The Grievous Return of Henry Kissinger

Posted on 09. Mar, 2011 by in US

An Analysis

By Lawrence Davidson

Oh God protect us, Henry Kissinger is back!
Henry Kissinger was President Richard Nixon’s National Security Advisor and then Secretary of State. He also held the latter [/caption]position under President Gerald Ford. While it would be unfair to characterize him as someone who never gave a piece of good advice (he did encourage Nixon to engage in Detente with the Soviet Union), his record weighs heavily on the side of unwise counsel. As we will see he is back in exactly that role, plying bad advice that, in this case, could further erode America’s already messed up intelligence agencies.

Kissinger was originally an academic. His doctoral dissertation was on the diplomacy of two early 19th century statesmen, Britain’s Viscount Robert Castlereagh and Austria’s Prince Klemens von Metternich. These men were major players at the great Congress of Vienna that took place after the final defeat of Napoleon in 1815. At that meeting Metternich argued for returning Europe to its pre French Revolution political status. Pursuing that impossible end, he backed repressive policies and regimes. One gets the impression that the history of Kissinger’s public service was, at least in part, an effort to achieve the stature of a Metternich. Toward this end Kissinger would pursue "realpolitik" which, more often than not in its American manifestation, entailed the backing of repressive policies and regimes.

Here are some of the things Kissinger espoused: the bombing of North Vietnam in order to achieve "peace with honor;" support for the murderous, Fascist regime of Ernesto Pinochet in Chile, and the equally bloody military dictatorship in Argentina; acquiescence in the annexation of East Timor by the Indonesian dictator Suharto, which was followed by genocidal massacres; acquiescence in the Serb and Croat wars against the Bosnian Muslims; support for the 2003 invasion of Iraq; and last but certainly not least, active lobbying for the admittance into the U.S. of the ailing Shah of Iran (yet another American supported dictator) which led immediately to the hostage taking of U.S. diplomats in 1979 and the continuing animosity and tension between America and Iran. I saved this piece of bad judgment till last because it of a piece with Kissinger’s latest excursion into playing the great statesman by pushing folly.
So what would Dr. Kissinger have us do now? Well, according to a report in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Kissinger has sent a letter to President Obama "urging him to commute the prison term of Jonathan Pollard, who is serving life term for spying for Israel." Kissinger claims that he has consulted with others such as former Defense Secretary Weinberger, former Secretary of State George Schultz and former CIA Director Woolsey (all of whom are supporters of Israel) and found their "unanimous support for clemency compelling." Kissinger’s letter follows on a lobbying effort by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has made an official request to Obama for the same granting of clemency. Here is what Netanyahu had to say, "Both Mr. Pollard and the Government of Israel have repeatedly expressed remorse for these actions [of spying], and Israel will continue to abide by its commitment that such wrongful actions will never be repeated." There is something almost childish in this approach. Caught with Israel’s hand in the cookie jar, the spies and their handlers say ‘Oh I’m sorry. If you commute the punishment we promise to be good from now on.’ Actually, in the world of espionage, such promises aren’t worth the paper they are written on. Thus, in 2004 the FBI caught another government employee,, spying for Israel and using the Zionist American lobby AIPAC as the conduit through which to pass the stolen information. So much for promises of future good behavior.
 What Kissinger and the rest Pollard’s supporters seem not to find compelling, or even noteworthy, is the fact that ever since the 1987 trial that sent Pollard away for life, the career officers in the American intelligence services have quietly threatened mass resignation if this Zionist spy went free. Keep in mind that ever since George W. Bush and his neo-conservatives wrecked havoc with the CIA in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq, the one Kissinger so obligingly supported, the intelligence agencies of this country have found their morale at the sub-basement level. If Obama commutes Pollard’s sentence it will be yet another blow to their professional well-being.
But what does Dr. Kissinger care about a bunch of government employees? In his realpolitik version of reality neither government servants nor ordinary citizens are worth much. Here are a couple of Kissinger quotes to show what I mean. Having helped condemn the Chilean people to16 years under the murderous rule of Ernesto Pinochet, Kissinger rationalized the decision this way, "I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves." And, as to the career analysts in the various intelligence agencies, most of whom really are experts in the countries they study, Kissinger just dismisses that expertise as inconsequential. "Most foreign policies that history has marked highly," he tells us, "have been originated by leaders who were opposed by experts." Well, that is all the "experts" except Dr. Kissinger.
The real Henry Kissinger, who implausibly received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973, borders on being a war criminal. That should tell us what his advice is really worth. President Obama would be a fool to listen to a man whose blood stained career should have long ago come to an ignoble end.

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28 Responses to “The Grievous Return of Henry Kissinger”

  1. Rae Gingell

    10. Mar, 2011

    You forget to mention the illegal and devastating bombing of Cambodia which as 'authorised secretly by Kissinger. He is and has always been the harbinger of violence, manipulation and utter disregard for the Law. A very bad man indeed!

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  2. j r

    10. Mar, 2011

    Kissinger doesn't border on being a war criminal, he is a war criminal.  At least Nixon had the common courtesy to drop dead.  This POS should do likewise.

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  3. Helen

    10. Mar, 2011

    The CIA and U.S. intelligence generally have been dragged through the mud by Herr Kissinger in another way. Starting in the 1980's, he thought it was a good idea to pimp girls who were raised as mind-control sex robots to political and business leaders foreign and domestic — long before Epstein — also using them as programmed living laptop computers (and I kid you not).  Kathy O'Brien and Brice Taylor survived these ordeals, in which they were kept in line through torture and the victimization of their own children, and they both wrote shocking, tell-all books; but these authors were never interviewed on "Today" or "Oprah".  The low respect many people have around the world for the American government can be traced to Kissinger in many ways.  Only our own citizens are largely ignorant of the depth of U.S. depravity. Thanks, Kissinger, for the memories…

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  4. profnasty

    10. Mar, 2011

    Henry the K is a fearsome, loathesome beast. He is a perfect personification for Neo-Israel.  The original neo-con, he has been behind every vile and violent turn of our american ZOG government.  How appropriate he now has crawled out from under his 'lobbyist' rock to try to spring Pollard.  America is a dead nation, and the zombies who walk it's streets deserve what they get.   Dr. Strangelove.

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  5. nick

    10. Mar, 2011

    Good article. I wrote Obama 2 weeks ago asking him not to pardon the murderous Pollard. Since when do traitors get to go free? The Rosenbergs were executed. Pollard should be executed. Kissinger should be executed too. He's a zionist scumbag.

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  6. Chris

    10. Mar, 2011

    Kissinger. Talmudic Khazar Jew POS !

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  7. Michael Huidobro

    10. Mar, 2011

    I agree with everything you have to say, BUT, please get your facts straight before you publish.
    The name of the chilean dictator was Augusto Pinochet, not Ernesto.

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  8. charliesou

    10. Mar, 2011

    Its difficult to summarise Kissinger in a few words,so I'll use just one…

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  9. island

    10. Mar, 2011

    Obama and Kissinger both implausibly received the Nobel Peace Prize and both  border on being a war criminal. That should tell us what each man's ideas and plans are  really worth. President Obama will listen to Kissinger because K has an accent and is a con artist too. Keep Gitmo OPEN Obama–  Now YOU own it– not Bush.

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  10. David A. McElroy

    10. Mar, 2011

    HOW OLD IS THAT REPTILE? Isn't it unusual that this fascist fiend is still a major political influence in the nation and the world at his age? He must be 90, yet still is busy globe-trotting to dish out his executive level New World Order advice to leading players in the political theatre. Even Sarah Palin. I believe that living fossil has dragon's blood!  Yes, God help us!

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  11. Donger

    10. Mar, 2011

    What we are seeing is prophetic. Not Dr K specifically or by name. But what we are seeing is the satanic one world government, economic system and military beast prophecied in Revelation. Yes America is a dying nation, RIP USA. But we have some things going for us. We still send missionairies for Jesus Christ to the whole world, we can still assemble in the local church and we have the restraining ministry of the Holy Spirit. Also the church will be delivered by the rapture, Jerusalem will be completely and utterly destroyed, and Jesus Christ will return to deliver the true Israel. Faith in Christ is the only escape.

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    • Megachurched

      10. Mar, 2011

      Pseudo-theology: Such themes as…Escape in the Pre-Trib Rapture – Say the Sinner's Prayer and You Are Saved – The Nation State of Israel is the Apple of God's Eye – all this and more, courtesy of ignorant, Christian Fundamentalist Bible college teachers who tell students that the Holy Spirit is the "restraining" force in the passage referred to above (2nd Thess. 2:7-11). I am a Spirit-Filled, and Spirit-Discerning pastor who saw through all this nonsense, and shut off all the TV evangelists, many years ago, and walked away from my denomination. Then the Lord mercifully led me to read and study the real history of Christianity, courtesy of the Dimond brothers. I am a stronger Christian than ever, but no longer blinded, being led by the blind.  The connection to Kissinger, of course, is that there is a very vocal, very opinionated segment of American society who refuse to act or become any way involved, because they have been taught they have no responsibility as 'real Christians' to do so. They get a free pass from God, and a ticket 'outta here', supposedly.  In reality, they will face quite a different judgment than that which they anticipate.

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  12. Milty

    10. Mar, 2011

    Actually the old bastard is only 88 and it's time to retire and live out his years in Israel with his fellow reptiles. He outlived his "usefulness" to America decades ago.

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  13. Kyle

    10. Mar, 2011

    Kissenger: Der Ewige Jude.
    Please die already.

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  14. Rabbit

    10. Mar, 2011

    Kissinger BORDERS on being a War Criminal?  Could you have wrapped that in any more bubble wrap?
    By that standard, Herman Goering bordered on anti-Semitism.

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  15. Cat Callahan

    10. Mar, 2011

    I can top everything said so far….Henry Kissinger is not human! In diplomatic circles(aware of alien life forms) he is known as a black monk. A BLACK MONK is someone so sympathetic with the aliens that he is no longer considered human! There are at least two times when Kissinger disappeared from flights in mid-air! Who but an interdimensional traveler and reptilian alien could pull this off!

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  16. Nenge Mboko

    10. Mar, 2011

    I'd really love to put a bullet in his head

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  17. [...] Dr Lawrence Davidson, Opinion Maker, March 9, [...]

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  18. X

    10. Mar, 2011

    When is that evil, old fart going to kick the bucket  and enter hell, where he truly belongs?!!!

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  19. p.a.travers

    10. Mar, 2011

    Real humans commenting.Kissinger,I wonder if our very best ever, Female, Prime Minister Julia Gillard is or would be happy to meet that Israeli American Kissinger.Perhaps Lowy from Sydney knows what breakfast cereal he eats.They can then say those cows are Reptilian approved and grown in Australia. Aw Shit.Must duck my head A.S.I.O. might be reading this!They like the same milk with their honey and crumpets.Hello.A.S.I.O. When is Beazley's Birthday found a Icon in Australia yet, that is fair dinkum Australian for the terrorists!? If you haven't well you know the saying..starts with G and the other word is F.

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  20. effy

    10. Mar, 2011

    Ms Masonic Gillard the communist leader of Australia, has outdone herself yet again.  Her hairdresser hubby slash partner slash spy has been appointed top position with her zionist backers in oz.  Australia is becoming the home to a zionist agenda that squashes free speech and soon will be promoting haulocaust lies in public schools.  God bless Australia.  I wonder if we could all hire the miner who escaped the fangs of the oz croc to tell us how to escape the fangs of reptiles like Kissinger and Co?

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  21. Jimmy

    10. Mar, 2011

    This should come as no surprise. Everything is falling into place. Each and every action by the global elite criminals is a glaring example of what is taking place. Obama, the usurper, has not got the brains to really be in charge of wiping his own butt. If you squint just right you can see the strings that make his every move. It's really a sad sad day in the USI, because everything is nearly locked up tight. People really are cattle, they're right! Look at us, we are being blatantly led to slaughter and we sit here and gripe online about it. These imposters in power are really laughing at the way they are openly committing crimes and getting away with it. There are still plenty of people who will argue that muslims did 9/11/01 . So long, we had a bad run.

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  22. farang

    10. Mar, 2011

    Nearing the end of his horrid existance on this mortal coil, and already having sold that soul ten times over, he is now reduced to openly whoring for the Zionist entity known as "Israel" for a last good payday.

    Everyone is aware of Herr Kissenger, the good wartime Nazi? No? Do some searching…..where do you think he got that accent, Brooklyn?

    How many double agents died because of Pollards's betrayal of America? That's perfectly fine with the ghoul Kissinger.
    Die already you old windbag ….there are some folks waiting for you down there…hurry up: croak.

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  23. American Patriot

    11. Mar, 2011

    Kissinger is just another trouble making jew war monger.

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  24. George LoBuono

    11. Mar, 2011

    Kissinger was always the Rockefellers' little boy/puppet. During the Vietnam War he would always say we had to wait longer to achieve a peace and "save face." Kissinger helped plot the murder of Chilean Gen. Rene Schneider, who didn't want a coup and bloodshed in his home democracy. Kissinger and David Rockefeller fully supported and profited by the Argentine junta that had 120 death camps where it murdered 30,000 activists. Kissinger is a wanted man in some countries.  Re: the origin of his term "saving face" —in the 17th century people wore white wigs and lots of makeup. They seldom bathed, so the makeup lingered. If they neared a fireplace, the makeup began to melt and trickle down their faces, so a screen was placed to cover the fire and "save face." Perfect metaphor for an old, criminal shill like Henry Kissinger. Finally, he's about 86 years old and when I saw him interviewed on PBS a few weeks ago, his logic and thought had eroded to a withered, simplistic shell of what it might once have been. He's over with, as is his 95 year-old patron, David Rockefeller (who I doubt is now competent.)

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  25. [...] Source: Opinion Maker [...]

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  26. Ben

    12. Mar, 2011

    The seed of Satan manifested in an earthy Zionist………whats not to hate?

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  27. Brian

    13. Mar, 2011

    Obviously, the push to get Pollard released is just another Jew helping another Jew thing.  Why do we allow these people to live amongst us? They ONLY get away with this stuff, because WE LET THEM.

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