Libya: The Zionist Dragon and The Drums of War – Part 3

Posted on 28. Mar, 2011 by in Hot Topics

Israel’s War: From Subversion To Aggression

Excluding game-changers like the assassination of JFK or the 9/11 false flag attacks, the Zionist entity’s Dragon Policy may be its most prized operation. Through an intricate web of relationships woven with blood-drenched silk, linking it closely to its allies in RAW, Blackwater (Xe) and the CIA, Israel has terrorized the Islamic Republic of Pakistan through an unlimited supply of patsy terror groups and ordnance experts strategically scattered through the country. The face of the Dragon Policy, set up officially in 2001 and constantly rammed down the throat of the world’s masses by the cabalistic Zionist media, is the Tehrik-I-Taliban, which is reported as being closely linked to the king of kings in terms of fake terror groups, “Al-Qaeda.” Never is it reported that Al-Qaeda doesn’t exist and never has existed (54), it is merely a name used to create and subsequently exacerbate psychological warfare. In the case of the Tehrik-I-Taliban and the Mossad-RAW nexus that runs it, it is only linked to Al-Qaeda because RAW agents of the Dragon Policy pose as Al-Qaeda to provide their patsies with weapons and money (55).

Israel attempted to run its Dragon Policy in Libya 5-6 years prior to its sanguinary beginnings in Pakistan through British intelligence. A Mossad-MI6 nexus was formed and an “Al-Qaeda” cell was paid handsomely to assassinate Qaddafi in his hometown of Sirte (56). Anas al-Liby was the leader of this cell. He would be used as a patsy for Mossad in its 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya (57).

These operations were part of a long-running Israeli project in which Mossad would recruit Palestinians to carry out terrorism to provide justification for escalation of Israeli military operations throughout occupied Palestine, and extrajudicial revenge policies abroad. The terrorism would be blamed on “Al-Qaeda.” The Palestinian operation however, would turn out to be a failure (58). Mossad’s relations with MI-6 shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Most recently, in the London bombings of July 7th, 2005, the Zionist’s entity’s Mossad, notorious Shin Bet-infested Israeli security company ICTS and Britain’s internal intelligence service MI5 collaborated for a successful false flag operation (59). It should also come as no surprise then, given the history, that Qaddafi is accusing “Al-Qaeda” of staging the unrest in Libya (60). Al-Qaeda in this case, is interchangeable with CIA and Mossad.

When the Zionist entity’s tactics of subversion via a decade worth of false flag terrorism and sanctions didn’t achieve the goal of crippling Qaddafi, it switched its tactics to all out aggression against Libya. With its allies in the CIA manipulating protests and its patsies forming the National Transitional Council to create the illusion of the Libyan people’s representative, the next cog to be turned in the Zionist entity’s machine was to create the illusion of a humanitarian crisis.

From the onset of the Feb17 Revolution, stories from all ends of the media spectrum were surfacing about massacres of “unarmed” protesters at the hands of African mercenaries hired by Qaddafi and his regime (61). Just as quickly as the stories surfaced, Qaddafi immediately issued an emphatic denial of his regime hiring anything of the sort, as did regime officials (62). Oddly enough, the US government, which had been hawkish towards Libya from the moment the uprising began, inserted a clause in a February 27th UN Resolution that would shield these African mercenaries from being prosecuted for their crimes (63). Many commentators speculated that this was done to prevent the US itself, notorious for using hunter-killer corporations like Dyncorp and Xe to carry out mass killings in occupied Iraq and Afghanistan, from being subsequently prosecuted for the same crimes.

While this speculative theory was certainly plausible and even logical, it wasn’t congruent with the greater plot at hand. Mercenaries, Xe (Blackwater) specifically, had been escaping  international prosecution for a literal decade. Why start now? Especially when the world’s hegemonic powers had a “genocide” stop.

The reason why the US, the Zionist entity’s patron, lap dog and military enforcer, introduced this clause into the UN resolution, is because the mercenaries on the ground have been recruited and employed by Global CST, an Israeli security company with strong links to Mossad, Shin Bet and Aman tied to war crimes and arms trafficking in Georgia and several countries in Africa. The director and owner of Global CST, retired Israeli General Israel Ziv, held a high-level meeting with Aman chief Aviv Cokhavi, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (all war criminals) shortly before the Feb17 Revolution to receive approval for the deployment of 50,000 mercenaries into Libya. The mission of this Israeli operation? Fuel civil war to bring about Western military intervention (64).

The mercenaries were in place and massacres of protesters were occurring, so the Zionist media took the opportunity presented by the troubled atmosphere to bolster its usual yellow journalism, stating that Qaddafi was now bombing civilians in Benghazi on February 22. As one would expect however, this story was farcical. The story was first exposed as sheer falsehood by the Russian military (65), and then astonishingly confirmed by war criminals Admiral Mike Mullen and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates (66). Despite two of the most powerful militaries in the world confirming that there were no airstrikes against civilians, the Zionist media continued to report them as fact.

As the mercenary’s massacres kept flowing, the Zionist dragon comprised of heads from the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) emerged from the shadows. Its thirst for blood not quenched by millions of dead Iraqis and Afghans, it now wanted Libya to solidify the Zionist entity’s revenge against Qaddafi once and for all. With US, UK and French special forces deployed to Tobruk and Benghazi a day after the fraudulent airstrikes stories were run (67), an organization called the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI) wrote a letter to Obama, puppet of Zion, urging an immediate full-scale military intervention to take out Qaddafi and “end the violence.” Who are the leaders of FPI, you ask? PNAC repackaged: Wolfowitz, Kristol, Abrams, Kagan, Edelman and Senor. The genocidal maniacs who designed the ravaging and pillaging of Iraq and Afghanistan. In line with FPI’s request, Zionist hawks Joe Lieberman and John McCain called Washington from Tel Aviv demanding that Obama arm the “rebels (68),” who were already receiving training from Western Special Ops.

Obama followed suit, obeying the commands of his Zionist masters. On February 28th, the United States passed its largest set of sanctions ever, freezing $30 billion in Libyan assets and subsequently positioned its warships right off of the Libyan coast (69). The very next day, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon called for a no-fly zone over Libya to, no, this is not an attempt at comedy, “stop the genocide (70).” Ayalon of course, did not call for a no-fly zone when the Zionist entity committed genocide from above in Lebanon in 2006 or in illegally besieged Gaza in 2008-2009.

A curious event took place on March 6th, as SAS forces led by an MI6 (Mossad’s Dragon Policy partner) officer dropped into Libya armed with guns, ammunition, explosives and false passports, all to be delivered to Libyan “rebels.” The Libyans were infuriated by such a bold move (71). That though, isn’t what invokes the accusation of curiousness. The Libyan people proposed the idea, that these British forces were actually Israelis using false British passports, as they did with Mossad’s assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in January 2010 (72). Two scenarios should be noted. Scenario One: this British convoy really was just simply delivering weapons to the CIA-backed rebels, as per the West’s policy of backing the anti-Qaddafi opposition from day one. Scenario Two: this British convoy was a false flag terrorism unit on a mission to carry out a massive attack on Libyan civilians to hasten a military intervention. Since they were detained and kicked out, the mission failed. Due to the gap between Obama’s positioning of warships coupled with the round of sanctions and the actual invasion, the latter scenario seems to be the correct one.

On March 17th, the butcher of Gaza Benjamin Netanyahu stated clearly that Muammar Qaddafi was not a friend of Israel and not a friend of the Jewish people, while stating rather ambiguously that he wouldn’t mind seeing military action implemented in Libya, nor would he mind seeing Qaddafi removed (73). Coincidentally (not really), also on March 17th, the UN passed its resolution for a no-fly zone over Libya and the approval of ‘all necessary measures to protect civilians,’ i.e. bombing Libya incessantly; preparations for a coalition strike began (74).

Zionist war criminal Ehud Barak praised the UN for its decision the following day, going on the record that Qaddafi would be gone within weeks and also mentioning that the Arab League (of thugs, dictators, oil barons and kleptocrats) giving its support was key to invading Libya (75). Barak’s nauseating diatribes brought back the memory of 9/11. Just moments after the Towers were struck, Barak was live on the air to blame Osama Bin Laden and call for an invasion of Afghanistan (76). Barak played a key role in Mossad’s false flag attack on 9/11, overseeing the operation as a special advisor for Electronic Data Systems (EDS), a Mossad haven partnered with another Mossad-run firm, SCP Partners. EDS and SCP secured the thermite explosives used to bring down the Twin Towers from several explosives-expert firms in their business portfolio (77).

Nearly 10 years after 9/11 and the criminal, genocidal invasion of Afghanistan, Israel has itself yet another war and its desired revenge on Qaddafi is imminent.

To be continued……

To read Part 2 Click HERE

To read Part 1 Click HERE


(54) The Power Of Nightmares: The Rise Of The Politics Of Fear by Adam Curtis, BBC

(55) 26/11 Revisited: Raymond Davis And A Travesty Of Justice by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(56) MI6 ‘Halted Bid To Arrest Bin Laden’ by Martin Bright, The Guardian

(57) UPI Interview With Hamid Gul by Arnaud de Borchgrave, UPI

(58) Mossad Exposed In Phony ‘Palestinian Al-Qaeda’ Caper by Michele Steinberg and Hussein Askary, Ascertain The Truth

(59) 7/7 Ripple Effect (Documentary) by Muad’Dib also known as John Hill

(60) Gaddafi Blames Al-Qaeda For Revolt by Al Jazeera English

(61) Witnesses Say African Mercenaries Have Been Captured In Libya by France24

(62) Libya: Who Is Propping Up Gaddafi? by Frank Gardner, BBC News; Libya Denies Use Of Mercenaries by Al Jazeera English

(63) Libya: African Mercenaries ‘Immune From Prosecution For War Crimes’ by Jon Swaine, The Telegraph

(64) Mercenary Company CST Global And War Criminal Israel Ziv Write To Voltaire Network by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network; Report: Israel Company Recruiting Gadhafi Mercenaries by Ma’an News Agency; Israel Provides Henchmen For Gaddafi by Press TV

(65) “Airstrikes In Libya Did Not Take Place” – Russian Military by Russia Today

(66) DOD News Briefing With Secretary Gates And Adm. Mullen From The Pentagon March 01, 2011 by U.S. Department of Defense

(67) US, France, Britain Set Up Military Bases In Libya by Press TV

(68) US Neo-Cons Urge Libya Intervention by Jim Lobe, Al Jazeera English

(69) US Moves Warships Closer To Libya, Freezes Assets by Missy Ryan and Ross Colvin, Reuters

(70) Israeli Minister Favours Libya No-Fly Zone by Yahoo! News

(71) SAS Rounded Up And Booted Out As Libyan Mission Turns To Face by Tim Shipman and David Williams, The Daily Mail

(72) SAS-Backed Libyan Diplomatic Mission Ends In Humiliation by Martin Chulov, Mark Tran, Amy Fallon and Polly Curtis, The Guardian

(73) Piers Morgan and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — Full Transcript by CNN

(74) Libya: UN Approves No-Fly Zone As British Troops Prepare For Action by Robert Winnet, Jon Swaine and Richard Spencer, The Telegraph

(75) Getting Arab Support Over Libya ‘Was Key’ by Katie Cassidy, Sky News

(76) Ehud Barak – Architect Of 9/11 by Christopher Bollyn

(77) How Ehud Barak Pulled Off 9/11 by Christopher Bollyn, Sabbah Report

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Tags: Jonathan Azaziah, , , Zionist dragon

3 Responses to “Libya: The Zionist Dragon and The Drums of War – Part 3”

  1. Rehmat

    29. Mar, 2011

    According to Italian journalist Franco Bechis, plans to spark the Benghazi rebellion were initiated by French intelligence services in November 2010. 
    French President Nicolas Sarkozy (born to a Jewish mother and Catholic father) had no problem with Qaddafi until July 2008 – when Qaddafi refused to attend a conference in Paris to launch a Mediterranean Union of 27 EU and 17 non-EU Mediterranean countries. The aim was to make the US-controlled NATO a warlord over the Mediterranean. The Arab League idiots now by calling for regime-change in Libya – have opened the flood gates for not only the domination of Muslim world by western nations through NATO but also threat to China, Russia, Brazil, India and South Africa. 
    In war on Libya – according to US military sources, AFRICOM had flown 336 air sorties, 108 of them launching strikes and 212 conducted by the U.S. The operations included 162 Tomahawk cruise missile attacks. 
    The defeat and conquest, directly or by proxy, of Libya would secure not only vast oilfields to western oil companiesa but also secure a key outpost for the Pentagon and NATO on the Mediterranean Sea to launch its future wars on Syria, Lebanon and Yemen for Israel. 

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  2. warriorhun

    01. Apr, 2011

    "Al-Qaeda" is a US-Israeli joint operation. They are the Mistaravim of Sayeret Matkal. A pseudo-terrorist gang. Their fake threatening videos are produced by Rita Katz's siteintelgroup. "Al-Qaeda" a pseudo-terrorist gang and a mediahoax.

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  3. warriorhun

    02. Apr, 2011

    Let me elaborate on "Al-Qaeda" a bit…
    Do not tell me there is an "real islamist terrorist group called Al-Qaeda" hating the freedoms of the US, wishing to bring sharia to the US, wishing to plant the horsehair and crescent-moon flags on top of the White House…
    So, what the fuck "Al-Qaeda" is?
    Blackwater? US Special forces? Outside of Lawrence of fucking Arabia, no way will a paleface convince Arabs that he is just old homeboy Hassan from the neighborhood. And you can not set out non-involved FBI agents on faked trails if they recognise their own pals from the old Army days as Mohammad Atta.
    Arab mercenaries? There is only so much pregnant Arab women and kids and their puppies that an Arab mercenary will behead for a 100 dollar bill of the unbelievers. Can not be trusted, will not be trusted.

    So, how about that instead: "Al-Qaeda" is an US-Israeli joint operation, a pseudo-terrorist gang and a Media fakery.
    1. As a pseudo-terrorist gang, Al-Qaeda basically is the Israeli Defence Force's so-called "Mistaravim" unit. Mistaravim translates "Like an Arab", "Play an Arab". Sephardim Juden who look like an Arab, speak the language, know the customs, and can sell themselves as islamist terrorist so even the Arabs believe them-compare that feat with convincing the average American TV-viewer.
    In the Middle East they are committing real terror attacks against the locals. When a bomb goes off in a crowded Baghdad market, it was Al-Qaeda. If an IED blows up a US convoy, it was the legit insurgency. False-flag operations and false-flag massacres are standard tactics of pseudo-terror gangs in Counter-Insurgency (CI) warfare. The Rhodesian Selous Scouts did them long years ago. Insurgents do not kill their own folks. But "foreign jihadists" massacring the locals can not hide among the locals without getting hurt: so they have to operate from US bases.

    2. In the Western World, Al-Qaeda is a Media fakery. Their beheading and threatening videos are always "found" by IDF-related SITE, siteintelgroup, who claim to find them on islamist extremist sites. Funny thing is, nobody was ever able to find these videos outside of SITE's homepage. The Nick Berg video was proven fake, and the others are a laugh, too. Would you upload a video of yourself on the net if you plan terror attacks? The drones are up there with cameras, they may compare the live feed from you with your video image with a computer program, and the Hellfire rocket comes. If you wanted to terrorize the West, you will be stopped at the first CCTV. You do not show your face to an enemy with vast resources to hunt down and punish you-unless you have security clearance or you are just an actor.

    Of course, Al-Qaeda is covered in the TV and the news, in faked attacks and real false-flag attacks. The aim is to sell to the viewers the War on Terror and the taking away of liberties. Old Osama was probably given a golden Amex card in exchange of letting his name be used as the second Hitler. The fakery has a more sinister aim: young muslim men are targeted and incited by these news and images to imitate and copy-cat what they see as "legit islamist terror" on TV, so those multibillion dollars funded Secret Services can go after real plots of a bunch of romantic amateur dickheads.This is what was called "Al-Qaeda-franchise" in the news a few years ago. Also, stupid fuckers are set up by FBI with fake bombs, these "home-grown terrorrists" are also named as Al-Qaeda.

    So, my advice is this: whenever you hear "Al-Qaeda" uttered, think Media fakery with isreali involvement.

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