Turkey under attack from same cabal that pulled off 9/11
Posted on 12. Jun, 2010 by Jeff in Health and Medicine
By Wayne Madesn (Special Despatch)
ANKARA June 11-13, 2010
NATO member Turkey is under attack from a nexus of neoconservative media propagandists, principally led by the Wall Street Journal and Saudi media ”commentators,” Israeli special operations units, and Ergenekon “deep state” fifth columnists embedded in the Turkish military and intelligence services. In fact, many Turkish officials are now calling the Israeli attack on the Gaza aid flotilla “Turkey’s 9/11,” a fact borne out by recent revelations that there were Turkish agents provocateurs on board the MV Mavi Marmara who acted to up the violence level when Israel commandos stormed the vessel in international waters.
Officials of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s goverenment claim that they warned the Mavi Marmara that Israeli forces intended to board the ship, based on Turkish intelligence reports from Israel, and urged the ship and its flotilla to dock in Egypt. However, it now appears that the flotilla organizers were penetrated by Ergenekon and Mossad agents intent on staging a violent confrontation with boarding Israeli commandos in international waters.
The Turkish government is now reporting that it warned the Gaza flotilla organizers that, based on Turkish intelligence reports from Israel, the Israeli Navy was going to intercept and board the flotilla vessels. The Turkish government strongly recommended that the flotilla sail to Egypt instead of Gaza. However, the Gaza flotilla organizers told Turkish customs officials in the Turkish port of Antalya, the point of departure for the flotilla, that the Mavi Marmara was bound for Beirut. The deception has made the Turkish government suspicious that the flotilla had another agenda beyond delivering humanitarian supplies to Gaza.
Turkish military officials also suspect that Mossad has been assisting Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) guerillas in attacks on Turkish military units inside Turkey. On May 31, almost simultaneous to the Israeli attack on the aid flotilla, PKK guerillas, using RPG-7 rockets and more sophisticated long-range weapons, attacked a vehicle carrying Turkish navy personnel to the naval base at Iskenderun in Hatay province in southeastern Turkey. Six Turkish sailors were killed in the attack.
Hours earlier, the PKK attacked a Turkish unit in the town of Cukurca in Hakkari province, along the border with Iraq. The PKK guerrillas are supported by Israeli covert operations teams in Iraqi Kurdistan, which Israel considers is safe haven from which to operate.
PKK-Mossad operations have long been suspected by Turkey. One staunch believer is the Deputy Chief of the Turkish General Staff, General Aslan Guner. WMR has also learned that after the Israeli attack on the aid flotilla and suspicions that Israel is behind recent PKK attacks on Turkish military units inside Turkey, the percentage of anti-Israeli sentiment in the Turkish military is higher than that of the general public, which itself is at an all-time high.
On the propaganda front, the neo-cons in the United States, led by the Wall Street Journal, which barely has any

Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan
non-Jews on its news or editorial staffs, are stepping up their attacks on Edrogan’s AKP government, with many of the usual suspects claiming that Erdogan is turning Turkey into a member of the “Axis of Evil,” along with Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran. There are even suggestions that Erdogan is linked to the fake neocon contrivance “Al Qaeda.” Backing up the Israeli and U.S. Israeli Lobby assault on Erdogan is Saudi Arabia, Israel’s secret ally. One Saudi government-backed media commentator has called Erdogan “Sultan Erdogan, suggesting that the reformist Prime Minister is trying to recreate the Ottoman Empire, with himself as sultan.
The opposition and Ataturkist Republican People’s Party (CHP) has also joined the fray, echoing some of the same propaganda lines that are emanating from Israel, Washington, and New York.

Kemal Kilicdaroglu CHP Leader
The new leader of the CHP, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, is being championed as a “new” type of Turkish leader. However, Kilicdaroglu, who is a Kurd and an Alawite Muslim, two groups historically suppressed by the Kemalists of the CHP, recently gave a speech echoing all of the Turkish nationalist and Ataturk political lines. Kilicdaroglu, who has been dubbed “Gandhi Kemal” by his supporters, is also firmly in the pro-Israeli camp, something that has been pointed out by the AK Party leadership.
However, for those who hope to see the AKP routed from power by painting it as Islamist extremist, the voices of Turkey’s Jewish minority should be taken into account. In the June 11 edition of Today’s Zaman, there is an interview with Mario Levi, a leader of Istanbul’s Jewish community. Levi says that Istanbul’s News are “in solidarity with the Gazans.” He added that he believes Binyamin Netanyahu is a chauvinist, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman is a fascist, and Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak is stupid. Levi says many Turkish Jews support the AKP over the Turkish nationalists and social democrats.
However, Levi’s comments will falls on deaf ears in Israel, the neocon cabals in Washington and New York, and in the newsrooms of the Wall Street Journal.
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