Saudi Nuclear Weapons in the Persian Gulf

Posted on 31. Mar, 2011 by in Mid East

By Arnaud De Borchgrave

Overlooked in the welter of fast-moving events throughout the Arab world was a Saudi Arabian call for transforming the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) into "an entity identical to the (27-nation) European Union" — plus nuclear weapons.

Saudi Arabia has grown impatient. "Waiting for Godot," Samuel Beckett's famous play, depicts the "meaninglessness of life," with its repetitive plot, where nothing much happens. In Saudi eyes, that's Iran and its secret nuclear weapons program. And eye-drop Western sanctions have done zip to deter Iran's aging theocrats.

Iran began nuclear research with French assistance in the 1960s. In 1972, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi told this reporter that Iran would one day be a nuclear power. Britain had relinquished all its geopolitical responsibilities east of Suez in 1968.

Under the Nixon Doctrine that followed the British withdrawal from the Persian Gulf, the Shahanshah ("King of Kings") became the "Guardian" (and gendarme) from the Strait of Hormuz to Kuwait.

The religious fanatics who succeeded the shah have similar ambitions — this time to spread their brand of religious extremism. A prime target is Bahrain, a tiny island linked to Saudi Arabia by a 16-mile causeway, which is also home port for the U.S. 5th Fleet, and where 70 percent of the population of 1 million are Shiite Muslims (as in Iran).

Saudi Arabia, answering an appeal from the Bahraini monarch, dispatched some 1,500 troops and armored vehicles across the causeway to guard vital installations while local law enforcement coped with daily demonstrations and riots.

When the Arab volcano began erupting Jan. 18 in Tunisia and spread political lava through Libya, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Bahrain, and Oman, the powers that be in the West fell silent, evidently prepared to ditch erstwhile friends and allies. The lesson wasn't lost on the Saudis.

It wasn't until Libya's megalomaniacal Col. Moammar Gadhafi announced he was planning to kill without mercy his own dissident citizens in Benghazi that U.S. President Barack Obama perked up and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talked retaliation with the European allies.

The Germans balked. Then U.S., French, and British fighter bombers decimated Gadhafi's tanks headed for Benghazi. But Obama, already saddled with two military theaters, and anxious to avoid a third, kicked Libya operations over to NATO and the Europeans.

In his first attempt to unveil what was quickly dubbed "Obama Doctrine," the president, in effect, bought Gadhafi more time by declaring regime change by force would be a mistake.

Bush 41 took the same decision in 1991 by declining to chase Saddam Hussein's legions back to Baghdad. This, in turn, led to a 12-year, $14 billion no-fly zone over Iraq, followed by Gulf War II in 2003. The Saudis paid the tab, as they did for most of the war.

This time, the Saudis, armed with compensatory cash, managed to dodge popular wrath oozing through the Arab body politic. The only noticeable demonstration was a small one (about 1,000) in favor of the divine right of kings (enunciated by the Stuarts in Britain in the 16th century).

But Saudi soldiers in Bahrain, now backed by police from the United Arab Emirates (a federated union of seven sheikdoms, including Abu Dhabi and Dubai), face indefinite security duty in another country. Some 70 percent of Bahrain's workforce is on strike and clashes with police are now routine.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Chas W. Freeman Jr. says, "the one plausible source of contagion for Saudi Arabia is the civil strife in its much smaller sister kingdom of Bahrain . . . where the ouster of its royal family . . . could incite instability in the other small city-states" that make up the Gulf Cooperation Council with Saudi Arabia.

And they all fear that majority Shiite rule in Bahrain would draw the island into the Iranian orbit, handing Iran a strategic base of influence in their midst.

Prince Turki al-Faisal, the man who headed the Saudi intelligence service for a quarter of a century before his appointment as ambassador to Britain and later the United States, reminded Western countries that GCC's mutual defense pact is similar to NATO's in its obligations.

Now chairman of the King Faisal Research Center, Prince Turki launched the drive for the GCC countries to acquire nuclear weapons, now described as essential vis-a-vis the two other regional powers that already posses them. He named Iran and Israel.

Prince Turki, in a little reported talk but clearly speaking for the kingdom at the annual conference of the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies, called for a joint Persian Gulf army "acquiring the nuclear might to face that of Iran."

While international efforts have clearly failed to coerce Tehran from developing nuclear weapons, and Israel from dismantling its own arsenal, a nuclear future for GCC is an imperative.

Between them — Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Oman — there is no shortage of cash in the "Sovereign Wealth Funds" to fund a nuclear weapons program. They can pay top dollar for nuclear scientists and engineers from Western powers and Russia.

"We ought to be effective regarding major international affairs and prevent others from dictating options to us," said Prince Turki, scion of the late King Feisal, the monarch who created the modern Saudi state.

Qatar, the wealthiest gulf state with a per capita income of $78,000, was the first non-NATO country to respond to the no-fly zone over Libya appeal from the 22-member Arab League.

One-third of its French-made Mirage squadron flew to a Greek base in Crete where they joined a French squadron and flew four-plane joint patrols over northeastern Libya.

The United Arab Emirates followed the Qatari lead with 12 F-16s.

Qatar also has a global reach through al-Jazeera TV news, in both Arabic and English. Lavishly funded, the network has more bureaus and correspondents than any other TV news operation anywhere in the world.

The next act in the Persian Gulf sweepstakes won't be a walk in the park.

Courtesy Newsmax

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Tags: Arnaud De Borchgrave, GCC, , , Saudi Arabia

15 Responses to “Saudi Nuclear Weapons in the Persian Gulf”

  1. Gerry Hiles

    31. Mar, 2011

    Why (with only slight modification) do you simply repeat Washington/London/Paris propaganda?

    Reply to this comment
  2. S Balu

    01. Apr, 2011

    After READING THIS THRASH! I shall NEVER EVER READ your comments! Basically you have STOOPED SO LOW NO WONDER you are LAUGHING of the world!

    Reply to this comment
  3. Mike

    01. Apr, 2011

    Of course the west "fell silent" as the Arab "volcano" eruption you politely coined occurred…they were behind them!

    Reply to this comment
  4. foobar

    01. Apr, 2011
    UPI is known to be CIA.  The rest of his resume reads like a princeling born into a spook family.  
    Btw, the twisting of the al turki comment to imply that he implied Iran has nukes is indeed laughable.  

    Reply to this comment
  5. American Patriot

    01. Apr, 2011

    "By Deception, Thou Shalt Do War" and they prove it every day!

    Reply to this comment
  6. Banderman

    01. Apr, 2011

    “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
    - Barack Hussein Obama

    Reply to this comment
    • Rabbit

      01. Apr, 2011

      What rubbish. This is the same Obama who also said he'd close Gitmo and a whole lot of other things which he reversed in office. To get into office he pledged allegiance to Israel and it seems ever since this is the only pledge he has kept.

      Reply to this comment
  7. Rabbit

    01. Apr, 2011

    What the hell is this clown doing on this site?
    Get rid of the twit, if we want more propaganda from the puppet masters we can read NYT and WP.

    Reply to this comment
  8. Mark H Gaffney

    01. Apr, 2011

    Type your comment here…
    foobar is correct. Arnaud De Borchgrave is a long time CIA mole – 
    Take everything he says with this in mind.
    Borchgrave was one of the CIA minions who trashed ace reporter Gary Webb, who blew the whistle on CIA complicity in the drug flow into the US by the Contras in the 1980s.
    Obviously, he is still up to his old tricks. Once a CIA operative — always a CIA operative.

    Reply to this comment
  9. mick

    01. Apr, 2011

    "Libya's megalomaniacal Col. Moammar Gadhafi announced he was planning to kill without mercy his own dissident citizens" ???
    WTF ?
    Do you just make this up arbitrarily or is someone writing this rubbish for you ?
    What a load of unfettered propaganda !

    Reply to this comment
  10. Victor Mace

    01. Apr, 2011

    Who writes nthis absolute rubbish and why did I just read it. Wouldnt like to this the author of this article regards themselves as a journalist.

    Reply to this comment
  11. scrybe

    01. Apr, 2011

    "One-third of its (Qatar) French-made Mirage squadron flew to a Greek base in Crete where they joined a French squadron and flew four-plane joint patrols over northeastern Libya."
    Um, Qatar has 12 Mirage fighters. So, 1/3 of that would be 3 Mirage fighters sent to do patrols over Libya. And they had to refuel at least twice, but probably four times, in other countries. This is not an international power. But 1/3 sounds a lot better than 3, right? This is misleading.
    I think the entire Middle East should be a nuke-free zone. But here's Israel's policy:
    Israel won't allow the Saudis to have nukes any more than the Iranians. Israel is such a small country that they cannot afford even 1 nuke landing on thier soil. See Syria's attemp to build a nuclear site. All that was left was a concrete pad. Any country attempting to hit them with a nuke would be turned to glass. You and everyone else better hope that it doesn't get to that.

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  12. [...] Saudi Nuclear Weapons in the Persian Gulf – Overlooked in the welter of fast-moving events throughout the Arab world was a Saudi Arabian call for transforming the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) into “an entity identical to the (27-nation) European Union” — plus nuclear weapons. Saudi Arabia has grown impatient. “Waiting for Godot,” Samuel Beckett’s famous play, depicts the “meaninglessness of life,” with its repetitive plot, where nothing much happens. In Saudi eyes, that’s Iran and its secret nuclear weapons program. And eye-drop Western sanctions have done zip to deter Iran’s aging theocrats. [...]

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  13. [...] Saudi Nuclear Weapons in the Persian Gulf – Overlooked in the welter of fast-moving events throughout the Arab world was a Saudi Arabian call for transforming the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) into “an entity identical to the (27-nation) European Union” — plus nuclear weapons. Saudi Arabia has grown impatient. “Waiting for Godot,” Samuel Beckett’s famous play, depicts the “meaninglessness of life,” with its repetitive plot, where nothing much happens. In Saudi eyes, that’s Iran and its secret nuclear weapons program. And eye-drop Western sanctions have done zip to deter Iran’s aging theocrats. [...]

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  14. [...] and Red China Power play to control the Persian Gulf while World distracted by Libya war??? Saudi Nuclear Weapons in the Persian Gulf | Opinion Maker Kingdom and China to sign nuclear cooperation pact – Arab [...]

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