Archive for March, 2011
The Spirit of Pakistan Resolution
Posted on29. Mar, 2011 by Dr Raja M Khan.

By Dr Raja M Khan:
23rd March 2011, reminds us the contributions of our ancestors, who scarified their comfort for our magnificent future and struggled to attain Pakistan for us. Today, after the 71 years of the passage of the historical resolution, and 64 years after the independence, we need to reassess ourselves, as a nation
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Posted on29. Mar, 2011 by Alan Sabrosky.

INDICTMENT AND CONUNDRUM By Dr. Alan Sabrosky Far too often, what is not said, or cannot be said, publicly is more significant than the platitudes bandied about by assorted political leaders and pundits. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli matrix of death and disinformation. President Obama in particular acts as if [...]
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Obama, Third Impudent War on Libya……
Posted on29. Mar, 2011 by Tommy Tucci.

By Tommy Tucci:
“No nation can survive treason from within”Marcus Tillius Ciceroc.106Bc -c.43BC. No nation that relegates itself ’second class position status’ to a private corporation entity or to a foreign country can ever hope to be a sovereign nation with rights to self detemination. Therefore, the executive branch takes second position by parroting behind the scenes pronounced flawed century old ideology of a racist military war criminal culture.
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Revival of Indo-Pak Dialogue
Posted on28. Mar, 2011 by Dr Raja M Khan.

By Dr Raja M Khan:
While there might have been positives thinking of former Indian Prime Minister, A. B. Vajpayee or Dr. Manmohan Singh, about Pakistan. Both perhaps wanted to have a good neighbourly relations with each other and a negotiated solution of the issues prevalent between India and Pakistan, but the question arises, whether the hawks either of the Congress party or the BJP had/ would let them do that?
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Libya: The Zionist Dragon and The Drums of War – Part 3
Posted on28. Mar, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah.

By Jonathan Azaziah:
Israel attempted to run its Dragon Policy in Libya 5-6 years prior to its sanguinary beginnings in Pakistan through British intelligence. A Mossad-MI6 nexus was formed and an “Al-Qaeda” cell was paid handsomely to assassinate Qaddafi in his hometown of Sirte. Anas al-Liby was the leader of this cell. He would be used as a patsy for Mossad in its 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya.
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Libya: A CIA commander for the rebels
Posted on28. Mar, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Patrick Martin:
The US and European intervention in Libya is aimed not at bringing “democracy” and “freedom,” but at installing in power stooges of the CIA who will rule just as brutally as Gaddafi, while allowing the imperialist powers to loot the country’s oil resources and use Libya as a base of operations against the popular revolts sweeping the Middle East and North Africa.
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Pakistan’s Strategic Delusion
Posted on28. Mar, 2011 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.

By Dr Mahboob A Khawaja:
The cruelty of the American led bogus war on terrorism has transformed Pakistan into a beggar nation, solely looking to military and economic aid for all its operations. The military Generals and their by-products – the ruling PPP Zardari and in waiting Muslim League Nawaz Sharif, have infected the body politics of Pakistan with corruption and tyranny, draining out all of the positive thinking and creative energies of the nation for a promising future. They must be held accountable for these crimes against the people of Pakistan.
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Posted on28. Mar, 2011 by Bakhtiar Hakeem.

By Col Bakhtiar Hakeem General What we finally do is all what matters. Before deciding to choose between a glass of Pepsi or a cup of tea, between Kala Bagh dam and rental power projects all of us go through a process of decision-making. Sometimes it is simple, short and quick, sometimes complex, lengthy and delayed. [...]
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Libya: The Zionist Dragon and The Drums of War Part 2
Posted on27. Mar, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah.

Jonathan Azaziah:
NED is already deeply embedded in the fabric of Egypt, and has reared its ugly head from the shadows upon the command of Gershman since the fall of Mubarak. With Qaddafi upsetting the Zionist dragon to the point of rage, Israel-Firster Gershman initiated the activation of the democratic army. Just three of the NED-funded groups taking part in the “pro-democracy” protests in Libya are the Akhbar Libya Cultural Limited (ALCF), Libya Human and Political Development Forum (LHPDF) and the Transparency Libya Limited (TL). These groups were funded in the hundreds of thousands by NED
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The New American Century in Doldrums
Posted on27. Mar, 2011 by Mansoor Malik.

By Mansoor A Malik The second half of the 19th century gave rise to the new thought process in Europe through the writings of Karl Marx and Engels and within the first decade of the 20th century, brilliant Russian leaders like Lenin and Trotsky who were in self exile in Germany led this “Proletariat Revolution” [...]