Archive for December, 2010

Western Double Standards

Posted on29. Dec, 2010 by .


By Yvonne Ridley:
How on earth can anyone treat the US Secretary of State seriously when she comes out with this sort of pot, kettle, black rhetoric? This from a nation which is morally and financially bankrupt, a country which introduced words like rendition and water-boarding into common day usage.

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Is The West Going Through a Phase of Moral Degeneration

Posted on28. Dec, 2010 by .


By Kourosh Ziabari:
the ordinary people of the UK, like the ordinary people of Iran, have no dispute with one another at all – we are all at heart vulnerable creatures in need of forgiveness and understanding. In a modest way, books can help to build bridges, and I would be greatly pleased if my own books helped Iranian readers to feel that there is someone a little like them living in another country far away.

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If Obama Could Keep America First!

Posted on28. Dec, 2010 by .


By Alan Hart:
For the neo-cons and their associates who marshal and deliver support for Israel right or wrong, and who by so doing subvert what passes for democracy in America, I have a New Year message. Learn the lesson of America’s costly and catastrophic adventure in Vietnam. It doesn’t matter how powerful you are militarily, you cannot destroy ideas with bullets and bombs, especially ideas rooted in the need for self-determination, justice and human and political rights.

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Wikileaks: Its Impact On World Media

Posted on28. Dec, 2010 by .


By Wayne Madsen:
The fact that a new and massive U.S. propaganda operation was hatched in a “private” conference in Washington is further proof that the government has divorced itself entirely from the people it claims to serve- which brings us back to Wikileaks and the leaked cables.

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Posted on27. Dec, 2010 by .


By Air Commodore Khalid Iqbal:
Pakistani leadership is well aware that as the time of withdrawal nears, Americans would continue to raise the ante to portray Pakistan as having scuttled the prospect of American victory in Afghanistan. Irrespective of the quantum of effort by Pakistan, the US is not likely to be satisfied; it will continue to push Pakistan in to a self destructive alley.

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The US: The National Image and its Contradictions

Posted on27. Dec, 2010 by .


By Professor Lawrence Davidson:
Benjamin Disraeli once labeled Britain’s government “an organized hypocrisy.” That was in circa 1845. Things have not changed much and by now hypocrisy might well be seen as a common sin of democratic government. This is because in democracies straight forward honesty about behavior that runs counter to the idealized national image is usually bad politics. Among today’s democracies none proves this point more than the United States.

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Kashmir as envisioned by Jinnah

Posted on26. Dec, 2010 by .


By Dr Raja Muhammad Khan:
“Of all the personalities in the great drama of India’s rebirth to independence, Mohammad Ali Jinnah was at once was the most enigmatic and the most important —-it is barely conceivable —-that a new nation State of Pakistan would have been created, but for the personality and leadership of one man, Mr. Jinnah.”

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Radioactive Ore in Kurram Agency

Posted on26. Dec, 2010 by .


By Dr Ghayur Ayub:
. In nature such deposits have little harmful effects since they are in balance with nature. It only emits what is called the background radiation which is safe. The story does not stop here. After 9/11 things have changed as the region has turned into a battle zone exposing these ores to foreign bombardments. A typical example is visible across the Spin Ghar in Tora Bora region in Afghanistan. Those mountains are known for having enormous amount of radioactive ore.

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Encirclement of Pakistan

Posted on26. Dec, 2010 by .


By Sajjad Shaukat:
In this regard, Indo-Israeli lobbies are working in the US and other western countries in order to implicate Islamabad. With the help of particularly American media, these lobbies are propagating that the next terror-plan to attack the US homeland will be prepared in Pakistan.

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US Arrogance and The Conflict of Geography

Posted on26. Dec, 2010 by .


By Brig Samson Sharaf:
If USA is adamant in pushing its own interests in Afghanistan and remains insensitive to Pakistan’s security, ethnic and other social concerns, Pakistan is well within its right to pursue its own ends of policy. After all it was these objectives that formed the basis of Pakistan’s cooperation with the US in the war against USSR and allowed free access to Afghans for over two decades. More than 70% population of Afghanistan is ethnically, linguistically and culturally linked to Pakistan.

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