SECULARISM: Brain Child Of Freemasons – PART III

Posted on 28. Aug, 2010 by in Opinion

Islam and Christianity

By Naveed Tajammal

Religion is religion, when it is believed in as ‘Free from any defect’. A religion ceases to be a religion when its ultimate principles are believed ‘Not to be absolute and unchangeable’. The Fundamentals of the Faith cannot be subject to the ‘Law of Evolution’, like social institutions.

Islam is a ‘Deen,’ and not a religion. Deen is a complete code of life that governs both State and the individual at every level. Religion is a derivative of the Deen which is often subject to debates and conflicts.  Deen is derived from two sources the Holy Quran and Sunnah (tradiotions) of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The divine part of the “SHARIA” (The Islamic Law or Jurisprudence), being a divine act, is in a state of “Absolute Perfection”; Hence it is exempt from any evolution or progress and it cannot be legislated. The concept of Ijtihad or Ijma (discussions by the scholars on certain unsettled issues) is there but it cannot debate the settled issues mentioned in the Quran or in the traditions of the Holy Prophet. Many Abrahamic traditions also form part of the Quran, the most glaring and visible tradition is that of Hajj and sacrificial animals.

As to the term, SECULARISM, it was coined by an Englishman, named George Jacob Holyoake (1817-1906). He was convicted on account of Blasphemy, in a public lecture, and was sentenced to undergo a six months imprisonment and upon his release he invented the term “Secularism” – as descriptive of his “Opinions”. And so, he also established the “Reasoner”  in support of his NEW THEORY, in the various books he wrote. The author of the term “Secularism” has the dubious honor   for being convicted for a second time also, for publishing an illegal newspaper. He was the author of a number of books, including two volumes of his own reminiscences, “Bygones worth Remembering” (1905). He died at Brighton, England on the 22nd of January 1906.

The concept of ‘Secularism’ is to make the people believe that there is no life after death, hence the whole life ends here. The concept of life after death is fundamental to all divine religions be it Judaism, Christianity or Islam. When you make people believe that there is no life after death then you make them believe that there is no God hence the society drifts into atheism, a godless society living in complete spiritual vacuum. No Muslim no matter how weak his faith maybe will ever accept that there is ‘No God.’ Hence the fight would continue as it is today.

The many social ills like the destruction of family, marriage, gay life etc. have sprung up because of this vacuum. If we go back about 100 years or so one had never heard of single parents or common law living. If any woman gave birth to an illegitimate child was not accepted in the society but today being a single mom has become sort of a symbol of modernity and pride. When one woman has children from different men, children not knowing who their fathers are either abandoned who live in foster homes or live off the streets, picking up anti social habits.

Worshiping the Lucifer is a hidden act of all the Freemasons and Zionists. Alex Jones has done a good job in recording such places and exposed them to the maximum.

It’s of utmost importance to the Freemasons and the Zionists to destroy this concept of life after death by any and every means. The present day so called wars on terrorism is a big link of that chain where only the Muslims are being targeted based on false evidence.

All works of the author, of this term, have been in support of his argument which justifies the separation of state politics or administration from religious or church matters. It is pertinent to note here, that, secular education is a system of education / imparting knowledge in which religious teaching is excluded in the school teachings.

Pakistan is a country composed of people having one faith, which is ISLAM. Christians, Hindu and Parsees (Zoroastrians), remain a fraction of our total population. We are an Islamic State and as a State it is unfortunate, that we have a tendency to adhere, and still cling with, the laws and traditions of our previous rulers. As to the mindset and people, who still think as per the western education and see things as per their perceptions, and as they gradually ease out, the national character of our nation will re-emerge, in which no doubt exists, as the chain reaction is already in motion. The point to be borne in mind here is; what is good for Christianity Need not be good for us as Moslem’s.  Christianity never had the chance to flourish as did Islam.

Islam, immediately after it’s coming in force and establishing itself as a world power in the known corners of the then known world and since the last almost 1400 years, has flourished without a break as a power and a code of life. Christianity, on the other hand, originated within a community that was under the domination of a powerful state and that had no hopes for political independence. Islam on the other hand flourished among a people, free from external domination, which had the capacity and established an independent state. And a state means a public authority which has the power to enforce its judicial rules over the individuals whose safety it undertakes. At the time of rise of Christianity, the Roman State and its laws were in force. Christianity found a political organization already in existence, and thus it took the matters of organizing a government and maintaining laws as matters outside the concern of religion. It accepted the separation of state and religion, as a principle, and formulated it in the slogan, “render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and unto god that, which is gods”.

Thus, Christianity seems, at first sight, like a religion that has left judicial powers entirely to the government and has concerned itself exclusively with pronouncements on matters of righteousness and ethical teachings and rituals of life, death, marriage etc.

The real nature of things, however, was not that way at all. Christianity by accepting the State outside of Religion was relegating the state to a non-sacred realm. It did not appropriate the state to itself, because it looked down on it. This attitude, originally, was due to the fact that the Romans were foreign to the early Christians; both from the point of view of nationality and religion. And this did not disappear, even when the conditions changed. Although Christianity took on political government outside of the realm of religion, it nevertheless brought to the world a new government under the name of heavenly kingdom.

Thus, two kinds of governments came into existence in Christendom, one as the non-sacred, temporal government, and the other as the sacred spiritual government.

Now, ‘IF’ Christianity had not found an already existing order of state at the time of its birth, it would have attempted undoubtedly to create one. And then, it would have regarded it as a sacred being of its own creation. As this government would have been within the religion, and as such a sacred institution, no need would have been felt to establish a spiritual government. If this had happened, there would be no duality of temporal and spiritual governments, BUT, something similar to the case existing in ISLAM.

Europeans who have compared Christianity and Islam usually believe that Islam’s acceptance of judicial matters as part of religion, and of the state organization, as part of religious organization, is a DEFECT, in Islam. More so, unfortunately, our own Muslims and Pakistanis, born and bred in western circles, who have received their ideas from the same sources of knowledge, as the Christians do, also think like them.

However, when the problem is investigated more carefully, it appears that this is NOT a defect but, on a contrary, ‘A MERIT’. In Islam religious provisions are divided into three categories; those relating to piety, to morality and to judicial affairs. All of them are religious because they are sacred. Religion, is the sum total of all beliefs, that are taken as sacred by the “Ummah”. Aesthetic and rational rules are non-sacred and therefore they are outside of religion.

Islam takes ethical and legal rules as religious rules and thus makes them sacred. This conception is contrary to the interpretations of ethics and law, from the point of view of utilitarianism, historical materialism, and the doctrine of social contract. And this creates among the Moslems the bond of “Ummah” which goes beyond the limits of national boundaries, a natural threat to the west of such a bond. And this has always existed. This was the rational of breakup of ottoman / Osmanli Empire, as was also seen when British defused the Khilafat Movement in British India, or they have tried their best not to let Pan Islamism germinate.  It is not that in Christianity, the effort on the part of the Pope, has not been there .The “Popes” used every charm in their inventory to claim authority over the political matters, but the Christian rulers declined to accept such claims because, according to rulers – Monarchist, no power can overrule them. And in the Orthodox Church, as we see in the historical perspectives, that the Christian religion was indeed sacrificed for the sake of the ego of the Christian rulers.

The idea and the theme of separating Church from the State originated within the sphere of these petty kings of Christendom. And the history, or political history, of Europe is full of such “CONCORDATS” (agreements between a state and the Church on Church affairs) continuously changing and always dragging both sides into conflicts.

The French parliament decided to separate these two powers from each other, completely. From that time onward, France did not have an ‘Official Religion’ and the Churches ceased to have any official character. They remained, just a private association, under the “Statute of Associations”. As was seen in the Ottoman Empire, the French Concord of 1801 became the source of inspirations of the French Oriented Ottoman Intellectuals whose culmination was the Turkish Constitution of 1924 where secularism became part of it.

Naveed Tajammal has over 26 years of experience in Investigative Historical Research. His primary focus is on Indus Cvilisation but his grasp of the histories of the world are amazing. He has been writing for various papers and publications. Presently he is on the panel of Advisors of Opinion Maker since its inception.

To be Continued.

For Part I click HERE

For Part II click HERE


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SECULARISM: Brain Child Of Freemasons - PART III, 7.0 out of 10 based on 4 ratings

Tags: Alex John, Lucifer, Naveed tajammal, , Prophet Muhammad

23 Responses to “SECULARISM: Brain Child Of Freemasons – PART III”

  1. William Whitten

    28. Aug, 2010

    So, the alternative to secularism is theocracy?

    This concept may fly in the Middle East, but it is not going to take with those of us in the US who are aware of the dangers of such a proposition.

    Liberty is not an INVENTION of revolution.

    Liberty is the DISCOVERY of enlightened reason.

    These ideas of yours concerning religious dogma as actually “sacred”, and not the conceptualizations of human beings–that is mythlogy, fable, and fairytale–is jejune beyond rational exceptance.

    Any sane and reasonable person will recognize this regardless of the power of your rhetorical arguments.


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    • Naveed Tajammal

      28. Aug, 2010

      william, i gave a point of view you have the right to agree or disagree,but thank you for reading it.

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  2. Rehmat

    28. Aug, 2010

    “Islam was always a religion of success, going from one truimph to another, but Muslims (since they stopped practicing the true teachings of Islam) have been able to make no headway against the secular West.

    Religious fundamentalism is a revolt against secularism. Jewish, Christian and Islamic fundamenralists – are all convinced that secular or liberal wants to corrupt wipe out their religions. Among the three Abrahamic religions – Judasim, Christianity and Islam – Islam was the last to develop a fundamentalist strain during the 1960s. American Christian fundamentalists (neo-cons) are not in favour of democracy.

    The Zionist-Arab conflict is purely a secular conflict based on land grab. Zionism began as a rebellion against religious Judaismand at the outset most Orthodox Rabbis condemned Zionism as a blasphemous secularization of the land of Israel. Similarly, the ideology of PLO was secular. Unless a just polical solution can be found that is satisfactory to everyone, there is no hope for peace…..” British academic and Author Karen Armstrong in her June 2008 interview.

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  3. Dale

    28. Aug, 2010

    It’s not a ‘slogan’ if it is a quotation from the Son of God. Which it is.

    Jesus was offered by the adversary any kingdom on the earth. He refused and would not be tempted by temporal power. He would not become ‘political’ and he would not become the ‘warrior’ messiah that the Jews were waiting for. That is why He was so hated … and continues to be so hated. He knew where the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ was and would not forsake it.

    Why would a believer respect any state power in this world? The material world is the realm of Lucifer. He is ruler and kingmaker here. He gifts the ‘ring of power’ to prideful people who destroy themselves and others fighting over lines drawn in dust.

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    • Naveed Tajammal

      28. Aug, 2010

      Dale unlike the people of other books we give full respect to our previous prophets Moses as well as Jesus the focus here is the reason why or the times were such that Christianity could not take roots as did Islam though when Islam came it took over the Persian empire which in scope was much bigger or larger and the time it lasted from the old chronologies if we study them it is as old as is the rule of the Turk,the Turk in history has been given various terms and names,but his breeding area is the Russian empire at its zenith,if you study the old genealogies of the race which comes from the ‘yafis’ who had 8 sons,the fifth was ‘Rus’,and the first was ‘Turk’.the people of the indus valley are the first wave of the Turkish clans and we are still linked with them,as Sinkiang,is old Turkestan.i am sorry i diverted from the main topic, but Islam took over a spread out well entrenched empire,and much older then the roman.

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  4. Hiram

    28. Aug, 2010

    If we were to follow the theories emanated by the “fantastic brains” of this gentleman, we would still be today in the stone age.
    If Mr. Tajammal was born in an envronnment other than Islam, his “Modus Pensandi” would certainly be different and as such he could then be more credible by emitting an unbiased opinion on the subject.

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    • Naveed Tajammal

      28. Aug, 2010

      Hiram, you have the right of opinion,however the topic here is why Christianity failed to establish as stated,and why Islam succeeded.

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  5. Naveed Tajammal

    28. Aug, 2010

    Dear Rehmat,
    Thankyou for your comments.

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  6. John Taurus

    28. Aug, 2010

    As an American, I have nothing against Muslims and consider the current military aggression against the Arabs to be illegal and war crimes. Israel controls the United States and controls the media. Ronald Regan signed an executive order giving the CIA the right to present propaganda as news so as to give Americans the right “mindset”. Indoctrination. Wake up, fools. Israel has Americans fighting its wars and paying for them. There is a plan to make the Jews that reside in Europe, Canada, and the United States move to Israel by creating race/religious war. That is why the Feds refuse to enforce immigration laws.
    That is what we are doing in Iraq, Afghanistan and soon to be Iran. To make more room for the Jews that will be forced to flee the US, Europe and Canada in the upcoming race/religious wars. Israel needs more territory, more room.
    Blacks and Hispanics are tools being used by the Zionists to create a race/religious war and force American Jews, which are as many as those that reside in Israel, to flee to Israel. Few Jews fight in the American military although most of our wars are for furthering Jewish interests.
    Americans are a dumb, uninformed populace. They are too lazy to read newspapers from around the world and get the big picture. Americans get their news from the American media which is an arm of our Zionist occupied government. Washington DC is Israeli occupied territory. Americans are incapable of self-thought. Americans have no thoughts or opinions of their own, these things are given to them.
    The White governments were removed from power in Rhodesia and South Africa to reduce the Black population through starvation, disease, and war. The White farmers in Rhodesia and South Africa had caused a massive Black population explosion because of the excess food the White farmers were producing. The Black population had to be reduced. Now, Blacks face starvation on a massive scale because they have no food, especially in Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe.
    In the United States and Europe, the population of Blacks and Muslims has been increased because the Zionists want race/religious war here to force the Jews to flee to Israel. This will occur when food shortages hit in Europe and in the United States and when the Zionists murder Obama and blame it on Whites. Our borders are open for this reason, as much bloodshed as possible! We are being used like a common whore. “By deception, we shall make war.” Most of those that inhabit Washington DC are guilty of war crimes and treason.
    Instead of the Muslims and Christians fighting each other as the Jews have planned, we should instead unite and direct our wrath against the Jews.

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    • Naveed Tajammal

      28. Aug, 2010


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  7. laws632

    28. Aug, 2010

    Hmm, author is brainwashed and void of reason.

    Jesus is returning – soon. Period. And if not in your lifetime – you will either be with him at death or suffer eternity in hell for rejecting Him. Your choice. Period.

    John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
    3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. ”

    Pretty simple huh. Compare that to the satanic koran ! Or tal-mud. The only part of the koran which is true are the PLAGARIZED portions of the PENTATEUCH/TORAH!

    All will stand before God in judgement. I am SO glad Jesus was judged and killed in my place!

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  8. Naveed Tajammal

    29. Aug, 2010

    Dear Laws 632,
    And what a comment ? brainwashed and void of reason ?
    my dear fellow i have written in these series a chain of sequences had you an iota of knowledge on the subject matter you would not have given the outburst as given sweetheart you are the one who is from the brainwashed lot open your mind and see around you and read for a change.As to your contention that the Quran is a ‘plagarized’ book-from ‘penateuch’/Torah-may i remind you that the previous 4 books had also come from the same source who,gave the 5th,AND that is the last book.
    The difference between your lot and ours is we respect with full devotion the prophets on whom the earlier books had been sent,unlike you who calls ours a satanic one.
    one wonders who is the brainwashed and void of reason ???

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  9. h.l. mcconnell

    29. Aug, 2010

    Good grief, half of this is insane. Where is the continuity, especially from those recording comments in reply?
    Man/Woman cannot be divided by anything, especially some IDEA, which is what religion/social religious laws, etc. are!
    All are ultimately connected, whether they want to be or not, whether they are of a certain gender, nation, color, creed or any other divisive description. To talk as if there is a divide is to begin by a specious argument, to which there can be nothing but some further specious response. We came from One and we will return to One. It’s that simple. We need to grow up.

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  10. Naveed Tajammal

    29. Aug, 2010

    Thankyou Mc connell,
    you are indeed right,we come from one and will return to one.

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  11. Rehmat

    29. Aug, 2010

    William Whitten – you better stop listening to CNN. America is a JUDO-CHRISTIAN theocracy – and the worse-one I must say. The country has all the Christian and Jewish holidays celebrated as national holidays and the country’s President and other government make sure that they join the celebrations especially the Jewish ones.

    All the US Presidential candidates, though professing to be Christians, must make a pilgrimage to the Jewish Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Frankly, none of them ever visited Vatican in Italy.

    The Presidents inauguration is administered by a Christian priest and some of them have taken their oath on the Bible.

    And the best part of the so-called the ‘secular-democracy’ in the US, France, Germany, Canad and England is – one can shout insults on top of his/her lungs against Christ and Muhammad but cannot question the Zionist myth of the ‘Six Million Died’, unless he/she is prepared to be crucified by the Jewish mafia.

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  12. Shai Shahar

    29. Aug, 2010

    If this be religion..then give me secularism NOW please!

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    • Naveed Tajammal

      30. Aug, 2010


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  13. Naveed Tajammal

    30. Aug, 2010

    Rehmat your comment is the BEST thing put in words.if i may add the jewish MEDIA which controls the world.

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  14. [...] Obama Is A CIA Creation A Two-Tier Internet? EU a disaster, illegal state built on false principles SECULARISM: Brain Child Of Freemasons – PART III America Facing Depression And Bankruptcy WikiLeaks war logs posting 'will lead to free speech [...]

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  15. India_Lover

    01. Sep, 2010

    Dear Naveed Tajammal,

    Interesting article. But I’ve got some doubts. I am repeating my post. The same post appeared as reply to part 1 of the article series. For convenience I’ve numbered the issues.

    1. You said
    >Mustafa Kamal’s extreme and drastic secularism cost >the Turk his true identity ,and he lost his roots, his dress >and insignia,

    Wasn’t it the resistance from arabs to modernise islam? Kemal Pasha tried to publish a turkish translation of quran and the arabs strongly objected. The riots ensued. The turks claimed that the Allah knows Turkish as well whereas the arabs were adamant. How could clinging to the arabs would’ve restored Turk’s true identity?

    2. In addition to above, the turks always held a grudge towards arabs when their combined army was defeated in Battle of Vienna (1683AD). The turks had a plan to quickly capture and vassalise Vienna so as to move beyond. The grand objetive was to capture the Rhine basin (modern Germany). However they blame arabs for prolong hanging around Vienna for its riches.

    Lack of vision was main reason behind turk-arab defeat at Vienna. Don’t you see the same story repeating in early 20th century’s Turkey?

    3. Another blemish on ottoman turks is the armenian genocide. Turks are generally magnanimous. At least they believe so. Considering the loose nature of the ottoman empire, they had to give a lot of autonomy and be tolerant towards various ethnic groups. That’s how big empires operate. But targeting Armenians for decimation sounds very un-Turkish. Was it arab or freemasons influence?

    I am awaiting your comments.

    India Lover

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    • naveed tajammal

      03. Sep, 2010

      Dear india lover,
      Now a name would have been much appreciated as india is not discussed in this article or its series,kindly read the following link below,read all the commentary too,and my answers,they are 6 parts,in all on this site.but restart from the first,as directed,if you still have a query come back;

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      • India_Lover

        04. Sep, 2010

        Dear Naveed Tajammal,

        6 long articles for my 3 questions…? It’s going to take some time! I’ve got to do it over the weekend.

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  16. naveed tajammal

    03. Sep, 2010


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