Obama: World intelligence agencies
Posted on 30. Apr, 2011 by Wayne Madsen in US
Obama's long form birth certificate a rank forgery
By Wayne Madsen
From intelligence agencies around the world, the verdict on President Obama's newly-released certificate of live birth from Hawaii is in: the certificate is a rank forgery on the same level as the Niger "yellow cake" uranium and Iraq Oil Ministry forged documents. Intelligence and law enforcement services are experts on fake documents since they have to deal with large numbers of counterfeit documents, such as birth certificates, passports, identity cards and driver's licenses, as well as currency. Intelligence agencies are also experts at forging their own documents for their clandestine agents.
Within 24-hours of the release of the long form Certificate of Live Birth on April 27, intelligence agencies from Britain and China to Germany and Russia examined the document and concluded it was a forgery based on the fact that Barack H. Obama Sr.'s race, listed as "African," was a monumental error, considering that not only the United States, but other English-speaking nations described Africans and those of African descent as either "Negroes" or "blacks" in 1961.
In 1961, the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare classified non-Whites, who were not Asian, Eskimo, Aleut, Hawaiian, part-Hawaiian, or other "non-White," as "Negro." The U.S. Census Bureau also used the term "Asian and other Pacific Islander" in 1961, which included Filipino, Hawaiian, and part-Hawaiian. The Census Bureau, like HEW, used the term "Negro" to describe blacks and those of black descent. The term "mulatto," used to describe those of mixed white and black ancestry, ceased being used by the U.S. Census Bureau in 1918.
1961 Vital Statistics of the United States;
U. S. Dept. of Health Education, and Welfare;
Public Health Service;
National Center for Health Statistics;
National Vital Statistics Division;
Race and color
Births in the United States in 1961 are classified for vital statistics into white, Negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and Part-Hawaiian (combined), and "other nonwhite."
The category "white" includes, in addition to persons reported as "white," those reported as Mexican or Puerto Rican. With one exception, a reported mixture of Negro with any other race is included in the Negro group; other mixed parentage is classified according to the race of the nonwhite parent and mixtures of nonwhite races to the race of the father. The exception refers to a mixture of Hawaiian and any other race, which is classified as Part-Hawaiian. In most tables a less detailed classification of "white" and "nonwhite" is used.
In the United Kingdom, the terms "black" and "Asian" were used in the 1961 census to describe those who were "non-white British" nationals. Barack Obama, Sr., as a citizen of the British Colony of Kenya, would have known that his British racial designation was "black" in 1961. The term "African" was not used as a racial designation in either the colony of Kenya or on the British mainland. In South Africa and other British colonies in Africa, "Coloured" was used to describe those of mixed white-black descent.
The consensus among intelligence agency experts is that the Obama long form Certificate of Live Birth was hastily manufactured by an amateur who never thought of using the standard race designation of Negro in Barack Obama, Sr.'s racial designation block on the form either due to ignorance or an attempt to be politically correct in 2011 by refusing to use an accepted term from 1961.
The past decade has seen the use of crude forgeries to propel the United States into a war in Iraq (the bogus Niger "yellow cake" uranium documents) and to try to indict various U.S. and foreign politicians and businessmen (the fake Iraq Oil Ministry "Oil-for-Food" documents). The Obama forged Certificate of Live Birth represents yet another attempt to perpetuate a fraud on a grand scale.
29. May, 2011
I had writen a very long comment explaing how pathetic and sad you people sound and how fundamentaly illogical your arguments are but it got erased by accident and i dont care enough about you morons to re-write it so ill just say this… Obama wont even have to try to get re-elected you idiots and the republican party have seen to that with all the stupidity youve shown the last few years. Remeber that when you go to sleep stroking your 44s because"you dont have time for women..too busy saving the world from the evil Obama". Keep up the weak propaganda there joe 6-pack. You not only make my work breaks amusing but you defeat your own objective in doing so…very sneeky. Hey maybe one of YOU should run for president. Oh, im sure you could make it!
29. May, 2011
Wow, all you birthers, republicans,and any other idiots that wont let this go sure are funny to read, but man do you come off as lunatics! The plain fact, and the reason this moronic witch-hunt left the republican party with even less credability, is that your hanging on a hope and a prayer for something…anything to prove Obama just shouldn't be in office instead of debating his political stance. If you have some intelligent argument about his POLITICS then perhaps you might voice that as apposed to ranting about the same issue over and over that has nothing to do with his platform or politacal agenda. If Obamas critics dont move on, their just going to end up helping him in the 2012 election. "Most" people arent as oblivious as "others" and republicans, democrates, libratarians…whoever, are going to want to hear more than "well he just shouldn't be in office" with absolutely no political reasoning! Ask yourself this.. If (theoretically) Obama where to completely fix our country's issues and bring us into a golden age for the U.S.A. and then in 20 years, well after hes outta office, we were to find out that he wasn't born in America…would it still bother you as much? If the anwser is yes, then your reasons for careing are the wrong ones in the first place. I am no giant Obama supporter, however like most people I'm reasonable enough to not let some "wag the dog" about his birth certificate cloud my mind from issues that actually do have an impact on our nation and our society as a whole. At this point the entire republican party is starting to look like abunch of Ross Perots,just ranting about anything while being completely nonsensical…and that is not going to be a good thing come election time. I would like to who the republicans will pick as their front runner, but whoever it is better at least have some sort of politaical opposition to bring to the table because banking on this to be a swing vote issue or anything of the like will undoubtedly only assist them in a campain downfall.
Rolls eyes
27. Jun, 2011
Go watch television.