Secularism: The Brainchild of Freemasons Part II
Posted on 25. Aug, 2010 by Naveed Tajammal in Opinion
By Naveed Tajammal
The secularist, movement, was started, by certain elements which were the real pressure groups, as well the intellectual class of the later ottoman empire, whose efforts, were the culmination and introduction of the idea of secularism in the new constitution of a new Turkey in 1924, these people, who were, infused with this thought process, brought a, disaster, for the Muslim's, of Turkey.
The purpose of highlighting, Ottoman Turkey, as a case study, though very briefly and practically in general outlines, is to state that, just because, the Turk leadership, of that time had done a blunder, due to pressure of the super powers, we need not, even think about it, for reasons, as will be explained, as these have resulted in a chain reaction of events, a study of which however brief is a must.
The intellectual class which had spearheaded this move were ethnically and religiously not the actual Turks, as the term goes, as I had earlier stated, the composition of the Turkish empire was fifty percent, Muslims, as late as 1910, however at the time of the start of the 1839 and 1856 so-called reforms,"tanzimats" the Muslim population was much less as between 1839 and 1910, the empire had lost a lot of its area due to weak Sultans and the leadership factor.
The powers of that time were obsessed with breaking up of Turkey, as they are, to breakup Pakistan. The balkanization maps are so eagerly being propagated to soften the Pakistan minds for its acceptance and its merits for the Zionist controls. Reverting back to the empire, and its, population as it stood, at the start of 20th century, they inhabited, Iannina, Scutari and Kosovo. Monastir had a population mix of both Orthodox Muslims and Christians, the Christian portion of Monastir formed part of Bulgaria. The Bulgarians, besides Monastir, also inhabited Salonika and Kosovo, all were Orthodox Christians. Here it is pertinent to note that the, headquarter of 'The Committee of Union and Progress' was based at Salonika. The Freemason Jews lent a strong support to the work of the committee; the later leader of Turks, Mustapha Kamal, was a key figure of this organization which later became part of Freemasonry League.
As stated earlier, the empire had 300,000 Jews all over, the business and commerce was in their control, the Greeks,
followed next. What happened to Adan Menders, and his hanging much later, on 16 September 1961, along with Fatin Rustu Zorlu and Hassan Palatka, was an interconnected sequence, spread over decades of resistance against secularism. The Servians were in Kosovo; the Christians and the Greeks, were spread all over the commerce and trade of the empire. They were orthodox as well, as Greco-Christians and the Kutzo-Vlachs (Macedonians) were Christians, the Lazes, found in Trebizond and east were Muslims as well, as Christians. The Kurds were in Erzurum, Sivas, serest, angora, and Mosul, all were Muslims, the Circassia’s, spread all over Asia Minor were Muslims. The Arabs, in the empire, were in Adana, Aleppo, Syria, Baghdad, Sanjak of Jerusalem, Hejaz, Yemen, Beirut and Basra, all being Muslims. Today, the name given Saudi Arabia has no relevance with history. It was coined when Abdul Aziz Al-Saud took over Hejaz and that was not without the support of Col D.E. Lawrence
Armenians lived in Istanbul, as well in other vilayets (provinces), of Turkey in Europe. They were also in Sivas, Angora, Trebizond, Adana, Erzurum, Bittlis, Mosul, Van and Aleppo; all were Gregorian and Christian Catholics. The Jews, had spread in Europe, courtesy the empire, on whose destruction they were bent upon, they retained the jugular of business, in the empire. A sect of Jews called the Samaritan, were confined to Napluze, a vilayet of Beirut.
The Chaldeans or the Nestorians, who then spoke, Syro-Chaldaic, and partly Arabic, were too in Baghdad, Mosul, Aleppo, Beirut, and Mamurat-ul-Aziz.the Malachite, or the Syrian, were greco-catholics, who were Greeks, ethnically, spoke Arabic, but were, united Orthodox Christians, as went the classifications, and lived, all over Syria. The Jacobites/Syrians, who spoke Arabic, were all Monophysite, as well Jacobite Christians, the monites, spoke Arabic, but in their, churches, it was syro-chaldaic. They were located around mount. Lebanon and Beirut. all were Monophysite, (Catholics). The Druse, and the Mendaties, or Ben-i-Yahya; too were located around, Mount Lebanon and the Sanjak of Hauran and Basra; they were all Sabaeans. The main aim of these, other then Muslim races was, to, disrupt and destroy the empire; the first to go were the "janissaries." This will be explained later, as to why they were, axed.
Now, to have a brief, insight in the administrative, set up of the empire, is also a must. Muhammad the second, the conqueror of Constantinople in1453, had created a very free set up. With not much of red tape, as the term goes, he presided over all key matters, and led the army too. The administration was composed of "kazas' or cantons, under command of a kazi, the sanjaks, or departments, came under, Alia Beys or Mir-i-Livas (colonels and brigadiers) with one horse-tail banners. The vilayets were under, bey-ler-beys, pashas with two-horse tail banners, in war times all bey-ler-beys served under the Grand Vezier, the title of vezier was also held by, six or seven persons, they all met under a "kubbe" or a dome (cupola) as the hall of the divan had a massive cupola, the veziers were also pashas, with three-horse tail, banners. Here it should also be kept in mind that prior to the reforms of 1839 the empire was much larger and had more Christians; the Arabs were cut off after the Arab revolt spearheaded by, T. E. Lawrence in 1914-1919.
The Christians hated the Turks because they had taken over the capital of their Eastern Roman Empire in1529 they were at the gates of "Vienna" Austria, and Khair ud Din, called Barbarossa. The Mediterranean Sea was converted into a Turkish lake. In1683, the brilliant, "Kara Mustapha" the grand vezier, with an army of 500,000 was again at Vienna, this time, he wanted, the conquest of the whole of Germany, and create Ottoman province, from, Rhine to Danube. The weak ruler, Muhammad the fourth, could not bear the grand vezier, so planned his destruction while Kara Mustapha, led the army. But, in history such, fickle minded, weak rulers have always existed, hence in the middle of the war, Kara Mustapha, was executed at Belgrade, by the cowardly sultan’s orders. Eventually, the Turkish Army, deposed him and brought forward Suleiman the second.
Now, the "janissaries" revolted; so all these events, were manipulated that led by a constant interference of the super powers, the Christian population, as well the Jews, ended in 1839 and 1856 reforms. As by 1821, the Greeks had revolted, on the behest of Russians, it was only the timely help of Mehmet Ali the Pasha of misr, (Egypt) who saved the day. By the protocol of 4 April 1826, signed at St. Petersburg on the behest of British. Vide this treaty, Greece was to be governed by its own elected authorities and would have independent commercial relations. the further end on Turks by the superpowers came at battle of Navarino, on the 20th Oct.1827 with this came the axe on the "janissaries" and the end of the main fighting force, of the Turks. Bad and incapable leadership always destroys the organization which it is unable to control or manage and then dies its own death. A new and capable leadership controls the events and leads the same nation, once declared dead by all, on a new path.
Ruining empires and nations, is and has been, the policy of various pivotal powers, this would continue to be the same in the future also; unless we awaken up to these facts and counter the moves. The nations are always misled by propagandists, working in various modes and using different means of implementing their ends. The unwary and unwitting gullible people are taken for a ride thus damage is inflicted, as is in the case of the Muslim world. There has to be a collective awakening, infusion of some new blood in the leadership who will have to take some measured steps to put the nation on a solid and sound path.
We study history, or political process, which is an ongoing event with a purpose, the point of all discussions is to exchange ideas and arrive at some mental conclusions, if a debate continues without an end, it is a waste of time, and effort. The purpose to my mind is, we should, analyze and try to stay away from something which has been proven a failed experiment, as was, and is, the case of secularism, in Turkey. Through these articles, the purpose is to create awareness for a better insight for a reader more insight to understand the course of events that led to this situation in Turkey.
Our people fail to understand that, the political events are a chain of events, which, a player had played in the past, and they affect our lives in one form or the other, even now so, instead of remaining a "pawn in the game,” we too should do something about it in, some form or the other.
The present policy is the old "statesman” policy being used on us, the power players in this case, subvert the loyalty of the victim nations’ population, from it’s states, which eventually travels down to the very foundations of the country’s military power- which is in reality the final objective. Militarily weakened nation is then targeted and destroyed from within then dismembered or balkanized as is said now. This term originated from the nation that was the Osmanli Empire till the last century, the Headquarter of our Muslim Khilafat, the present case study, the scourge of the west had been it’s, "janissaries."
A corrupted Turkish word, from the word, "yenni-cheri" or the new troops, the entire corps was commanded by the "Agha" of the yennicheri, called "oj ak"(the hearth).it was divided into ,"ortas"or units, of varying numbers, the "oda"or the room, was the name given to the barracks in which they were lodged. Sultan Suleiman the first, had organized them into 196,ortas, divided into three classes," jemaat' had 101 ortas; beuluk, had 61, and sekban had 34 ortas. there were also additional, 34 ortas of apprentices. In the peace times, the ortas were 100, men strong, in war times it was raised to 500.
The distinction, between the different classes, was in duty, they performed, the jemmat; or the "yaya beiter" were charged with, the frontier duties, the beuluk, had the privilege to serve as the sultan’s guards, and kept the sacred banner both during war and peace. The sacred, banner was the flag of the holy prophet.
Until 1574, the effective strength of the yennicheri, including the ajami, was not allowed to exceed 20,000, in 1805, they numbered 112,000.and at the time of their destruction they were 135,000.
The ‘yenicheri’ were spread all over the empire, guarding all the vital places; it was this fighting machine which was destroyed by the weak and cowardly Sultan Mahmud the second, on the orders of his, mentors of the powers.
To have a better insight into the function of this remarkable institution, this kept the empire in one piece while it was in existence. The Code of conduct was a creation, which only affected them. Implicit obedience to the officers, perfect accord and union among themselves, abstinence from luxury, Islam was the code, enforced by the rules of "Hajji Bektash" a learned, pious Muslim, saint.
Yennicheri, were entitled to special rules ,regarding, a death penalty, if awarded to them, promotion, was by seniority, they could be punished and admonished by their own officers. Only the infirm and unfit were pensioned off, they were not allowed beards, nor to marry, nor to leave their barracks, or engage into trade, but to spend, the time in drill and in the practice of the "art of war".
In the time of the peace, the Janissaries (yennicheri) could not carry arms, but were armed with clubs, only in the frontier were they allowed arms in peace times.
The Janissaries, banner, was of white silk, on which verses from the Quran, were embroidered, in gold, this banner was planted besides, The, "agha’s" tent, in the camp, with 4 other flags, in red cases and a three horse tail banner/standard.
Each aorta, had its flag, half-red and half-yellow &placed before the tent of its commander in the start, the janissaries, bore no other, mark of distinctive nature, save a white turban. This was converted into red. With gold work on it. The officers had the difference in the colour of the boots, the commanding officers, of the, beuluk, wore red boots, the others yellow, while the juniors wore black.
Thus on 10 June 1826, Mahmud the second, ordered the destruction, a fatwa (decree), was issued by the Shaikh-ul-Islam, the flag of the holy prophet was "unfurled" and Ibrahim Agha the artillery commander opened cannon fire on the barracks, they were asked to ‘’surrender’’, which was, replied with the cry of "olmaz" never or not possible. None survived the massacre, the barracks were burnt down, men burnt, but none pleaded for mercy, such was the unity and discipline.’’ Amongst them’’. The rest of 135,000, men too met the fate as stoically, All over the empire. The reason being the flag of the prophet had been "unfurled" on them by a devious, sultan. The cause of none resistance was, that the janissaries, had been the custodians of the same flag in the past. It was only "unfurled" in grave circumstances thus was the signal of the final act," to do or die." for it. Thus died the Manhood of the empire, with its destruction ended the State. Eventually what had been the gravest threat to the whole Europe, within a year, the powers of West had forced the ill-fated Sultan, “By the treaty of London,” on 6th july1827 to grant autonomy to Greece who were to be governed by a prince of their choice. (Christian).
With the destruction of ‘yenicheri’, Mehmet Ali, viceroy of ‘’Egypt’’, too revolted and was at the doors of Istanbul, from the eastern and southern side. He was made by these powers, a hereditary ruler of Egypt, by a, ’’fireman’’ issued by the new boy sultan, abd-ul-majid (1839-61).through him these powers introduced, edicts, called "tanzimats "much to the pleasure of the merchant classes and traders of the empire, who were all Christians & Jews, for whom all these efforts in the breakup of the structure were done, through the hands of a doomed sultan, named Mahmud the second. Followed by an equally, ill-omened, ruler.
To read Part I click HERE
26. Aug, 2010
What’s common in United States, England, France, Germany, Canada, India, Israel and Turkey – they all pride themselves for their secularist governing systems, which allows religious and equal gender rights to all its citizen. Guess what – it’s as much a myth as Palestine was promised to Jews by the Biblical G-d.
This myth was exposed by British Lord Justice Brook (March 3, 2005) in his verdict in favour of Shabina Begum, saying – “Her freedom to manifest her religion or belief (in case of wearing Hijab) in public was being limited.” In France Muslim female students are banned to wear Hijab – while in Germany and Turkey – wearing Hijab is banned in public offices.
The searches of non-Whites and Middle Eastern has increased by 300 percent since 9/11 – blamed on the Muslims, but never proven in a western court of law. The western and several anti-Muslim governments has used the ‘War on Terrorism’ hoax to target Muslim minorities living under their rules. The list includes arbitrary arrests, physical and mental tortures, imprisonment without trials and non-stop vilification of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by Zionist propagandists. The recent free distribution of 28 million copies of anti-Muslim DVD Obsession is a case in point.
Despite a fanatic Kemalist secularist governance for the past 86 years – European government leaders still consider Turkey ’a Muslim country’ – Which proves that the West cannot stop being paranoid when it comes to Islam and its followers.
The US, a nation with the highest numbers of billionaires (4,500) and millionaires (300,000) – is also world’s largest jail-house (2.1 million jail-birds, half of them women) – not to mention that 45 million Americans cannot afford necessary medicare, and 51 million Americans cannot read or write. On women liberation – the US’s record is shamefull too. In its three hundred year history, no woman has ever held the position of President or the Vice-president. It also have world’s record in prostitution (over 50,000 new women are added each year). According to Amnesty International, a woman is raped every six minutes and a woman is battered every 15 seconds in the USA.
Israel with a population of less than six million – has the largest budget (US$57.08 billion in 2007) among the Middle Eastern countries. However, besides its Zionist regime’s persecution of native Muslim and Christian population – according to daily Ha’aretz (December 2006), one out of every three children in Israel lives under poverty – not to mention its pathetic treatment of women, who are sold into sex slavery.
India is considered world’s largest secular democracy. However, the low-caste Hindus (220 million), Muslim (145 million), Christian (10 million) and Sikh (18 million) minorities – are all victimized by the secular regime. According to Amnesty International, more than 7,000 wives in India are murdered each year by their families or in-laws in disputes over dowries. Indian Hindu author, Gita Aravamudan, quotes UNICEF findings in her book Disappearing Daughters that almost 7,000 girls are murdered through abortion per day in India.
In Canada – Ontario provincial government provide funding for Catholic (44% of Canada’s 31.1 million population) schools only. In October 2007, the official opposition party forwarded a proposal to extend such fuding to other religious schools. This generated much ‘Islamophobia’ and the proposal was rejected by voters, which affected all non-Islamic schools too! In April 2008 the provincial Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) dismissed a complaint filed by Canadian Muslim Congress (CIC) and a group of law students against Macleans’ magazine for printing of anti-Islam material from Mark Steyn’s (a Jew converted to Christianity) book between 2005-2007. The magazine’s management not only refused to apologize to Canadian Muslim community (over 800,000), but also refused to publish CIC’s rebuttal. OHRC ruled that it has no jurisdiction over printed media – but it denounced the magazine for “Islamophobic portryal of Muslims”. In February, 2006 – a local Islamic council filed a complaint with Alberta Human Rights Commission against ‘Western Standard’s’ publisher Ezra Levant for reprinting the insulting Danish Cartoons, which is pending for decision.
Germany’s firstever woman Chancellor, Markel, is the most pro-Israeli German citizen. When Danish Cartoons were reprinted by some Zionist magazines – her government protected such religious provocation as ‘freedom of press’ – However, in 1992, when Dr. Murad Wilfried Hofmann, a German diplomat for 33 years including German ambassador to Algeria (1987-90) and Morocco (1990-94) – and NATO’s Director of Information at Brussels (1983-87) – published his book ‘Islam: The Alternative’ – he was viciously attacked as “fundamentalist” by Zionist press and feminist lobbyists in German Parliament.
France has the largest Muslim population (over 7 million) among European countries. However, its leaders have never been elected or appointed in high-level government decision-making positions. France’s current President, Sarkozy, is a Zionist and son of a Spanish Jewish mother. He allegedly worked for Israeli Mossad in the past. In France, a Christian-majority nation – one can question the existence of Jesus, but not Jewish holocaust. On February 27, 1998 – French philosopher, Roger Garuady, was fined US$40,000 for authoring the book The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics. He was victim of Jewish Lobby campaign – accusing him of ‘denying the crimes against humanity (Jews) by expressing scholarly skepticism of Holocaust extermination story.
The unfair treatment of Muslim minorities living in the West – and western support for the corrupt and brutal secular regimes in the Muslim world has convinced the great majority of Muslims world-over that secularism is a myth and unfit to govern them. Even many non-Muslims living within secular societies feel that their religion is vulnerable. Many Christians in the West views gay bishops, women priests, illigitimate children, pornography (monopolized by secular Jews), vilification of the New Testament as a hate literature by Jewish groups like Anti-Defamation League (ADL), and commercialization of Christmas as mallicious attempt by secularist fundamentalists to subvert Christian values and replacing them with secular ones.
Canadian academic, Henry Makow PhD (a former Zionist Jew, who lived at a Jewish settlement in Palestine, as a youth), wrote in October 2004 – “In Muslim societies, women are cherished and loved for their service to their families. Irshad Manji (a Canadian lesbian ‘Muslim reformer’) would export the West’s family breakdown and plummeting birthrate by liberating women from this place of honour…..The political ramifications of Manji’s crusade became clear when she referred to Israel’s occupation of West Bank and Gaza as a ‘double occupation’ – one by Israel and the other by their religion, which made them reject Israel’s many generous peace offers.”
Karen Armstrong, a former Catholic Nun, in her book ‘ Muhammad: A Biography Of The Prophet’, wrote: “We constantly produce new stereotypes to express our apparently ingrained hatred of Islam….The Iranian revolution was not just an atavistic return to the past, but an attempt to impose decent values in Iran again.”
Islamic Shari’ah is the only source which provides a governing system – where all religions can be practiced in freedom. It has been proven in Muslim spain, Hindustan, Palestine, Greece, and North Africa, in the past – and is being practiced in Islamic Rebulic of Iran, at the present.
Naveed Tajammal
27. Aug, 2010
Thankyou Rehmat for giving more information.
26. Aug, 2010
The details of the Ottoman Empire, or even of its existance, is a subject that is unknown to most americans.
I am taking alot of this article with me, and hope to read more works by this author.
I would like to leave this behind;
Shlomo and Ali
Shlomo holds a book, named talmud.
Ali holds a book, named Koran.
One holds the names of Jesus and Mary quite dear.
The other does not.
Which man should I invite over to my table for dinner?
Naveed Tajammal
27. Aug, 2010
However the book,or the Quran was of THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD,and not of ALI.
Hybrid Rogue
26. Aug, 2010
Liberty is not an invention of revolution.
Liberty is the discovery of enlightened reason.
Take your fairyland theocracy and shove it.
26. Aug, 2010
26. Aug, 2010
Turkey is a Muslim-majority country and used to be seat of Ottomon Empire, whose Sultans were respected as “Khalifahs” among Muslims around the world till the Khilafat was abolished by in 1924 by Gen. Kemal Pasha and his Crypto-Jew dominated Young Turk Movement.
The six principles of Kemalist doctrine – Republicanism, Statism, Secularism, Nationalism, Etatism, and Populism – were incorporated in the 1924 Constitution. Fearing public uprising, the Kemalists did not implement all those at once – but enforced them between 1926-36 gradually. The major amendment in 1924 Constitution was to ban religious propaganda for political purposes (1926); banning of Arabic and Persian in schools and removal of Islam as the State religion (1928); the ban of Adhan (Muslim call for prayer) in Arabic (1933); a change in Turkish alphabets from Arabic to Latin script (1928); ban on religious titles (1934), and replacement of Friday as weekly holiday. The ban on Adhan in Arabic was lifted by Adnan Menderes’ government in 1950.
The present Constitution of 1982 supports the principle of secularim (which is totally against Islamic Shari’ah). Under this Constitution – a 15-member Constitutional Council with powers to ban a political part which pose challenge to Kemalism. Since 1961 – no political part gained majority to change this Constitution (neds two-thid majority to do that) – secularism remains the hall-mark of secularist and military establishment in Turkey. Islamist party Refah founded by professor Erbakan (1983 and banned in 1997) – and its successor Fazilat were both banned.
Banning of MP Safa Merve Kavakci to represent her Istanbul constituents at the 550-member Grand Turkish National Assembly for wearing Hijab in 1999 – showed the ugly face of so-called Kemalist secularism.
The Turkish military, which has appointed itself as the guardian of Kemalism – has overthrown four elected governments in the past 50 years.
The Kemalists have made Turkey the largest foreign debt holder among the 57 Muslim nation-states – a stagering overall US$262.9 billion by 2008.
The current ruling party, Justice and Development Party (AKP), which won great majority of parliamentarian seats for the second time – is being hailed as a victory for democracy. However, since some of party’s senior members belonged to the banned Islamist paries in the past – they’re blamed by Islamophobic and secularists as Islamists in hidding – just like the Crypto-Jews in Turkish society, who pretends to be Muslims, but anti-Islam in their hearts. AKP has assured both the Kemalist military establishment and its western backers that the party intends to lead Turkey under secularism and refuses to accept Kurdish demand for atonomy within a Turkish federation or an independent Turkish state in occupied Iraq. It has also kept Kemalists’ friendly relations with Jewish Lobby groups in the US. It was Abraham Foxman, national director of pro-Israel anti-Defamation League (ADL), which played a major part in killing the bill calling US to declare killing of tens of thousands of Armenians not to be declared as “Holocaust” – because that word is only reserved for Jewish sufferings.
26. Aug, 2010
Ty for the article,Naveed
It puts everything togather.
I know why the Freemasons created Secularism
1st thing is Skull and Bones founded the U.S education system(Horace Mann and Alphonso Taft Plus financed by the Peabody fortune and later John D Rockefeller Foundation,which the Peabodys and Rockefellers are Rothschild Agents)
*Horace Mann and Alphonso Taft taken from Pg 65 of America’s Secret Establishment An introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C Sutton
*Skull and Bones is a off-shoot of Freemasonry
*Soo since Freemasonry built and designed the U.S education system,which means it’s never been a christian system.
A Secular one in the 1st place.
Takes us to why the Freemasons created Secularism.
When the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross and God raised him from the grave.
It meant that all men were created equal in the sight of God(Romans 12:3 Galatians 3:26-29)
Which meant progress,advancement and total cutting edge.
Like the founding of America(Even though a lot of those men were freemasons)
The concepts were cutting edge like We the People and the 10th Amendment where the rights and powers are to the people not the government.
The people are the boss while the government is suppose to serve the people,which is the most advance and progressive form of people and government.
This is enlightenment..
Here’s why Secularism was created.
All men are created EQUAL in the sight of God.
It threatened the power and ways Zionist(Jews),Secret Societies,Kings,Monarchs,Christians,Catholics,Slave Owners
Those people are use to being Lords over the populace,while the peasants are the serfs/servants/slaves.
You see it hurt the above groups Egos and Pride.
Mankind was becoming to self-sufficent to be under their yoke.
Soo Secularism(Under Currant of it) was created to bring Man BACK to the days Master and Servant,instead of everyone equal.
BACK to the days of Kings,Slavery,Chosen Race,Monarchs,Government Religion.
The Dirty Secret of Secularism is instead of trusting in God,you trust in error and sinful Man.
Means Man is God,problem with that is all these Gods from the Rothschilds on down thru Politicians,Policemen,Military,CorporationsSpecial Interest Groups them being Gods.
They think that folks can’t run their lives,but NEED someone else to them how to live their own lives
Those above mentioned groups because their Gods and Lords are bound to the laws of the sheeple,they can get by with murder,robbery,rape etc.
Because the Chosen People to rule over us
Remember in School when you had a problem,you didn’t ask God but the teacher.
Naveed Tajammal
27. Aug, 2010
Dear roninfreedom,
Thankyou for an insight in the world of skull and bones.
27. Aug, 2010
The “all seeing eye” is a left eye… “Goats on my left”… It is the eye of Lucifer. There god, not mine. What fools to think the created is more powerful than the creator.
Naveed Tajammal
27. Aug, 2010
as stated.
28. Aug, 2010
This entire essay is pretty much incomprehensible.
I’m sure this guy knows alot, but he sure can not convey it in any way that makes sense. What the hell was the POINT of all of that gobledy gook? Is it possible to throw in a few more commas in random fashion?
Naveed Tajammal
28. Aug, 2010
Dear Max,
your input is taken in good spirit,however to enlighten ‘you’,comma’s,are part of old fashion,mode of writing,the american’s do not follow this policy,nor do your software programme’s.
inconvenience is regretted..
SECULARISM: Brain Child Of Freemasons - PART III | Opinion Maker
28. Aug, 2010
[...] For Part II click HERE [...]
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28. Aug, 2010
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