Archive for November, 2010

Containment of China and Iran

Posted on30. Nov, 2010 by .


By Sajjad Shaukat:
It is mentionable that Balochistan is replete with mineral resources. Its ideal geo-strategic location with Gwadar seaport where China has invested billions of dollars could prove to be Pakistan’s key junction, connecting rest of the world with Central Asia. It is due to the multiple strategic benefits that the US, which signed a nuclear deal with India in 2008, intends to control Balochistan as an independent state in containing China and Iran.

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Wikileaks: The Tel Aviv Connection

Posted on30. Nov, 2010 by .


By Jeff Gates:
Wikileaks’ release of confidential diplomatic cables provides Israel an opportunity to undermine U.S. relations worldwide while also inflicting lasting damage on U.S. interests in the Middle East. After this, what nation would trust the U.S. to maintain a confidence?

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Desperate Times ahead for Quilliam’s Jihad Express

Posted on30. Nov, 2010 by .


By Yvonne Ridley:
I am a feminist and always have been. I am a big admirer of the women who inspired the suffragette movement – a movement if it were in operation today, the likes of Quilliam would write off as radical and extreme for that is exactly how those magnificent females were treated by some frightened men who feared change.

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1971: Sarmila Bose salutes the Paksitan Army

Posted on30. Nov, 2010 by .


By Sarmila Bose:
There is much for Pakistan to come to terms with what happened in 1971. But the answers don’t lie in unthinking vilification of the fighting men who performed so well in the war against such heavy odds in defence of the national policy. Rather, in failing to honour them, the nation dishonours itself.

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Afghanistan: Extension of Dateline

Posted on29. Nov, 2010 by .


By Brig Asif Haroon Raja:
Gen Petraeus is under mounting pressure from Washington to produce results. He in turn is exerting pressure on Pakistan to help him win the war by eliminating sanctuaries of Taliban in North Waziristan and in Quetta region since he believes militants in eastern and southern Afghanistan are being fed from these two regions. He has become desperate for the victory and so are the Taliban. While defeat is staring into Petraeus face, Taliban are smelling victory.

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Posted on29. Nov, 2010 by .


By Air Commodore Khalid Iqbal:
President Karzai is of the view that military surge has been “unhelpful,” turning Afghan cities into garrisons and alienating the local population. He envisages the end of war through talks with Iran and Pakistan. He is also trying to end the war through “triangulation” by mediating between NATO and the Taliban.

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Candidly speaking: The de-Zionization of Anglo Jewry

Posted on28. Nov, 2010 by .


By Alan Hart:
If the Jews of the world are to play their necessary part in de-Zionizing Israel/Palestine, they need to be reassured about their security and wellbeing in the lands in which they live. For most Jews these are the nations of the mainly Gentile world. (Most of the Arabs and other Muslims who also live in these lands have always known the difference between Judaism and Zionism. Most Gentiles don’t know).

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US Media:On Reality and its Alternates

Posted on28. Nov, 2010 by .


By Professor Lawrence Davidson:
Too many Americans, and their leaders as well, haven’t got an accurate sense of the real world. In part, that is why the U.S. government regularly formulates domestic and foreign policies that answer the demands of interest groups while harming the rest of us. Such policies fail in the long run.

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Designs behind Fake Taliban Leader

Posted on28. Nov, 2010 by .


By Sajjad Shaukat:
Here it is also notable that American CIA-operated drones strikes continues unabated on Pakistan’s tribal areas. In this context, a writ petition must be filed in a court of Pakistan against the US President Obama and the ex-president Bush in connection with the deaths of many a persons through drones attacks.

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Competence of NATO and The US?

Posted on28. Nov, 2010 by .


By Dr Raja Muhammad Khan:
President Karazai has initially denied that he ever met the fake Mullah Mansour. He particularly said that, “We have not met anyone named Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour. Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour has not come to Afghanistan. Do not accept foreign media reports about meetings with Taliban leaders.

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