Israeli Embassy in Cairo Under Siege
Posted on 10. Apr, 2011 by Dr Ashraf Ezzat in Hot Topics
“Just when the Palestinians in Gaza thought they were facing this new Israeli attacks alone and with their backs against the wall, they found out they forgot, over the years, that they had brothers in Egypt who are willing not only to accompany them in their struggle against Israel but to protect their backs as well”
Dr. Ashraf Ezzat
On this very day, April 8th since 41 years the Israeli air force struck the village of Bahr el-Baqar – an Egyptian small village near Suez Canal. The raid resulted in the total destruction of an elementary school full of school children.
Five bombs and 2 air-to-ground missiles struck the single-floor school. Of the 130 school children who attended the school, 46 were killed, and over 50 wounded, many of them maimed for life. The school itself was completely demolished.
That tragic day marked the first encounter of the Egyptian people with the brutality and the indiscriminate aggression of the Israelis that targeted the innocent and unarmed civilians. This air raid demolished not only the school building but also the remains of any hopes for Israel to be seen as a friendly neighbor state. From then on Israel was the absolute enemy in the eyes of every average Egyptian.
This terrorist attack on the innocent Egyptian school children has been deeply engraved in the memory of all Egyptians. And to make sure that no one forgot what Israel had done on that day, Egyptians made April 8th a mourning day for the killed school children of Bahr el-Bakar to be commemorated every year for the last 41 years.
Only this year it was rather different.
Egypt-Israel relations in the last 40 years
Egypt has just emerged from its worldwide celebrated revolution which managed to topple the long lasting in power dictator, Hosni Mubarak.
So many things happened in Egypt since the Israeli raid on April 8th, 1970.
- Egypt retaliated years of Israeli military aggression and political arrogance in the glorious October war 1973 against Israel.
- President Sadat signed – on an individual initiative- a peace treaty with Israel 1979(based on Camp David accords) that never managed to naturalize relations between Egyptians and Israelis.
- Mubarak ruled in Egypt in 1980 and to begin a long era of not only observing the terms of the peace treaty but to act as the closest friend of Israel and the white house in the Middle East.
- Mubarak through his corrupt reign helped Israel to tighten its shameful siege on Gaza and he even supplied Tel Aviv with the natural gas they needed for power and electricity production with prices way under the world rates. But his most appreciated contribution to the Zionist regime in Israel was the complete Egyptian withdrawal from actively participating into the hot issues of the Arab- Israeli conflict.
Gaza under fire again
Lately, the unrest began to resurface again at the border line between Gaza and Israel. On Friday April 8th Five Palestinians have been killed and around 45 wounded in Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip following an offer of a ceasefire from Hamas after a surge in cross-border violence that was dramatically reduced by Israel and sold to the world as the usual selective Palestinian attack, by their most primitive handmade rockets, on a school bus – an area of specialty long mastered by the Israelis since Bahr el-Bakar school massacre.
Thus began another expected scenario of disproportionate Israeli attacks on the civilians and children in Gaza with the civilized world muted and turning a blind eye as usual.
The world has grown numb and painfully insensitive to the crimes of Israel against the Arab Palestinians in Gaza and the west bank.
And with judge Richard Goldstone bowing out and going back on his indictment of the Israeli crimes committed during the war on Gaza 2009; the world seems like a barren place for the Palestinians devoid of any free voices left to stand up against the Israeli insolence.
And just when the Palestinians in Gaza thought they were facing this new Israeli attacks alone and with their backs against the wall, they found out they forgot, over the years, that they had brothers in Egypt who are willing not only to accompany them in their struggle against Israel but to protect their backs as well.
Embassy under siege
On the very same day of April 8th and as Egyptians were protesting in Tahrir square demanding that Mubarak and his inner circle of aids to be put on trial and as the news of the Israeli attacks on Gaza made its way to the square at the heart of Cairo, thousands immediately took to the district where the Israeli embassy in Cairo is located.
Egyptians held back – by the military forces- from advancing into the building where the embassy lies practically surrounded the embassy in what seemed like a gigantic human shield. The angry protesters held flags of both Egypt and Palestine and raised big posters of al Aqsa mosque- temple mount in Jerusalem.
On a live coverage by Aljazeera of the march to the Israeli embassy- that somehow failed to make it to the news headlines- some of the protesters expressed their anger at the recent unjust Israeli attacks on Gaza and they made it clear they expected nothing less than the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador out of Egypt and taking the Israeli flag off the embassy building.
Some of the protesters went far as to demand the immediate ending of the siege imposed on Gaza from the Egyptian side and the freeze of the Egyptian supply of natural gas to Israel. But the most daring request came by many protesters who called for a public referendum to allow the Egyptian people to have their say about the peace treaty president Sadat had signed 30 years ago.
Amidst that overwhelming atmosphere of antagonism to Israel and its unacceptable and inhuman war of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians the Israeli embassy at the top floor of the building on the other side of the Nile opposite to Tahrir square found no other option than to dim out the lights and keep its staff hiding inside.
While the Egyptians down in the streets were still swelling in great numbers around the embassy with the intensity of their enthusiasm rising high as they chanted for eternal solidarity with Palestinians the Israeli embassy’s lights were almost turned off with the Israeli flag kept as unapparent and way out of sight as possible.
On this April 8th night, and on the very same day that witnessed the massacre of Bahr el-Bakar the Israeli embassy with all the Israeli diplomatic mission in Cairo seemed under siege.
It must have been a terrible night for the Israeli diplomats in Cairo but at least they have experienced, even it was for few hours how it feels to be vulnerable, threatened and under relentless siege.
This public display of the Egyptian anger and dissatisfaction with the Israeli aggressive policy against the Palestinians may pass unreported by the main stream media but never unnoticed by the analysts of the Arab- Israeli conflict especially in the post-Mubarak era in Egypt, for what happened on that night of April 8th, 2011 might well depict the scene of the coming Egyptian-Israeli state of affairs.
On this day of commemoration, May the souls of innocent Egyptian and Palestinian children, massacred by the Israeli criminal forces, rest in peace.
For more articles by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat visit his website.
11. Apr, 2011
We must never forget who's behind all this violence. The Rothschilds, Windsors, Rockerfellars, Warburgs and others collectivelly called the illuminati. Humanity must direct their planetary wreath at them as they are the architects of all this war on humanity. All the rest are mere puppets dancing to their tune. Get all this anger and rage directed at them wherever they are, all the time, by all of us. Do the same to all of their willing puppets.
11. Apr, 2011
THanks for the report. I should warn you however about being associated with the veteranstoday.com site. They are engaging in duplicitous secret censorship and sheepherding of opinion.
When the are fully exposed, you will be associated with their duplicity.
BF Paine
11. Apr, 2011
Dear Dr. Ezzat;
First of all, take off the sunglasses and shave the fuzz off of your chin. If you can't grow a beard then stop trying! Secondly, you look like a pseudo-intellectual jerk trying too hard to be cool!
The population of Israel is approx. 6.5 million–a country with water on one side and 100's of millions of Arabs/Muslims on the other three. Yet despite the huge imbalance in numbers, care to guess which party suffers never-ending defeat and humiliation?!!! I'm no fan of Israel (not by any stretch of the imagination), but perhaps it's time for the Arab world, in the aggregate, to ask itself why it has been so easily subjugated for more (actually much more) than 60 years.
11. Apr, 2011
BF Paine, my guess is US military and financial support–do I get a teddy bear?
11. Apr, 2011
Was there any point you wanted to make other than a spitting bit of denial and ad-hominem?
Those 6.5 million primitive lunatic savages in Israel have themselves and their insane leadership to blame for thei present situation. A vile criminal war criminal and human rights abuser of the worst kind, israel is nothing but a terrorist entreprise and it is facing doom of its own making, nothing more. Things are changing and the wheel turns. A massive lie let alone a state of lies built on lies cannot last forever, no matter how many old myths they recycle and manipulate for the purpose.
Anyway rat, you've spread your bit of hasbara, no go collect your shekels on the way out you creep.
BF Paine
17. Apr, 2011
There is little question in my mind that Israel is, indeed, a terrorist state. Frankly, I couldn't care less if Israel and its enemies kill each other off completely. As an American, I'm profoundly tired of paying for Israel's foreign policy. Having said that, howevere, the pitiful, disorganized, tale-told-by-an idiot, nature of the the Arab world's actions would be funny were it not so tragic. As regards Egypt–get serious– the US owns the Egyptian military. If you haven't figured it out yet, the populist uprising there is a mirage. Finally, keep telling yourselves that the world is turning on Israel and that their time is limited. You're delusional! The best that Israel's enemies could hope for is an "end of days scenario". Should Israel's exisitence ever be truely threatened, there is little question that those Arab countries attacking her–in the end–would be reduced to little more than charred, smoking, radiactive wastelands–unihabitable for 10's of thousands of years! Welcome to the real world…
18. Apr, 2011
I didn't even finish your post. You know why? Because you lead with personal attacks based on appearances from a picture. What is this, troll eye for the blog guy? Try showing some intelligence. Any 2 bit simpleton can call someone out on their physical appearance, particularly when commenting as a pseudo being on a comment board. This is the reality of your existence. Thinking and formulating a valid argument are impossible so you pull out a na na na boo boo on them. I think it's time for mommy to take away the keyboard again. Or maybe at 40 it's time to move out and find a place of your own. See, now you've got me doing it. Effing troll morons…
11. Apr, 2011
It's time for the Egyptians to show the world that they have what every one else seems to be lacking and send Israel to hell where it belongs!
Seek the Truth
11. Apr, 2011
Jews did 911. The Jews in the Mossad, Israeli military, Bush administration, Pentagon did 911. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield etc. were covert Jews pretending to be non Jews. This sneaky, dirty behavior is at least 3,000 years old. Jews are the predators and parasites of the human world and have nothing to do with the original true Hebrew people of the holy land. Rather, they belong to Judaism which is an ancient satanic cult that forced itself into the holy land. Since the devil is highly intelligent, that is how Jews have been able to trick the rest of humanity because they have that wicked spirit in them and must repent in order not to taste purgatory.
11. Apr, 2011
Can't hit the nail on the head more squarely than what Seek The Truth has said.
American Patriot
11. Apr, 2011
Seek the Truth, You are 100% correct.
See John 8:44 and see what Jesus told them. He was correct too.
11. Apr, 2011
Just put me down for that choir too.
11. Apr, 2011
It seems, Israel's nightmare is finally becoming a reality – Muslim Brotherhood is about to gain power.
Egyptian military junta’s foreign minister Dr. Nabil El-Arabi said on Wednesday that his country wants to normalize its ties with the Islamic Republic. “Iran is a state in the region, and we have had long-term historical ties with it over the different periods. We will turn over a new leaf with all states, including Iran,” El-Arabi told a press conference.
Nabil El-Arabi said that his country also would like to turn over a new leaf with respect to Hezbollah in Lebanon. “Hezbollah is part of Lebanon’s composition, and we see this as an internal matter. If any party wishes to have ties with Egypt there will be nothing preventing us from talking, but we will not become involved in internal matters,” said El-Arabi.
11. Apr, 2011
Type into YouTube or Google:
11. Apr, 2011
Remember March 16th, which was the anniversary of the murder of the American Rachel Corrie by Israel.
And let's remember the 34 American sailors murdered by israel on the USS Liberty.
We patriotic Americans stand with Palestine and the Egyptian revolution.
11. Apr, 2011
its not just japan thats got a problem with radiation .every jewish embassy GIVES OF RADIATION .u would think they were storing nukes there or is that me being a bit paranoid . albert pikes three world wars is on the way brought to you by MOSSAD . didnt they say that if attacked they will TAKE THE REST OF THE WORLD WITH THEM
R Litzen
11. Apr, 2011
Another report from the very people Egyptians DO NOT WANT running their country- the old bearded muslim brotherhood who take every opportunity to take credit for things they do not understand and for things they had nothing to do with. Muslim Brotherhood time has come and gone. They are now and always have been useless. Leave the Egyptians alone and go back to your caves.
11. Apr, 2011
I compiled a few blogs on some of the topics discussed by the commentators here. One recent web blog is titled: "The Battle For Libyan Oil Fields – by Bill Woollam"
Another blog I compiled talks about the corrupt private banking system. It is titled: "How The World Works – Two Videos"
Just passing it forward.
13. Apr, 2011
Wow….guess world peace ain't coming too soon….looking at all the haters here!!!!!!!
American Patriot
13. Apr, 2011
I don't see any hate here but I see a LOTof truth and truth is one thing jews can't stand.
14. Apr, 2011
Hi, I offer up a couple of blogs for all Middle Eastern and World citizens. Although I am a citizen of a NATO member nation, I believe today the entire world is under the grip of a ruthless and corrupt group of banking privateers who use the military to do their dirty work of overtaking Middle Eastern and African nations…while at the same time putting it to the Taxpayers of NATO nations to foot the mega-billion dollar warfare debts.
Another blog attempt to explain about how the Rothschilds international banking network are taking control of the Middle Eastern money supply system.
"Rothschilds Stage Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt To Kill Islamic Banks In Emerging North African Markets" (Feb 9 2011)
BOINNK!!! | Het ‘grote spel in het Midden-Oosten’
20. Apr, 2011
[...] volkswoede onder de Egyptenaren had volgens andere bronnen niet alleen te maken met de militaire onwil om het volk werkelijk te dienen, maar had zijn [...]