India and Pakistan: Friends or Enemies?
Posted on 26. Jun, 2010 by Jeff in World News
By Yasmeen Ali

Foreign Secretaries Holding Hands!
Since the creation of Pakistan, in 1947, India and Pakistan have followed a rocky path so far as relationship between both countries are concerned. Whereas, there is a group that would like to see the hatchet buried and both the countries move forward towards a more friendly footing, the fact remains that the present is nothing if not a continuation of the past. The future is nothing if not a continuation of the present.
There can be no doubt that both the countries can mutually benefit from economic co operation .However, political considerations have traditionally restricted trade with India. There are many issues that have worked towards creating a trust deficit between both countries. The core issue of course, is Kashmir. This has led to creation of other issues which have led to further relationship complications.
Kashmir is the origin point for many rivers and tributaries of the Indus River basin. They include Jhelum and Chenab which primarily flow into Pakistan while other branches – the Ravi, Beas and the Sutlej irrigate northern India. Pakistan has been apprehensive that in a dire need, India (under whose portion of Kashmir lies the origins and passage of the said rivers) would use its strategic advantage and withhold the flow and thus choke the agrarian economy of Pakistan. The Boundary Award of 1947 meant that the headwaters of Pakistani irrigation systems were in Indian Territory. The Indus Waters Treaty signed in 1960 addressed this issue. However, recently, we saw India in violation of this treaty, with India building dams on Jhelum, Chenab and Indus. Bringing up the question in a video interview, Secretary Clinton(March 23, 2010), whether the United States would be expected to play a more active and a more robust diplomacy between India and Pakistan on the issue of water, Secretary Clinton stated that what they can do is to help Pakistan make better use of the water than before. This included capturing more rainwater, how to use less of it to produce more crops.
My question is: Who will call to book India for violating the Indus Water Treaty 1960 with India building 62 water storage dams on Chenab only?
Will the Foreign Secretaries in Islamabad be discussing this? Both Rao and Bashir have been tasked by Prime Ministers Manmohan Singh and Yousuf Raza Gilani to find ways to bridge the trust deficit and prepare the ground for a meeting of the Foreign Ministers on July 15.Rao underlines that the core concern of terrorism was high on her list of priorities. What about Pakistan’s list of priorities?
In an interview with Joe Klien of Time magazine in October 2008 Barack Obama expressed his intention to try to work with India and Pakistan to resolve this crisis in a serious way. In July 2009 US Assistant Secretary of State Robert O. Blake, Jr. stated categorically that United States had no plans of appointing any special envoy to settle the long standing dispute of Kashmir between India and Pakistan calling it an issue which needs to be sorted out bilaterally by the two neighboring states. Can this be interpreted as endorsing India’s position? Dawn Newspaper, thinks it does(US to sign $20 billion Defence Accords with India: 2009-07-17).
That there exists a trust deficit between the two neighboring countries, there is no doubt. But there has to be a will to solve these issues. Simple lip service leads nowhere. In an atmosphere of back stabbing, the project like Aman Ki Asha has failed to make a headway. This was predictable. With one side refusing to address or even acknowledge a core issue, what peace is possible? How can a country go forward confident of the sincerity of the other? Aman Ki Asha can use lyrics by Gulzar, but it has not succeeded in making place in the hearts of the Pakistanis.
India’s increased interference in Afghanistan has not sat well with Pakistan.Pakistan is wary of the number of Indian missions in Afghanistan . It is widely believed, that these are used to spread unrest within Pakistan’s borders.
Issues must be addressed if the two countries are to work together for the mutual benefit of the region. Issues cannot be wished away. Issues cannot be brushed under the carpet . We cannot behave like the proverbial ostrich and bury our cumulative heads in sand while the doves of Aman Ki Asha sing …..what? Gulzar’s lyrics?
Yasmeen Ali is teaching in Beacon House National University, Lahore. She owns and manages her own blogs.
a WordPress rating system
27. Jun, 2010
Yeah, it’s good, very useful, thanks
27. Jun, 2010
Of course enemies ……history of last 63 years is testimony to that…………… what is the point in hypocrisy ………… ?!
You Pakistanis call Kashmir a core issue……. India says it is its internal matter …….. the world has lost interest in this bilateral thorn between the two countries, resulting in the US clearly stating that it has no reason to get involved and interfere. This change in US attitude reflects the ground realities of changes in geo-politics.
Kashmir issue was aimed at taking revenge for Bangladesh ……….. started in 1989 when the Soviets left Afghanistan, and Pakistani Army started pushing the muslim terrorists into India.
After almost two decades, Pakistan has not got even an inch of Kashmir …….. India’s resolve to defeat Pakistani Army’s ploy hardened more than ever ………. !
This “water” issue of Pakistan is a recent phenomenon of less than a year …… ! This is the product of a concerted propaganda war against India. Hundreds of dams on so many rivers could not have come up overnight … !
What ever be the truth behind this “water” propaganda, the positive thing about the whole thing is the recognition that India has its aces too … !
After 63 years, four wars, and Pakistani army’s failed policy of bleeding India with thousand cuts, dwindling support from its traditional backers and worsening internal conditions, it is time for rethink in Pakistan based on the ground realities.
“Aman Ki Asha” is for the die-hard dreamers, divorced from the realities…….there will be no peace based on the basis of Indian concessions on a variety of issues including Kashmir .
Concessions are not for the Enemies ……………. !!
naveed tajammal
27. Jun, 2010
My dear foolish blue boy(neel) when will you grow up! please do read before you venture to give your two bit opinions,CERTAINLY,it is a internal matter of india when it suits india,if the world opinion is focused on indian foul ups against india and international media is on india then it is a BILATERAL matter no blue boy??however,when india feels cornered by Pakistan,then, world has to bail out indian struck “‘cow’,the bovine mentality of india never ceases to end,just look the way your lot operates you send a female saree clad foreign secretary,smeared with a red imprint on her forehead,blue boy do you have any idea how this custom came.and what it represents ?as to your reference to the creation of bangladesh,and its co relation to the kashmir kindly wake up !!the kashmir issue had started when the english had sold kashmir to the hindu Gulab singh,we revolted enmass,read the history the revolts continued till put down by British help in late 19th century,again it flared up in 1947 and has continued since then,indian cow has no business holding onto a land which has been our part geographically,linguistically as well culturally,our dress and insignia too remains ONE,even after six decades they still wave our flag,and we will get it in the END,as to the water ISSUE no it was not started a year back, it was your every hungry COW which stopped our Waters on 1st april 1948, the IWT is its aftermath,in which your cow is still cheating,in 1968 came the Salal dam issue when the cow wanted to divert our chinab waters to your plains,which was stopped,and what ACES are you talking about ,sweet heart the same need a group of dedicated lot to blow up,in matter of short time,that is what GNAWS the COW the most the fear of unknown,as to the chinese methodology of a death of thousand CUTS well ask the chinese they too are not very happy with your lot, now are they ,blue boy ?? your cows doings in her own backyard will end her,500 million who live on not even daily food will like LOCUST attack the sacred COWS of HIND,when comes the time.
shazada yasir
28. Jun, 2010
very well said naveed tajammal it will at the end it will be LOCUST of india which will eat the sacred cows of india.
adnan baig
28. Jun, 2010
our politicans will ruin us,and the chamchas of our foreign office who please them ,no one here is intereseted in our country.
27. Jun, 2010
Well said Yasmeen, ‘the peace warriors of bhangra brigade’, as Ayaz Mir once put it, make peace overture by ignoring the ground realities and pushing the real issues under the carpet, making Pakistan to concede on all counts.
28. Jun, 2010
very well said zahid the bhangra brigade will under the influnce of drinks ruin us.
Ijaz Khan
27. Jun, 2010
Dear Blue Boy(Neel)
Thanks Naveed.You dubbed him right.
You just proved Yasmeen’s point correct.I will quote her:
“In an atmosphere of back stabbing, the project like Aman Ki Asha has failed to make a headway. This was predictable. With one side refusing to address or even acknowledge a core issue, what peace is possible? How can a country go forward confident of the sincerity of the other? ”
By saying that water issue is a “recent ” affair , are U trying to justify it?
For all the hatred you have,boy,you have a nerve to stick with a name of our crop. Plz change it!
Sqn Ldr S.Ausaf Husain (Retd)
27. Jun, 2010
A very well written article. Ms YAA has depicted a true picture of the ugly and dangerous situation created by our could be good neighbouring INDIA by not giving the right to citizens of Kashmir their right of Self Determination. and forcefully occupying major part of Kashmir and violating the Indus Water Treaty 1960.
Unless the core issue of Kashmir is not resolved by India and the Indus Water Treaty 0f 1960
Prof. Javaid Ahmed
27. Jun, 2010
This write up is dangerous and wicked. It conjurs enemity where there is NONE. Kashmir is a non issue except for the vested interest who depend on it for a living.
In an age of discontinuity, there can be NO connect with then past. This thought of connecting with the past is ONLY meant to perpetuate enemity and maintain status quo and arms sales.
Wake up Madam Yasmeen, smell the coffee … the world has moved far far ahead and you are still still stuck in time. You are doing NO service to your country by such write ups.
naveed tajammal
27. Jun, 2010
prof.javed sahib read my reply to neel to clear any doubts on the kashmir issue.
ruhail akhtar
28. Jun, 2010
My father and grandfather died because of Indian shelling,and you say Kashmir is a dead issue ? People of Gaza have not suffered, compared to us,we have fought the Dogra rule in the past and now since 1947 we are facing Hindu armies. Kashmir will become Pakistan.
28. Jun, 2010
This professor does not know the abc OF what HE writes,how can kashmir be a dead issue,i belong to BALTISTAN, THERE is hardly any family since the dogra rule who has not lost there dear ones,we are suffering for the last 160 years.the hindu rule must end and will end.
Javaid Ahmed
28. Jun, 2010
@TANVEER HAYAT, I fully understand your emotion and I would feel exactly the same if my family members had been killed.
The point I want you to understand is that traders of religion on both sides of the border have a business out of the conflict, a source of livehood at the expense of depriving the people of their fundamental rights. Making atom bombs instead of universities!
Civilians are persequeted in the name of religion and “liberty” a thousand miles away in the south to feed the conflict.
There are Hindus and Non Hindus in Indonisea, in Cambodia. The issue in my opinion is NOT Hindus vs Muslime, it is a political issue, a power issue to exploit people rather than letting them have economic and social justice. Guilt lies perhaps on BOTH sides of the border.
That is my humble submission … I will refrain from attacking you personally like you did in your opening sentence. By attacking me you are playing in the hands of the vested interest who do not want peace.
28. Jun, 2010
Nice word play.It is YOU who and the likes of you who have sold the soul to the enemies.You do not NEED to attack anyone personally.You did so in the first mail.Kashmir IS an issue.US too has accepted it.Where are U from?India?
Fatima@Javaid Ahmed,
28. Jun, 2010
You are either nuts or Part of Enemy Camp.They are wanting to stop our water & you are singing like a dove?I guess YOU are the vested interest here!Shame on you.
Riaz@Javaid Ahmed,
Tanveer hayat
28. Jun, 2010
javaid ahmed,
The feelings of the our people are strong,it is our way of life,which is the core issue-hindu want full dimination,they have brought in hindus from all over india like soviets did in central asia,we are under the hindu yoke for now over 160 years,the world looks with grief at the gaza and palestine people what have they suffered compared to us ?? our ideology is freedom from hindu yoke,and unification with pakistan,you support the hindu point of view are you a indian ?
it were weak immigrant ploiticans of karachi who did not support our freedom fighters,general akbar of 1951 conspiracy case and col.hassan of gilgit
who had reached srinagar.hindus killed one million of our people in the aftermath.
i am not playing i n other hands you are.
Yasmeen Ali
28. Jun, 2010
Well said Tanveer Sahib.
Yasmeen Ali @Javaid Ahmed,
sarwar bajwa
28. Jun, 2010
What a shame that people like this javaid ahmed preach peace with india after all it has done to us, do they not read newspapers or tv talk shows are they blind to our sufferings at the hand of hindus unless this man is a paid employee of RAW then it is different case.
ammar shigri
28. Jun, 2010
I fully endorse what tanveer says,i too am from baltistan,shigr valley,and am proud of my grandfather and father who wore the pakistani armed forces uniform,and fought the bloody indians, traitors like javaid ahmed should go to nehru university if not already there.
usman shaukat
28. Jun, 2010
What a shame that people with muslim names like this javaid ahmed preach peace with indians,a country which has blocked our water resources,cheated us out of our boundaries,killed millions of our muslims was instrumental in creating the Mukti-bhani,killed millions of our Bihari muslims.in East pakistan,on top he claims to be a proffessor maybe of nehru university,may god save his pupils if he is in pakistan.
28. Jun, 2010
it is the people like this Javed Ahmed, Shah Mahmud Queerishi,the foreign minister, Ikram Sehgal, Pervaiz ya hood bhai, and many more on the silver screen who are out to ruin us,the sooner we get rid of them better off will we be.
27. Jun, 2010
YAA a good article pointing out the right. Keep it up, Inshallah one day you will make a difference.
Sqn Ldr S.Ausaf Husain (Retd)
27. Jun, 2010
A very well written article. Ms YAA has depicted a true picture of the ugly and dangerous situation created by our could be good neighbouring INDIA by not giving the right to citizens of Kashmir their right of Self Determination. and forcefully occupying major part of Kashmir and violating the Indus Water Treaty of1960.
Unless the core issue of Kashmir is not discussed and resolved and the Indus Water Treaty of 1960 is not respected by India, visit by Indian Home Minister or Indian Foreign Secretary to Pakistan will not be of any use.
If the United States is really interested to bring peace in the Indo-Pak subcontinent the above issues should be settled first.
27. Jun, 2010
A very well researched article indeed. India’s grievience regarding terrorism is correct to a degree. Ajmal Kasab did belong to this area. There are areas of gray regarding the evidence against the leader of Jamaat ud Dawa,this has not been made public.But can India overlook the role of RAW in NWFP and her own support of Baluch seperatist movement?
As for those who consider Kashmir a non issue one can only pity those who have severed connection with their roots and have spent , obviously, too many years getting brainwashed by vested interests….like Prof. Javed.
khan baig
28. Jun, 2010
the mir jaffar like thinking can only end if people like prof.javed know what they are saying being paidand made to write such like comments on our kashmir issue is acting like mir jaffars.
28. Jun, 2010
@khan baig, If this is going to become so abusive and mean, I would like to opt out of the discussion. Thank you and best Regards.
Afzal Haider
28. Jun, 2010
People like you javaid ahmed and neel the blue boy are twins both product of RAW.
29. Jun, 2010
Javais should read his reply that I have produced .He started the meanness by his cheap comments.There never was any discussion from his end.Because he has no legs to support his idiotic statements in a discussion.Shameful creature.I know you.People like you & your buddies Riaz Khan & Baber Khairi need to be boted out or jailed as traitors.God knows your Pakistan hating mails all over the net are enough proof.
27. Jun, 2010
USA keeps on changing colors like a chamelion as YAA has correctly pointed out.
On June 10th 2010, Assistant Secretary of State Philip Crowley was quoted by The Daily Times as saying,”I think all I will say is that we recognise that this is a very important issue between India and Pakistan? .
Earlier, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Robert Blake had pointed out that the US has always been interested in establishing peace between the two South Asian neighbours, and stressed Islamabad must first take substantial action against the perpetrators of the November 2008 Mumbai attacks and also reign in India centric militant organisations such as the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), before the Indo- Pak peace talks can be resumed.
Excuse me…..is KASHMR NOT the cause for all the ensuing ill will? Is Kashmir not an OLDER issue?
I fail to understand the thinking over here except that vested interests want to SEEM to be doing something without actually doing so.
Crowley is suggested to take classes from Prof Javed.The USA Govt must be a fool to admit Kashmir an issue whereas the Prof thinks its not.USA wake up:smell your coffee.Maybe yours was laced with whisky when you wrote this?
28. Jun, 2010
@Laila, Well … if this is going to become so personal and mean, I beg to opt out and leave the discussion
29. Jun, 2010
It became personal when you posted your furst reply.Let me quote you:”This write up is dangerous and wicked….This thought of connecting with the past is ONLY meant to perpetuate enemity and maintain status quo and arms sales.
Wake up Madam Yasmeen, smell the coffee ? the world has moved far far ahead and you are still still stuck in time. You are doing NO service to your country by such write ups.”
There was NO discussion from your end.Pure rudeness.The shoe is on the other foot.You have to leave the “discussion”because you have NOTHING to discuss.Yu have rudeness , And in a discussion you stand nowhere.
27. Jun, 2010
It is a comprehensive article covering the relation between the two countries. Till 1971 Pakistanis were perceived as 18 ft tall and unbeatable.We were talking to India on equal term. The debacle of 1971 has cut us to size. India took 1965 revenge in 1971 with hefty interest. Since then India views us like any other country in the region. It has further reduced our significance in her estimation of itself as shining India and the world that matters declared her rising economic power. When we talked to her on equal terms she paid no attention and Kashmir has been made its Atoot Ung.
We did bring in sanity in their thinking after responding to its Nuclear prowess in May 1998. Regrettably we seem to have lost that equality due to reason I hate to write. Suffice it to say incompetence and dishonesty.
Without having competent and honest leadership we shall continue to lose.Therefore I see a sea change in India’s arrogance to browbeat Pakistan and cause maximum damage to its economy and stability. It will be whole heartedly supported by the West.
No harm in talking.
27. Jun, 2010
After all they were living happily before 1947.The Hindu Muslim riots erupted once
in a while that too mostly in UP/CP on the instigation of local ldrs.
The Hindu landlords had Muslim tenants under them & Muslim land lords Hindu
tenants. There was never major problem.All social events were attended by all
Our elders say that no one hurt the religious rites of others. In parties it was made
sure that Muslim cooks were invited to cook food for their Muslim guests. The riots
were much less than what we have now in Pakistan; Muslims killing each other& target
killings. Abu Kalam Azad & few other Muslim ldrs who stayed back in INDIA had predicated after the objective resolution in 49′ that Muslims in Pakistan will further sub divide & the various sects will kill each other in the Name of ALLAH.
Nothing to get emotional to progress South Asia must allow free visa policy&
reduce our defense budget.Other wise mutual destruction policy would take back to
dark ages.The holy prophet PBUH always forgave His opponents & spread the
message of peace.HUDAIBIA lead to Fateh MAKKHA. we must learn to withdraw,
Consolidate,economically rebuild & live to fight an other day. INDIA is starving you
to death by stopping our waters & through their friends of ANP not allowing to build
Kala bagh Dam convert your fertile land to desert.You have to see SUTLEJ bridge
in BAHAWAL PUR to know the FACTS.Where will you use your ATOM BOMB if
the GUNS&F-16 do not have the fuel to fire the bomb you cant carry it like a jacket
of the suicide bomber.
naveed tajammal
28. Jun, 2010
The bloody indians will be stopping our share of even flood waters in the same sutlej river soon,hence you will not be able to re charge your ground waters,what option do we have BUT to fight, Visa part is for those stupid people who have money to throw around in indian flea markets,we produce better things,where there is a will,the way is always there.
27. Jun, 2010
As an old Pakistan Movement Worker/Tehreek e Pakistan Karkun,Old Member of Muslim Students Federation,I had participated actively in Pakistan Independence Movement (in Ajmer , other parts of Rajhastan , few places in the former East Punjab of the former British India and Delhi) under the Dynamic Leadership of our Great Leader Quaid e Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah.
I have witnessed many killings in those historic days in our history when hundreds and thousands of men,women,children/students like me struggled for independence and for getting rid of years of slavery/getting rid of British Raj so that we start living in an a wonderful and beautiful country Pakistan.
I and many students lead the rallies for British Leave India.We want our Country Pakistan.Many men.women,children were killed.I survived but was injured mant times but continued struggling and we got our beautiful country PAKISTAN.
During those days of great struggle for getting Pakistan,I was lucky to see our Great Leader Quaid e Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah.I remember when he saw his young fans looking at him offering Salam he smiled replied to Salams and I could see his old eyes shining.I think his eyes were shining because our Great Leader Jinnah Sahib , the Founder of Pakistan had a lot of expectations from all of us i.e, he must be thinking that after getting PAKISTAN we will work day and night to make it a wonderful developed country in shortest possible time working sincerely,honestly,helping each other.BUT WHAT HAPPENED after we got PAKISTAN due to hard work of our Dear Quaid e Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah , his dedicated friends and the sacrifices of the Tehreek e Pakistan Karkuns/Pakistan Movement Workers,Members of Muslim Students Federation,men,women, children.
The UNO,SAARC,OIC,NAM,HUMAN RIGHT ORG.INT’L. LAW/JUSTICE/COURT/ORG.,LOVER OF PEACE MAY MAKE BEST USE OF MY SINCERE,BOLD,HONEST,ACTIVE OFFER.For this,I am ready to travel to any part of the World at my expences (not like some politicians who have been spending millions of rupees,dollars,takas for the last say SIXTY YEARS travelling to world capitals,living in five/seven star hotels,going around the UNO/PEACE / KASHMIR CONFERENCES and the RESULT ??? Any PEACE or Any PERMANENT PEACE ACHIVED ??? Therefore , WHY ??? WHY NOT MAKE BEST USE OF REAL,PROPER,HONEST,BOLD PEACE ACTIVIST SAGHIER AHMED JAFRI’S OFFERS FOR ARRANGING PERMANENT PEACE “”"NOW”" and not after many decades may be after another SIXTY YEARS or SO ??? knowing that MANY COUNTRIES ARE NOW ATOMIC POWERS.HENCE, I FEEL and I THICK I AM CORRECT TO SAY THAT , IT IS NOT PROPER TO DELAYS RESOLVING ALL THE DISPURES NOW , RIGHT NOW BETWEEN PAKISTAN AND INDIA BECAUSE THESE ARE KNOWN ATOMIC POWERS?
27. Jun, 2010
Summed up well, Laila?but..,what is the way forward ?
Are we destined to simmer in hostility forever ?
I know India is the perpetrator of this vicious hate cycle, Pakistan
has largely been reacting. The reasons are as you cited, and mainly
that India must come out of the illusion it can ever undo the
partition and roll back Pakistan. India has to in her heart of heart
ACCEPT Pakistan as a reality and stop dreaming that some day we will
reunite like Germany or Vietnam ,or will become one again like the
possibilities that exist in Koreas , Cyprus? Once India comes to terms
with the irreversibility of Pakistan and the impossibility of exacting
a revenge on Muslims for their 1000-year rule over Hindus, things
should start falling in line with civility and equal mutual existence.
Pakistan needs to hammer down these irreversible realities into Indian
psyche and Hindu mindset as India is clearly incapable of taking the
REAL initiative on ITS OWN.
Things like Aman Ki Asha are a good beginning and provide a window of
opportunity for us to make it clear to the Indians we are equal, we
are here to stay, we are not merging with you ever, and NOW let us
talk from there. I know we can lead the march towards peace, more than
Indians will ever be capable of doing.
We have historical, psychological advantage over them. We will not
accept anything less than ? Pakindia?, if at all a reunification comes
up on the table, with us in the driving seat.!!
Once again a very good article from the fold of YAA.
27. Jun, 2010
Thank you for the kind words sir.Aman ki Asha can only be productive if ONLY the issues are met head on.
Meeting of ministers without addressing issues can lead no where.
27. Jun, 2010
You are very right in your article. a good analyses of the situation.
My only argument is if either gov.s are serious in sorting out the differences? this is one trump card for each of them whenever they want to diverge the attention from local insurgencies. there will meetings but never a solution, how else can they have the hold on their people.
today’s news: india siezes pakistani ship. allegation: carrying arsenal.
What would be the reaction if pakistan had held an indian ship on the same grounds?
Raja Mujtaba
27. Jun, 2010
For all those who think Aman Ki Asha is the way forward are sadly mistaken. If we really study in depth, our roots lie in Central Asia, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey and the Arab countries.
Even those Muslims who are left behind in India, have the same ancestral roots. If anyone can claim his roots India, its me being a Rajput; if I do not claim any historical linkage with Indian civilisation then why all the rest should who have clear linkage with the West and and Central Asia.
naveed tajammal
27. Jun, 2010
DEAR raja sahib,sir,
the creation of Even rajput entity is post ISLAM,the fire ceremony took place on the MOUNT.ABU ,even COL.JAMES TOD, the author of Annals and Antiquities of Rajastan,puts the time zone in post 650 AD,the birth of AGNI-KULA,
however the base of the tribes created are from two ethnic lots,JATS & GUJARS.but also remember the breeding grounds of both races is the indus basin !!
27. Jun, 2010
Yes, there is a “major” need to build relationship between the 2 countries but not at the cost of the one which is percieved to be weaker ( no need to guess that its us). The fact is that we are stronger if not for our lack of Nationalism ( again because of our elite and their elitist ways dominated by pro-westernism). Any sensible, pro Pakistan leader can always hold a win-win dialogue and negotiation provided they know the art of it and like all bargains decide clearly on a strategic path.
Here, the first step is to identify the bastards amongst us and get rid of them ( ask them to shut up, warn them of being exposed in public eye, tell them that this is a National issue….do what ever is required) so that a strategic national agenda is followed
Zahid Hamid
27. Jun, 2010
Dear Yasmeen,
Couldn?t agree more. What we need to remember of course is that in burying its head in the sand to escape reality, the ostrich exposes a very vulnerable part of its anatomy, which can be hazardous to its disposition in more ways than one!
Take care.
27. Jun, 2010
The story today is not of Hindu-Muslim trust deficit due to recent or past history.neither is Kashmir a major issue as it can be resolved by both sides to each others’ benefit amicably,keeping in mind that the intellientsia in both countries and policy-makers are civilised and educated enough to see the betterment of each others’ lot.As the world is becomming a global village due to modern communications,technologies and the need to share resources,both Indian and pakistani bureacrats in the military and civil services realise the need to bury the hatchet.
However,the issue,or I would say,the disease,in the Sub-Continent is of “hegemony”.That also Hindu,not of the modern Indian-type,which definitely is their surplus output from industry and trade.
It is the “Brahmin” mentality,which is a pediment to resolving internal and regional issues which is plagueing us all.This is unfortunate in this time and era of modern times.You remove the Brahmin complexes inflicted on their own classes and masses and from policy making forums,Kashmir will be resolved in a day !
Aftermaths of decisions in Sharm_ul-Sheikh,Tashkent (where a No-War Pact),was offered by Shastri and Nehrus’ own willingness to resolve issues,came to naught,as the Brahmin mindset did not allow it.This vision will not change.
What we are facing today is an Indian wait to see Pakistan implode.They think time is on their side,so no harm in just watching some idiot mullahs and corrupt politicians whittle away with their myopic ideas on Islam and self-aggrandisement respectively to see a violent breakup of Pakistan. Meanwhile,their psy war on Pakistans’ youth on the cultural-side, and pleading and whining in front of the World-powers to bracket Pakistan as a hotbed of terrorism and the home of extremism is definitely having negative effects on both target audiences.
We need to put our house in order first.That is priority.An Ataturk.A Hugo Chavez.An Ahmednejad.Someone who can knock sense into the mullahs and inept politicians and lead the people of Pakistan to a better life.
Extremists exist everywhere.Even in the USA there a are some madcaps/rightists and radicals.But their society ignores them,or accepts them to a certain limit.This can be gauged by the subdued reaction in America itself on the Muslims living there.Aside from a few incidents,there was no suicide bombings or target killings of American Muslims.Society did not allow it as it would not have benefitted the image of America and its’ relationship with the Muslim World.What they did with Afghanistan and Iraq,was a different agenda.But American Muslims and their homes,children,businesses and jobs were not harmed.
Comming back to the agenda of India-Pakistan and the so-called,”Aman-ki-Asha”,the only roadmap for Pakistan is grow strong internally.This needs no explanation here.Thye Hindu only respects “strenght”.The stronger and more united we are in our internal affairs,the colour of Indian hostile instrangience towards Pakistan will take a dramatic turn.
Atique Mirza
27. Jun, 2010
Yasmeen, Thanks for your very balanced and enlightning commentary on Indo- Pak affairs. I totally agree with your approach to peacemaking. Here is how I look at this latest endeavour towards the rapprochement between India and Pakistan ( Aman ki Asha).
I wholeheartedly support the peace process and the thawing of relations between India and Pakistan. Pakistan desperately needs to build its economic base and improve the financial condition of its citizens. Peace between India and Pakistan will certainly bring the “peace dividends” in form of economic development, which is crucial for Pakistan’s very survival. Infact, a strong economy is a precursor and a prerequisite to a militarily strong Pakistan, which in turn is indispensible element that will motivate India to come to the peace table. Pakistan must understand that one can never negotiate from a position of weakness. India will never come to the peace table out of the goodness of their heart. They will pay attention to Pakistani proposals only if they understand and believe that the alternative will be more painful for them. This is the fundamental reason why India never cared much for Pakistani demands that India respect its “Water Rights” and end its military occupation of Kashmir.
Peace initiatives, if successful, will enhance and improve the economy of both these countries. It will improve the standards of living of the repective population in these two South Asian adversaries. The two countries also share cultural bonds and goodwill and this affinity can be translated in extracting benefits in the global economy. Closer ties between these two nuclear powers can also bring an enhanced stature in the world affairs.
On the other hand, continued hostilities will maintain statusquo and deplete valuable resources which are desperately needed to improve the economic lot of its impoverished and illiterate citizens.
Having said this, I agree with Ms. Yasmeen that the core issues have to be addressed prior to any normalization of relations. Without the resolution of core issues, any peace overtures will be transitory and temporary in nature. Peace initiatives without resolving core issues is analogous to building a high rise edifice without the benefit of a solid foundation. How long would that building stand without a solid foundation. From Pakistan’s perspective there are two primary core issues that are corelated in some ways:
1. Kashmir issue,
2. Water rights
The resolution of these two core issues is a minimum prerequisite for normalization of relations between India and Pakistan. It is my fervent hope that india and Pakistan will resolve these two festering problems so that these two countries can move on to better relations in a spirit of cooperation and goodwill.
27. Jun, 2010
Yasmeen, Thanks for your very balanced and enlightening commentary on Indo- Pak affairs. I totally agree with your approach to peacemaking. Here is how I look at this latest endeavour towards the rapprochement between India and Pakistan ( Aman ki Asha).
I wholeheartedly support the peace process and the thawing of relations between India and Pakistan. Pakistan desperately needs to build its economic base and improve the financial condition of its citizens. Peace between India and Pakistan will certainly bring the ?peace dividends? in form of economic development, which is crucial for Pakistan?s very survival. In fact , a strong economy is a precursor and a prerequisite to a militarily strong Pakistan, which in turn is indispensible element that will motivate India to come to the peace table. Pakistan must understand that one can never negotiate from a position of weakness. India will never come to the peace table out of the goodness of their heart. They will pay attention to Pakistani proposals only if they understand and believe that the alternative will be more painful for them. This is the fundamental reason why India never cared much for Pakistani demands that India respect its ?Water Rights? and end its military occupation of Kashmir.
Peace initiatives, if successful, will enhance and improve the economy of both these countries. It will improve the standards of living of the respective population in these two South Asian adversaries. The two countries also share cultural bonds and goodwill and this affinity can be translated in extracting benefits in the global economy. Closer ties between these two nuclear powers can also bring an enhanced stature in the world affairs.
On the other hand, continued hostilities will maintain status quo and deplete valuable resources which are desperately needed to improve the economic lot of its impoverished and illiterate citizens.
Having said this, I agree with Ms. Yasmeen that the core issues have to be addressed prior to any normalization of relations. Without the resolution of core issues, any peace overtures will be transitory and temporary in nature. Peace initiatives without resolving core issues is analogous to building a high rise edifice without the benefit of a solid foundation. How long would that building stand without a solid foundation. From Pakistan?s perspective there are two primary core issues that are correlated in some ways:
1. Kashmir issue,
2. Water rights
The resolution of these two core issues is a minimum prerequisite for normalization of relations between India and Pakistan. It is my fervent hope that India and Pakistan will resolve these two festering problems so that these two countries can move on to better relations in a spirit of cooperation and goodwill.
28. Jun, 2010
Thank you Yasmin Ali for this information.
Actually India is gaining the time ,she is not serious in resolving issues between India & Pakistan including Kashmir issue.India knows she is supported by America,Israel & Russia as well.America is interestd to to push China woth India.Indias eyes are on Uns General Assembly seat
It is not a hidden game ,it is very open.India was stoped by America, not to do any deal for gas pipe line with Iran & now same pressure comes to Pakistan by America.
There is no honesty .In Kashmir India is engaged in Genocide ,no international body is concerned ,Even OIC is just a useless Dummy ,will never be published.
In Pakistan the foreign agents are powerful ,it is ruled by the foreigners.And still clain they are democratic countries.Look at Iraq & Afghanistan s situation,what have they done to them. It is just His masters voice ,might is right,.There is no justice system ,no rules & regulations & their conscience is dead .
Only the people can make the difference if they are united..united we stand & divided we fall.
28. Jun, 2010
only by creating awareness in our people can we get rid of these traitors within our nation.
28. Jun, 2010
i do not know why we could never develop our foreign office
as a team,most of our foreign ministers have been people who in private life could never comprehend the international
affairs as a subject, the foreign office is the face of any country
present team can drink the whole night and speak in english,
but ,that does not take the interests of the country anywhere
instead of discussing the water issue they discussed terrorism it is like the culprit,acting like the policeman.its the indians who are behind the blasts in our country.
Hasan Abbas Jafrey
28. Jun, 2010
Madam Yasmeen! A very well written article. You have correctly recorded the historical facts.
There is no doubt, that India has been our enemy and will remain so. But my question is that, ” Is it only India which is our enemy or other country or countries are too”?
My answer is that other countries are too (no need to name them, every body knows them.
But why is it so? Because, we, ourselves are our worst enemies. (I don’t have to give my reasons for this statement, because these are vastly repeated and are well known.) Thus we have become very weak and nobody favours weak/poor person/s or in larger scale; nation/s. Might is right and has always been right since time memorial.
Take the example of East Timor which was seperated from Indoneshia by UN Resolution. Why? Because the population was all Christians. Whereas, Kashmir and Palestine problems are not solved since decades because the majority population is Muslim and Muslims are weak.
So! Get strong by unity, selflessness and honesty. Eradicate corruption, illiteracy, poverty and all the
prevailing evils from our society. I assure you, the world will fall in your lap
28. Jun, 2010
I will read your article later but would like to comment on its title.
No countries or individual, not even real brothers can be friend if some serious disputes exist between them. For friendship sake, either the disputes be amicably resolved or one party surrenders and gives up its claim. There is just no other way. You may have a temporary truce but both sides will keep looking for an opportunity to score over the other. Developing two way trade does not mean friendship.
28. Jun, 2010
Those who think India and Pakistan should unite or Pakistan should follow the footsteps of the Holy Prophet and forgive
the enemy, should recall Indra’s statement in the Parliament when Dacca fell,” we have avenged a thousand years of humiliation”. Ladies and gentlmen, is there is any one in the world who can guarantee that end of Indian attempts if we give up our claim to Kashmir? I don’t think so. India will not rest till Pakistan is on her knees and accepts India as our lord. If you give up Kashmir, the next will be our side of Kashmir and then the Noreen areas etc. The “intellectuals” in us should thank Allah the at we have a homeland where we can live the way we want instead of Brahmans breathing down our necks the way they are ding to their Muslims. I think it is irrelevant to talk about pre 1947 India and the harmony between the two. First of all those were the days of British rule and it was important for the father to keep two sons live in peace. How else could the British rob the colony. Now that the “father” before his death, favoured the elder son, the younger one has only two options—either accept the elder’s might or fight for his own right. If the elder brother was really a “brother”, he should have acted like one and given due share to the younger one. If we see the division of the share in 1847 and how the Indians denied our a our sharer, one can see their intentions. As Far as forgiving is concerned, for how many attempts at our throat will you forgive them for and for how long. PLEASE, we the people of this region have got a country on a plate; let us at least defend it instead of talking of sleeping with the enemy which is out to destroy you. N country in the world has retained freedom without sacrifices. If we can’t give up one meal a day to stay free, we don’t deserve freedom. economy is fine but let us not forget that it is not the expenditure on defence that is keeping us poor but massive corruption at all levels. Pakistan is an extremely rich country. The poverty in us is due to our own mismanagement and not standing up to the enemies like a proud sovereign state.
28. Jun, 2010
Europe passed through a similar phase upto WW2. After that phase common people realized that the politicians and the clergy are the main source of strife. Slowly the civil society emerged and transformed the continent.
India and Pakistan are on a similar path. When the civil society gets strength then they will resolve these issues based on justice and equity. The solution by force will result in counter force.
Kashmir and Water are the two major issues. These two issue can be certainly resolved if the public pressure forces their rulers to follow a path of dialogue and peace. For that I believe we have to wait.
28. Jun, 2010
I fail to see your point here nasim,what has clergy to do with indians putting up all those dams on our share of the western rivers ??
now if by that you mean the hindu,pig tailed,head shaven, dirty smelling,cow dung smeared,laced with cow urine,hindu clergy who have put up these dams,then say so openly.what has world 2 to do here??but why do you want us to wait,you want us to dry up,use up our ground water ? look to india for release of water ?every season ? you are not the farmer type so have no clue to value of water.where do you live in pakistan ??
Abdur Rauf
28. Jun, 2010
Untill kashmir problem is solved it is difficult to be friendly neighbors.though people in pakistan want to be friends.enemity for both countries will be a disasterous factor for both the countries.It is a fact that now not only Governments but the people on both sides are cofronted,
28. Jun, 2010
If my memory serves me, Pakistan was created with the sole purpose if providing a home base for the Muslims of India.
A region where Muslim changed from being a minority to a majority with associated benefits. Which we are seeing today.
Such as confidence that we are the coveted class. Competing within each other for the best government Post and
executive posts in Corporations rather than a group that has advantage over the Muslims. Free from any suppression such as
the Muslims in India are facing to day.
Before Partition, Pakistan portion of India was under the financial binds of people of Hindu and Sikh culture. Most of the
administrators and bureaucrats were non Muslims. All this changed at Partition.
This we all have to celebrate. But, that was then.
The scheme that the Indian congress hatched at the time of Birth of Pakistan was to starve the country for finances and resource and
bring it to submission. In 1947 Pakistan came into being with absolutely zero amount in government treasury, less than 10 airplanes in
the air force and literally no transportation system. The Nizam of Hyderabad gifted gold bullion from his personal treasury to spark
life into the country. (So the government employees could be paid). That was then.
Now look at Pakistan, vibrant thriving in many aspects except politics. The Muslim people made it happen.
Now Pakistan and India need to drop the caterpillar stage and morph each other into a butterfly.
Meaning, we need to look beyond the petty differences. The world now is judged by commerce, industry and wealth
rather than human differences. Dwelling on human differences is a sign of a weak nation. Army and government bureaucracy
robs a country of this vital resource. In other words, time has come to increase emphasis on commerce and industry and match
the progress India has made in the recent decade.
To make this happen. An effort to initiate mutual trust and free exchange between the 2 countries need to be triggered.
However, Pakistan cannot open its border very quickly. Pakistan will have to strengthen its infra structure and financial
prowess before taking this step. For a simple reason, Pakistan has opportunities that match or far exceed those in India
to day per capita. The reason Pakistan has not been able to make use of these natural opportunities is because of the political
squabbling among its factions. India will take the openness as an opportunity to exploit this weakness. There is the
danger of finance and commerce being gradually taken away from the Muslims once again.
To prepare for such openness, Pakistani’s must bring its impoverished population to at the least same level as that of India
today. Plug the gaps in commerce and in industry. This is necessary so population on each side of the border, is vested in the land
and is highly satisfied with its own way of life. Thus curbing immigration naturally. Example is the situation of USA with Canada and USA with Mexico.
Immigration from Mexico grows while Immigration between Canada and USA is negligible. The reason is obvious, Canada is equal or better
in its fianancial prowess compared to USA. While Mexico is bogged own in its poverty. Mexicans have very little choice but to seek livelihood somewhere else.
The bottom line, first get your house in order, before opening doors for strangers. Pakistan needs put brakes
on its internal political squabbling and the damaging desire of each individual to accumulate illegal wealth.
So that the wealth of the nation can be distributed fairly throughout the population.
This needs to be instilled in the young people through education. Rather than the blind desire to follow the west in its path of
29. Jun, 2010
We became a sovereign country on 14th August, 1947 and India a day later. India, under its leader Nehru straightaway set out on its path of democracy and progress. We set up our reception camps on the borders to “welcome” our brethren coming from India to their dreamland, Pakistan. In the reception camps we set up a market of bribery and corruption whereby any body who offered us money was allotted a house and land of his choice and anyone who could not oblige us was left to rot on the streets. Of course we were generous enough to offer an alternative, in that, those who couldn’t pay in cash had the option to pay in ‘kind’ (any body having any doubts as to what I mean here ?). The department (I am forgetting the correct name) created for the purpose of settlement and claims of refugees was historically the most corrupt department ever created in Pakistan. It was there for almost 40 years and it continued to feed and breed hundreds of thousands of corruption kings in our bureaucracy to treat our generations. THAT WAS OUR START AND THE FOUNDATION STONE OF THE BURJ KHALIFA OF CORRUPTION THAT STANDS TOWERING ON OUR HEADS TODAY….!
We shamelessly and cold bloodedly killed our Quaid on the road side in the most pathetic conditions and got rid of the only man who could have ticked us off for what we were doing.
We murdered our first prime minister for his only crime that he had helped the Quaid in getting us this country.
We got our first rudimentary constitution NINE years after our Independence, because as a nation we never thought it was an issue at all. In fact years later, one of us, the wisest of all at the time, did even spell out to the world that the Constitution was only a piece of paper which he could just tear off and throw it away……………..! Some of us at that time minded this, but later on till today, the treatment being meted out by us to this ‘piece of paper’ proves that in fact the ‘wise man’ was rightly portraying our national mentality / psyche………………………!!
We imposed our first martial law in 1958 and from then on our political scene has been nothing but a tamasha of being IN and OUT of martial laws……….all political heads perpetually turned towards GHQ.
We lost half of our country in 1971, at the hands of our enemies.
We hanged one of our prime ministers for a crime he had not committed. The ‘crime’ which he had actually committed was that he was an upright and non- corruptible person who had stood up on principles in front of the powers to be, both at the national as well as international level. Moreover, he had refused to beg for his life because he considered principles and his name in history more important than his life.
Today we are one of the poorest countries of the world, BUT we have the honor of having the two men on top of us (President and the Leader of Opposition), whose forex accounts OUTSIDE the country are almost equal to the total foreign loans standing against the country. We are one of the most corrupt countries of the world. We are in the list of 10 failed states of the world. We are not producing anything worthwhile for export, we have no electricity, no water, no sugar, no meat, no oil and not enough wheat to eat. Our import bill is way higher than our export earnings.
This country was created in the name of Islam. Islam was the only binding force that we thought, will create a strong bond of brotherhood between the groups (or nationalities) that didn’t even understand each other’s language. But soon after independence, Islam in Pakistan fell pray to and became a tool in the hands of those elements who had tooth and nail opposed the creation of Pakistan. They, from the very outset, set out on the mission of dividing us on the basis of sects and fiqhas and brain washed us to believe that killing each other was the surest and the shortest path to JANNAH. The result is that today, we Pakistanis really DON’T find any common ground between us. We are divided on religion, provincialism, ethnicities, languages AND even on how to deal with our external enemies……….!
We have, over a period of time, acquired the reputation of being a rogue nation. There are large chunks of anti social elements in this country who are NOT in our control. They know no ideology, no national interest, no Islam and its beautiful message, no human values, no science and its importance in national development and they have no idea as to how civilizations develop and progress. Thanks to these rogue elements, today take ANY trouble in ANY part of the world and its footprints will lead to Pakistan and create hellish consequences for its unfortunate, peace loving, hard working and very civilized majority of the citizens, whose sole concern in the world is to feed their families and give a decent education and a safe future to their children, trying to make them productive and positive world citizens.
You may all call me negative and a pessimist, but ladies and gentlemen, I beg your pardon. Our national situation and conduct being what it has been all along and especially what it is today, I DON’T find ANY chance in ANY foreseeable future that we can match our enemies and snatch our rights (Kashmir or water or whatever) from them. And, thanks to our self styled crusaders and their doings, there is NO chance that USA or any other country will support us in this regard. Americans have conveyed this to us in clear terms by saying that they don’t want to mediate on Kashmir and other “bilateral” issues between India and Pakistan.
29. Jun, 2010
Good article YAA. But we must return to fundamentals of life before we enter the realm of realpolitik where we today are having lost sight of the principles of statehood and humanity. India & Pakistan must eorientate their policies for the common good. What that required was evident to the top leadership of either country but subsequently was lost in the maze of animus created by large population transfer and massacre of the innocents. Gradually we drifted to confrontation, becoming more confused and rudderless. The easiest course opted by both beginning in the 50s was nationalism and hatred for the other. For this the migrants were more responsible than the original locals of eother state. Partly out of fear, and partly out of elitist interest, we became procapitalist of the American camp whereas India settled for socialism and in the communist lap. this aggravated our relationship further. We were fooled into thinking that Kashmir would be settled by the American support whereas India was provided the genuine support to thwart Pakistan’s ambitions. Our animosity turned into positive aggression and by 1965 we were sucked into the war of our initiation by those who never intended to fight it nor had they any clear inkling of the objectives.
Anyhow, now both countries are lost in the maze of hatred mostly because they have lost sight of any goals. there is this superstition and fear of each other which is actually a mirage. In reality there is nothing barring good relations like any decent people who are neighbours for life. Jihad obssessed and Hinduvta obssessed on either side have made both the states hostage to their agenda. Neighbours have special rights and those must be respected and grievances addressed in the genuine spirit of accommodation and not pigheaded obduracy as at present. No two countires can afford to be permanent enemies. It is simply inane. Differences and difficulties will naturally be there as there cannot be life without struggle. But handling those sanely and intelligently by either is far better than to be viscerally in defiance of restoration or rectitude relations.
We are consistently behaving as ill-bredchildren in a compound, one attempting to bully and the other countering that by antics and tantrums.
We are not learning from anything in our past or from others because that is not our natural inclination. Our problems – economic, social, political, even cultural (corruption & misgovernance) – all stem from this bane of irresponsiblity and hatred which prevents us from adopting the right policies for our people. ‘Na’ras (bellicose sloganeering), nationalist taranas, nuclear bombs etc are the result of this blinkered thought on both sides. Continuing in the same vein is highly disadvantageous to both if not dangerous for both.
Prayers are not enough to take us out of this rut. We have to establish sanity and propriety in our actions which can only come if we reinvent ourselves. That we are not willing to do so is evident because we have lost the concept of right from wrong, efficient vs inefficient, workable vs unworkable, reasonable from unreasonable, friend from foe, aim from desire, sovereignty vs bootlicking and virtually every other ill found in people who are greedy, lack unity, faith and self control.
So all this is vain talk because we are all grist to the same mill, voluntarily or involuntarily, and in fact are becoming immune to our failings. Talk talk talk, and more talk, just that and nothing more because we even lack the education and character to support good causes.
29. Jun, 2010
@Idrees, Very well written indeed. When I tried to say something similar,I received a death threat by a Mr. Hakeem on this site … see his threath above!!!! and I was called Mir Jafar by some!!!
I think such threaths should not be allowed in a open discussion. If the web site does not want to hear a different view, it should be disclosed.
29. Jun, 2010
Its not opinion but HOW it is expressed.You had no opinion.You had insults & insinuations.You deserved what you got.
29. Jun, 2010
javed ahmed,what is your problem?what death threat? ARE you NUTS maybe you need new pair of glasses.may be you had too many vodka’s,in this heat,yes you do have a mindset of a potential MIR JAFFAR.given half a chance.do you have any idea where KASHMIR is located, or how our people reacted when it was SOLD to gulab singh the dogra.the heads of the,SUDAN,tribe
where skinned alive in public ,the whole dhund tribe was displaced women numbering 20,000 taken in slavery,most died.you want more on this ? go to india and get a job there.
29. Jun, 2010
Unfortunately,the likes of Javed(Is he a Professor?Sounds like a Ghora Doctor to me!) aka Mir Jaffer will probably know of European history than of Pakistan.In all probabilty it is Sitwant Sungh or HariChund Kumar using a fake muslim ID!
Tanvir Ahmed Siddiqui
29. Jun, 2010
@Mr. Zahid Hamid: “in burying its head in the sand to escape reality, the ostrich exposes a very vulnerable part of its anatomy, which can be hazardous to its disposition in more ways than one! Take care.”
Zahid Sb: nodoubt i am continuously enjoying the comical ascence of your above statement..but if at all you think that asserting for rightfull co-existance in the region alonwith a most mean, cunning clever opportunist neighborhood is an escape from reality than i am afraid i cannot agree…Those of our friends (either from here or from there) who think that “Kashmir Pakistan ki Shaih Rugg hai” is now an old beaten up forgotten song than I am afraid they all are sadly mistaken. Honestly speaking to resolve issues not only with Pakistan but with all other neighbors as well Has India ever portrayed any acceptable and civilized behavior at any forumb be it SAARC or be any other? the answer is ofcourse a Big NO because Indians are aspiring to be Super Power in the region rather than a civilized neighbor. “Bughull Mein Churra Mooan Pe Raam Raam” is an old pre-partn. saying that was a reality than and is a reality now. I garee that india has achieved a considerable sustainance of military might and economic power growth but In my opinion Indian Politics Economy and Society revolves and evolves mostly on seducing Bollywood Propagation to charm the world but divert the attention of the world from the miseries of that majority of their population surving like earthworms and slumdogs within heaps of garbbage and shit allover around skirts of Delhi, Mumbai, Chunnai kolkata Hyderabad and elsewhere… UMMUN KI AASHA will reamain merely a TUMMASHA unless Indian hawks and stallwarts let go that old trapez of Hypocracy, that approach of betrayed conciousness..and let go all those hidden Daggers they carry around in their armpits to stab Pakistan at slightest opportunity..
29. Jun, 2010
Mr Tanvir:
1-Of you had read the article you would have read that the issue is WATER that even today,India can & is stopping which can choke up our economy that is agrarian.Therefore,it will never be an “old forgotton song”.
2-India will never be a super power.India that is projected by the media is NOT the reality.Actually, there are ten reasons why India should not/cannot become a superpower. Look around you. In every community, whether it is Christians, Jains, Sikhs or Hindus, liberal and moderate elements are on the defensive. In 1948, it was the effect of creation of Pakistan that India was trying to cope with. Suspicion, paranoia and violence continue.Left extremism in the form of the Naxalite movement, a result of geography but also of social and political forces owing to the continued dispossession and deprivation of tribal people in India, is on the rise. Corruption and corrosion of the power centre in India as a result of political parties functioning as family firms rather than open, transparent political systems — and I include most political parties in this category — cause sterile debates. There is a spectacular decline of public institutions, the judiciary, police, universities, civil services. The increasing gap between the rich and the poor, which is particularly manifest through suicides by farmers, is another reason. This is a phenomenon that has become pervasive only in the last 10-15 years, perhaps because there is expectation of a ‘good life’ that did not exist before. Earlier, caste, village and community used to shore those who were facing economic distress. That kind of social security is slowly disappearing. Environmental degradation at the local level, which is impacting people’s lives in very real ways, whether in the form of massive depletion of underground aquifers, chemical contamination of soil, death of rivers, loss of species, etc, threatens our country. And related to this is the apathy of the media in covering issues of rising income inequality and environmental degradation. Political fragmentation manifests itself as coalition governments at both central and regional levels, which makes it very difficult to forge sustainable long-term policies in realms of health, education, etc. Multi-party coalitions also encourage rent-seeking. India’s unresolved border disputes, especially in Kashmir and the North-East (Nagaland and Manipur), indicate there are parts of India that are not comfortable with being part of India. India’s increasingly unstable neighbourhood is another serious impediment to its ambitions to become a superpower.
Enjoy your day.
@Tanvir Ahmed Siddiqui,
Tanvir Ahmed Siddiqui
30. Jun, 2010
@Ayaz Sb: Thanx for your attention and read of my comment..and Thanx a lot for joining me to unveil the fancy glamourous and suductive smoke screen of Indian propagation. Quite a few years back when I travelled to India for an official seminar..would you believe? one of my Indian room / course mate during a casual friendly discussion while holding a pitcher of beer in his hand quite scornfully passed a comment: “For ordinary Indians the economy of India is based on two things..Liquer & Women” had it not been so 90% of Indians would’nt survive’”
My friend I know this cannot be absolutly true but still it cannot be absolutly false especailly when we see Indian media & showbiz approach.
06. Jul, 2010
All is well! In case of conflict the Pakistan army will save us from further disasters, so don’t worry, be happy. If in case the Pak Army is unable to save the country due to the treason of those bloody civilians — all 178million of them — there is no hope. But don’t give up! The nation will continue to give sacrifices for this country as the rest of you people continue to lounge around in air conditioned comfort with your full stomachs. So all is well.
07. Jul, 2010
@ All ,While trdversing through all the comments that appeared on this site ,it became clear to me that there exist no uniformity of thought .Only in one comment the writer was close to the ground realities but his frank opinion has been remarked by other by saying that when Ostrich sinks his head in the sand . exposes very vulnarable part of its anatomy ……? America has so far enjoyed it and we have no such intention . BE FRIENDLY WITH US and FORGET KASHMIR .
07. Jul, 2010
@ All ,While traversing through all the comments that appeared on this site ,it became clear to me that there exist no uniformity of thought .Only in one comment the writer was close to the ground realities but his frank opinion has been remarked by other by saying that when Ostrich sinks his head in the sand . exposes very vulnarable part of its anatomy ……? America has so far enjoyed it and we have no such intention . BE FRIENDLY WITH US and FORGET KASHMIR .
07. Jul, 2010
@ Idrees and Ajaz , It appears to me that you people are still rooted .
07. Jul, 2010
@ neel , I kiss your pen .
08. Jul, 2010
@Neel “India says it (Kashmir) is its internal matter”
Kashmir is as much Hindia’s internal matter as East-Pakistan was Pakistan’s.
The score will be settled, East-Pakistan will be avenged. In my lifetime we will see Hindia breaking up into 10 separate pieces at least.
Free Kashmir, free Khalistan, free Asaam, free Tamil Nadu, free Naxal Bari, free Mizoram, free Tripura, free Sikkim, free Dalits, free Untouchables….
Long live the Maoist movement. God speed.
usman awan
03. Jun, 2011
08. Jul, 2010
@ MAK , We are handling the Naxalite and Kashmir problem in the same manner since both issues are being fanned by external forces .The mentality of revange has led Pakistan to the present condition and if the policy of using terrorists as an instrument of state foreign policy continued by Pak then no one can save Pakistan from instability .
11. Jul, 2010
@ All concerned .. The plant of friendship never blooms on the soil of mistrust …..Indo-Pak relation will be shaped by the events being shaped in Afghanistan by the world community. we can not remain immune to it .
v s dara
25. Jul, 2010
The world knows not pakistan without the reference of india…there is no specific +ve identy of this country around the world except as a farm house for breeding terrorists…it came to existance through voilence…like islam..and it will end up through voilence…pakistan never had a golden past nor a pleasant present …just marching towards darkness…in search of india….america was discovered…americans shoud always be thank full to this great land …since ages it tought the whole world about love,peace, tolorence & prosperity…We never invaded any countries…but rest of the world looted this country..fractured its backbone…We indians never treated any as our enemies..india never invaded pakistan.but pakistan did it several times. ..still we are growing…very soon it will reach its past glory through its knowledge and positive thinking…it will show light to the whole world including pakistan….India is a friend of every body….A friend of everybody is a friend of Nobody…
Lokesh Khote
23. Sep, 2010
Sorry but it is true that not only Kashmir but whole Pakistan is The part of India. Pakistan was the part of India, It is the part of India and It will the part of India. India gives you Their some part only for some years and you misuse of that part for whole world you born Terrorist and use your terrorist in USA , UK , INDIA , GERMANY and such type of many country so you leave Pakistan or meet to India and live with us If you thing positive you accept our country’s moral principles but before this you finish your terrorist because we accept you not your terrorist .I give you promise you will happy with us after this you have not only Kashmir but you have whole India.
Ivaza Rukero
18. Oct, 2010
Thanky u it ws vry useful and I hope thy wil b frends
usman awan
03. Jun, 2011
india has made 62 dams on chenab ….!
who told to make dams on kashmiries place it is a territory but pakistan had not made a single yet…
and also india has stoped water from ravi and sutluj and beas ,they have dried and more dried ,that was never before.
if they have some how sense they have to think about it…
and they want kashmir that the water which is coming from kashmir wo't be stoped (that's india paln)
Enemy | English Language Reference
09. Feb, 2012
[...] soldiers firing at their enemies For an informative article on what an enemy combatant is, please click here, for a blog post that speaks of how to love one’s enemy, please click here, for an item of news that shows us how we come across this word in our daily readings, please click here and for an article that discusses the most long standing enemies — India and Pakistan in Asia, please click here. [...]