PAKISTAN: Indigenous Manufacturing Of JF 17 Aircraft
Posted on 03. Jan, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba in Pakistan Forces
By Air Commodore Sohail Malik
Since coming into existence, the Pakistani nation has had its fair share of trials and tribulations. The strategic geographical location and fast emerging geopolitical scenarios have been the imposing determinants on its policies and direction. Notwithstanding our weaknesses as a nation, the people of Pakistan have undoubtedly given a good account of themselves by displaying resilience, perseverance, and unwavering determination in the face of imposed hardships.
Air power in the 21st century has emerged as the decisive factor in modern day warfare and is the most effective element of the military. A fighter aircraft, being the primary platform of air power, has held the key to success in most, if not all modern war scenarios. However, while potent military arsenal deters foreign aggression, it is the indigenous military capability that truly provides a dependable and sustained defence both during peace as well as war. Nations desirous of pursuing an independent foreign policy with minimal external influence thus need self?sufficiency in production, operation, and maintenance of their military equipment. The spiraling cost of inducting off?the?shelf modern weapon?systems is also supportive of this option.
Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, established in the early 1970s with the aim to create an indigenous facility for overhauling aircraft and aero?engines has contributed significantly towards PAF’s operational readiness over the years by optimizing aircraft availability. The set?up gradually flourished, leading PAC into manufacturing of a small trainer aircraft by establishing the Aircraft Manufacturing Factory (AMF). The factory has gathered experience of manufacturing over 300 Mushshak / Super Mushshak primary flight trainer aircraft and of producing structural assemblies of K?8 Advanced Jet Trainer. Success on these and other similar projects afforded the confidence to the decision makers to venture into manufacturing a fighter aircraft at PAC. On the other hand, Kamra Avionics & Radar Factory (KARF), which was already producing Radar Warning Receivers and Griffo?7 Airborne radars for the F-7P aircraft since 1996 was naturally suited to the production of JF?17 avionics.
The primary aim of the JF?17 co?production project is to establish the capability for the agreed work?share and to sustain a production rate commensurate with PAF’s operational requirements. In order to produce its share of work, AMF is establishing the capability to manufacture, assemble, and test this modern fighter aircraft. The capabilities being acquired represent the cutting edge of technology, have broad industrial applications, and are in most cases unprecedented in Pakistan in terms of capability and capacity. In the field of avionics development, self?reliance has been achieved by acquiring complete Integration?technology. Setting up facilities for the avionics production at KARF was again a huge task, involving development of infrastructure and induction of a large number of equipment items.
In the JF?17 program, first milestone in manufacturing was achieved with the capability of sub?assembly work in Jan 2008. In planning for the JF?17 project, the sub?assembly manufacturing was preferred as the beginning step in view of the previous experience from production of Karakoram?8 jet trainer. After the readiness of necessary infrastructure, human resource, and the administrative framework, the final assembly and flight?testing commenced in June 2009. On 23 November, in the same year, the first indigenously assembled JF?17 aircraft rolled?out from the Aircraft Manufacturing Factory of Pakistan Aeronautical Complex. This capability achievement phase was completed in May 2010 during which six aircraft were produced and handed over to PAF. The next phase planned to commence in the near future is the manufacturing of piece?parts for which final preparations are at hand. On the avionics co?production side, nine systems are being co?produced while another three have been indigenously developed in Pakistan. The in?country production stands at 30% of the package in numbers and more than 50% in terms of value. PAC remains committed to enhance this figure in the next phase.
The JF?17 co?production project is one of the most ambitious projects undertaken at the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex. The tangible benefits of the JF?17 program extend beyond the apparent defence outlook to the creation of a highly enabled technological hub in the country. The wide array of diversified engineering facilities presents opportunities to both academia and the industrial sector of Pakistan. The presence of state?of?the?art technology within their reach can greatly enhance the awareness level with minimal additional investment. Experts can research on ways to best utilize the latest technologies available at PAC to the mutual benefit, thus innovatively improving the value?addition in the manufacturing sector of Pakistan. The project has afforded more than 4000 employment opportunities, thereby contributing towards the well?being of people from all over the country. The growth in expertise shall benefit the local industry through consultancy, advice and training. The human resource trained on these technologies at PAC can make valuable contributions to the national skill potential. Over a long period, capitalizing on their high skill level, the human resource can even evolve as an upstream vendor industry.
The fruits of this endeavour are manifested in the form of JF?17 Thunder aircraft, which is an all weather lightweight aircraft, having an advanced airframe design, high aerial manoeuvrability, state?of?the?art avionics systems, and a wide array of weapons. Equipped with these features, it can truly be placed in the higher strata of medium?tech aircraft category. The flexibility of customisation in incorporating the avionics suite would prevent the briskness of technological advancements from outpacing the strategic foresight. The JF?17 has been designed to stand in good stead in the future and it is envisaged to remain the mainstay of PAF for years to come
The JF?17 Thunder Programme is a landmark achievement in the quest for realizing a dream through friendly cooperation between two countries. The co?production of JF?17, a vital and integral element of the overall programme, is undoubtedly a challenging project undertaken by Pakistan Aeronautical Complex in support of the national goal of self?reliance. The newly established state?of?the?art facilities represent a quantum leap in the technological capability of PAC and shall be a forerunner of even bigger endeavours.
The personnel of PAF draw inspiration from the countless sacrifices rendered by our national heroes and the contribution made towards defence of the motherland. The distinction of belonging to a select group of countries capable of manufacturing a fighter aircraft should indeed be a boost to the national esteem. The people of Pakistan can cherish the JF?17 Thunder with resounding national pride, as the skies of their beloved motherland shall be guarded by a potent homegrown platform.
03. Jan, 2011
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PAKISTAN: Indigenous Manufacturing Of JF 17 Aircraft
04. Jan, 2011
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04. Jan, 2011
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PAKISTAN: Indigenous Manufacturing Of JF 17 Aircraft - Pakistan Talk Forums
05. Jan, 2011
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05. Jan, 2011
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Ashraf Moussa
05. Jan, 2011
Good news I hear there. My day was a piece of depression as usual, but with this spirit you levitated it a bit. Thank you.
In hurried immediate response from me on reading this; in parallel, I call for something you need it in extreme urgency that became enormously delayed beyond any acceptance to the full damage and full scale danger: Asian Islamic multinational countries, (A) "industrial data and standardization communication-center-institution". It is one institution center, cross border with its own free independent panel, supported financially by the governments and donations, and private investments. It has a full copy in each country shared it.
At first, my ambitions is not mainly researching, my ambitions is not big for now, though it could be fed by its own subordinate research institutions later, or now by other independent academies, universities and other research centers. The main task now is to collect the already existent industrial data needed by all sorts of industries, civilian and military, and make it available at one institution. It is not completely a "know how" for now, it is just plain data collection and distribution Hub-Center for whoever need it among "Asian" Islamic countries.
Practical and certainly applicable data of the following:
1) Data tables of metallurgy for mechanically treating the materials and alloys.
2) Chemical engineering.
3) Solid state physics, chemistry and technology.
4) Electronic and electrical engineering materials.
5) Mechanical procedure-designing and standard patterns.
6) Electronic circuit functional patterns, practical and tested standard patterns for any application of any electronic application and function like standard blocks.
7) Communications procedure-designing patterns of all sorts.
9) Agriculture and biology data.
10) Medical data, diagnosing and treatment, pharmacology.
11) Geology and mining data.
12) An item addition is much appreciated, I am just suggesting to make you understand what I am talking about, feel free.
This Data Hub institution is passive and value zero and most probably will die so faster than it is initiated unless it served another institution (B).
(B) "Strategic industrial communication hub": Though competition is much appreciated and promoted, yet the cooperation and completion between different parties of industries is ultimately vital. The competition is working its own and is not oppressed of any least except in the strategic needs, the necessary cooperation and completion is what this institution is supporting, feeding and facilitating. It collects all data about the industry parties and keeps it continuously updated, every tiny and big industry party or investor should keep in touch with that communication hub. Every industry party and investor will get his needs of industrial data or the contact with the other party that can complete his needs of spare parts or feeding materials from that hub. Moreover, which is the most important, it is has a strategy-planner panel to find where the lacks and inefficiency on the map of the industry of the sharing countries to close such gaps and fulfill very wider view of economical and security goals, self reliance in some strategic tasks is main and essential goal.
Any one who read this call, immediately on moment stand up, pick up your phone and content your brother in Iran or turkey or Bangladesh to start accomplishing this chained-couple of industrial institution. In less than one week, I want to see a conference, not to discuss and debate it, don't discuss it; committed conference to only establish it. Do it now.
That what has came to my mind at moment on instant hurriedness.
January 5, 2011
Ashraf Moussa
05. Jan, 2011
Good news I hear there. My day was a piece of depression as usual, but with this spirit you levitated it a bit. Thank you.
In hurried immediate response from me on reading this; in parallel, I call for something you need it in extreme urgency that became enormously delayed beyond any acceptance to the full damage and full scale danger: Asian Islamic multinational countries, (A) "industrial data and standardization communication-center-institution". It is one institution center, cross border with its own free independent panel, supported financially by the governments and donations, and private investments. It has a full copy in each country shared it.
At first, my ambitions is not mainly researching, my ambitions is not big for now, though it could be fed by its own subordinate research institutions later, or now by other independent academies, universities and other research centers. The main task now is to collect the already existent industrial data needed by all sorts of industries, civilian and military, and make it available at one institution. It is not completely a "know how" for now, it is just plain data collection and distribution Hub-Center for whoever need it among "Asian" Islamic countries.
Practical and certainly applicable data of the following:
1) Data tables of metallurgy for mechanically treating the materials and alloys.
2) Chemical engineering.
3) Solid state physics, chemistry and technology.
4) Electronic and electrical engineering materials.
5) Mechanical procedure-designing and standard patterns.
6) Electronic circuit functional patterns, practical and tested standard patterns for any application of any electronic application and function like standard blocks.
7) Communications procedure-designing patterns of all sorts.
9) Agriculture and biology data.
10) Medical data, diagnosing and treatment, pharmacology.
11) Geology and mining data.
12) Any item addition is much appreciated, I am just suggesting to make you understand what I am talking about, feel free.
This Data Hub institution is passive and value zero and most probably will die so faster than it is initiated unless it served another institution (B).
(B) "Strategic industrial communication hub": Though competition is much appreciated and promoted, yet the cooperation and completion between different parties of industries is ultimately vital. The competition is working its own and is not oppressed of any least except in the strategic needs, the necessary cooperation and completion is what this institution is supporting, feeding and facilitating. It collects all data about the industry parties and keeps it continuously updated, every tiny and big industry party or investor should keep in touch with that communication hub. Every industry party and investor will get his needs of industrial data or the contact with the other party that can complete his needs of spare parts or feeding materials from that hub. Moreover, which is the most important, it is has a strategy-planner panel to find where the lacks and inefficiency on the map of the industry of the sharing countries to close such gaps and fulfill very wider view of economical and security goals, self reliance in some strategic tasks is main and essential goal.
Any one who read this call, immediately on moment stand up, pick up your phone and contact your brother in Iran or turkey or Bangladesh to start accomplishing this chained-couple of industrial institution. In less than one week, I want to see a conference, not to discuss and debate it, don't discuss it; committed conference to only establish it. Do it now.
That what has come to my mind at moment on instant hurriedness.
January 5, 2011
JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4] - Page 74
06. Jan, 2011
[...] [...]
Ashraf M
06. Jan, 2011
Someone has posted that link:
I went there and registered to share that forum, then tried to post anything? The result is I am blocked to post and share though I successfully registered. I am sick of this mental retardation. This is sick.
To the moderator, I have posted two replies here, please delete the first of them and leave the second, they are almost the same.
Ashraf Moussa
06. Jan, 2011
Call Number two (2)
Like the previous call number one, I want to construct one ASIAN Islamic "multinational mathematics institution", independent of its own. Its aim is to provide all the mathematical expertise and mathematical solutions needed by any research center or industrial expert-design house within the sharing countries, sponsored by the governments and the fee of the services they provide. Connected by the "industrial data and standardization communication-center-institution" and the "Strategic industrial communication hub"
They are three multinational institutions as one group unit to serve the development of the Asian sharing countries.
Do it now.
Ashraf Moussa
06. Jan, 2011
No real developing without mathematical expertise institution.
Ashraf Moussa
06. Jan, 2011
I want to hear good news in one week? any bids, who wants to record his name as one of the founders of the future of the Islamic nations? No one? all are deafs?
Ashraf Moussa
06. Jan, 2011
Though China is on much better national situation, my humble invitation is "welcome".
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07. Jan, 2011
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11. Jan, 2011
dear ashraf please join the differents forums waiting for u
Ashraf Moussa
13. Jan, 2011
Thank you for the invitation for Pakdefence, I'll follow it.
sincerely yours
13. Jan, 2011
In long years, nobody on line, ever, told me "please, Ashraf, join us"??? Always I am completely familiar with kicking out. lol, ha ha ha, that is the most mysterious strangeness ever happened to me online…. ha ha ha, so? Forgive me, if I am full of suspicions, and it is defense forum? Are you sure that you are not inviting me to some "mine land" or "special forces ambush"? I don't say that this will fade my courageousness to jump in, I am going, min land or fruit garden, equal to me, lol. Who knows, perhaps you may break the record of longest time ever any online place permitted to share, lol, two-five posts?
13. Jan, 2011
I have visited the address, it is as I expected, yet, you lack the intelligence to be comedian. Comedy needs deeper sense and talent than this. People usually are confused between comedian and nonsense-superficial, they are different.
24. Jan, 2011
JF-17 is a big achievement for Pakistan and China and it is a big milestone achieved in the history of the two countries.
13. Apr, 2011
Nice article!
I think web master should add some pictures to the article, you could google or get from here
24. Apr, 2011
i have an aeronauticl idea to enhance the aircraft load carrying capacity i want to share with high authority of paf to apply on aircraft this modfication
reply me back
30. Jun, 2011
This is a v. good news for our country
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