London Bombings: Looking Back At July 7, 2005
Posted on 08. Jul, 2010 by Jeff in Letters to Editor
By Commodore Tariq Majeed
London was rocked by a string of suicidal attacks on its transport system during the morning rush hour on 7 July 2005. Three bombs exploded within 50 seconds of each other on three London Underground trains at 7:50 am (GMT). A fourth exploded an hour later at 08:47 on a double-decker bus. The casualty toll was 52 dead and nearly 700 injured. It sent a wave of intense scare all over Britain.
The attacks were carried out by four suicide bombers, who were named as Mohammad Sidique Khan, Shehzad Tanweer, Hasib Hussain and Germaine Lindsay; the first three were of British Pakistani and the last of British Jamaican descent, but apparently also a Muslim. Reportedly, they used home-made organic peroxide-based devices, packed into rucksacks, which they detonated themselves.
British security experts said the blasts had the hallmarks of the Al Qaeda network, and that the suicide bombers were motivated by Britain’s involvement in the Iraq War. It didn’t need much thinking to see that this was a concocted line for propaganda purposes. The damage they did to Britain was little, compared to that done to the nearly two million strong Muslim citizens, especially those of Pakistani origin, which was colossal.
The military precision and planning with which the bombings were conducted closely resembled that of the 9/11 strikes. Indeed, like the 9/11 strikes, the London bombings were designed to produce political and sociological effects of far-reaching consequences. Again, like 9/11, the moment of their execution and the targets to be hit had been specially chosen for creating powerful emotional effects on the masses and strong immediate political reaction by the government.
The moment chosen was synchronized with two special events, which by coincidence, were occurring just two days apart. On 5 July, London had erupted with joy after it was named the host of the 2012 Olympic Games by the International Olympic Committee. The Londoners were still enjoying the afterglow of winning the bid in stiff competition with Madrid, Moscow and New York, when they were suddenly inflicted with the fatal explosions. Thus, the bombings evoked in them more than the usual feelings of shock, anger and disgust against the alleged perpetrators.
On the morning of 7 July just as the news of the attacks exploded in the media, the presidents/prime ministers of G-8, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the United States, were gathering in a hotel in Gleneagles in Scotland to start their three-day summit. They were thus close enough to ‘feel’ the shock and the revulsion the horrible act produced in the British public, and their reactions were sharp and vehement—apparently against Al Qaeda and its ideology, but basically against Muslims and Islam. A part of the story on their immediate reaction published the next day was as follows.
“The Group of Eight most industrialized nations declared at their summit in Scotland that the bombings were attacks on the civilized world and said they would stand together to defeat militants.
US President George Bush vowed in a separate statement to reporters in Gleneagles that the war on terrorism would continue until ‘an ideology of hate’ had been overcome. ‘They have such evil in their hearts that they will take the lives of innocent folks. The war on terrorism is on,” Bush said.
The real masterminds behind the bombings must have felt satisfied that the G-8, more so George Bush, had reacted exactly as expected and had spoken the language that indirectly imputed blame to Muslims and their ideology.
There was apparently a “local mastermind”, whose story, in fact, implies British security establishment’s connection to the terror operation. Haroon Rashid Aswat, a British citizen of Indian origin, is alleged to have ties to Al Qaeda. In the first two weeks following the 7 July bombings, British Police sources told newspapers that Aswat made some 20 mobile phone calls to two of the suspected bombers, Mohammed Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer, one just hours before the blasts.
Aswat is reported to have first come to the attention of American counter-terrorism officials in 2002, because they believed he helped set up a terrorist training camp in Oregon, USA, in 1999. He disappeared for a few years, and then surfaced in 2005 in South Africa. He slipped back in to Britain in late June 2005. He managed to leave Britain, through London’s Heathrow airport on July 7, hours before the bombers struck on that day.
He was, however, arrested in Zambia, on 20 July and was deported to Britain on 7 August 2005. In Britain, Aswat was held in detention on a U.S. arrest warrant. American officials sought to try him for his alleged role in setting up the Oregon training camp in 1999.
On 29 July 2005, on Fox News Channel’s Day Side program, Terrorism expert and a former US prosecutor John Loftus revealed “that Haroon Rashid Aswat, the suspect wanted by British Police for ‘masterminding’ the July 7th London bombings is in fact an asset of MI6, the British Secret Service.” John Loftus said, “Aswat has been under the protection of MI6 for many years.” Loftus asserted that “Aswat was a double agent, backed by Britain’s MI6.”
Is it a surprise that the ‘local mastermind’ of the London bombings was an agent of MI6 (and of CIA, as both agencies work together on terrorism)! Not in the least. Clandestine use of agents, pawns and patsies is a standard methodology for execution of aggressive strategic policies through planned acts of subversion and terrorism. Indeed, some British analysts have suggested on the basis of strong circumstantial evidence that the 7/7 operation was state sponsored. Again, this is not surprising, because more and more concrete evidence is coming out in America that 9/11, said to be ‘the mother of all terrorism’, was carried out from within the US state apparatus.
The terror operation in London was designed to achieve its primary aims: to discredit the influential and industrious community of British Muslims, upset their good image and standing in society, make them suspect in the eyes of British police and to subject them to extraordinary security checks and restrictions.
The Muslims were successfully competing on equal footing with the other ethnic/religious communities in Britain, such as, the Jews, Hindus, Sikhs and West Indians, in business, industry, education, governmental jobs and other professions. The 7/7 attacks hurt the Muslim community in Britain as badly as the 9/11 attacks had hurt it in America. They became targets of malignant propaganda and repressive administrative measures in the name of security.
However, the British Muslims, especially of Pakistani descent, are by and large a dynamic and resilient community. Among them are scholars, journalists, lawyers, medical specialists, technologists, and politicians as well. They are responding to the situation with tolerance, fortitude and mature behaviour as responsible citizens of the state. The organized bodies amongst them have forged cooperation with British think tanks which are exposing the synthetic aspects of such terror events.
The writer, a retired naval commodore, is a researcher in the global game of world control. He is a frequent contributor to opinion-maker.org
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Mansoor Malik
09. Jul, 2010
An eye opener for the Muslims in general and the British Muslims in particular.It may not be enough that a few articles are written on the subject and then we go to sleep over it.If enough evidence is available on it then it could be prudent that a legal process is followed to the hilt in order to expose the real culprits. But then, I think, it would be buried the same way as who killed the crown prince of Germany in Serbia?, an event which led to the launch of the First World War and end of the Ottoman Empire to redraw the map of the Middle-East.
09. Jul, 2010
You mean, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. Quite different than German!
It was in Sarajevo, a Bosnian Muslim stronghold.
What’s an ironic historical footnote to that event is that the Austrian court had made a poor choice of selection of the date for the Archduke’s military review in Sarajevo.
They chose June 28, 1914.
The Serbian Orthodox church is on a different calendar, 13 days behind. For them it was June 15. That day was a huge patriotic occasion for Serbs in rebellion against perceived overlords.
It commemorated the day of the murder of the Ottoman Sultan Murat I during the Battle of Kosovo in 1389.
A sad occasion for those of us who love the Ottomans!
Murat I was the only Sultan killed on the battlefield.
A Serbian noble was the one who did this terrible deed.
Hence for Serbs ever since, it was a rare triumph for them.
For the Turks usually won, as they did at that first battle of Kosovo.
Anyway, Gavrilo Princep [sounds like Prince - ironic too, in that he would shoot a crown prince and his wife] fired on the representatives of the Austrian monarchy while they were doing a military review. Sadly, it was the only time that the wife, Sophie, was permitted to appear in public beside her husband due to her lower station as a Czech countess, I think she was.
So Franz Ferdinand selected the review as a way to include his wife, but both met a sad end.
Then all chaos broke out and Turkey has never been the same since losing its Ottoman Empire. Neither politically powerful nor having a religious foundation for society, with a strong influence of the tekkes [khaneqahs/darbars],
I would love to see an Ottoman restoration myself. Those were the days.
However, even the last descendants of the Ottomans do not apparently agree. One elderly gentleman died recently in New York City, having stated in an interview with the New York TImes that he was against it, surprisingly,. He maintained that he preferred democracy. Hmn…!
Interesting article, thank you!
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