Archive for February, 2011
US and Europe: Destination Libya
Posted on26. Feb, 2011 by Editor.

By Patrick O’Connor:
Behind the various diplomatic manoeuvres, the major imperialist powers are accelerating their contingency plans for military intervention in Libya. The Obama administration continues to stress that “all options are on the table.” Speaking from Bahrain on Thursday, Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, said, “We are looking at all our capabilities and a range of contingencies, as we always do.”
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9/11: Haunts American Conscience
Posted on26. Feb, 2011 by gordon.

What Bush and Company did on 9/11 is a stigma that can never be washed away. This will continue to haunt the American conscience for the rest of the life.
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Lebanon: In Re Barak, “Bullahs”
Posted on26. Feb, 2011 by Franklin Lamb.

By Dr Franklin Lamb:
Despite a series of publicly announced “disassociations” periodically issued from the media offices at the Pentagon and State Department, plus a couple of image polishing name changes including currently, Xe Services LLC ( Xe being short for Xena, the mythical goddess of war) the hydra headed Blackwater (BW), founded in 1997 by Erik Prince and Al Clark is still quite active.
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Raymond Davis: Pak-US Inequation
Posted on25. Feb, 2011 by Khalid Iqbal.

By Air Commodore Khalid Iqbal:
Americans have yet once again shown poor understanding of Pakistan’s ground realities. Currently there is an impasse. Public pressure leaves little room for any compromise. The US State Department, having mishandled the issue now needs to act more sensibly and back off to let the tempers cool down. More threats would further worsen an already bad situation.
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Quantum Note: Travels through flashing headlines
Posted on25. Feb, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
The heady days of colonels and generals toppling old monarchies and proclaiming their little republics as socialist peoples’ republic are indeed over. But they refuse to see the change. They refuse to understand that the march of history has made them fossils and hence they keep working from the same old book. They had all come with socialism, anti-Westernism, and nationalism and…….
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ISI and CIA relations
Posted on25. Feb, 2011 by S M Hali.

By S. M. Hali:
Although the ISI operates on a shoe-string budget as compared to the CIA, its motivated and highly professional operatives have proved through various operations that it is a force to reckon with. If the CIA has any doubts in this regard, it should only ask RAW. The onus of not stalling this relationship between the two agencies now squarely lies on CIA.
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Mutiny In Bangladesh!
Posted on25. Feb, 2011 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja:
India had planned to weaken and possibly destroy BDR and in the process defame BDA but the mutiny has helped Bangladesh to rename BDR as Border Guards Bangladesh (BGB) and to further refurbish and expand the new force by creating 46 battalions and 12 sector HQs each under a Brig. BGB has recovered its operational capabilities and is going for modernization and expansion.
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Obama talks to Zardari about Davis
Posted on24. Feb, 2011 by Editor.

By Mustafa Sherwani:
A poetic narration about Raymond Davis episode. He has given a poetic talk between Obama and Zardari
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Dealing with Intellectual Disorder
Posted on24. Feb, 2011 by Jawad Raza.

By Jawad Raza Khan:
It’s time to respond now; there is a dire need of developing special education parameters on realistic, scientific and implementable grounds. To evolve a continuous system the basic parameters on which the special education policy of Islamic Republic of Pakistan would be able to achieve practicable sustainability. Following will be the highlights:
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Pakistan’s ISI ready to split with CIA
Posted on24. Feb, 2011 by Editor.

By Adam Goldman:
NATO and U.S. operations in Afghanistan could be adversely effected by a split between the ISI and the CIA. Washington complains bitterly about Pakistan’s refusal to go after the Pakistani-headquartered Haqqani network, which is believed to be the strongest fighting force in Afghanistan and closely allied with al-Qaida.