Archive for March, 2011
Jihad and Terrorism
Posted on31. Mar, 2011 by Bushra Tarrar.

By Bushra Tarrar:
The literal meaning of ‘Jihad’ is struggle; struggle could be for any morally and ethically acceptable goals and objectives. To eliminate poverty, illiteracy, disease or any other evil can be termed as Jihad. The normal accepted perception of Jihad is to fight in the battle field to defeat the enemy, but one thing must be borne in mind that Jihad can only be waged either in self defence or for the liberation of the oppressed and aggrieved. But jihad can never be waged to capture territory for expansion.
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Saudi Nuclear Weapons in the Persian Gulf
Posted on31. Mar, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Arnaud De Borchgrave:
Saudi Arabia has grown impatient. “Waiting for Godot,” Samuel Beckett’s famous play, depicts the “meaninglessness of life,” with its repetitive plot, where nothing much happens. In Saudi eyes, that’s Iran and its secret nuclear weapons program. And eye-drop Western sanctions have done zip to deter Iran’s aging theocrats.
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The US and The UK; The World Hegemony Unionists
Posted on31. Mar, 2011 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.

By Dr Mahboob A Khawaja:
“Everyday, under the pretext of either al-Qaida, insurgents, militants or whatever imaginary name you coined, you have not ceased, not even for one day, slaughtering our innocents……for 4 years, you have not ceased for one single day, not during holiday periods, not during religious celebrations, not even during the day your so called God was born….if you have a God that is.”
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Pakistan: Baloch Separatists’ Foreign Connections
Posted on30. Mar, 2011 by Sajjad Shaukat.

By Sajjad Shaukat Although Pakistan’s security forces have successfully been coping with the Taliban militants in the tribal areas, yet situation has deteriorated in Balochistan where subversive events like targeted killings, attacks on buildings, oil pipelines etc. have intensified. In fact, with the tactical support of the US and Israel, India have been supporting feudal [...]
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The Libyan conundrum
Posted on30. Mar, 2011 by S M Hali.

By S. M. Hali:
It is high time that American and European publics learned something more about this rebel regime which is supposed to represent a democratic and humanitarian alternative to Gaddafi. Abdul-Hakim al-Hasadi, who promulgated the Islamic emirate of “Barq” at Dernah, a town about 200 kms east of Benghazi, has been a close companion of Osama bin Laden.
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Pakistan: Debasing Nishan-e-Imtiaz
Posted on29. Mar, 2011 by Ghayur Ayub.

By Dr Ghayur Ayub:
This award is usually given to individuals in isolation not in groups because the whole purpose of the award is to assess the recipient’s individual capabilities in par excellence. In the past this award was given to outstanding personalities in their fields such as Dr Abdul Qadir Khan, Abdul Sattar Edhi, Dr. Abdus Salaam and Akhtar Hameed Khan, to name a few.
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Libya: The Zionist Dragon and The Drums of War – Part 4
Posted on29. Mar, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah.

By Jonathan Azaziah:
The most important of all of these strikes, is that of the Egyptian oil workers, who are sick of corruption, slave wages, no unions and most of all, gas being pumped to to the Zionist entity, which they refuse to ever do again. Israel had raked Egypt over the coals for its precious resources, forcing the North African Arab nation to lose over 100 billion Egyptian pounds since 2005 alone.
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Pakistan Needs Navigational Change
Posted on29. Mar, 2011 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.

By Dr Mahboob A Khawaja:
“Nations are built by proactive visionary thinkers, intellectuals and leaders, not by the military dictators or the bootlickers of the foreign masters, uneducated and egomaniac neo-colonial stage actors pretending to be politicians and pursuing their egoistic political agendas.”
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WikiLeaks Back in business
Posted on29. Mar, 2011 by Wayne Madsen.

By Wayne Madsen:
Turkish intelligence suspects that Assange has been working for some time for Israel’s Mossad and the CIA in using selectively-leaked classified State Department cables, most of which contain information gleaned from diplomatic cocktail receptions and translations of local newspapers, to bring about rebellions against leaders of Muslim and Arab nations.
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US: Bull in the China Shop
Posted on29. Mar, 2011 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja:
China poses greatest threat to US imperialism but the US neither has the will nor the heart to confront it militarily. It however suffers from enduring craze to assert its global monopoly by terrorizing and pulverizing militarily weak and economically impoverished Muslim states like a bull in the China shop.