US-Pakistan: Old Allies Under Media Attack
Posted on 17. Jun, 2010 by Jeff in World News
Venomous Propagandist Damaging Pak–U.S. Relations
By Zaheerul Hassan

Robert Gates in Gen Kayani's Office
The perception regarding widening gulf between Pakistan and US relationship is being projected out of proportions. There are some vested quarters who do not want to see cordial and warm relations between the US and Pakistan. The last such blow has come from Thomas Houlahan, an associate at the Center for Security and Science writing in his paper, “Time for the United States to Choose,” has very conveniently sidelined all the contributions of Pakistan in war against terror which is basically The US War. Likewise many other writers and Zionist funded Think Tanks like The Heritage are busy spewing venom.
They are increasingly attacking Pakistan’s Nukes , democracy , Intelligence and security agencies. The latest being where in Rupert Murdoch’s London Times they openly accused President Zardari and ISI for taking sides with Taliban. Such irresponsible and unfounded allegations will not do any good, on the contrary they would derive a wedge between America and Pakistan at a critical time when America needs Pakistan the most.
Even American intelligence agencies at times do not share intelligence even with the host authorities despite carrying out operations from Pakistani territory. In this connection, the incident of U-2 of the past and drone attacks of the current era are the examples of miss trust between the two states. Gareth Porter writes in story “the U.S, Central Intelligence’s refusal to share with other agencies even the most basic data on the bombing attacks by remote-controlled unmanned predator drones in Pakistan’s northwestern tribal religion, combined with recent revelations that CIA operatives have been paying Pakistan to identify the targets, suggest that managers of the drone attacks programmes have been using the total secrecy surrounding the programme to hide abuses and high civilian causalities.
At the same time it might not be wrong of acknowledging from the outset that our foreign policy makers have never kept national interests on the forefront while making policy and establishing international relations. Most of the time international relations and foreign policy have been prepared while keeping in view the whimsical approach of the rulers. Though, Pakistan since her inception joined American and western block but somehow trust deficit in diplomatic relations between them somehow could not be reduced. At the end of cold war in 1990, Pakistan lost precious time in adjusting to the new realities in the changed world. The world is in the midst of radical transformation and it has posed new challenges to Pakistan’s role in regional and global affairs. In the contemporary time Pakistan has also been placed in a very precarious position and new International/Regional environments has under gone a major transformation over the last couple of years. The post cold war scenario offers opportunities as well as brought new problems for Pakistan. This is a time to explore the new options to strengthen the country’s security and Integrity.
However, in the new circumstances the “objectives” of Pakistan Foreign policy is to make country strong against external threats and defend its national identity and independence. The most important factor of our future inter relations would of having close ties with all global powers. In 21ist century, we have to policy of emotionalism and have to adopt the policy of realism, economic growth, globalization factor, currant adverse regional security environment. The policy makers have to revise the policy in general particularly with U.S, while keeping in view of our national interests under changing geo-political environment.
For better relationship with the Muslim world, American top brass and think tanks has to find the flaws at their ends and rather than playing in the hands of anti Pakistan and anti Muslim elements present in their rows. American policy makers have to forego the hunting down policy in relation to Pakistan. It is mentionable here that Indian and Jews are present in most of western and American think tanks. They are twisting and controlling the Washington and London policies and busy in fomenting propaganda against Muslim world in general and particularly against lonely nuclear Islamic Power.
Recently, in June 2010, Matt Waldman of Crisis states Research Centre levelled baseless allegations in his discussion paper against Pakistani President, Inter Services Intelligence and Army while reporting their connections with Taliban leaders. Matt alleged that although the Taliban has a strong endogenous impetus, according to Taliban commanders the ISI orchestrates, sustains and strongly influences the movement. They say it gives sanctuary to both Taliban and Haqqani commanders; it controls the most violent insurgents. According to both Taliban and Haqqani commanders, it control the most violent insurgent units, some of which to be based in Pakistan.
Matt also blamed that President Zardari himself has apparently assured captive, senior Taliban leaders that they are ‘our people’ and have his backing. In fact Matt Waldman reports is just a junk which he thrown prior to the start of second round of Pak-US Strategic Dialogues which is being held on July 21, 2010. Actually number of such type think tanks and anti Obama elements of CIA is determined to fail the first black president. Jews other wise are not feeling confident over the on going American policy towards Israel.
Anyhow, there is a need to amylase U.S-Pak relations in detail aiming to find out the gaps with a view to improve upon already deteriorating relations of two vital players of war against At the same time American administration should devise some mechanism of sorting out so called think tanks which are being funded by Jews and Indian lobby for spreading poison and widening gap between Muslim World and America.
Zaheerul Hassan is a regular contributor to opinion-maker.org He writes on South Asia and Af-Pak region. Currently he is doing his M. Phil in International Relations from National Defence University Islamabad.
Mansoor Malik
17. Jun, 2010
We have to tackle issues like these on the Political level rather than on Religious ramifications.The author, being a student of NDU would appreciate to use Indo-Israeli nexus instead of Jewish-Indian one. The use of Jews and Hindus would be a better option.If the Zionists can collect few disgruntled Muslims around their case why cant we attract few Jews to our cause instead of labeling them all.Discretion is a better part of valour and we should learn a lesson or two from the configuration of the Turkish Flotilla for Gaza.
Syed Haroon Wasti
17. Jun, 2010
Do we really have to defuse anti-americanism in Pakistan ?
As a student of Political Science, please see the reasons why it took roots in Pakistanies , in the first place ?
The sentiments of anti-americanism in Pakistanies are not only genuine but logically correct as well. These are based on 60 years of our mutual Ceaser / Brutus relationship.
I feel that we do not have to lift even a finger to correct the situation . US will have to do everything to undo and pay for misusing of our relationship with them.
Why tell us , EDUCATE THEM of their inhuman atrocities, CHANKIA-ISM, and BRUTUS like acts.
Ball is (was always) in their court. Never in ours.
Haroon Wasti
US-Pakistan: Old Allies Under Media Attack | Opinion Maker | Syed.pk
17. Jun, 2010
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Amjad Bhutta
19. Jun, 2010
I am agree with Mr. Mansoor Malik , we should tackle our issues on Political level rather than religiously. During last 62 years we describe every dispute between Pakistan and India as dispute between Muslim and Hindus. This practice has further enhanced hatred between Hindus and Muslims and did not help Muslim communities in India. Same ways all issues created by Israel or India are mentioned under the religious names, Jews and Hindus. Hindus or Jews are not bad or good because of the religion. Many Hindus in India stand for Muslims on many issues and the same way Many Jews want to help Muslims in Gaza. In short we need to correct our approach towards the issues and their tackling
20. Jun, 2010
Five Taliban militants killed in US drone attack in Pak…
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US-Pakistan: Old Allies Under Media Attack | Opinion Maker | Desi Blog
24. Jun, 2010
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