Posted on 29. Aug, 2010 by gordon in Opinion

Air Blue crash
By Gordon Duff
August 29, 2010 Islamabad, Pakistan (Veterans Today exclusive)Veterans Today has learnt from reliable sources and the media reports that the Government of Pakistan is developing “hard evidence” indicating the Jet Blue Airbus 320 that crashed July 28th outside Islamabad was a terrorist hijacking tied to rogue American security forces operating inside that country.
Sources indicate that the plane crash was an unsuccessful hijacking attempt intended to crash into the nuclear weapons facility at Kahuta, outside Islamabad. Such an attack may have been blamed on India and would likely have led to retaliation which could easily have escalated to a nuclear exchange between these two nations that have spent decades at each other’s throats.
Suspicions were raised inside Pakistan’s military and intelligence organizations when American military contractors employed by Blackwater/Xe showed up on the scene immediately after the crash, seizing the black box and “other materials.” There is no confirmation that parachutes or electronic equipment had been removed when Blackwater/Xe security relinquished control of the crash scene to Pakistani investigators.
Royal Television in Islamabad, owned by the brother of the head of Pakistan’s powerful JI (Jamate Islami), the Islamic political party, has reported that investigations are underway tying American based contractors to the planning of the attack.
Pakistan’s ISRP (Inter-Services Public Relations) has failed to confirm this but private sources indicate that an active investigation of these allegations is, not only underway but has established ties between an American group and the hijackers.
Military and intelligence officials inside Pakistan, in concert with the American embassy, are withholding all official details of the investigation and are likely to continue doing so.
This same facility had been the subject of an armed penetration by American contractors, believed to be employed by the State Department, in 2009. Four Blackwater employees, armed and possessing explosives were arrested outside the Kahuta nuclear facility in 2009. The four, driving a Jeep 4×4 and possessing advanced surveillance and jamming equipment of Israeli manufacture, were intercepted 1.5 miles from the Kahuta nuclear facility.
The four spoke fluent Pushtu and were dressed in a manner as to resemble Taliban fighters. The order for their release, given by Minister of the Interior Rehman Malik, is an issue of considerable controversy between the civilian government in Pakistan and the powerful military.
The passenger jet with 152 on board slammed into a hillside in what was believed to be Pakistan’s most serious air crash. At least 2 Americans were believed to be on board but, a month later, the US Embassy in Islamabad has left this unconfirmed. Reports received today, however, confirm that at least 5 Americans, military contractors said to be employed by Xe, may also have been on the craft but could not be identified as they had been traveling in local garb and had boarded with false identification.
Xe is an American based military and intelligence contracting firm formerly known as Blackwater and has been the subject of considerable controversy for activities inside Pakistan.
Scene of July 28 Air Crash Outside Islamabad, Pakistan
Sources indicate that the attackers stormed the cockpit in a hijacking attempt. The pilot is said to have jammed the flight controls, careening the Airbus 320 and all aboard into a hillside rather than allowing the plane to be used in a “9/11? type attack inside Pakistan or flown into Indian air space for a repeat of the 2008 Mumbai attack.
Pakistan has, at times in error, referred to American contractors employed by the Departments of Defense, State or the Central Intelligence Agency as Blackwater. However, it is believed the majority of such employees are, in fact, members of that organization or is derivitive, Xe.
The same group, often criticized for irregularities in Iraq, has been contracted by the Central Intelligence Agency to operate Predator drones inside Pakistan, operations that have resulted in a significant number of civilian deaths and said by political leaders of several factions to do little but recruit terrorists.
Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, and Senior Editor at Veterans Today. His career has included extensiveexperience in international banking along with such diverse areas as consulting on counter insurgency, defense technologies or acting as diplomatic officer of UN humanitarian groups. Gordon Duff’s articles are published around the world and translated into a number of languages. He is a regularly on radio and tv. Gordon Duff is a regular contributor to Opinion Maker.
a WordPress rating system
29. Aug, 2010
It may be a posibility that in order to avoid any chance of defeat the countries involved in the war of Afghanistan can take the risk of such misadventure .
atta rasool malik
30. Aug, 2010
It is shocking. If it is true and seems to be true than entire war of terror needs to b re- considered and real enemy is identified and priorities redefined. Story comes from the mouth of a war veteran, anti war, extremely well reputed American journalist. There must be truth in it. I believe only people like Gordon duff can contribute for real peace in the world whose conscience is above false patriotism. Pentagon has seems to be hijacked by some one!! Terrible, Terrible. This is not fair. Mr Obama. Are you in Command of your forces? What are they up to?
30. Aug, 2010
A wonderful contribution to getting to the truth of the matter.
That crash sounded so suspicious.
I figured maybe it was because Jet Blue is a discount air carrier.
PIA has, Alhamdulillah, had few accidents. May PIA”s safety record be perfect!
Makes sense that they would avoid using a PIA flight because even MORE questions would be raised. Probably it was assumed that perhaps no one in Pakistan would care AS much about a Jet Blue flight?
As for the scenario posited in the article, it strikes me as likely.
How does anyone know that the pilot swerved into the hillside to avoid the attack on Kahuta, if the black box was snatched away before Pakistani investigators could check the recordings?
Just a surmise, or is there some evidence, since all passengers were – sadly – killed in the crash.
We would like to hear more updates and details as they emerge.
As well as further analysis of what the nefarious Xe was exactly up to here. And everywhere else in the region, too!
This story – if confirmed as true – could prove the tip of the iceberg of many attempted operations past present and future against Pakistan AND other places and groups.
Many thanks for this brave reportage.
Very valuable to have learned..
David Hoffman
30. Aug, 2010
Crashing into a nuclear facility that has radioactive material. The problem with this article is that it forgets that it is those who are Muslim who accept and promote deliberate suicide attacks against civilians. The probability that such people, if they were aboard the flight, were true Americans is low. The most common denominator in suicide airline crashes is that the perpetrators are Islamic.
30. Aug, 2010
Actually David this is only the purported most common factor. This is beause the most common culprit in terrorism generally is the MOSSAD and they usually try to make it look like Muslims.
If a terrorist attack occurs anywhere in the world, it will usually be shown to be a MOSSAD or CIA sponsored action. It’s a pity that you are most likely a willfully ignorant sod, because the facts would shock you. It would no doubt suprrise you to know that israel is the only national player which has ever been proven to have committed terrorism against the USA. The Lavon Affair and the USS Liberty are known about but the USS Cole attack was an Israeli cruise missile and 9/11 is known to have been a MOSSAD job at this point also.
30. Aug, 2010
We continually learn of the endless evil of Blackwater types, but we rarely point the finger at the suited bankers and politicians making it happen.
30. Aug, 2010
I have the same question that aisha asked that how come the pakistani investigators hear the voice of a third person in cockpit as reported by pakistani media if it has already been taken away by Xe employees???
Stephen Voith
30. Aug, 2010
My bona fide Spiritual Master, Hare Krishna Movement Founder, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada explained all these things in detail in the early 1970s, especially how World War III was already being r eadied and fought; that Russia and America would not immediately directly attack one another, but would start the aggression on Indian and Pak soil, with Pak most likely first nuking Delhi, Bombay and Calcutta, followed by a massive Indian retaliation. He stated that R & A would only fight -in the beginning – INdirectly. It’s been obvious to this pilgrim for years that Israel and her whore (USA) have simply been creating smokescreen after diversion to try to deflect attention to their true business, namely inciting Pak to attack India, or to incite India to counterattack Pak. Their main smokescreen has been the Iran nuclear hysteria. This a rticle proves to me that Prabhupada (as always) was spot on, and that ‘the war’ has been in slow mo atleast since the time of Nixon, and his China visits…..
Stephen Voith
30. Aug, 2010
Actually, the irony is rather biting as well: that for so long IDF has ‘fantasized’ attacking Iran’s nuke reactor sites, and this article indicates that in fact the US (Israel’s puppet regime) was planning to use a Pak hijacked plane to incite India to retaliate after ramming it into an Indian reactor.
30. Aug, 2010
to get justice for the innocents it would be a good idea to hang all the traitors within pakistan govt from the nearest high tree and kick out all the americans zionist jews with a bullet in the head for good measure or try them for crimes against humanity for the innocents they have killed in the 100,s in pakistan.
pakistan is a nuclear power but is acting like a 10 dollar prostitute.
if you want peace in the world then provide nuclear weapons to all muslim states in the world , especially around israel, and see what happens overnight!
Peter Chamberlin
31. Aug, 2010
All of the so-called evidence given in this report is hearsay. Mr. Duff doesn’t give any references to back up his claims in this report or any of his work that I have seen. There is no way to check-out his “insider” reports from the field. The plane crashed during the height of the monsoon that became Cyclone Phet, perhaps that was the real culprit?
Mr. Duff’s comments about “four Americans…intercepted 1.5 miles from the Kahuta nuclear facility.,” and that they were ordered released by Rehman Malik, refers to 5 Americans arrested in Sargodha, I think.
These dumb kids, alleged to be Blackwater, got 10 years.
31. Aug, 2010
Vijay Prashad PhD, an India-born American, is the author of the book “Namaste Sharon: Hindutva and Sharonism under US hegemony (2003), which addresses the close relationship between India and Israel based on the common hatred toward Muslims of the extremist Hindus (BJP) and Zionist Jews.
Israel’s former Ambassador to India, Yehoyada Haim acknowledged that the Israelis helped India during the 1999 Kargil war with Pakistan, and other such moments, but hastily pointed out, “The less we said about these matters, the better for both our countries.”
Vijay Prashad in his latest article titled My Investment in Israel, wrote: “Not only did the BJP import Mossad-type methods to deal with terrorism, but the political Hindu parties have also adopted Tel Aviv’s geopolitical theory of terrorism. And more practically, during the BJP reign, and even under the subsequent Congress rule, India has become a major importer of Israeli arms. In 2009, bilateral military trade between the two countries reached $9 billion.”
31. Aug, 2010
India and Pakistan have been stooge nations, at the short end of the geopolitical stick for decades now. The net has opened some minds but most people still believe the “history” taught to them.
America is India’s “friend” now! Hah!
U.S. Military “Holy Crusade” Uncovered? | Pakalert Press
27. Jan, 2011
[...] Suspicions were raised inside Pakistan’s military and intelligence organizations when American military contractors employed by Blackwater/Xe showed up on the scene immediately after the crash, seizing the black box and “other materials.” (Source) [...]
U.S. Military “Holy Crusade” Uncovered? » WeNewsIt
27. Jan, 2011
[...] Suspicions were raised inside Pakistan’s military and intelligence organizations when American military contractors employed by Blackwater/Xe showed up on the scene immediately after the crash, seizing the black box and “other materials.” (Source) [...]
29. Jan, 2011
i think that now this game is going deep inside the darkness means why would pakistani intelligence have let them go and why would the blackwater army is still moving around as they want what i can see is that our ISI is luring them in the trap and it will take one shot to take them all down along with these their hidden friends working in the dark and i hope it should be like this