Libya: The Zionist Dragon and The Drums of War – Part 4

Posted on 29. Mar, 2011 by in Hot Topics

Egyptian Oil Workers and The 1975 MOU

By Jonathan Azaziah

Referring back to the malevolent statement of Vladimir Lenin regarding the creation of opposition to locate and destroy real opposition, the Egyptian Revolution makes its return to the forefront in the discussion of the Zionist dragon’s impending conquest in Libya. The Egyptian Revolution is not an absolute truth, nor is an absolute fiction. It is a combination of reality and fantasy; the Zionist entity’s way of quelling what was coming, what was bound to burst and isolating the catalytic threats to Israeli hegemony. The atmosphere leading to the “Jan 25 Revolution” was a tense one. Several protests had already been held due to the Mubarak regime stealing the recent parliamentary elections and Muslim-Christian unity rallies were getting larger in the wake of the Mossad bombing of al-Qiddissin Church in Alexandria (78).

A revolution was already a decade in the making. Egyptians began hitting the streets in protest of Mubarak and his cronies in 2000, during occupied Palestine’s 2nd Intifada. In December 2006, poverty-stricken workers formed unions and partook in massive strikes. As a result of the growing revolutionary fire from these strikes, there were two huge uprisings in 2008, one in Mahalla, and another in Borollos. Both were crushed by the regime. These anti-Zionist workers and revolutionaries were aware of the Westernized “reform-seekers” in their mix. The real protesters? They wanted Mubarak gone. His regime gone. Ties with the Zionist entity severed and the siege of Gaza lifted. The elite dismantled and the wealth returned to the people. The reform seekers wanted to maintain the status quo with little change; only the illusion of it (79).

Unbeknownst to many of these revolutionaries, the reform-seekers that they kept their eyes on weren’t just Westernized… they were Western-trained. “Activists” from the April 6 Youth Movement, a group vociferously promoted by the Zionist media as the face of the Egyptian Revolution, received their training from the Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS) and the International Center For Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC), both funded by Zionist billionaire strongman Peter Ackerman and the face of internationalism, George Soros. The April 6 Youth Movement also works closely with Mohamed ElBaradei, a stooge and former board member of the International Crisis Group, founded by neo-con warmonger Morton I. Abramowitz and funded by Soros. ElBaradei sat on the board of International Crisis Group with Ackerman’s wife (80). And these men want freedom for Egypt? Oh, the trail of smoke left behind by the Zionist dragon’s fire.

The April 6 Youth Movement also received full backing from the US Statement department, with helping hands extended by Undersecretary For Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs James K. Glassman and Jared Cohen of Hillary Clinton’s Policy Planning Staff. Glassman is a rabid Zionist who was once a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a pro-Israel think tank known for providing talking points to the US government. The April 6 Youth Movement reveled in these endorsements (81). Once Mubarak transferred power to a military junta fully backed by Zionism, it is these puppet activists, these whitewashed and westernized House Arabs, that told Egyptians to go home and “work harder than ever before to build a new Egypt” while real activists remained in Tahrir Square, demanding the collapse of the regime, planning more strikes in Egypt’s various business sectors and calling for the end of normalization with Israel (82).

The most important of all of these strikes, is that of the Egyptian oil workers, who are sick of corruption, slave wages, no unions and most of all, gas being pumped to to the Zionist entity, which they refuse to ever do again (83). Israel had raked Egypt over the coals for its precious resources, forcing the North African Arab nation to lose over 100 billion Egyptian pounds since 2005 alone (84). No gas has been pumped to Israel since February 13th, with the most recent protest being held in Suez on March 20th (85). Due to pressure from the Egyptian people, the military junta have not resumed gas to Israel and reluctantly have no plans to do so, also because of that pressure. 40% of Israel’s natural gas comes from Egypt, which the Zionist entity uses to produce 20% of its electricity (86). Egypt’s natural gas is an important element needed by the Zionist entity to maintain its 63-year occupation of Palestine.

Due to its proximity to Palestine, and the traitorous Camp David accords, Egypt’s sale of natural gas to the Zionist dragon was always practical. But now with a war on the ground between the brave revolutionaries and workers, champions of Arab dignity, and the Soros-Ackerman armada of House Arabs, and the Israel-friendly military junta stuck in the middle and walking a tight rope to appease its paymasters in Washington D.C. which fund it to the tune of over $1 billion a year, the Zionist entity needed another source. Enter Libya, a nation with the largest prove oil reserves in all of Africa (87). Coupled with the Zionist entity’s eternal vendetta against Qaddafi, this made Libya a prime target for another Israeli victim of balkanization.

On September 1st, 1975, an odious Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the United States of America and the Zionist entity residing on stolen Palestinian land. This MOU stated the following, “The United States Government will make every effort to be fully responsive, within the limits of its resources and Congressional authorization and appropriation, on an ongoing and long-term basis, to Israel's military equipment and other defense requirements, to its energy requirements and to its economic needs.” Also, “If the oil Israel needs to meet all its normal requirements for domestic consumption is unavailable for purchase in circumstances where no quantitative restrictions exist on the ability of the United States to procure oil to meet its normal requirements, the United States Government will promptly make oil available for purchase by Israel to meet all of the aforementioned normal requirements of Israel (88).”

To simplify, whenever the Zionist entity needs oil, as per the 1975 MOU, the United States will answer Israel’s beckoned call and go secure the oil. As was the case with Iraq, in which Benjamin Netanyahu bragged of Iraqi oil flowing from Kirkuk to Haifa (89), the war with Libya is indeed a war for oil. But not oil for America. Oil for the Zionist entity.

Conclusion: Purim and Occupation

On March 19th, 2011, 2 days after Netanyahu’s declarations against Qaddafi and the UN’s approval of a no-fly zone, another dastardly crime of epic proportions was committed against humanity. The name of this crime is Operation Odyssey Dawn, the title for the French-British-American coalition attack on Libya. It began with 110 cruise missiles being fired from the sea by the US and the UK and bombardment from above being provided by France (90). 64 Libyan civilians were slaughtered and over 150 were wounded (91). Another genocide in the making. General Petraeus, the slaughterer of Iraqis and Afghans, and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, another slaughterer of Iraqis and Afghans, think the mass murder of innocents deserves a good laugh (92).

It is certainly of no coincidence that the war against Libya, a revenge operation designed by the Zionist entity and instigated by its political assets, was started on the very same day that Iraq was invaded in 2003. Several analysts and politicos have made mention of this key point. The point that is not being mentioned, a point more important than the former, is that Libya, like Iraq (both inhumane invasions) and Kosovo before it, was invaded on Purim, the Jewish holiday of vengeance based on the events in the biblical Book of Esther, commemorating the killing of Persian Prime Minister Haman, who tried to wipe out the Jewish people before being wiped out himself. Haman’s descendants are the Amalekites, and due to decades upon decades of brainwashing from the global Talmudic rabbinate, many Israelis and American Jews feel that Arabs and Muslims are the Amalekites (93). It is not a conspiracy theory, an opinion, a perspective or a supposition that Purim is a heightened time of conflict in the Middle East. It is a fact (94).

For Purim 2011, the occupied West Bank was placed under siege and terminals within besieged Gaza were shut down (95). One of the most gruesome incidents on Purim in occupied Palestine was Purim 2006, when Palestinian prisoners were stripped naked, beaten, detained and photographed after IOF tanks shelled a jail of illegally held Palestinians (96). But, a flashback that digs even deeper is required to fully understand what is being done to Libya. On March 5th 1991, only five days after the Highway of Death incident in occupied Iraq, the US Congress honored a racist, xenophobic, genocidal Chabad Lubavich rabbi named Menachem Mendel Schneerson, deemed by American presidents as an achiever of “eminence as a moral leader for this country.”

The killing of non-Jews, the goyim, according to Rabbi Schneerson, was not only permissible, acceptable and even recommended, but he considered non-Jews to be a separate species from Jews. This monstrous man was the spiritual leader for many of the Zionist officials in the United States government from the first Bush administration through the second. These Zionist officials were the planners and executors of the invasions, occupations and genocides of Iraq and Afghanistan. Were they spilling non-Jewish blood on Purim to appease their spiritual leader? (97).

Those reading can “do the math,” especially considering that these same Zionist extremists are the warmongers who have orchestrated the spilling of blood in Libya today. Murdering Arabs, the Amalekites, on Purim, has become a sacred Israeli tradition (98), with certain rabbis going as far as considering Arabs worthy of annihilation for “obstructing the building of the 3rd Temple (99).” This extremism, which has claimed the lives of millions of Arabs and Muslims in the genocides of Iraq and Afghanistan, is never reported on by the Zionist media. Instead, the American people are given sustenance with fast mood meals of anti-Islamic rhetoric by the same pro-Israel war criminals sending their children to die for an illegal occupying entity. It is high time that they know what the true meaning of Amalek is and why it is of such esoteric significance to the Zionist controllers.

What began as classic military interventionism has evolved into full blown occupation. Libya, like Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Kashmir, should be referred to as occupied Libya from now on. 2,200 Marines are directly offshore, making preparations to enter Libya (100). US Forces recently opened fire on Libyan villagers, wounding 6, including a young boy that needed to have his leg amputated (101). SAS squads classified as ‘Smash Teams’ are on the ground to aid the Operation Odyssey Dawn coalition in its incessant bombing of Libyan territory (102). And as the occupiers mobilize and multiply, the Zionist media is spreading obscene propaganda, echoing the lies of Iraq pre-invasion. Zionist puppet David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the UK, is already parroting Gulf War-style tripe about Qaddafi using chemical warfare against the Libyan people (103); SAS forces are ready to seize the “mustard gas of the dictator” according to his government (104). The occupiers have already stated that there is ‘no timeline’ for the end of Odyssey Dawn (105).

The Zionist media is spreading its lies about the non-existent chemical weaponry of Muammar Qaddafi for a very specific reason: because the Zionist entity’s American enforcer and its allies are using chemical weapons on the Libyan people. 45 2,000 pound depleted uranium bombs have been dropped on Libya (106). As the confirmed civilian casualties rise to 100 (107), the nightmare starts anew. Birth defects, cancers and fetal damage from radiation among innocent Iraqis in Mosul, Basra, Fallujah and Samarra and Baghdad after US, Israeli and British depleted uranium in occupied Iraq (108). Contaminated blood, birth defects and cancer among young Albanians after 11 tons of NATO depleted uranium in tiny Kosovo (109). Birth defects, incomplete hearts and brain malformations in the children of illegally besieged Gaza after Israel’s depleted uranium during Operation Cast Lead (110). Birth defects, deformities, leukemia and esophageal cancer in Afghan children after US and NATO depleted uranium in occupied Afghanistan (111).

Pain. Suffering. More pain. More suffering. This is what Zionism and all of its allies bring to the indigenous peoples of the world, specifically the Middle East. It is sad, abysmally tragic and flat-out despicable that so many “activists,” “truth-seekers” and “journalists” have cheered on this occupation and incoming genocide of the Libyan people in an emotive, thoughtless manner, forgetting the lessons of the past.

They were nowhere to be found when the US incinerated children in Iraq and Israel’s DU-tipped car bombs triggered hell on Iraqi streets from north to south. They were nowhere to be found when NATO destroyed Kosovo. They were nowhere to be found when the US and NATO massacred Afghanistan. They were definitely nowhere to be found when the Zionist entity rained hellfire on the innocent men, women and children of Lebanon and Gaza. They were nowhere to be found when US predator drones turned Pakistanis into dust matter. But now, they are on the front lines, cheering on Obama’s war, a criminal that the Zionist political machine of Chicago, rooted in gangsterism, considers the “first Jewish president (112).”

The Zionist dragon has breathed its fire on one nation after another since it came into being almost 64 years ago. The blood of the Amalakites is what it needs to survive, and the innocents inflicted by Israeli-created genocides mentioned in the previous paragraph are obviously, not enough. It is up to the people of conscience to seek out the drummers of war and eradicate them ideologically, rendering them irrelevant and placing the defense of the indigenous above all. Muammar Qaddafi has a special place on the Zionist regime’s hitlist, and it doesn’t care how many Libyans will die a brutal depleted uranium-touched death to accomplish its goal of overthrowing and burying him. Mahmoud Jibril, the Western stooge discussed earlier, has already been tapped by the Zionist Power Configuration as the “interim Prime Minister of Libya,” i.e. Qaddafi’s replacement (113).

To the vast majority of Libyans, who are not on the CIA payroll, whether you stand with Qaddafi or have issues with him, it is clear that you absolutely, positively, want nothing to do with the occupiers who are in the beginning stages of destroying your country. It is now up to you to fight back. It is up to you cure this cancer. The traitors among you have made their decision to ally themselves with the butchers and bombers who have carved up the ancestral Arab and Muslim homelands like firewood on a chopping block. It is up to you to form a Resistance against all collaborators, all invaders, a model like that of Hezbollah in Lebanon, to save your nation.

Self-determination is a universal right that belongs to all people. It is embedded in the spiritual code of society, Islamic, Christian, secular or otherwise. It cannot be taken away by foreign powers; powers that never had any jurisdiction over such a right to begin with. Libya will overcome the siege of the Zionist dragon, no matter how long it may take, and when its self-determination blossoms, spitfire flowers will strike back at the powers who attempted to enforce humiliation against them.

And to those “humanitarians” attacking Muammar Qaddafi, an enigmatic leader who built Libya from the ground up over 42 years (114), you should direct your attention to real massacres from US-backed dictators ignored by the Zionist media like Islam Karimov, the barbaric 21-year dictator of Uzbekistan who slaughtered 700 of his citizens in the Andijan Massacre of 2005 (115).

Why are these “humanitarians” unaware of such a killing spree? Because Uzbekistan is a major torture center for the CIA’s Rendition program (116), the cornerstone of Zionism’s Orwellian ‘War On Terror.’ These “humanitarians” should remember that war is never the answer for anything, other than increasing the wealth of the globe holders. And finally, they should remember the words of late, great revolutionary Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara, whose words when applied to Libya and the oppressed Arab world have never rang so true, “Liberators do not exist. The people liberate themselves.” Indeed.

~ The End ~


(78) Israel’s Fission Field Warfare: Pakistan, Iraq And Egypt by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(79) Interview With Hossam El-Hamalawy by Mark Levine, Al Jazeera English

(80) The Junk Bond “Teflon Guy” Behind Egypt’s Nonviolent Revolution by Maidhc Ó Cathail, Dissident Voice

(81) Egypt: A Virtual Smoking Gun by Maidhc Ó Cathail, Opinion Maker

(82) #Jan25 The Workers, Middle Class, Military Junta And The Permanent Revolution by Hossam El-Hamalawy, Arabawy

(83) Egypt: Oil And Gas Workers On Strike by Hossam El-Hamalawy, Monthly Review

(84) Egypt Loses 100 Billion From Gas Exports To Israel Since 2005 by Middle East Monitor

(85) Oil Workers Stage Sit-In To Protest Layoffs, Egypt by Al-Ahram Online

(86) ‘Egypt Gas Flow To Israel To Not Resume’ by Press TV

(87) Analysis Briefs by Libya Online

(88) Israel-United States Memorandum Of Understanding (September 1, 1975) by Jewish Virtual Library

(89) The Zionist Murderers Of Iraq by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(90) Libya: US, UK And France Attack Gaddafi Forces by BBC News

(91) Libyans Offer News Graves As Proof Of Civilian Dead by Michael Georgy, Alert Net

(92) Libya Bombing Joke: Petraeus, Gates ‘Bombshell’ More Than Sarcasm by Russia Today, Youtube

(93) Amalek Today: To Remember, To Blot Out by Rabbi Arthur Waskow, The Shalom Center

(94) Gaza Fighting Erupts On Purim Holiday by Richard Edmonson, Left Wing Christian

(95) As Israel Celebrates Purim, Palestine Placed Under Siege by IMEMC

(96) Jericho Jail Assault: Purimfest 2006 by Revisionist History
(97) War And Politics From A Left Christian Perspective: The Highway of Death Part 1 by Richard Edmonson, Left Wing Christian

(98) War And Politics From A Left Christian Perspective: The Highway of Death Part 2 by Richard Edmonson, Left Wing Christian

(99) Judaism Discovered: A Study Of The Anti-Biblical Religion Of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit by Michael Hoffman

(100) Obama: No US Forces On The Ground In Libya… Except For Those Guys by Jim Geraghty, National Review Online

(101) U.S. Rescue Chopper Shoots Six Libyan Villagers As They Welcome Pilots Of Downed Air Force Jet by The Daily Mail

(102) SAS ‘Smash’ Squads Are On The Ground In Libya To Mark Targets For Coalition Jets by The Daily Mail

(103) Libya: West Ready To Use Force Against Col Gaddafi Amid Chemical Weapon Fears by Robert Winnett, James Kirkup, Nick Meo and Bruno Waterfield, The Telegraph

(104) British Forces Ready To Seize Libyan Mustard Gas Weapons by Robert Winnett and Holly Watt, Montreal Gazette

(105) No ‘Timeline’ For End Of Libya Operation: US by Yahoo! News

(106) Depleted Uranium: A Strange Way To Protect Libyan Civilians by David Wilson, Stop The War Coalition

(107) Medvedev To Obama: Avoid Civilian Casualties In Libya by Middle East Online

(108) Toxic Intervention: Are NATO Forces Poisoning Libya With Depleted Uranium As They ‘Protect’ Civilians? by Dave Lindorff, This Can’t Be Happening

(109) Death Gifts Of NATO’s Merciful Angel, Serbia by Ljubica Vujadinovic, All Voices

(110) Consequences Of Israeli Weapons Testing In Gaza by Richard Lightbown, Redress

(111) Victims Of Uranium Munitions Used By The US Forces In Afghanistan by Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan

(112) Some Chicago Jews Say Obama Is Actually The ‘First Jewish President’ by Natasha Mozgovaya, Haaretz

(113) Libyan Rebels Form ‘Interim Government’ by Al Jazeera English

(114) Farrakhan Warns, Advises Obama On Libya by FCCN, Youtube

(115) ‘700 Dead’ In Uzbek Violence by Mark Oliver, The Guardian

(116) Intelligence Officer Claims CIA Was Complicit In Torture In Uzbekistan by The Scotland Sunday Herald

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Tags: Egyptian oil workers, Jonathan Azaziah,

5 Responses to “Libya: The Zionist Dragon and The Drums of War – Part 4”

  1. Khalif

    30. Mar, 2011

    why worry about to Rabbi Schneerson, the monstrous man
    when yu have North Atlantic TERRORIST Org – the bloody butcher brits, sarko, rasmusson, merkel murderess of Knduz, …….. et al

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  2. Les Jaimeson

    30. Mar, 2011

    folks,it's all right there in the UBook,the world's go-to guy! When Silversteen confessed we were faced with a momentous paradigm shifter:they brag about it.In order to bring 9/11 truth to the world we must absorb ourselves in the wondrous book,the Urantia Book,written by G-d!.

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  3. wayne

    30. Mar, 2011

    Those of us in the USA and the other western nations will get the best results by bringing pressure directly to bear onto the Israeli's in our nations. Use your imaginations. Go to their consulates, their synagogues, their homes, their businesses, and everywhere they occupy. Nothing they hate and fear more than direct attention. This will work quicker than anything else, except maybe Hezbollah, whom they greatly fear. The light of attention will send them deep back under the rocks fro which they came.

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  4. [...] Libya: The Zionist Dragon as well as The Drums of War – Part 4 | Opinion … [...]

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  5. Joe Jussac, Jr.

    06. Apr, 2011

    Hei! Someone up there said about Israel fearful of the Hezbollah. U know why? IsraHell will really really be KAPUT vs the Hezbollah, because deep inside the IDF there HAVE been (or HAS been? U pick dude) moles who speak Yiddish…….
    Taste death Israelis!
    Curious about me? Google my name, and be surprised!

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