Israeli Students And Their Vision Of The World
Posted on 27. Feb, 2011 by Wayne Madsen in US
Israeli art students and mall kiosk vendors just young Israelis who want to see the world? Guess again
By Wayne Madsen
Although they were the subject to a multi-agency investigation for their links to Israeli intelligence, Israeli "art students" and mall kiosk vendors, who have been extremely active in the United States in the months before and years after 9/11, have always maintained they are merely Israelis who want to travel and "see the world" after completing their military service. Practically every Israeli working as door-to-door art salespeople and mall vendors are working in the United States illegally, violating their tourist visas.
After the detention of Israeli art students by U.S. authorities hit the media in early 2002, Mark Regev, the then-spokesman for the Israeli embassy in Washington who now serves as Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's spokesman, denied that any Israelis arrested in the United States were espionage agents. Regev categorically stated, "Israel does not spy on the United States," as if convicted American spy for Israel Jonathan Pollard never existed. Israeli sympathizers and propagandists within the U.S. corporate media all canted the same meme about the Israeli art students being spies: "It is an urban myth," they dutifully repeated ad infinitum.
However, in employment advertisements run in Israeli newspapers in 1979, it is quite clear that the hiring of Israeli students after their military service to subsequently be sent to the United States was a Mossad operation tied directly to the Israeli government. Those interested in Mossad spy work in the United States were directed to send their personal details to a post office box in Tel Aviv or the Israeli Consulate General in New York. The consulate is the largest Mossad station in the United States, with Washington, DC and Houston in second and third place.
Newspaper ad recruiting Israeli students for espionage work in the United States. Source: Covert Action Information Bulletin, Dec. 1980.
The advertisement read:
Necessary qualifications:
- Completion of military service in a combat unit (command position)
- Good health, profile 82 at least.
- Must be studying in the United States and/or planning to go there in Summer 1979 or beginning of 1980. Candidates must have been accepted at an educational institution in the United States.
- Candidate must pay travel expenses.
- Those interested should write and enclose a personal biography, personal information, identity card number.
In Israel: P.O. Box 39351, Tel Aviv (Attn: M.M.)
In U.S.A.: General Consulate/Israel in New York
800 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10017
—Only Qualified Persons Will Be Answered —
j r
28. Feb, 2011
Too cheap to even pay for their spies travel expenses.
28. Feb, 2011
They spied on me over a period of two months because I have been active in controversial politics, some involving Israels concerns.
A young and attractive former IDF lady veteran would come by my office and sell me art. I bought a couple of works and took her to lunch. She was "going door to door" but I observed that my office was the only one on the street that she went to, and when she left, she quickly walked the enitre block with out stopping elsewhere. She was not going door to door.
I found out they were living at Scientology in Hollywood while in the USA,
Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall
24. Mar, 2011
Wayne, they spied on me, too, in Seattle in June 2001. I'm also a long time activist (with plenty of monitoring by the FBI) and have nothing whatsoever to do with the US government (according to Fox News they just spied on defense installations).
I write about the encounter in my recent memoir THE MOST REVOLUTIONARY ACT: MEMOIR OF AN AMERICAN REFUGEE ( I currently live in exile in New Zealand.
28. Feb, 2011
Read the books "By Way of Deception" and "The Other Side of Deception" by Victor Ostravsky.
28. Feb, 2011
At least we know we're all out for each other in the great animal game called life. The Israeli's are racist, apartheid fuckheads as is evident just from reading the news. The Americans are stupid, lost pukes that never understand the concept of "tax dollars" and where they go and what they are used for, which, usually, is killing people who've never done a damn thing to us. Someday, huh?
28. Feb, 2011
I met one of these spies. I was designing our local FBI facility in Raleigh and one of these female "art" students came by selling paintings. I said "oh I know plenty of art students. What school do you go to? Of course she did not know what school she went to but she was very interested in how are computers worked and where the server was located. F U FBI scumbags the real enemy (Israel) has floor plans to your facility which is housed with all those defense contractors at the Capital Center in Raleigh NC. Oh, and a special F U for special Agent Jim Page who helped cover up the Anthrax mailings and helped the culprit get paid 6 mil by the DOJ.
28. Feb, 2011
Type your comment here…mossad will cause the end of israhell, count on it. When the zionists are exposed for the insane murderous psychopaths that they are, the world will be a better palce.
28. Feb, 2011
another trick these devious individuals are into is selling dead-sea body creams and moisturizers – i met some of these sociopaths in a mall in australia – some hot-looking jew-bitches with the disposition of a shark – i knew all about what they are up to because i did some time in gaza and the west-bank working for the ism – so i was just fucking with their heads – jews are actually really stupid – i 'took the piss' out of them and they never caught on – stupid cunts…
28. Feb, 2011
Israel operates it largest espionage network in United States, the very country which has donated trillions of dollars to the Zionist entity since 1960s and has shielded its crimes against humanity at international forums since 1948. In addition to Katya (Jewish spies), Israel also maintains over one million Sayanin (local Jewish collaborators who works for Israeli espionage network) around the world.
Steven Green in his 1984 book Taking Sides: America’s Secret Relations With A Millitant Israel, exposes several espionage and theft activities carried out the Israelis, which no politician has the courage to admit in public and most of those traitors were not prosecuted by the FBI. The data shows that Israelis and local Jews caught-up in such anti-US activities outnumbers from all the other communities caught in such actives put together.
US-Israel: The Odd Couple
28. Feb, 2011
By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Make War!!!!!!