Libya: The Zionist Dragon and The Drums of War Part 2

Posted on 27. Mar, 2011 by in Hot Topics

The Origin Points

As soon as the sanctions against Qaddafi were lifted by all Western powers in 2003-2004, “pro-democracy” groups were established inside Libya by various programs within the US State Department as a means to keep an eye on its newest ally. These groups were to be activated for the purpose of regime change if Qaddafi ever stepped out of line, under the guise of an uprising or a people’s revolution.

 Qaddafi’s first mistake in the eyes of the Zionist dragon came in September 2009 when he delivered a speech to the United Nations and struck a nerve that few have struck, “The whole world should know that Kennedy wanted to investigate the nuclear reactor of the Israeli demon (25).” The Zionist entity’s Kidon hit squad, an elite unit of Mossad, in collusion with the CIA and elements of the Meyer Lansky crime organization, assassinated John F. Kennedy for several reasons. Kennedy’s silent war with al-Nakba architect David Ben-Gurion over Israel’s nuclear program is at the top of the list (26). Israel does not like anyone, especially a leader as prominent as Qaddafi, making mention of it.

Qaddafi’s second slip-up was the Libyan humanitarian aid convoy headed by one of his sons that cracked the illegal, internationally condemned siege against the Palestinian people of Gaza in July 2010. The aid ship, “al-Amal,” was loaded with 2,000 tons of food, cooking oil, medicines and pre-fabricated houses. The Israeli navy harassed the ship and threatened the passengers on board with a forceful takeover (27).  The Zionist entity has shown the world the lengths it will go to regarding its preservation of starving Gaza to death. 9 murdered activists on the Freedom Flotilla in international waters tell the story of the lengths in gruesome detail (28).

Just four days before the “Feb17 Revolution” in Libya, Colonel Muammar Qaddafi engaged in his third and final mishap, triggering the Zionist dragon’s drums of war. In the wake of the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt which disposed dictators Zayn al-Abidin Ben Ali and Hosni Mubarak, two of Qaddafi’s friends ironically enough, the Libyan leader called on Palestinians to revolt against their Israeli occupier. He called on Palestinians to amass from all over the world, coming to the shores of occupied Palestine by boat, to call on Zionism to give into the hands of the oppressed Arab people or face revolution (29).

Keeping Palestinians demoralized and subjugated is the chief weapon used by the Zionist regime in its 63-year occupation of the Holy Land. It is why it keeps collaborationist stooges like Abbas and Fayyad in place, to lead Palestinians down a perpetual road of servitude to Zionism. It considers any call for Palestinians to rise up for their dignity an existential threat. Qaddafi’s call to the people of occupied Palestine may have been an honorable one, but to the Zionist dragon, it was an act of war.

Controlled Opposition: Zionism 101

It was the mass murderer of tens of millions of Russian Christians, and leader of the Bolsheviks, Vladimir Lenin, who said “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” It should come as to no surprise to anyone that the Zionists who identify themselves as  neo-conservative, all of whom are admitted ex-Leninists and ex-Trotskyists (30), are the leaders behind implanting “pro-democracy” groups throughout the MENA to control opposition to global Zionist hegemony. The board of directors at the National Endowment For Democracy (NED), the leader of the “pro-democracy” project in Libya (31), as well as the notorious globalist institution Freedom House (32), are comprised almost entirely of neo-cons.

The foundation of NED was built between 1982-1984 at the behest of a research study headed by staunch Zionist Allen Weinstein, who has headed a plethora of globalist projects masked by the pursuit of democracy. Weinstein has authored numerous books in defense of the Zionist entity’s genocidal operations throughout the Middle East, including one in particular that stressed the necessity of America’s commitment to the illegitimate Israeli state (33). Allen Weinstein publicly admitted in 1991, that the NED’s activities are modeled after the CIA’s operations, “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” CIA monies are laundered through the NED (34), which serves as a perfect cover due to its perceived nature as a organization championing the cause of democracy.

The current head of NED is Carl Gershman, a ubiquitous globalist figure and zealous Zionist who has received awards for furthering the CIA’s agenda in Tibet and who has composed a study entitled “Israel, the Arabs and the Middle East” defending al-Nakba and all of Israel’s colonial endeavors (35). Gershman also worked for the most venomous of all Zionist Lobby organizations, the Israeli intelligence wing known as the ADL. Gershman is rabidly anti-Muslim and anti-Christian; he has stated that the Qur’an “vilifies Jews” and that the Christian World spread the “blood libel.” Additionally, he believes that Arabs and Arab culture suffer from a “moral sickness” and has gone on record to chastise any and all people who have associated Mossad with the 9/11 terror attacks as “anti-Semites (36).”

NED is already deeply embedded in the fabric of Egypt, and has reared its ugly head from the shadows upon the command of Gershman since the fall of Mubarak (37). With Qaddafi upsetting the Zionist dragon to the point of rage, Israel-Firster Gershman initiated the activation of the democratic army. Just three of the NED-funded groups taking part in the “pro-democracy” protests in Libya are the Akhbar Libya Cultural Limited (ALCF), Libya Human and Political Development Forum (LHPDF) and the Transparency Libya Limited (TL). These groups were funded in the hundreds of thousands by NED (38).

NED’s chief sister organization, the National Democratic Institute (NDI), headed by Zionist war criminal and butcher of Iraq’s children Madeline Albright (39), is also deeply involved in the Libyan uprising, as is a smaller NED-linked group, the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI). Aswat, an Arabic propaganda hub in Libya, Libya’s General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation, My Arabic Library (MAL) and Youth Of Today, Leaders Of Tomorrow are all funded by NDI and MEPI (40). So, an umbrella of organizations controlled by an anti-Muslim, anti-Christian, anti-Arab, pro-war, pro-Zionist war monger is looking out for the interest of the Libyan people? Right.

The organizing of the “Feb17 Revolution” in Libya was led by a group known as the National Conference for the Libyan Opposition (NCLO). The NCLO called for mass protests against the Qaddafi regime in a multi-level manner, inside Libya and abroad, all for the goal of bringing down the 42-year reign of the Libyan Colonel (41). The NCLO was formed on June 25, 2005 in London. The main goal of this organization was to foment the end of Colonel Qaddafi’s revolutionary, political, military and security powers and to trigger the formation of a transitional government run by “trustworthy” individuals (42). The NCLO is comprised of six umbrella groups, with the National Front Of The Salvation of Libya (NFSL) sitting at the head. A Libyan exile who resides in London named Ibrahim Sahad is NFSL’s leader (43).

At the onset of the Feb17 Revolution, Sahad and other NFSL and NCLO members began providing the Zionist media with “first-hand” information of massacres, human rights abuses, death tolls and other outlandish accusations that were never independently verified. Ominously, Sahad made it clear to state in an interview that “Qaddafi will not survive the protests (44).” The Zionist media has never given an audience to dissidents from occupied Palestine, occupied Iraq, occupied Kashmir, occupied Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan or the Resistance in Lebanon. So why Libyan dissidents? Simple. Because these particular Libyan dissidents belong to the NFSL, an organization funded for decades by the CIA and closet-Zionist regime of Saudi Arabia (45). In fact, whether it’s the American-Zionist puppet Qatar’s Al-Jazeera or typical Western media outlets like the Zionist-owned BBC and the New York Times, all reports leave a trail that leads back to the CIA’s NFSL (46).

As aforementioned, one of the NFSL’s goals was to set up a transitional government to replace the regime of Qaddafi as momentum from the wave of protests was mounted. On February 27, 2011, 13 days after the fake Feb17 Revolution began, the National Transitional Council, also known as the Libyan National Council, was formed (47), in perfect accordance with the NFSL’s CIA-based agenda. One member of this transitional council is Mahmoud Jibril, who recently met privately with Zionist warmonger Hillary Clinton in Paris (48). Jibril also held a meeting with the Zionist President of France, Nicholas Sarkozy and spoke by phone with the warmongering British Foreign Secretary, William Hague (49).

Jibril, who heads the Foreign Affairs division of the Council, was educated in the United States, receiving a master’s degree and PHD at the University of Pittsburgh prior to teaching there for many years. Jibril also headed an organization called the National Economic Development Board (NEDB), Libya’s largest think tank, formed in 2009 (50). The NEDB was set up and advised by a group of international consulting firms from the US and UK and is in partnership with the London School of Economics (51), which receives its largest amount of funding from none other than George Soros (52). Once the “rebels” secure victory and Qaddafi is overthrown, Jibril is expected to maintain his position at the head of this institution of subservience to neoliberalism. With Jibril’s ties alone, it invalidates the Council’s claims to being the sole representative of the people of Libya. It is the sole representative of Zionism in Libya.

The Council almost immediately called for a no-fly zone over Libya (53). No self-respecting person of conscience, let alone the righteous Libyan people, the sons of the great Omar al-Mukhtar (rip) who led two decades of Resistance to Italy’s colonization of their nation, who are keenly aware of the aims of foreign occupiers and colonialists, would ever call for a no-fly zone over Libya. The same military operation that led to NATO bombing thousands of innocents to death in Kosovo with depleted uranium and cluster bombs and that led to the bombing of tens of thousands to death in Iraq prior to 2003's invasion. However, stooges of Western interests most certainly would. Could anyone imagine Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin (rip) or Hugo Chavez calling for a no-fly zone? Didn’t think so.


(25) Qaddafi UN Speech: Six Highlights – Or Lowlights? by Mark Sappenfield and Tracey D. Samuelson, Christian Science Monitor

(26) The Final Judgment: The Missing Link In The JFK Assassination Conspiracy by Michael Collins Piper

(27) Libyan Ship With Gaza Aid Arrives In Egyptian Port by BBC News

(28) The Reality Of Zionism by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(29) UPDATE 1 – Gaddafi Tells Palestinians: Revolt Against Israel by Ali Shuaib and Salah Sarrar, Reuters

(30) The High Priests Of War by Michael Collins Piper

(31) Board Of Directors by National Endowment For Democracy

(32) About Us: Board Of Trustees by Freedom House

(33) Biography of Dr. Allen Weinstein, Ninth Archivist Of The United States by National Archives

(34) Rogue State: A Guide To The World’s Only Superpower by William Blum

(35) Meet Our President by National Endowment For Democracy

(36) Democracy And Anti-Semitism: Remarks by Carl Gershman by Anti-Defamation League

(37) Uncle NED Comes Calling by Phillip Giraldi,

(38) Middle East And North Africa: Libya by National Endowment For Democracy

(39) National Endowment For Democracy by Source Watch

(40) Where We Work: MEPI In Libya by The Middle East Partnership Initiative

(41) Gaddafi Ready For Libya’s “Day Of Rage” by Khaled Mahmoud, Asharq Alawsat

(42) The National Accord by The National Conference Of The Libyan Opposition

(43) Libyan Opposition Meets To Discuss Ending Gadhafi’s 36-Year Authoritarian Rule by The Khaleej Times

(44) Gaddafi Will Not Survive The Protests: Sahad by Ali Moore, Australian Broadcasting Corporation; 300 Protesters Killed In Libya by The Deccan Herald

(45) What Is The National Front For The Salvation Of Libya? by Yoshie Furuhashi, Red Ant Liberation Army News

(46) Imperial War On Libya by Stephen Lendman, Counter Currents

(47) Anti-Gaddafi Figures Say Form National Council by Mohammed Abbas, Reuters

(48) Clinton Meets In Paris With Libyan Rebel Leader by Steven Lee Myers, The New York Times

(49) France Recognizes Libya Rebels, To Surprise Of EU by Don Melvin and Raf Casert, Associated Press

(50) Key Figures In Libya’s Rebel Council by David Ritten, BBC News

(51) Establishment Of The National Economic Development Board by United Nations Public Administration Network; Michigan State’s Libya Ties by Inside Higher Ed

(52) Hunting For Witches In An Ivory Tower by Danna Harman, Haaretz

(53) Rebel Leader Calls For ‘Immediate Action’ On No-Fly Zone by CNN

To be continued…….

To read Part 1 click HERE

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Tags: Jonathan Azaziah, , , Zionist dragon

11 Responses to “Libya: The Zionist Dragon and The Drums of War Part 2”

  1. [...] Libya – The Zionist Dragon & The Drums Of War – Pt 2 [...]

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  2. Anthony Clifton

    28. Mar, 2011

    Excellent penmanship, your sword glistens, what the NONZIONAZI world should demand is a NO FLY ZONE over Palestine, from the Litani to Aqaba. From the Suez to the Euphrates, to the Gobi to The Indian Ocean, any zionazi aircraft/drone would be zapped immediately, Time to put the zionazi entity in the ash heap of history…Ashkenazim make exodus to Khazaria.

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  3. Emery

    28. Mar, 2011

    Yes but they are God's chosen people. Chosen apparently to be murder's an liars. Maybe this is why they killed Jesus for saying,"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess…Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"

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  4. Moshe Sharon

    28. Mar, 2011

    One of the major weapons in this propaganda war against Israel is the “Remember these Children” website which compares the numbers of Arab children who have been killed in the conflicts to the number of Jewish children murdered by terrorists. The Arab list totals 1,437 since 2000 and the Jewish list totals 130. Not withstanding that such reporting is unsubstantiated, After visiting the site, I noticed that according to this report, most of the Israeli children were murdered in drive by shootings and human bombs exploding themselves in restaurants, buses and markets. In other words, the Arab terrorists targeted those children and murdered them in cold blood. For all of the Arab children, on the other hand, the site identifies the causes of death as gun shot wounds or explosions during the firefights with Arab Hamas fighters. What were their children doing in the middle of a war zone? That is clear and convincing evidence that the Hamas thugs where using the local children as human shields. Soldiers are trained to return fire when fired upon. The bushwhacking urban guerrillas who fire at enemy troops from a neighborhood full of children are the ones causing the deaths of those children. More at http:moshesharon.worpress.comType your comment here…

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  5. Veritas

    28. Mar, 2011

    Remember Islam fundamentalists are controlled by Zionists as well as your Protestent Christians.  Last true bastion of Christianity was Catholocism but was taken over by Zionism and Freemasony at Vatican 2.  Good article.

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  6. Les Jaimeson

    28. Mar, 2011

    Folks,the earth is shifting below us and we may be living out the wacky and wonderful sacredness of the incredible Urantia Book! When Larry Silversteen let slip the dogs of warble we know we are being ushered into a glorious future pre-ordained and chosen for us by forces only an advanced creation can lead us to embrace.Isn't that interesting!
        Jesusonian once said,and I digress here:"For those who feel life is disgusto,remember one thing-The Urantia Book was put on earth for the same reason parsnips were.To edify,nourish and console.Why not learn to cook with the UBook instead".As he finished with that bon mot   the beaming smile this man radiated was a humbling sight to behold.
          Folks,by nourishing the mind with rashings of UBook,combined with a healthy regimen of 9/11 revelations (pull it,dancing Israelis,NORAD,Pentagon,etc.) the future will belong to us!

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  7. Kenneth Rechtstein

    28. Mar, 2011

    Jonathan Azaziah knows the issues, he writes about better than many so-called scholars with Ph.D, in Political Science.
    His analysis are pertinent, well researched and what put him mostly apart is his intellectual honesty, high moral standards and balls.

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  10. [...] Libya: The Zionist Dragon and The Drums of War – Part 2 (Highlights) [...]

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