US Ammunition tells its own story

Posted on 31. Jan, 2011 by in Hot Topics

American ammunition is available in abundance if the targets are the Muslims and their lands; be it Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Sudan, Yemen, Gaza, Tunisia and now Egypt.

By Yvonne Ridley

As people across Egypt continued resisting and rising against the brutal dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak it is quite clear they will not stop until he goes.

Quite clear to everyone, that is, apart from the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who is so out of touch with what is happening on the ground you have to wonder who on earth is advising her.

She appears to have no idea of the burning resentment and hatred held towards America among the ordinary men and women of Egypt. More than 100 have paid the blood price, so far, for standing up to the US backed tyrant Mubarak and two thousand others are injured.

It has been lost on no one that the empty shell casings from live ammunition and gas cannisters, which litter Tahrir Square and other streets across Egypt, were provided by the United States of America.

The “Made in the USA” empty shell casings tell their own story not just of the innocents they have killed, but of their origins and of America’s deadly legacy of unwelcome foreign interference in the region.

The Egyptian people have been fed propaganda for 30 years, their evening news on State TV is sanitized and censored and many have been afraid to speak out freely under the US backed dictatorship of Mubarak.

But do not for one minute think the Egyptian people are stupid – sadly the US has once again completely misread and underestimated an entire population.

These demonstrations are as much a protest against US meddling in their affairs as they are against the Mubarak regime.

Despite all of this Clinton showed not one ounce of compassion or humility when she made her latest blundering speech.

With the sensitivity of a bull in a china shop, she called for an orderly transition but only after heaping praise on the Mubarak government which has “made and kept peace with Israel avoiding violence, turmoil and death in the region.”

She told ABC News: "Democracy, human rights and economic reform are in the best interests of the Egyptian people." These are the same people her own government ignored as they continued to fund and back Mubarak with billions of US tax payers dollars over the decades.

The BBC's North America editor Mark Mardell says Clinton's comments are a sign that the Obama administration is edging towards accepting, if not openly endorsing, an end to Mubarak's rule. The truth is Mark, the Egyptian people do not want any more US interference – they do not want any more American weapons being used against them. America has no interest in the people of Egypt. Its only concern is for the man-made pariah state next door – Israel.

Clinton has been so out of step since this whole turmoil began to erupt. Both she and Obama remained completely silent for four whole weeks as scores of Tunisians died in that uprising and it was only when their man, Zine El Abedine Ben Ali took flight that they condemned his brutality.

When Egypt threatened to kick off Clinton said assuredly that the country was “stable.” That was a week ago and as she is beginning to learn, a week is a long time in politics. She says she wants democracy – but what sort of democracy Hillary? The sort that sees another tyrant take power? Or are you really going to let the people decide?

And by the way, the people are beginning to rise and resist right across the Maghreb, throughout the Middle East and Asia. US Foreign Policy has turned America in to the most hated country in the world and if Washington really told their own people the truth,. I know the millions upon millions of decent US citizens would be horrified by what is being done in their name.

But the truth is the American people are kept well away from the truth and are among the most least informed people in the world today.

Few Americans have any idea that this and the previous Bush administrations do not want democracy in the region. In fact they have collectively punished the people of Gaza for exercising their democratic right by voting for a Hamas-dominated government.

This has not been lost on the Egyptian people Hillary who, by the way, have a great love for Palestine, a place in their heart for Gaza and an even deeper hatred and mistrust for the brutal Zionist State, which really does threaten peace and stability in the region.

As I write this F16 fighter jets and attack helicopters, made in America, are flying overhead to try and intimidate the Egyptian people. Too late – there isn’t an army in the world that can beat this peoples’ army. Their fear has gone.

You ill-informed advisers won’t tell you this Hillary, but I hate to see an empowered female make such a prat of herself, so here’s a piece of advice. The time has come when you really must step back and take a vow of silence. Every time you open your mouth you are looking and sounding even more stupid than the female presenter on Egyptian State TV who assures us all is at peace with the world and the streets of Egypt are empty and calm.

Yvonne Ridley is the European President of the International Muslim Women’s Union who came to fame when she ventured into Afghanistan after 9/11 and was captured by Taliban. Later released and then she studied Islam and became a Muslim. She is an activist, present everywhere against tyranny, injustice and oppression.

She is a regular contributor to Opinion Maker.

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10 Responses to “US Ammunition tells its own story”

  1. stevor

    31. Jan, 2011

    Wikileaks (which is supposed to just be  CIA propaganda) told how the USA has been moving toward getting rid of Mubarak for 3 years.
    If the USA is backing Mubarek, why were they planning this overthrow for 3 years?

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  2. michael mazur

    31. Jan, 2011

    ~~The “Made in the USA” empty shell casings tell their own story~~
    If by that is meant military small arms ammunition then that is not correct, as these only have on their base the last two digits of the year of manufacture and a two letter code in caps denoting factory of manufacture, the deciphering of which requires a search of a data base for such things, and so in passing gives country of manufacture. Sometimes calibre is stamped there too, sometimes not.
    In defense of Hillary Clinton, it should be noted that her job right now is impossible, and no one would have forseen that it should happen on her watch as Sec of State.
    The world wide imperium Americans have gotten used to is collapsing before their very eyes, and HRC has the uneviable task of issuing statements as if that were not happening, and hence the faintly ridiculous nature of them.
    But that is unavoidable, be the Sec of State man or woman, during this transition period.
    Any Sec of State needs to support a long time US supported despot, even though tottering, as that is the way of an imperium, but must be mindful of not overly alienating the broad mass of the disaffected people angrily seeking the ouster of that very despot, and, as the Sec of State happens to be a she this time, is keenly aware that they all know that she, in this capacity, or any other capacity, never had expressed any concern for them until a week ago.  

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  3. Rehmat

    31. Jan, 2011

    Hillary Clinton's source of information about the Muslim world – like the other American top politicians, comes from Jewish-controlled mass media and her speeches are written by the scriptwriters who have close links to Israel Lobby (AIPAC).
    While Ben-Obama has 'wished' for new election (as long as they don't bring Hamas and Hizbullah or Ahmadinejad in power) – Israeli-poodle Vice-president Joe Biden has called upon Mubarak to crush the protests.
    No American leader would dream to loose the last powerful Israel-friendly government to be toppled. They already lost Turkey last year.
    How much the American politicians are kept on a leech – ask Ron Paul who just dared to call for cancellation of US's annual military aid to the Zionist entity worth US$3 billion. 

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  4. Sean

    01. Feb, 2011

    Is someone collecting that brass? That stuff is valuable.
    But what difference does it make? If the US didn't sell it to them, someone else would. Does it matter if it American made, or Serbian made? Czech? Chinese?
    The people pulling the trigger are responsible.

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  5. American Patriot

    01. Feb, 2011

    Hillary couldn't keep track of Slick Willie in her own house. How can she keek track of nations??

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  6. philip a.travers

    01. Feb, 2011

    I think that Hilary cannot be defended.What major qualifications did she have before standing in New York for a Government position!? Wife of the President, the man that can bypass proper law enforcement by Presidential Declaration! Let criminals off at the end of his career and have it openly reported.Thus adding to the threat towards the law abiding. Eygpt was well aware of Israeli LSD factories in the seventies.Somewhere along the line he[Mubarak] accomodated too much,perhaps another word maybe habituation ,as in drug habits. Not that I am implying that about Mubarak.He didn't have control of CIA supported Air Fleets whilst being in U.S.A. Presidential Office.One of the Clintons did though,including making reinforcing statements about a forced attack on a religious group who were seeing drug flights into the U.S.A. in a near airport and the Feds killed adults and children alike.Must protect somebody's arse from proper investigation, I guess.How threatened personally by Israeli forces and U.S.A. two faced toadies of corrupt Government, is Mubarak is beyond the anal eroticism of looking in a mirror by those Clintons.

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  7. [...] US Ammunition Tells Its Own Story [...]

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  8. athe North Gate

    01. Feb, 2011

    Type your comment here…Let's take a step back to Bush II; he said "Order ab Chao" ; remember?  Order out of Chaos! An old Jedi mind trick is playing it's part.Illuminati in action. Read Texe Marrs Codex Magica if you want to keep an eye out for the dark side. Look "both" ways crossing the street…Peace

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  9. [...] Source: Opinion Maker [...]

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  10. American Patriot

    10. Feb, 2011

    She takes her orders directly from Israel just like Obumer, Biden and the rest of the zionests in the White House.

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