![For its Failures, CIA Must Not Blame ISI!](/wp-content/themes/busybee/thumb.php?src=/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/cia-agents-and-cronies1.jpg&w=180&h=120&zc=1&q=90)
For its Failures, CIA Must Not Blame ISI!
Posted on 15. Jul, 2010 by Asif H Raja in Pak-US Relations
An Age Old Tradition, For Its Failures, The Stronger Passes On The Buck To Weaker
Brig Asif Haroon Raja
The US is deeply concerned that Haqqani network based in North Waziristan (NW) is killing American soldiers in Afghanistan. It complains that the militants have safe havens in FATA which seriously jeopardizes US efforts to defeat militancy. The issue is not whether the militants take off from Pakistan’s tribal belt or not, the reality is that battleground for US military is Afghanistan where the militants launch guerrilla attacks. Why are they allowed to cross over when they make a material difference upon the outcome of Afghan war? Why they are not nabbed or killed when in the process of crossing the border, or when the group is received across the border, taken forward to base camp well in depth, sheltered for few nights, and then assembled to attack the chosen target? Why were repeated suggestions of Pakistan to fence or mine the border, or as a minimum fence/mine selected portions overruled?
If NW is now the main bastion of militants and crossing is taking place from there into two neighboring provinces, why can’t that small portion with three crossing points be effectively sealed? If infiltration from Pakistan side is such a big threat why only 250 border posts were established as against Pakistan’s 1150 posts and even those posts were withdrawn in October last during Operation Rah-e-Nejat when strategy of anvil and hammer was direly needed? The hard fact is that the Taliban after being pushed out in December 2001 had taken refuge in FATA and for about two years stayed within Pak-Afghan border belt to regroup. Once Pak troops entered FATA and started arresting Taliban and Al-Qaeda operatives, the Taliban slipped back into Afghanistan. Today, their bases of operations are in southern and eastern Afghanistan where foreign troops have no control and not this side of the border which is under effective control of Pak security forces. US-NATO should worry about those forward bases rather than fretting over bases in depth in Waziristan.
If USA with all the world resources at its command cannot prevent cross border movement or at least present video proofs of it, why should it expect Pakistan with minimal resources to do it? If the US doesn’t have the will and courage to seal the border at its side, why does it not provide requisite counter terrorism equipment and intelligence and surveillance means to Pakistan to further improve its capabilities? Pakistan security forces have been in business of counter terrorism since 2002 and during this period they have launched hundreds of operations, arrested hundreds of Taliban and Al-Qaeda operatives including high profile leaders and handed them over to USA. Why so many intelligence units based in Kabul with most sophisticated wherewithal in abundance to carryout covert and intelligence operations have not been able to trace any known militant leader at their end?
As per Hillary Clinton’s skewed assessment, entire Al-Qaeda leadership including Osama bin Laden had shifted from Afghanistan to FATA in 2002 and was still there and very much within the knowledge of Pakistani government. If so what stopped CIA and FBI to hunt them down, particularly when 100,000 security forces were operating against militants in Waziristan and dependent upon CIA/FBI inputs? FATA region had been virtually in control of CIA and FBI, and ISI and MI was withdrawn in 2003. Why couldn’t the top most spy agencies get hold of wanted militants and dismantle al-Qaeda sanctuaries, bases and network when they had full liberty and authority to do so? With CIA base active in Miranshah till 2009, why couldn’t Haqqani network in NW be dismantled? Why couldn’t CIA/FBI pinpoint a single training base in SW or arrest a single TTP leader? If the Army and ISI were in cahoots with Afghan Taliban and Al-Qaeda, TTP would never have cropped up to fight the allies of Taliban who are a source of inspiration for the TTP. Linkage if any should have got severed after Pak Army dismantled TTP’s main base. If dismantlement of TTP was a loss for Afghan Taliban, it was an equal loss for USA, India and Israel. Are the US senior leaders forgetful or they think everyone in Pakistan suffer from loss of memory and are naïve?
After airing several fabricated allegations and mixing it with threats of physical attack, latest bizarre allegation has been floated by CIA itself stating that ISI is playing a double game and is supporting Taliban. It proves the point that the US has lost its nerves and sense of balance and doesn’t know what it is speaking. It implies that CIA’s jealousy against ISI has now turned into aversion. Has CIA forgotten that ISI in good faith had introduced its agents to CIA in 2001/02 but the latter cultivated most of them and turned them into its own agents and some as double agents by doling out sacks of dollars? Can CIA deny that TTP is not its creation? Is it not true that when the ISI to its horror found out in 2007 that its partner CIA was playing a double game and was fomenting terrorism in FATA and Balochistan, it became cautious and started recovering lost space in troubled areas? What was so wrong that the ISI started using its tentacles on own home ground to find out shady activities of CIA and other foreign agencies and take preventive measures? Did the CIA expect the ISI to sit on its haunches and refuse to perform its duties as first line defence for which it is paid?
As long as the ISI remained inactive and paid no attention to activities of CIA, everything was alright. Isn’t it a fact that the day the ISI started blocking CIA’s covert moves; CIA got irritated and started a venomous campaign against ISI? Lt Gen Shuja Pasha would be doing disservice to the nation if he fails to run a counter intelligence program in the face of subversive activities of hostile intelligence agencies that have bathed Pakistan in blood. Hats off to ISI that its has battled six agencies single handedly for nine years and managed to safeguard Pakistan’s prime interests and kept hostile hands away from Pakistan’s strategic assets. It is another feather in the cap of ISI for which it should be rightly proud of.
Fact of the matter is that the US has lost the war in Afghanistan for all practical purposes but it doesn’t want to admit and is still optimistic that some divine help might convert their defeat into victory. Divine help comes to those who are on the right and have a virtuous cause and not to the barbarians devoid of morals. Not knowing how to cover up their blunders, USA finds Pakistan as the convenient scapegoat to lay the blame on its doorsteps and to give vent to its frustration. Instead of fighting their battle in Afghanistan, it keeps accusing as well as prodding Pakistan to launch another operation in NW, which in its myopic view would help US-NATO in undertaking Kandahar operation. The ones advocating NW operation must appreciate that NW is under control of over one division force and clashes with militants take place routinely in which both sides are suffering casualties. This force is almost equivalent to force level in SW.
Only difference is that an all out offensive necessitating displacement of local population in NW hasn’t been launched. Displaced persons of SW have yet to return to their homes. Neither civil administration has taken over nor did any reconstruction commenced, nor promised ROZs established or funds made available to undertake development works. Moreover, as a consequence to displacement of militants from SW, Mohmand, Bajaur and Swat, many have shifted to major cities of Punjab and have intensified terrorist attacks. As such, opening up of a new front in haste will be least desirable. In Afghanistan, the US military and ISAF have sufficient troops and resources and are not over stretched or over committed and have not achieved any victory equivalent to Swat and SW.
Having ascertained that Kandahar is the nerve centre of terrorism in Afghanistan, yet they are not picking up courage to wage an offensive in Kandahar but have the cheek to press Pakistan to leap into the cauldron of NW. USA obsessed with NW maintains that all routes of terrorism lead to NW. In its bid to incite Pakistan, it alleges that since Pak Army and ISI are in cahoots with Afghan Taliban, Pakistan is unwilling to launch an operation in NW.
It callously forgets that Pakistan lost more troops than combine losses suffered by foreign troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and its civilian losses are five times more than those lost on 9/11. Economically, Pakistan has lost five times more than what it received from USA. On the social, religious and moral platforms, losses are incalculable since the society has become impoverished, divided and insecure.
So on what moral grounds Hillary threatens Pakistan of serious consequences particularly when Pakistan is up in flames and CIA operated drones are violating Pakistan’s sovereignty almost daily? Hillary knows that the US is in no position to open another front when its two fronts are collapsing. What she implies is that US air force or drones can strike Pakistan’s nuclear sites, or its Special Forces can grab nukes, or it can suffocate Pakistan economically through sanctions, or it can incite India to attack Pakistan. As a last resort, the US can repeat the failed Cambodian model on Pakistan. If so, is USA a friend or a foe?
After portraying NW as the most dangerous place through media war, South Punjab has been ripened to turn it into next battleground where so-called Punjabi Taliban have been hoisted. Attacks on Ahmadi worship places and on Data Durbar in Lahore are links of the same chain. Hand of Blackwater in the two attacks is discernible. Punjabi Taliban have not only disowned their involvement but also offered their services to eliminate Blackwater. Punjab police is currently arresting members of banned religious groups, particularly Sipah Sahaba Pakistan, but there is no move to launch an operation against Blackwater and RAW sponsored agents.
Terrorists including high profile leaders arrested by military in hundreds from FATA are being freed by courts because of serious flaws in judicial system, non-availability of evidence and witnesses and threats received by judges. Dr. Usman involved in Marriot bombing and GHQ attack has been let off. Over 2000 captured terrorists including dreaded Muslim Khan and Ibne Amin during Operation Rah-e-Rast from Malakand Division are still to be put on trial due to lack of courage of judges and witnesses. Freed terrorists laughing under their sleeves and making victory signs are resorting to terrorism with greater vengeance while the government has adopted a lackadaisical approach. Areas freed from the hold of extremists are yet to be reconstructed because of which the troops in holding phase are getting no respite. All the hard work done and sacrifices rendered by the Army seem to going waste due to non-availability of backup socio-politico-economic and judicial plan of rehabilitation. The Army is being pushed to jump into new battlegrounds without fully consolidating the gains made.
Having dilated upon various aspects, the big questions are whether the US would bring any change in its attitude towards Pakistan, or would it keep distrusting Pakistan to keep it in the dock under one pretext or the other; whether the US leaders suffering from paranoia continue complaining like a jilted woman; whether the US has become wiser and is now sincere to find a political settlement of Afghan imbroglio, or it would continue with its deceitful policy of divide and rule; whether it would keep wholly relying on India and Israel and letting India play the role of villain to disrupt peace; whether the US would forgive Al-Qaeda or continue its futile chase; for how long the US can sustain war on terror; will Gen Petraeus succeed where Gen McChrystal failed; will foreign troops pullout in next two years or they would take their time; whether USA would accept its defeat gracefully or as a bad loser repeat Cambodian experience in Pakistan and get trapped; whether Afghanistan will achieve stability with US presence or without it; will stakeholders achieve harmony and collectively make an effort for regional peace or their interests would remain in conflict; will CIA reconcile with ISI or remain hostile; will USA abandon its objective of denuclearizing Pakistan and develop mutually sustaining long term friendly relations; lastly when will our leaders put an end to self-destructive policies and start taking corrective measures to safeguard sovereignty an integrity of Pakistan?
The writer is a retired Brig, a defence analyst and author of several books; he writes for opinion-maker.org Asian Tribune, New Nation, Veterans Today, Thinkers Forum Pakistan and numerous national and international newspapers/ websites.
Brig Asif Haroon Raja is also Member Board of Advisors, Opinion-Maker.org
15. Jul, 2010
Asif Haroon has spoken out for Pakistan. Would the Zardari administration stand up for Pakistan too? I doubt. Puppet regime installed by the U.S. have no choice but to serve the deal made between the two. Meanwhile thank you Brig Haroon for calling a spade a spade.
15. Jul, 2010
Good consolidation and analysis of a complex yet delicate situation purposedly created for Pakistan.
Whether USA has lost all nerves, or there is a double game going on, Pakistan is consequently being driven to the edge. When Pakistan army or ISI take a stance, for instance to consolidate the gains in NW before jumping forward onto new fronts, or not launching action in Punjab, the pressure is enhanced through new terrorist attacks or the verdicts by various players. The allegations on ISI for various unsolved mysteries including the alleged involvement in Mumbai attacks by Indian FM soon after his arrival to Pakistan are the vital signs of a bigger plan being executed. Additionally, the anticipated IMF review with the strong push to further increase power tariffs and implementation of VAT gives further insight on the socio-economic front. The media is re-enforcing the hostile image of Pakistan to supplement the aggressive initiatives launched at the political, economic and defence arenas. It may all seem very complicated at present, but when the puzzle pieces are joined appropriately, any wise man can see where the roads are leading to.
15. Jul, 2010
Pakistani Army and the ISI, for over three decades, have been hand in glove with all kinds of terrorist groups, albeit with CIA pumping in billions of dollars in arms and cash to support ISI.
Now the scenario has changed…….. the US wants Pakistan to give-up its control on these terrorists like the Haqqanis, LET etc. but the Pakistani Army will not do what the Americans want, for obvious reasons …. !
As usual between two allys, a cat and mouse game is being played since 9/11, when the Musharraf regime took all the billions, but only pretended to fight terrorists.
Now the Americans are getting more desperate and tightening the screws, and Pakistani Army is under tremendous pressure, but still playing games …… !
The Pak Army agents in the Pakistani media like Asif Haroon Raja, are playing with words to justify Pakistani army and the ISI’s actions.
Now it is a game of nerves between the Americans and the Pakistani Army.
The big question is, will the Americans finally take the big decision of dumping its long time ally Pakistan, before bombing it back to the stone age ……….. or the Pakistani army will relent at the final moments to save Pakistan from total disaster …………. !
15. Jul, 2010
The above article has touched the depth of the issue .I personaly appriciate the presentation .Sorry neel . Don’t immitate your self as present Gadgari
15. Jul, 2010
I am so pleased with this article.
Pakistan has to win the game of nerves. Iran has a similar one but even worse.
Probably Pakistanis don’t always see completely the truth, which is that the devil is directing these campaigns of pressure on their country.
The devil uses so many mean tricks, carrot and stick measures, propaganda to manipulate the world’s opinion.
In any situation like this, between individuals or countries, the people who are in the right usually have a difficult time presenting their case to outside observers, due to all the manipulation by the side which acts as a proxy for the forces of evil. That’s how it ALWAYS is!
This article is excellent to counter the propaganda. However, I think one must be aware that it’s a much larger scale “attack” on Pakistan – and Iran – going on. It’s not about this or that US Secretary of State – notice that there is almost no appreciable difference in policy expressed from the time of Condoleezza Rice to Hillary Clinton. They are all the same, people who have sold their souls to the devil and do his work in one way or another.
My advice is say prayers for God to change everything by His means, because it’s very difficult for Pakistan to fight back against the legions of darkness. It is they who are really behind all the US officials trying to force Pakistan to obey silly directives which are totally against Pakistan’s interests. Nobody in the world would do what Pakistan has already done to help America since the war against the Soviets.
With all the recent talk of Russian spies, the name of Francis Gary Powers came up in the American media. I doubt any article mentioned that he took off from Peshawar with his ill-fated 1960 [or so] U-2 flight over Siberia.
So the cooperation offered to Americans for strategic help truly extends way back.
You have to understand that the U.S. mentality is gluttonous: they feel they never can get enough of help from anyone, but petulantly demand more. That is where the short memories spoken of by the author originate.
The truth is; Pakistan should NOT cave in AT ALL, because there will NEVER be enough to satisfy American demands. Those are illogical to start with.
I feel Pakistan would be better off if it WERE dumped by America as an “ally”. God can always bring more money from somewhere good; that was the only gain.
I think there would so much relief once the yoke were lifted from Pakistan’s shoulders that Pakistanis who care about their country would be amazed that they had permitted this unhealthy badgering by the U.S. for all these years since 2001 or so.
At the very least, if the so called alliance continues, don’t cave in to any American demand but stand firm!
15. Jul, 2010
Pakistan has to completely win the game of nerves. Iran has a similar fight, but even worse.
Probably Pakistanis don’t always see completely the higher truth, which is that the devil is directing all these campaigns of pressure on their country.
The devil uses so many mean tricks, carrot and stick measures and as is well detailed in the article, the “Blame Game” in order to manipulate the world’s opinion.
In any situation like this, between individuals or countries, the people who are in the right usually have a difficult time presenting their case to outside observers, due to all the manipulation by the side which acts as a proxy for the forces of evil. That’s how it ALWAYS is!
This article is excellent to counter the propaganda.
However, I think one must be aware that it’s a much larger scale “attack” on Pakistan – and Iran – going on. It’s not about this or that US Secretary of State – notice that there is almost no appreciable difference in policy expressed by Condoleezza Rice or Hillary Clinton. They are all the same, soulless people who likely have literally made pacts with creatures from the dark side. So they obediently carry out the devil’s commands in one way or another. The devil uses them to cause trouble for Pakistan. That’s why Pakistan has to fight back with immense self-confidence and not buckle. It’s a much larger battlefield than most people conceive of which is waged with regard to Pakistan : the fight between good and evil,
My advice is to say prayers for God to come in and set everything right by supernatural, not human, means.
Othewise, it’s almost impossible for Pakistan to fight back against the legions of darkness. It is they who are really behind all the US officials trying to force Pakistan to obey all these silly directives which are wrong anyway and especially are opposite to Pakistan’s interests.
Few countries in the world would do what Pakistan has already done to help America since the Afghan war against the Soviet invasion.
Well before too.
With all the recent talk of Russian spies, the name of Francis Gary Powers came up in the American media. I doubt any article mentioned that he took off from Peshawar with his ill-fated 1960 [or so] U-2 flight over Siberia.
So the cooperation offered to Americans for strategic help truly extends way back.
You have to understand that the U.S. mentality is gluttonous: they feel they never can get enough of help from anyone, but petulantly demand more. That is where the short memories spoken of by the author originate.
The truth is; Pakistan should NOT cave in AT ALL, because there will NEVER be enough to satisfy American demands. Those are illogical to start with.
I feel Pakistan would be better off if it WERE dumped by America as an “ally”. God can always bring more money from somewhere good; that was the only gain.
I think there would so much relief once the yoke were lifted from Pakistan’s shoulders that Pakistanis who care about their country would be amazed that they had permitted this unhealthy badgering by the U.S. for all these years since 2001 or so.
At the very least, if the so called alliance does continue, don’t cave in to any American demand !
It’s the only way to get any forces of darkness to back down. They respect firmness, not people who waffle or prevaricate ! This is true for both individuals and countries.
Joseph E Fasciani
16. Jul, 2010
I am in agreement w/the very insightful and just remarks made by Aisha. I am 67, an ex-pat from the USSA [not a typo], living since 1969 in Victoria, BC, Canada.
The US has acted just as Aisha has written, and for far too long. In all-too-many respects you are Palestine and the USSA is IsraHell, and Aisha truly wrote:
“The truth is; Pakistan should NOT cave in AT ALL, because there will NEVER be enough to satisfy American demands. Those are illogical to start with. [Just as are IsraHell's of Palestione!]
I feel Pakistan would be better off if it WERE dumped by America as an ?ally?. God can always bring more money from somewhere good; that was the only gain.
I think there would so much relief once the yoke were lifted from Pakistan?s shoulders that Pakistanis who care about their country would be amazed that they had permitted this unhealthy badgering by the U.S. for all these years since 2001 or so.”
Actually, you have been used and abused by the USSA since the Powers flight! I understand that Pakistan has many deep internal problems, but you CAN unite against the common enemy: the USSA and IsraHell! The rest of the world will support you.
16. Jul, 2010
@ Joseph E Fasciani,
who ever you are,
Ever wondered why Pakistan allowed itself to be used and abused by the Anglo-Americans all these decades, and happily carried out their dirty jobs, in exchange of tens of billions of dollars worth weapons and economic packages, ………. ?
It is pathological hatred towards India and the Hindus that drives Pakistan’s ( read Pakistani army and the ISI primarily ) actions and policies ……… they have a declared policy to ” bleed India with thousand cuts” , a much bigger and stronger adversary, and can go to any extent to harm India ……….. !
16. Jul, 2010
@ neel !23 , Its a time of realization for the People of Pakistan to prevent the path that leads to perish .
Admiral I A Sirohey
16. Jul, 2010
It will not stop till the Government acquire some a backbone to stand upto the accusers.
Possible only by people of integrity.
16. Jul, 2010
Then the circumstances before us will decide our fate .We are here to face the challenges ahead .In fact we are facing it for the last 63 years . Now its the turn of those who are responsible for the prevaliing mess .Now its clear that hate India policy of Pak is a total failure .
Joseph E Fasciani
30. Jul, 2010
Thank you for your comments, as they offer me more insights that I would rarely, if ever, receive from the MSM. If you google or cluuz ‘joseph e fasciani’ you can learn more about my writing and my concerns.
I am 67, born 1943, and now live in Victoria, BC. I immigrated to Canada in 1969, as I wished to have a family in a nation that was not as violent, racist, and imperial as the USSA [not a typo]. I descend from my father, born 1905, a pacifist-anarchist who had to flee Italy to avoid execution by the Black Shirts, and from my mother’s family, immigrated from Sicily where, except for the very small percentile of the few wealthy families, all Sicilians have historically been poor and oppressed in one way or another.
I write this so that you may see that I am sympathetic to all parties involved, and have all my life supported social justice causes, wherever they arise. India and Pakistan obviously have mutual grievances and conflicting ends and means, but it deeply behooves both nations that they understand they share a common enemy and unite to oppose that entity.
The USSA and IsraHell [not a typo] will continue to oppress you just as the British did previously: divide and conquer. Both seek to strengthen themselves at your expense in their conflict w/Russia and any nation that seeks self-rule. Whenever I hear either of these serpents begin to hiss of “democracy” I know it’s time to flee before its vernom strikes. So should you.
Both will set spies amongst you and conduct vicious black ops that kill mostly innocents, and serve only to weaken you both while strengthening the worst two terrorist nations in the world today. Eventually they will meet their downfall, likely within my lifetime, but not until both have wreaked immense destruction.
Just look at their indiscriminate use of Depleted Uranium [DU, land mines, and cluster bombs in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other nations, crimes against humanity writ large for all the world to see. Do they care for your concerns in these? No, of course not; you are lesser creatures, fit only to serve your white masters, or else suffer even worse! Just ask a Palestinian about this…. Or see my article ‘Gaza is our Guernica’, at http://www.israelshamir.net/Contributors/Gaza-Guernica.htm.
But in the sum total of humankind and events, they are few and you are many. Gandhi made mistakes, but his approach was correct for achieving the maximum of freedom w/the minimum of bloodshed. Something along these lines must be your mutual pursuit today, before you are vapourised by one devil or another, from the comfort of their bunkers thousands of miles and kilometres away. Have you forgotten Bhopal?
Thank you for your thoughts, and all best to you!
03. Aug, 2010
….battleground is Afgh.
Murali: True, but militants cross over into Afg, attack & retreat to their safe havens in Pak.
Why allowed to cross over…
Murali: B’coz often there is SUPPORTIVE ground fire from Pak army which is MIS-CONSTRUED as firing by Taliban, & coalition forces do not have PERMISSION to pursue them inside Pak territory.
……suggestions of Pak to fence or mine the border…
Murali: Can’t be done, as there is an intl.law banning mining. Also mines can’t distinguish between militants & innocent people crossing border. Pak knows very well it won’t be done….so it’s just a gimmick!
why can’t crossing pts. be sealed?
Murali: Right. Unfortunately coalition force #s are still not sufficient to do it.
Pakistan had(!) 1150 brdr posts against coalition’s 250….
Murali: Though Pak had 1150 posts, as commonly known & amply revealed by wikileaks, Pak soldiers just let Taliban pass unhindered. Add to this, as you said most of them have even been removed!
Once Pak troops entered FATA Taliban slipped back into Afgn.
Murali: Not entirely true. By west’s own estimate most fighters still remain in Pak while a smaller number hide amongst locals in Afgh.
Pak border under effective control.
Murali: Not entirely true. Also NOBODY believes the daily reports of 10’s, 100’s of jihadists killed in NWFP by Pak soldiers. Pak never lets any embedded intl.reporters (unlike in Iraq & Afg) to verify these TALL & FALSE CLAIMS!
..US doesn’t have will & courage to seal border.
Murali: It’s not that coalition forces are NOT capable of doing it, but the fact is FOR SOME STRANGE REASON NOT WILLING to do it!
Also, US expects Pak to do it, only b’coz they r billing us for billions of $ on such FAKE ENCOUNTERS, in addition to billions they EXTRACT PURPORTEDLY for fighting Taliban.
Finally, if Pak was serious about its PRETENSIONS that Taliban are a danger to Pak but don’t have resources to eliminate them, then they sh’d simply let coalition forces do their job “for them”.
03. Aug, 2010
I have three questions for the readers here, something that is NAGGING everyone in the west and the free world:
a) Why is the west NOT WILLING TO TAME THIS PAKISTANI DEMON ONCE & FOR ALL, rather than squander billions in aid, most of which goes to KILL their own brave soldiers?
b) Are they plain scared (Pak being a Nuclear power), if that’s true how does the west ever hope to neutralize N.Korea or Iran? or
c) Is it plain DECEPTION by western powers against their own people? or
d) Are the west’s Military-Industrial complex eager to keep all trouble spots burning, calling the shots here?
03. Aug, 2010
Good question Murli .In fact now they are reaping what both parties have sown in the past .The on going war against terrorism GWOT is an irreversible process in which west has superiority due to its commitment to new world order.
04. Aug, 2010
Brig. Raja:
I guess you are right when you say this.
“Having dilated upon various aspects, the big questions are whether the US would bring any change in its attitude towards Pakistan”
The US has RIGHTLY decided that the one & only way the entire free world can live in peace is through the Balkanization of Pakistan as feared by the Managing Editor of Opinion-Maker.org Raja Mujtaba in his story titled ” The Last Hiccups of the Falling Empire” where he states:
“It has been reliably learnt from high credibility sources in DC that now in the power corridors, whisper campaign is going on that balkanisation of Pakistan is fate accomplice”.
And, this is what a leading Think Tank had APPROPRIATELY written in May 2009
“PAKISTAN: Slouching towards balkanization”
I suggest readers to check this out – makes some very interesting reading.
04. Aug, 2010
Let us analyse Pakistan in simple terms.The Military (the Army perse,PAF and Pak Navy are the poor cousins in Pak Military ) has always ruled Pakistan and have now become the elite society at the cost of hapless Pakistanis.They( The Army ) need to prove thier existance,and therefore need a bogie enemy.India fits the bill,most eminently.In Pakistan,every thing is India centric.India has no combat troops in Afganistan,because India refused to deploy them there.It is assisting Afganistan in developing its infrastructure,and has set up medical camps.It cannot be branded as a RAW driven agency.The work done by Indians has been well received by the Afgans,which is not to Paks liking.Afgans have no great love for Pakistan,and histiory says so.Pak would do anything to keep Afganistan,unsettled.It has taken assistance of other countries in doing so,which the US is aware.If Pak were to become truly democratic,it would severely clip the wings of its military.which Pak chief would let it happen ? Pak military will continue to play games with its own people and other nations,to justify its existance.Ultimately the people who suffer are Pakistanis.
How Much Convincing Does the World Want? « Southasianidea’s Blog
05. Aug, 2010
[...] https://opinion-maker.org/2010/07/for-its-failures-cia-mutst-not-blame-isi/ [...]
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