Libya: Jihadees are Coming!!

Posted on 13. Apr, 2011 by in Hot Topics

By General Mirza Aslam Beg

The ‘Unholy Alliance’ of the West, launched the ‘Crusade’ against Gaddafi in support of the rebels, but is having cold feet now, realising that, the Jehadees from the neighbouring countries are entering Libya, in support of Gaddafi. Not only the West, but Gaddafi himself is nervous, which explains the dilemma that, the Jehadees will soon gain power and influence in Libya.

The West has geo-strategic interests in the Mediterranean Rim Countries and Africa. Libya occupies an important position. With the establishment of the ‘AFRICOM, West’s objective is to establish hegemony over the region. Out of twenty countries of the Mediterranean Rim land, only Libya, Lebanon and Syria are not allied to NATO, and so are Somalia, Eritrea, Zimbabwe and Ivory Coast, from fifty African countries. Zimbabwe is the exception, while Somalia, Eritrea and Ivory Coast, are facing revolt. The so called “repressive regimes”, Sudan, Syria and Libya, the weakest has been invaded. The 5th American fleet is located in Bahrain, where the revolt is being suppressed by the Saudis and GCC armed forces. Thus morality has been sacrificed by crushing the rebels in Bahrain, while the Libyan rebels are being whole heartedly patronised.

As soon as the ‘No Fly Zone’ was established over Libya, the SAS men, Marines and CIA operatives from USA, UK and France numbering over 1500, landed to supply arms and ammunition and provide command & communication support to the rebels. An amount of US$ 1.1 billion, out of the seized assets of Gaddafi, was promptly released to support the war. Libya is important because of large oil and gas deposits and huge fresh water deposits, called Nubian Sandstone Water, estimated at 200xyears of flow of the Nile River. The French cartel, which controls 40% of global water market has deep interest in this water.

The Jihadees. At the very beginning of the war on Libya, what I wrote in my article, titled “Obama’s Call for Jehad Into Libya” is coming true: “The worst that will happen is that, very soon the Jehadees from Iraq, Afghanistan and the neighbouring countries, particularly the Takfeeris from Iraq will enter Libya to liberate the Muslim land, as it happened in Afghanistan in 2001. The rebels and the jehadees are joining Gaddafi’s forces against the West. The powerful Salafi leader, Abu Masaab al-Wadood, has joined the Jehad against the ‘Crusaders’ and is getting arms and ammunition from Gaddafi. In fact, Libya is another Afghanistan in the making,” because this conflict doesn’t seem to be coming to an end soon. The West has rejected the African Union agreed proposal for seize fire and reforms. West wants Gaddafi out, which is not likely.

The situation is frightening both, for the West as well as Gaddafi, who will not be able to stand-up to the jehadees, once they gain power and influence. In fact, West is supporting Al-Qaeda Magrab (AQM) in the same manner, they supported Mujahideen in Afghanistan 1980-88. The Jehadees are coming as they did, when Iraq was occupied by USA in 2003. An incident, narrated to me by my journalist friend in Karachi in 2003, explain the phenomenon: “It was about two months after the occupation of Iraq, that while traveling in a taxi, the driver told me that he was working in Saudi Arabia, I asked him, how was life in Saudi Arabia? He said, he was having a roaring time there, because every evening he would pick-up the jehadees in his taxis and show them the way into Iraq. I asked him who are they and who is supporting them? He said “name any country, they are coming on their own, and no one supports them.” I said, “God help the United States.” And now in Libya, “God help the West, and Gaddafi”, who will be facing the jehadees, after the air war dust settles down.

Gaddafi is threatened by the Jehadees upsurge in Libya. Himself a ‘moderate Muslim’, he follows the philosophy of his ‘Green-book’. If he wins, he would stand to loose, both, his regime and his philosophy of moderate Islam. Having smelled the threat, he sent his foreign minister, abroad “for medical treatment, under the pretext of abdication.”, with the message to the West, that before it was too late, they better readjust their priorities. He is also ready to cooperate as he wrote to Obama saying “You are our son, who has enough courage to annul a wrong.”

It always pays, to be honest and straight forward, and that is where the West has gone wrong. When nations like Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and Kashmir fight for their freedom, their struggle is dubbed as terrorism. Al-Qaeda is the name of the terror, considered responsible for the 9/11 disaster threatening the homeland security of USA. They see Al-Qaeda behind every bush and with every movement for freedom. That is the dichotomy which has blurred their vision. They have been chasing shadows in Iraq & Afghanistan and have lost the asymmetric war there. And now in Libya, they are fighting a war, which was lost, before it was joined.

Democracy is promoted as the utopia for the empowerment of the people but the same is not acceptable for Iran, Iraq, Lebanon or Ghaza, even if they get elected through fair means of the ballot, because they are Islamists. On the other hand, the model democracies in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain, Yemen and Qatar are being patronized. This kind of duality is the painful realization of the Muslim World.

Swept by strong passion for change, the Arab World and the Muslim countries, see the decline of the most powerful nations of the world during the last thirty years – a symptomatic phenomenon, similar to post World War II decline of the colonial and imperial powers, which caused the surge for freedom of many countries. Neo-imperialism has failed in the first attempt to dominate the Asian Muslim region 1990-2010. It will fail again in dominating the Afro-Mediterranean region now. The world has changed, because the oppressed of the world desire change, which has been correctly understood only by the Chinese, who provide the living example of a true initiative for ‘Peace, Cooperation and Engagement.’ We as Pakistanis enjoy the best of relations with China, despite having different ideologies, different political culture and traditions. Chinese never pull strings, never interfere in our internal matters. They only help us to be self-reliant, self-respecting and strong. That is the recipe for change, which Obama promised.

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Tags: crusade, General Aslam Beg, Jehadees, Jihadees, , , , unholy alliance

11 Responses to “Libya: Jihadees are Coming!!”

  1. abubaqar

    14. Apr, 2011

    mr beg i resent you calling the mercenarys sent by an israeli company and paid for by gaddafi  as "jihadis".
    there is nothing jihad about it and  i would ask you to stop using this term ,save it exclusively for those people who for love of god fight oppression and tyranny in the world for justice peace and belief in god to prevail and freedom with security for all.
    gaddafi is a tyrant and dictator, which you were too when you were in power in paksitan in your own right to an extent, what is the jihad in fighting for him??  he is an asshole like most of the muslim worlds leaders, like you!
    people like you cannot fight for Allah or promote his laws even in your own countrys so called islamic, yet you have the gall to call genuine believers as jihadis as a term of contempt!
    it was the pakistani army which betrayed the jihadis in aghanistan near kunduz, men who wanted unity for they country,  who were subsequently captured and killed by the american and northern alliance locked into 40 foot containers like sardines, who were then shot and buried alive in the deserts in afghanistan while our brave pakistani, afghani muslims watched this betrayal of those fighting for freedom after betraying them to the kaffirs!!!
    those poor people believed the lies of these alcohol imbibers from pakistans army like mr beg probably and suffered the consequences. now he is peddling lies here and has not the stomach to stae the obvious fact that israel is supporting mr gaddafi, the donkey of libya, even president pussy of maerica obama does not go against his masters in tel aviv.
    gaddafis mother is jewish, his son is having an affair with an israeli actress, yet mr beg wants us to believe that lovers of god would fight for assholes like these who care nothing of islam or faith and are immersed in immoraity to the deepest part of they skin!
    no mr beg take your lies elsewhere and stop confusing the issue, the muslim world needs to elect genuine godly leaders and have true freedom to take our destiny to its fulfillment as stated by Allah, here is a deen which will master every other deen— you believe that mr beg?

    Reply to this comment
    • Rabbit

      14. Apr, 2011

      I think you are phony. You seem to want us to ignore the obvious and deep involvment of the USA and MI6 in the Libyan uprising. Islam was not in any quandary with Gadhafi in power, he was generally supported by Muslims I know this from my Pakistani Muslim friends for that matter and they are no alcohol imbibing fakes either.
      The claim that Gadhafi is being supported by the Israelis seems to be the product of people smelling the collapse of his regime and hoping to tag him with their hated enemy, the Zionists. However, Gadhafi has for many years armed and trained various Palestinian groups to carry out attacks against the Israeli military and its civilians. Attempts to now paint him a Zionist are ludicrous, as are the beliefs that the Israelis, having seen Mubarak fall, would now want to gamble on a leader who for decades made their existence a living nightmare.
      The only reason the Israelis would support Gadhafi is the same as they would be content to see Mubarak fall, which despite a few gestures they were. They WANT an excuse for conflict, they are insane as demons and are looking for excuses to cry victim and do some more gratuitious murdering of Palestinians.

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  2. philip andrew travers

    14. Apr, 2011

    If this gets through as the Internet is entirely CIA funded with big corporate mafia somewhere in the background then I will be sort of lucky with my seditious comments.[microsoft claimed I was a time waster with my email] All I would like to say is Australians will never be informed well about the issue of Libya seen by the clear headed General in retirement or his clear headed commentator.Where the truth is I entirely don't know.However as an Australian with a Government that decided Gadaffi was a threat,whilst Australian Gareth Evans  at the UNO is the legal cause of why Gadaffi is being threatened in a number of ways.I hope both the General and the first commentator here find some good reason to accept each others views as near the truth.I cannot however think Australian attitudes about Libya have been sound of mind.The  War Museum that is Australia's Capital Canberra continues to rule.In   once again by defining Gadaffi as some form of terror or rogue state enhanced the ability of the U.S.A. to deliver babies with deformities and weeping hurt mothers again.I apologise to the General and the fine first commentator and all those already hurt in Libya who don't understand Australian governments are malfeasant contributors by the UNO of what deeply troubles the well intentioned Muslim. If there be a Worthy God I am the enemy of the Enemy and will use Satan to punish the worshippers of Satan.I point the finger of contempt at Australian Governments and I will continue to do so,for the pain I have seen in mothers and their deformed children.

    Reply to this comment
    • Rabbit

      14. Apr, 2011

      Also an Australian and I second everything you write. It has become so I have no pride in my country and would as soon see China occupying Canberra as it is now, with Israel and the US calling our shots.
      If we can't be an independent nation which reflects the nature of its people in its foreign policy and dealings with others, then at least let us not be just the dag on the arse of the evil empire.

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  3. Rotorman

    14. Apr, 2011

    There is no such thing as "Jihadies" but there are a type of people called Yahoodies and they are known for thier nation wrecking skills.

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  4. Dutchguy

    14. Apr, 2011

    you right man those jihadees seems tobe jews or working for jews
    just like al-qaida is a jewish fiction remember
    adam pearlman en en adam cohen known as adam khadan the al-amriki
    en yussuf al-khatab…those jewish men are calling now for muslims to fight the west en go kill innocent men woman en childeren
    al-qaida serves only the usa en israel look on their attacks bombs market were only innocent people no jews or american outhere the victims are the muslims self even a three year old child knows this of kind attacks are not are not coming from muslims

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  5. India Lover

    14. Apr, 2011

    Kashmir fighting for freedom…? From whom? The so called freedom fighters arrested by indian forces don't even speak Kashmiri tongue. That's strange, isn't it? We indians are very well aware of their roots and who promotes them. By the way, what's the situation of the native Kashmiri people in pak occupied Kashmir?

    Reply to this comment
    • Rabbit

      15. Apr, 2011

      Disgusting being stop spewing your propaganda here.
      WE know about the truth of Indian human rights violations in Kashmir and about its endless predations and slander against Pakistan. see here:–india-human-rights-violations-kashmir
      An excerpt from the Amnesty International report: "India: the impunity must end in Jammu and Kashmir," 23/04/2001:

      On 27 March 1996, the dead body of human rights lawyer Jalil Andrabi was found in the river Jhelum, 19 days after he had been seen taken away by military personnel. (1) His killers remain free.
      On 30 March 1996, 23 members of the faction of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front led by Amanullah Khan were killed when police fired mortar shells at their office in Srinagar.(2) Their killers remain free.
      On 18 September 1997, 11 people, including women and children, were killed by mortar shelling at Arin Bandipora. The killers remain free.
      In January 1998, nine people, including a woman and child, were killed in Kadrana village, Doda district, when army soldiers opened fire on people protesting an earlier arrest. The killers are free.
      In July 1998, 40 people, including women and children were killed in and near Surankote. The killers remain free.
      On 28 June 1999, fifteen members of two Muslim families, including women and children, were shot dead at Surankote, Poonch district, by unidentified gunmen wearing army uniforms who shot two more women as they fled. The killers remain free.
      On 20 March 2000, 36 Sikhs were shot dead in Chittisinghpora; on 25 March 2000, five men were unlawfully killed who were implicated in the earlier killings. On 3 April 2000, seven people demonstrating against the earlier two incidents were shot dead by police. The killers of these 48 people remain free.
      On the night of 1 August 2000, at least 105 people were shot dead in several different incidents. The killers remain free.
      On 15 February 2001, six people were shot dead in Haigam during protests at an earlier death in custody when security forces and/or police opened fire on them. The killers remain free.

      Go on "Bob" get back to the call center, I know you're AWOL, you haven't rung me once today to tell me about the latest great money saving offer you've got for my phone plan.

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  6. Franco

    15. Apr, 2011

    60 year ago , terrorists/jihadists were called PARTISAN , where did that word go? and dose any1 can tell me : why everywhere the US of Terror goes n kill civilians , soon there after Jihadists/tTerrorists start to apear? ain’ that a lil bit STRANGE?

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  7. neel123

    15. Apr, 2011

    @ Rabbit,
    Screw you, mother fu**er agent of Pakistan …… !
    You talk of  Human rights violation …. ?   Why are you silent on the rampant human rights violation in Balochistan where thousands have gone missing without a trace, and it is happening every day ……… ?  Why not talk about American human rights violation on the detainees ….. ?
    Amnesty International is a tool in the hands of the Anglo-Americans,  nothing more. Shove their reports in your ass …….. !
    Unlike the Baloch, the Indian Kashmiris enjoy all the democratic freedom that any Indian enjoys in any part of the country,  and  India will do all it can to protect its own national intertests.

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  8. abubaqar

    15. Apr, 2011

    neel you phallus worshipper and vagina, kashmir has never been a part of india according to the history advocated by arundhati roy!

    those who sought freedom from imperialism from the british raj immediately instituted the very same after they departure in pakistan and india!

    its your ruling elite in pakistan and india laughing literally all the way to they bank, while you knobheads fight and die for what????

    in the village of fools,the wise man never starves” is the saying i believe.
    recognise your enemys and it is not muslims or hindus of the ordinary variety.

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