Archive for April, 2011
Indias Ambitious Defence Policy
Posted on27. Apr, 2011 by Sajjad Shaukat.

By Sajjad Shaukat While exposing India’s ambitious defence policy, Washington-based Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) has disclosed in its report of April 2011 that India has planned “to spend an estimated $80 billion on military modernization programs by 2015 so as to further increase its military build-up against China and disrupt security-balance in [...]
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Cheney Was Right About One Thing
Posted on27. Apr, 2011 by Ellen Brown.

Deficits Don’t Matter By Ellen Brown “Deficit terrorists” are gutting governments and forcing the privatization of public assets, all in the name of “deficit reduction.” But deficits aren’t actually a bad thing. In today’s monetary scheme, in which most money comes from debt, debt and deficits are actually necessary to have a stable money supply. [...]
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A Husband’s Duties towards his Wife
Posted on27. Apr, 2011 by Editor.

By Hadrat Allama Sayyid Shah Aal-e-Rasool Nazmi Barakati Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala has prescribed certain rights of the husband towards their wives. The Holy Qur’an says: “The women have almost the same rights over men as men have certain rights over the women in kindness.” Beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam has said: “Best [...]
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Pakistan: Plugging the Cold Start gap
Posted on27. Apr, 2011 by S M Hali.

By S. M. Hali:
India has been testing its Cold Start doctrine in various war games and military exercises including the current Corps level Exercise “Vijayi Bhav”, in the Rajasthan desertand at the same time has been browbeating Pakistan. However, Nasr or “help” which is also the title of one of the Quranic verses, will ably plug that gap and ensure that India is deterred from any such adventurism.
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THIRD PALESTINIAN INTIFADA: All Arabs to March on Israel on May 15th
Posted on27. Apr, 2011 by Dr Ashraf Ezzat.

“With those powerful political storms rolling up the Middle East, and with this unstoppable and unpredictable domino effect of popular uprisings, how long before we watch the Israeli domino piece fall down” “And if dictatorships are not tolerated in the Arab world anymore, why the Israeli quasi-dictatorship over the Palestinians should be any exception” Dr. [...]
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Refusing to Raise U.S. Debt Is Not the End of the World Doom
Posted on27. Apr, 2011 by Tommy Tucci.

By Tommy Tucci:
The world as we now know is an effort to continue with a flawed systemic century old dynamic which is counter-intuitive to capitalism, free markets, sovereignty, freedom, and self- dignity. Operated by a defunct cadre or bankrupt syndicate. “In the absence of that which you are not, that which you are… is not.”
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India destabilizing Pakistan using Afghan soil
Posted on26. Apr, 2011 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja PM Gilani accompanied by Gen Kayani visited Kabul at a time when a visible thaw has occurred in Pak-Afghan relations. Karzai has repeatedly expressed his keenness to remove misgivings and to establish friendly ties with Pakistan since dawn of 2010. He wants Pakistan to play its role in finding an [...]
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Satisfying the Zionists: Obama’s first priority
Posted on26. Apr, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

By Kourosh Ziabari When Barack Obama entered the oval office with his luminous and glowing slogan of "change" which appealed to millions of frustrated Americans who couldn't tolerate the hawkish and warmongering policies of George Bush anymore, it was hardly predictable that he would be going to simply present a moderated example of his aggressive [...]
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Pakistan: Why Governed by Dead-ended People?
Posted on26. Apr, 2011 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.

By Dr Mahboob A Khawaja:
Once again, political garbage is piling up but who should clean it? The Generals and the PPP Zardari regime are pre-occupied with the dead business not mindful of the living hell being experienced by the 180 million citizens, counting the dead bodies, dead souls and the reactionaries eager to die for a national cause, not shared by the ruling elite. Should the Generals be held accountable for their by-products to clean up the combined stinking mess from the body politics of the nation?
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US Duplicity with Pakistan
Posted on25. Apr, 2011 by Sajjad Shaukat.

By Sajjad Shaukat:
Washington which had granted the status of non-NATO ally to Pakistan in the aftermath of 9/11 tragedy has been playing a double game with the latter. Besides, frustrated in coping with Al Qaeda-related militants on global and regional level, and to justify its failures in Afghanistan, the US has been displaying duplicity with Pakistan.