Archive for November, 2010
Who Are Playing With Balochistan?
Posted on28. Nov, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Hamid Waheed:
What wonders me is why the army is sleeping and not projecting its sincere efforts for common Balochi. Are they too simplistic or they have no knowledge of perception management. The efforts of new political setup are all excellent measures but hopefully will take into consideration and reinforce the common Baloch agenda already in ruin for the last 60 years and will not only find solutions to support feudal culture.
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The Perfect Division of Pakistani Society
Posted on28. Nov, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Peter Chamberlin:
The Christian Bible has a teaching: “A house divided against itself shall not stand.” This is the reality that the people of Pakistan today; in order to avoid the bottomless pit of civil war they must find ways to work through those differences of opinion.
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The Korean crisis
Posted on27. Nov, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Bill Van Auken:
Six decades after US and Chinese troops waged bitter hand-to-hand combat south of the Yalu River, tensions on the Korean peninsula are arguably at their highest since the end of the Korean War. They are being fed by and are in turn exacerbating great power conflicts between Washington and Beijing.
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Can Israel defeat Hezbollah? Part II
Posted on27. Nov, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Dr Franklin Lamb:
A French General on the scene was asked “you are sending Muslims to fight against Muslims?”?
The general reportedly laughed and replied, “If our Arabs win we get the credit , if our Arabs or theirs die, who cares.”
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Air Blue Crash: Why Can’t They Tell Us?
Posted on27. Nov, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Dr Haider Mehdi:
Reliable and confirmed sources in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, claim that Air Blue flight 202 on July 28, 2010, flew in its expected air corridor over a foreign embassy for landing. Two unidentified mercenary guards on duty as the embassy’s security fired hand-held surface-to-air missiles at the plane that struck its fuselage resulting its instant crash.
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The U.S. Economy: Stand by for more worse news
Posted on26. Nov, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Wayne Madsen:
One of the triggering mechanisms will be at the end of this month when two million idled workers, now collecting unemployment, will be dropped from the rolls. At the end of December, another two million workers will join the ranks of those who have exhausted their unemployment benefits and a total of 4 million Americans will be without unemployment checks and face destitution.
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Quantum Note: Bleak Pak-Afghan Realities
Posted on26. Nov, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
Intellectually, Pakistan has become a wasteland. There was a lively literary tradition until the end of 1980s, there were at least second-rate scholars in humanities—historians, sociologists, literary critics, etc.—and Pakistan had a mediocre crop of scholars in religious studies. All of that has disappeared. All that is left now is the daily struggle of survival for a vast majority of disempowered people. Afghanistan was never a center of scholarship in its recent history, but at least it had a vibrant religious life and tradition of piety steeped in antiquity; now that has been destroyed.
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Maoist Insurgency in India
Posted on25. Nov, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Sajjad Shaukat:
There is no doubt that Maoists of India are fighting for the basic rights of lower and middle classes, which have been usurped by the upper classes supported by the Indian government. Just as we have noted in case of some other states of India, especially in the occupied Kashmir where struggle of liberation continues in one or the other way—when people take to arms, there is going to be all kinds of violence by the freedom fighters and the revolutionaries.
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Challenges for Obama
Posted on24. Nov, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By General Mirza Aslam Beg:
“The USA is a country in decline with a weakened political, economic and military system” and that is the challenge for Obama to demonstrate the courage to switch course and re-launch himself in pursuit of what he told his supporters: “I spent my whole life, chasing the American dream.” It is his job now to find common ground with the Republicans, “to move the country forward, and get things done for the American people.”
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Sarah Palin and the missing “F” word
Posted on24. Nov, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Alan Hart:
I know and have frequently said, even on public platforms in the U.S., that Americans, generally speaking, are the most uninformed, mis-informed and gullible people on Planet Earth. But gullible enough to make Sarah Palin president? Surely not.