles from India, USA or Israel, but missiles that be launched from inside Pakistan itself.

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