Who is Raymond Davis
Posted on 12. Mar, 2011 by Gen Aslam Beg in Hot Topics
By General Mirza Aslam Beg
No doubt Raymond Davis is somebody very important CIA operatives in Pakistan, because of all the people, the President of United States, himself intervened, demanding that the Pakistan government must release him immediately because, Davis enjoyed diplomatic immunity and the Pakistani courts of justice could not try him for the cold-blooded murder of two Pakistanis. Obama lied, knowing fully well that Davis was no diplomat and enjoyed no immunity. Now the US government is threatening Pakistan of dire consequences, if Davis was not released.
On the basis of evidence collected from Davis, very revealing information has been obtained about his contacts and his anti-Pakistan activities, as the Chief Coordinator, for other US sponsored agencies, working in Pakistan, such as:
- The Black Water, agency has been operating in Pakistan since 2004, under different names and since has remained engaged in all kinds of anti-state activities. This agency also worked in Iraq and its gruesome activities have been testified by many writers and human rights activists.
- The Special Investigation Centre (SIC) was established in 2005, with its controlling headquarters in Model Town, Lahore, which was blown-up some year and a half back. It’s really a Gestapo organization and employs over six hundred operatives, spread all over Pakistan and is tasked to carry out all the ‘dirty work,’ which Pakistani intelligence agencies would not be willing to take-on. It is this agency which kidnapped hundreds of Pakistanis and handed them over to the CIA, killed and tortured many and carried out number of ‘terror attacks’ to foment trouble and discredit the government by creating despondency amongst the people. The very painful aspect of this organization is that majority of the operatives are Pakistanis, engaged in such heinous acts. Raymond Davis exercised direct control over this agency, maintaining close contact with Blackwater and the agency working along the North Western borders, without a name but controlled by the CIA.
- The North West Border Agency was set-up in 2004, when the Americans complained to the government of Pakistan, about the cross-border involvement of Pakistanis and support to the Taliban movement inside Afghanistan. The government came under pressure and the CIA, along with the marines and FBI were allowed to set-up their vigilance net-work along the entire border from Balochistan to Khyber Pakhtun-khawah province. Thus, more than seven hundred personnel were deployed to monitor the Pak-Afghan border. It was during this period, that the ‘Indian Spy Network’ was established in Afghanistan, under the RAW, about which I had sent my report few years back to our national dailies, under the heading “Global Conspiracies Against Pakistan”. Thus CIA and RAW joined hands to infest our border with their agents, and destabilized the entire region and succeeded in turning the war on Pakistan. Thus the Pakistan Army, since 2005, is engaged in dealing with this threat, identified as Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariah (TNS) in Swat and Dir. It is in our common knowledge that prior to 2005, none of our tribals in the border region, fired even a single shot, in anger, in our direction. Thus the CIA and RAW have been able to create the serious insurgency problem for Pakistan.
- There are a number of NGOs working in Pakistan, who provide operational support to CIA. The FATA Development Agency (FDA) in particular, is very active in support of CIA and COTE operations by the coalition forces in Afghanistan.
The arrest of David has caused strains in our relations with the United States, who has been threatening Pakistan of dire consequences, if Davis was not released. Therefore President Zardari found it necessary to tell them, ‘not to cross the red-line’, in blaming Pakistan, because it were the courts of law of the country who would decide the matter and our intelligence agencies, particularly the ISI will probe into the matter of violation of trust for intelligence sharing, and engaging in activities considered detrimental to the security of Pakistan. In this connection some arrests have also been made and more are expected, including some important personalities of Pakistan, operating at the behest of Davis. Thus the working relationship between ISI and CIA also is not the same any more.
Who is Davis? whose arrest has caused strained relations between the two governments and the two secret agencies, working hand-in-glove for the last several decades? Davis’s true identity has been revealed by an American, named Robert Anderson, a CIA agent of the past. His story is very revealing. He says:
“I had Davis’s job in Laos, 30 years ago. As in Pakistan, in Laos our country conducted covert military operations against a sovereign people, using the CIA. Davis is in a bad situation now because most of the people of the world are now aware of the lies and not going to turn their head anymore. Davis is the American being held as a spy working under cover out of our embassy in Islamabad. You can understand why foreign countries no longer trust us and people are rising up across the Middle East against the ‘Great Satan’.”
“In the Vietnam War the country of Laos held a geo-strategic position, as Pakistan does to Afghanistan today. As in Pakistan, in Laos our country conducted covert military operations against a sovereign people, using the CIA. We were told if captured we were to ask for diplomatic immunity, if alive. We carried out military missions on a daily basis all across the countries of Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam. In Laos, the program, I was affected to carry-out a systematic assassination of people who were identified as not loyal to US goals. It was called the ‘Phoenix Programmes’ and eliminated an estimated 60,000 people across Indochina. We did an amazing amount of damage to the civilian infrastructure of the country and still lost the war.”
“But I see from the Davis fiasco in Pakistan that our government is still up to its old way of denying to the people of the world what everyone knows is true. When will this official hypocrisy end, when will our political class speak out about this and quit going along with the lies and tricks? How many more of our people and others will die in these foolish programmes? Davis is in a bad situation now because most of the people of the world, as we see across the Middle East are now aware of the lies and not going to turn their head any more. I say “most” everyone knows, because our own public, the ones supposed to be in control of the military and CIA has constantly lied. It is so sad to see President Obama repeating the big lie.” – Counterpunch.
How many Pakistanis have been assassinated, eliminated, kidnapped and dumped in the torture cells in USA, no one will ever know, unless, some years later, Davis’s sense of guilt compels him to speak-out the truth, as Anderson has done. Truth will prevail, but it is time now for USA to wind-up this dirty net-work in Pakistan, for the sake of better relations and mutual understanding between the two countries.
Blackwater Watch » Blog Archive » Who is Raymond Davis? | Opinion Maker
12. Mar, 2011
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13. Mar, 2011
the zionist jews currently in power in america and the west are not the friends of pakistan. being paid a few pounds in money against your freedom and country is not good for anyone at all!
mr Begg and his type of people were probably aware of mr davis,s types in pakistan while he was in power too, no doubt he also used to beat the crap out of innocent pakistanis and killed a few and let others kill them too while attempting to be a protector of the poeple?
why moan now mr Begg?
Allah has warned you in the koran that those who wage war on muslims are not your friends in any way at all, they are protectors of one and another, you do not count at all in they scheme of things except as fools!
i feel sorry my grandfather died fighting for freedom to let these evil , petty thieves to become rulers of pakistan, who care not for the ordinary citizen of the country, kidnapping them and selling them to be tortured against all norms of international and national law plus human rights!
who betray the country in almost everyway and then wish to lecture us ordinary people that they friend america is doing evil deeds against pakistan?
respect yourself first then accept others to respect you mr Begg!
beat the shit out of this davis character, demand lawful restitution to the aggrieved partys and let justice commence according to international law, stop looking for reasons to hand over this killer to the zionist jew americans to placate them!
the traitors in the pakistani armed forces also supplied Hind gunships to israel in the early 80,s captured from the russians. no doubt it was sent as a present for the palestinians via israeli child killers and murderers.
the shame is we were a part of it, so called name only muslims,drunkards,zanni,s and downright liars,thieves and robbers who are an undying blot on those who sacrificed they lives for pakistan,like my grandfather and 134 others in the partition!
Bob Woodwood
13. Mar, 2011
CIA should be in ICC
13. Mar, 2011
The curtain has fallen away and we see the dirty old man in his pinstriped suit, pulling levers with one hand and pleasuring himself in wicked perverted vicarious never satisfied frenzy as he watches the destruction and evil his levers create of good people's lives. Nasty old Uncle Sam pretending to be a friend of the downtrodden a bastion of democracy and of some higher way of life when all along just a dirty old man pulling the levers from behind a curtain, no wizard this and his kingdom has become a wasteland
13. Mar, 2011
Hey…too bad for him! I What is the deal with all these prostitute contractors in the first place.It was bad enough to get accountability from the CIA and these man whores they hire break the laws,but it's Okee Dokee because they were contractors.Good for him.Thats why you aren't supposed to prostitute the duties of the government to guys that kill for money.No accountablility,and no loyalty.
If the guy will whore himself out for the US why wouldn't you expect basically a prostitute to try and double it's filthy lucre?
They hardly ever have to answer for their crimes.They are not the US Military.They are prostitutes who do illegal things for them.
What is the difference between them and a street gang thug,or a street walker.
Contracting out our security is insane.
That's how the mafia works.
In Pakistan,and Cuba it looks like they are sick of these perfumed sluts acting as "ass-et's"
Thats why they get the big money and as long as we are stupid enough to use sluts they are expendable.
Too figgn bad 4 U and.Adios Mr Contract whore! You don't get you ho' money without a risk.Flush them all down the toilet and return to sworn LOYAL ACCOUNTABLE government employees.
13. Mar, 2011
Pakistan should try to make good relation with the USA. Pakistan should ask for trade and should promote tourism and invite americans to see the majestic NWFP mountians. Americans are very loving and caring people. I am very sure they will help Pakistan to become next JAPAN/KOREA/GERMANY. It;s about time that Pakistan should establish good diplomatic relations with all countries including great country of Israel. Love and Peace
frozen wasteland
13. Mar, 2011
What's with these coments by Robert Anderson?? an ex CIA agent who was involved in the murdering of 60,000 Laos people, who, without any qualms, relates that he helped destroy as much infrastructure as possible on a daily basis yet now hes bleating about principals and how can todays politicians/military leaders lie to the world, What!! is he a nut case or did he suddenly forget about his involvement? Nothing has changed Robert your still the criminal nation you've always been, but—the rest of us are wise to your murderous mindset now. The end of both you and your nation is ripe!
14. Mar, 2011
What is amazing is these Pakistani muslim/ mullah types who are 'monafiq' to begin with are now complaining about CIA excesses in our third world country?
Why now suddenly? blackwater's been doing this shit for a long time in Iraq & Afghanistan……So whats new?
Pakistani Army kay Sindhi, Punjabi's on the U.S. dole are all mercenaries. They sold out their ass to the imperialists a long time ago…..Pakistan is not a nation, neither is the entire region which comprises its current boundary.
Instead of controlling its population, developing its economy and lowering the illiteracy rate, the powers to be be have embroiled us in a perpetual state of war with fukkin India. I guess that was the deal on put on the table by the lymee's back in 1947. Fukkin hopeless……
14. Mar, 2011
So the answer is to provide birth control to these retards…
Nostradamus Future Predictions
14. Mar, 2011
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