People We Do not Know
Posted on 27. Sep, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Opinion, World News

Experimental Poet who loves to love
We come from different backgrounds, cultures, religions, countries, we speak different languages and even with all these dis similarities we are closer that ever.
But who are “WE”?, people around the globe, “People We Do Not Know”, those strange faces that we encounter in every walk of life, in the coffee shop, the market and like a social disease in the social networks. We are every where, we have different skin colors, different social and economic status, but we do not notice those little almost insignificant details that in our everyday life are so important, but not in here. We can not see them as being an impediment to get together as one, as if we were part of the same family.
One of my closest friends, my new found brother Raja Mujtaba have showed me what real trust and friendship is. He

Raja Mujtaba
owns an online newspaper
Foresight With Insight
That in short period of time have positioned itself as one of the best sources of real news in the world.
It have been the power of the social networks, the interaction with these people that we do not know, that we talk and make part of our everyday life, that have made this little newspaper to grow and positioned itself as one of the most read newspapers in the world.
For years the world was used to the NEWS, but with the coming of the instant communication corridor, we have realized that the NEWS is not what is given to us in a silver box. No…the news are being made everyday, by all of us..we are interchanging NEWS everyday. The TV stop offering us the TRUTH. I quote a phrase from Raja Mujtaba’s website “It is my conviction that there can be no peace without justice thus the root cause to every problem must be identified and addressed. Justice leads to peace that develops love” I m over thrilled with his vision for our world, that with closed eyes I help him in his crusade for justice and peace.
During my virtual travels I have had the pleasure to meet beautiful people, specially in Gaza Strip..that little piece of land besieged by Israel Madness, but their people do not give up their hopes for Freedom, for Peace, and their dream to lead a normal life.
Take for example my dear Shady Alassar, a photographer from Gaza, that despite all the instability of his land, he keeps striving for a better future.

Shady Alassar
Shady Alassar Photography , Gaza Strip, Palestine
He won’t stop trying to leave Gaza at its will, travel out for pleasure or business. Who are those people inside Gaza that we see with different eyes because we been programmed to do so for so many years of propaganda, Gazans are people like you and me, they are people “We do not know”, but only because we do not dare to know them. It is amazing that now, we “chat” to them as our best friends, we treat them as family. Imagine what will “Bush and Company will say”, our brothers and friends live in a Land out of boundaries to the world, but not for us, the “people” of the networks.
The social networks this phenomenon that took us in a wild ride, unexpected. We live every day their economical crisis from far away, we cry with them for them.
What is our role in this drama, we are part of their drama, we were there in that part of his life, recently he was part of an exhibition of Gaza Youth photography, and he made us part of his happy moments.
Do you know him? maybe you have see him in the walls, but is not important, you are proud with him. Gaza was in the news, and we were part of the news as well, sharing those moments with the world, we wonder what really happen to all of us?…we take pride in their achievement, we suffer their struggles. We are being part of this strange alliance of hope, where, “WE” are coming together as a family is a normal guy, like your neighbor..what make him special? really in this virtual world that we are being part of, we all are specials or we all are ordinary world citizen It is your perspective of the world what it make it look beautiful or gray.
Gaza Strip
The Social Networks unleashed “POWER TO THE PEOPLE-FOR THE PEOPLE”, the invisible revolution is unstoppable, you can feel it in the air, in the wires. The Internet came to stay. Do not allow it to be taken away. It’s our right to fight for a common cause. Peace Worth it, Love Worth it, You Worth it. I Worth it.
Why is this?. we have no specific answer but we connect with ease, we give our phone numbers our emails, we treat each other as we know for long time.
Can somebody really understand why are we doing this?… Nobody really knows, we just “DO IT”, it is as if we have broke the stereotypes, we have broke the imaginary stigma that kept us apart.
The religious, social, economic, and race stigmatization, y marginalization that have kept us worlds apart, but now, we not do see it, we do not feel bounded by those ideas,now we want to explore all religions and cultures, we want to learn and feel their struggles as ours.
The Poet Of Love
Munir Mezyet Palestinian Poet, he is my Dear Friend if it was not for this wall I would not know him, he lives exiled in Bucharest, but never the less he is not far nor stranger, he is as close as my best friend next door.
We are free now, we feel this freedom to choose to add friends, to share our morning coffee with a complete stranger. The walls that for some people like Germany and Palestine have hold them apart, now “The Walls” are bringing us together.

Palestine Wall
Now The “Walls” are keeping us together, they are spaces in the virtual world where we share more than ideas, passions, fashions, love experience, causes for freedom.
We are being part of the world with “People we do not Know”.
These intercontinental connections, long distance calls that few years back would have been impossible, for different reasons, social and economical reasons. We calling to Australia, Pakistan, Tunisia, Gaza, Brussels, Argentina, Afghanistan…the whole world is part of our geographical area, skype and messenger broke the barriers of time and space.
We losing our sleep over “People we do not know”, odd, don’t you think so?
What have it changed today? we are comfortable interchanging Mobil numbers to a complete strangers, if you want to see us this way. We do not think twice before we type out our “private email”.
We interact few times in the walls, in the channels, the spaces. and we call ourselves friends, brothers, comrades. We go

The World Of Social Networking
to extreme lengths to fight for your rights, to fight for your country, to fight for your causes.
We stand strong for a reason we do not completely understand, other than doing a social justice to peace and friendship.
What really had happen to all of us?, that suddenly we raise our voices for your flag, for the protection of your individual liberties, your civil rights. Really why is this?
What it is going on in the world? Do we find that we were missing the link to Love? Are we able now to befriend and Love a complete stranger? The connectivity of the Universe is showing us the signs that we were overlooking, love is so easy to find, to expand to hold and express, in a single line on a chat room, you can find your long long waited twin love, or your lost friend or new friend.
Do not be afraid to show your kindness, your sensitive fiber of your heart. Love is at the reach of your finger tips at the end of the keyboard. Expand your conscientiousness, open up your mind to the pureness of Love.
The social networks have opened the doors the collective conscientiousness. Love is not inclusive of your close families.
The state of the mind now, have reached the tip of the idea that Love is not a feeling but a state of the mind, balanced ripped to the age.
Welcome to the new era of Universally. The web of ideas finally is at its best. LOVE IS ONE. And we are One. Because we are Love.
a WordPress rating system
27. Sep, 2010
This is really a reallity…we are comfortable interchanging Mobil numbers to a complete strangers, if you want to see us this way. we just feel so close to each other…that a new type of defineless relationship is dveloping…an aceess which social network provides..makes our drawing rooms are filled with our friends…we feel worried…if our friends are not there as ….we are worried about near and dears
27. Sep, 2010
“We fear what we don’t know,” Hazrat Ali ibn Talib, 4th Khalifa of the Believers.
I bet Mr. Guzman would love to call Dr. Izzeldine Abuelaish his brother as I do.
He is a Gaza-born doctor cured thousands of Arab-hating Israeli Jew patients at Chaim Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv. He received their gratitude when Israeli shelling of his home in Jabaliya – killied his three young daughters and a niece during 23-day invasion of Gaza Strip.
He now lives in Toronto (Canada) accompanied by the remaining members of his family – and has just published his first book, titled “I shall Not Hate: A Gaza Doctor’s Journey”,
28. Sep, 2010
If I need to know what is happening with the floods in Pakistan, I ask Raja. I get instant feedback without the edits. Freedom of speech is practiced when I speak to people from around the world. We can discuss daily politics and all sorts of matters. There is something to be said about first hand experience from online buddy then from television news reporter, joe what his name.
Usama Nizamani
02. Oct, 2010
If it would not be for internet, than it would have been impossible to have myself agree to this beautiful article which reflects reality in its soul and message.
Indeed, my life has been reshaped and I again call it the divine destiny, the same destiny which took Yusuf (peace be upon him) through series of trials and then elevated him to the stature of Noble man not only in the world but as an appointed man of God to spread the message of truth. Thus, the destiny continues to influence our lives most of the times with beautiful people and sometimes with bitter experiences to help avoid them in future (inshAllah).
Thank you so much for sharing this message, may God guide you to the light of eternal truth. Aameen
03. Dec, 2010
Thank Mr. Nizamani
Thank you so much for your kind wishes and words of prase for my work.
I m walking in life grabing every bit of light I can see in my way. I see every day new bis of it, when I find beautiful people in my road. All these people that I do not know, but that thanks to the internet I can meet in essence.
All our world is having a tremendous mischief for the better, seems than we are really now realizing our world, in all its splendor and in all its ugliness.
I hope that soon rather than later every citizen of the earth be shake to the bone and wake up and take the journey that some of us has started already.
God bless us all, and protect his creatures and our Beautfull Earth.