Archive for May, 2010

Afghanistan: The West is Caught On The Wrong Foot
Posted on27. May, 2010 by Jeff.

The Civil War That Trapped The West Is Propped Up by Karzai et al. By Khalil Nouri Afghanistan is evidently on life support, with severe preexisting symptoms (constantly flaring-up) of ailments ranging from corruption, drug trafficking, and so forth (echoed repeatedly in the media) to recent swelling traumas of tribal feuds, instigated by Karzai family [...]
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Watching Israel Delegitimize the U.S
Posted on27. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By Jeff Gates The U.S.-Israeli relationship has long been America’s Achilles heel. Our first president warned against “entangled alliances” particularly when, as here, there’s a “passionate attachment.” Our “special relationship” with this rogue state has placed the U.S. outside the same system of international law that we now seek to impose on others, including Iran. [...]
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Pakistan: Rundown on recent developments
Posted on26. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja During the last few months some important events have taken place each having bearing on the security of Pakistan. After creating hype over Quetta Shura for several months and threatening to use drones in Quetta in case Pakistan refused to launch a military operation within Pashtun belt of Balochistan, the [...]
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Posted on26. May, 2010 by Jeff.
By Sajjad Shaukat Recently, the sacrilegious caricatures competition of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) inspired by an American cartoonist on Facebook triggered protests across the Muslim world in general and Pakistan in particular. On the orders of Lahore High Court, the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) banned access to Facebook including YouTube and restricted access to Wikipedia [...]

North Waziristan: To Be or Not To Be?
Posted on26. May, 2010 by Jeff.

WAR ON TERROR HAS PRODUCED MORE TERRORISTS AND HATE By Yasmeen Ali There is no question that terrorism must be curbed. A fact bought sharply in focus, by the Faisal Shahzad case. There is tremendous pressure on Pakistan by USA to have it’s army initiate a ground offensive against the terrorists in North Waziristan. The [...]
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Framing Pakistan
Posted on26. May, 2010 by Jeff.

How the pro-Israel media enables India’s surrogate warfare By Maidhc Ó Cathail In its bitter rivalry with India, Pakistan is at a fatal disadvantage. Unlike its South Asian neighbour, Islamabad lacks an ally with considerable influence over American mainstream media. The latest example of US media complicity with the Indo-Israeli alliance came in the aftermath [...]
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Is Murder Of President Obama On The Cards? How and Why
Posted on25. May, 2010 by Jeff.

Call for Elections to be Halted, Government Seized Publication Demands “Interim Military Dictatorship” for America By Gordon Duff (UNEDITED TEXT BELOW) Newsmax published it but pulled it quickly but not until it was sent to every senior member of Americas military. I got it from a former military intelligence officer. It has done the circuit [...]
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18th Amendment; has it alleviated the poor?
Posted on24. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By Ijazul Haq 1. A lot has been written and said in the last few weeks on various aspects of the 18th Amendment, its enactment and efficacy. The Government functionaries and party fan-farons are beating drums and blowing their trumpets claiming as if the said piece of legislation will turn this Land of Scarcity into [...]
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Peace in South Asia: Talking to Pakistan, A Must
Posted on24. May, 2010 by Jeff.

PAKISTAN IS A REALITY; INDIA MUST ACCEPT THE FACT By Moin Ansari Bharati politicians have come to the simple conclusion that there is no other option than to talk to Pakistan. The hoopla over Mumbai could have been resolved in a few private meetings, but the events were overtaken by media hype and the proclivity [...]
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End this War Before The War Ends You
Posted on24. May, 2010 by Jeff.

AFGHANISTAN IS THE GRAVEYARD OF THE EMPIRES By Zaheerul Hassan On May 21, 2010 NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Commander General Stanley McChrystal visited Pakistan and provided an update on the alliance’s current operations in Afghanistan. He also called on Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani and discussed matters of mutual [...]