Posted on 20. May, 2010 by in Letters to Editor

The Greed Dances at The Conscience's Death

By Naveed Tajammal

The Indians follow an agenda known, as, “The statesman's policy, which works by subverting, the loyalty of the enemy's class cadres, by detaching them from the actual needs of their own state.” In the past as well the present they used, pen-pushers, to create a hype – in the first phase, in which as has been seen they have succeeded. Coupled with this they have been beaming, in their visual propaganda, the Bollywood soap operas, movies and the never ending songs, Today our movie theaters run only Indian movies, the slow poison has done wonders, bulk of our population remains mesmerized by the jumping girls of HIND.

While the enemy sings sweet songs as a lullaby, and as soothers, yet she hones her blades and strikes, whenever and wherever she can, she cannot forget her past humiliations, and defeats, as our divide with HIND, is deeper then our present religious beliefs they being just 1400 years old only. The same crafty cow worshipping enemy, led by its conniving, head shaven, pig tailed, red robed high priests, smeared with cow dung ash, have succeeded in strategically encircling us, from Maldives in our south, to Chah Bahar (Iranian naval port) vide tripartite defense agreement, between India, Iran and Afghanistan, till Dushanbe in Tajikistan, wherein it has leased out two air bases now holding jet fighters equipped with nukes, but for none other than Pakistan. Indian Phalcons (eyes in the skies) courtesy Israel hover over our northern skies, in our north east and east, from where flow in our rivers of the Indus basin, they have built dams, and reservoirs to regulate them, according to Indus Water Treaty 1960, Annexure ''E'', 18 (c), Pakistan's share on Chenab alone is 55,000 cusecs of water flow at the Marala Head works, near Sialkot, in the peak season, however the average of last year peak season was only 22,000 cusecs, which adversely did effect our crops, in January 2010 it was a low of only 6,000 cusecs,'' mainly due to, too many Indian hydro-projects installed on the Chenab main, as well as the new canal networks, made in the last 10 years, i.e. aftermath of Kargil. Since 1999, Indians are busy siphoning out our waters, while we slumber, from, The new, Kashmir canal system, The High canal system in Jammu, Ravi-Tavi link canal irrigation system, The Igo-Phey canal network in LEH, and the Kurbathang canal network in KARGIL, all waters are being diverted to the breadbasket of India, technically our lands, the old east Punjab of British Indian empire.

And what do our business-men, the latest in-line TURNCOATS want? Free trade with India? how callous and mean, can they be? Indeed money does not believe in borders, wherever  ''two nickles'' can be made, the ends justify the means, so these Rich- men who have grown fat on our sweat and toil, having already skinned us since the last 63 years, want now, to act as middle-men for trade with India, perhaps what most do not know that, these very same rich-boys, whose forefathers had moved in Pakistan, from Calcutta, Madras and Bombay, to fill in the vacuum left by the outgoing Hindu Khatri and Sikh Aurora, the leading business-men of our lands in the British INDIA, had been by Profession, from the Guild of hide merchants, and  Tanners, later the very same became the leading business houses, in the short span of 20 years, by end of 1960's, ZAB did sort them out, good for him, otherwise between the dynastic rulers and these, we would have been roasted alive, by Now !!

The Indians know of their past records, after all Calcutta, madras and Bombay is their part. And no wonder the Indian Finance Minister, Parnab Mukherjee' had the nerve to say, after all they have done onto us, that, ''Economic relations between India and Pakistan, remain a must, to maintain peace and stability in south Asia'' and he knew onto whom he could count on to ensure the same-our worthy Traders, who else !!

Peace indeed !! Indians will now start dumping in our markets, to foreclose our, agrarian setup and the industry too, which our myopic merchants in their zeal, to please, fail to comprehend, as without water we will have, to depend on Indian food goods, whatever we earn will line the pockets of old Khatri and aurora, while our traders take the 4-anna's, as middle-men. Only sometime back, when such a opening had been awarded to the Indians, by fate, they dumped in the tomatoes, poor Khushab farmers got the axe, then came the mango dumping, the orchards of southern Punjab went in a nose dive, the banana growers of Sindh often get the boot too, in 2003-2005 in our construction boom days, Indian were dying to supply us bricks and steel, in 1980's and early 1990's,Indian edible oil, solvent plants dumped in soya-meal, a requirement of our poultry feed- mills.

What all they fail to understand is, that, ''There are No peace times-Peace is a Rot, which invites Aggression of your enemies, we have to safe guard our interests, Nations with No forward policies, get vanquished, in due course of time, and these very heralds of Peace, then become the first line of ''Collaborators'' with the enemy, the role of fifth columnist is Etched in our world history, humans are all the same, Traders however world over are a class apart.

We must differentiate between friend and foe, and check out the real motives of these 50 odd, Pakistani delegates, who are to participate, in new Delhi, business meet, as these traders judging from their press conferences, and press releases, want us to follow the path, of appeasement with India, exactly what our enemy wants, too.

Which literally means, a policy of appeasing, especially by making concessions to a known enemy !!!!

Naveed Tajammal is a Member, Board of Advisors, Opinion Maker. He is a historian with over 25 years of research on Indus Civilisation, Central Asia and the Middle East. He contribute regularly to

GD Star Rating
MONEY HAS NO NATIONALITY; GREEDY FOLLOW THE MONEY, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating


  1. Warris

    20. May, 2010

    Naveed writes well with clarity of thought. I am impressed
    Greed has no nationality. It follows money everywhere.

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  2. Moodi

    21. May, 2010

    From time to time one needs to be reminded of intended and/or unintended dangers. Pakistan needs to be extra cautious in looking after its self interest. Indian leaders most likely will….Pakistani leaders will more than likely not. The water crises, Indian agents of agitation in Balochistan and intense Indian interest to train the entire army of Afghanistan are dangers too real to be ignored. Trade is good only when it benefits both parties. Naveed reminds us of these.

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  3. Inam

    21. May, 2010

    Dear Naveed,
    I think u need to write a treatise on,”A Nation that, could not be”…….Regards……………….Inam Khan

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  4. Yasmeen Ali

    21. May, 2010

    We must blame our turncoats.How can we blame another country,and an enemy country at that,to look after our interests when we do not do so ourselves?
    Our so called intelligentsia is to be blamed first.

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  5. Hesham A Syed

    21. May, 2010

    Dear Naved,
    You have touched upon one of the basic root cause of all problems – I always say Money has it’s own Cult and it affects all regardless of any nationality , religion or creed – One of the sayings of Prophet ( sav ) is that to materialistic minded people Wealth ( Dinar o Dirham ) is God and he also said that worst among the fitna of my Umma will be when the wealth will flow like water to them ( may be the oil opulance he was pointing at ) — Quran says : alhakumutakassur hatta zurtumul maqabir ( the greed to have excessively more will destroy you till you reach death ) – other place Quran says – Jamao maalayoaN va addaddah yeahsabah anna maalahoo va akhladah ( they hoard wealth , keep counting them and assume that they are going to live in this world for ever ) –
    And Quran warns all through the Prophet ( sav ) that Dont you even be envious to what has been given to Kuffaars as wealth of world , it is a test for them – bal too saroonal hayat u duniya wal akhiratoa khairo wa abqa ( indeed this world and it’s wealth is for a few days for test and trabulations – the world here after is a blessing / khair and ever lasting ).
    Yeah dunya , yeah mal o daulat yeah rishtayo paiwand
    Butaaney wahmo gumaaN , laa-ilaaha illaAllah..

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  6. Mansoor

    21. May, 2010

    It was indeed an eye opener and a fruit of thought for a real patriort and a loyal person. I am highly imressed by the knowledge, way of expressing and the over all effectiveness of the article. I further pray and wish that the author may be granted more wisdom and concern in order to awake our sleeping conscience so that we are able to differentiate between friend and foe.

    Best Regards

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  7. Asim Arshad

    21. May, 2010

    Thanks for this kind of information, usefull really.You are so correct.
    I read dozens of article and did not find a so natural thing:

    Best Regards,

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  8. Mazhar

    21. May, 2010

    It is a wonder ful effort by the writer in awakening the conscious of all the Pakistanies. As it appears, there is no denying in the fact that MONEY HAS NO NATIONALITY. However there are few basic question. Why this rule is applicable to Pakistanies only? Why the Indians do the cross the limits of Nationality and work for Pakistan? Is it that we are too poor and can not offer an appropriate amount to Indians? Or we should assume that the Indians are more patriot and do not follow this rule. I am not giving the example of any other nation since we diched directally with India. I wish that auther to write to suggest some ways and means to avert it.


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  9. Tanveer Hayat

    21. May, 2010

    I have read many articles but its really a blender. I just doubt why we don’t approach these websites, writers of which give us such precious information and guidelines. I request Mr. Naveed to keep writing such stuff for our information in future also.

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  10. Nofil Qadeer

    21. May, 2010

    in my opinion such articles are desperately required to put our young generation back on the track so that the atmosphere of lust money and greediness is finished. The Article written by the Author is need of time. Greediness in any walk of life is like a Termite which should be take care in initial stages other wise it will grow its roots in such away which will be very difficult to cure.
    best regards.

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  11. Nayab

    21. May, 2010

    Dear Naveed,
    This is one of the finest article depicting clear and thoughtful picture.
    This article aroused deep jingoistic emotions in me and I am damn sure whoever will read this article will praise the writer for his deep thoughts and start realizing that where we are standing and being a Pakistani what are our duties.
    Its time to open our eyes, make a critical view of reality and find out ALL THOSE SQUIRRELS THAT ARE DESTROYING OUR CROPS
    We have to act like a farmer who loves his land and makes every effort for the productivity and prosperity and fight against every HERB, DISEASE AND SQUIRREL which comes to destroy his land.
    The day we?ll become a good farmer, will make Pakistan Prosper.
    Pakistan Zindabad

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  12. Waqas Qureshi!

    21. May, 2010

    The love of money can be a cause of all kinds of ?injurious things?. Paul warns,?The love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains.?
    The difference between normal desire and greed might be likened to the difference between the small campfire that cooks food and the blazing inferno that consumes a forest. Wholesome and well-placed desire can be constructive. It motivates us to work and to be productive. Proverbs 16:26 says,?The soul of the hard worker has worked hard for him, because his mouth has pressed him hard.? But greed is dangerous and destructive.
    In my life, from the people around me, I have seen and learned that greed can really cause a lot of misery and ?injuries? to our life and those people living with us. Because of love of money and greed, many people are not satisfy with what they earn and what they have. They want more and more ? they want wealth, to be rich, to be millionaires, billionaires as soon as possible. The result of many people are debts, bankruptcies and broken families. Others include theft, suicide and so on. We should be content with what we have. No doubt money is necessary for daily survival, there is no need to be greedy ? Guard against Greed.

    This immaculate piece of work kept me thinking about how we waste our life for the love of money,the points highlighted by the author are genuine and leave the reader pondering over such situations…………..

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  13. Brig(r)Usman Khalid

    21. May, 2010

    I agree wholeheartedly with what Naveed Tajammal has written.

    At this time there is no group, organisation or political party that articulates Pakistan?s national interest and the threats to those interests. The ruling coalition – Zardari PP, ANP, MQM and JUI ? have sinister links with India and are proud of it. PML(N) has discreet links with India that are reversible and it is unwise to expose those. JI and Imran Khan?s TI are unconsciously but consistently off track; they stress the threat from ?deal maker? America and ignore the ?sworn enemy India?. That is why it is important to set up a new political party to articulate the interests of Pakistan and the threats our country faces.

    I decided to resurrect the political party ? Rifah Party – set by Naveed?s late father, Major General Tajammal Hussain Malik, SJ, HJ. General Tajammal became a dear friend when we both served in Pakistan Embassy at Ankara in Turkey; he was the Military Attach? and I was the PSO to Pakistan?s Military Representative in CENTO. The founder of Refah Party of Turkey ? Necmettin Erbakan ? was then a senator and we were both his admirers. Now that I am myself in my twilight years I am eager to resurrect the legacy of my friend ? Rifah Party of Pakistan ? as a tribute to his memory. I am certain he would approve; the need for a new party was never as dire as it is today.

    Those who read Naveed?s write up and endorse his views are invited to join the Rifah Party. Your country is in great danger. Stand up and be counted among those who are ready to fight in its co0rner.

    Warm regards
    Usman Khalid

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    • Idrees

      21. May, 2010

      Yep me too. The money makers have their own focus and earning greater profits is their religion, that’s why those who make money are successful in worldly ways. But isn’t Naveed sporting an overly bushy shaving brush style moustache!@Brig(r)Usman Khalid,

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  14. Rizwan Beg

    21. May, 2010

    According to Hegel, a leader has to be conversant with ? rather in harmony with ? the spirit of the age. A real leader is a master strategist and a great tactician who blends pragmatism with idealism to achieve the desired objective of a better life for his people.
    He approaches the innermost feelings of the people, mobilizes them against the decadent system and puts society on the road to development. The destiny of a nation depends on the determination of its people, but there has to be a leader with vision, courage and wisdom to inspire them to unite in their struggle for safeguarding the sovereignty and independence of their country, and to put it on the path of progress and prosperity. In Pakistan, the myriad political and religious parties, intellectuals, pseudo-intellectuals, or government and the opposition parties have variegated stances and perceptions about various issues and challenges facing the country. But there appears to be a consensus that Pakistan is facing a multifaceted crisis, which is the result of the ruling elite?s lust for power and flawed decisions over half a century. It was due to the lopsided policies of various governments that only a few regions were developed to the neglect of others, the gap between the rich and the poor widened, and contradictions became irreconcilable.
    Do we have amongst us,such a leader?

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  15. Ijaz Khan

    21. May, 2010

    Terrific write up Naveed.Thumbs up.

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  16. Zafar

    21. May, 2010

    My comment is an article:
    Bankruptcy of Political Leadership in Pakistan

    Friday August 03, 2007

    By Ahmer Muzammil

    Minions will be minions no matter what the lineage is. There isn?t a better example of this phenomenon than our own Benazir Bhutto. For all his shortcomings – and there were plenty – Zulfikhar Ali Bhutto was a colossal. A dynamic, vibrant and a charismatic man, ZAB knew exactly what the popular sentiment was and that made him the most successful politician to-date, bar-none (Quaid-e-azam doesn?t count since his stint was too short post-Pakistan).
    Benazir on the other hand is a very petty, narrow-minded, insecure woman, always willing to sleep with the devil as long as the price is right. Most of the action items on her agenda being personal rather than for the betterment of people of our sorry country. This conundrum compounds further when you throw Asif Ali Zardari in the mix.

    It is a sad and pathetic reality that the conversation that took place between Musharaf & bibi revolved around the personal stakes ? and even that of very paltry nature ? of these ?2 gifts of GOD? to our poor nation. Bibi only cares about the money-laundering cases in Swiss courts and the provision of her becoming the prime-minister for the 3rd time restored. Musharaf wants to make sure that he is elected president for next 5 years, hopefully with his current wardrobe intact. Accessibility of Clean water, health-care, restoration of constitution, availability of swift-justice, security of life and property of citizens etc. are matters that I am certain weren?t sexy enough to have been discussed in that meeting.

    The landmark CJ judgment presented an inimitable opportunity to the political parties of Pakistan to reclaim their justified right to govern Pakistan without interference from Army. It might still happen regardless of maulna Fazloo?s and bibi?s backdoor flirtation with the devil, because I have a feeling that the people of Pakistan are finally sick to their stomachs?baRRI dayr kii mahrabaan aatay aatay.

    The judicial fraternity of Pakistan has provided us with a unique opportunity in our not-so-flashy history that must be capitalized. However it was a battle that was won, not the war itself.

    My hats off to Khalil Ramday and his full bench that rendered a verdict that will live forever as a bastion of guiding light in our nation?s quest for prosperity. It also reinforces the fact that for every Justice Munir, Justice maulvi mushtaq Hussein, Justice Anwar-ul-Haque, Justice Malik Qayyum, Sharifuddin Peerzada etc., there have been Fakharuddin G. Ibrahim?s and Saeed-uz-Zaman Siddiqui?s and Nasir Aslam Zahid?s etc. ?.so there is no reason to be overtly pessimistic. Pakistan is a vibrant country and lets just say that we are no Arabs when it comes to standing up to dictators?I would hate to malign a whole people…but their meekness when it comes to opposing indigenous oppression, is nauseating.

    I sincerely believe that Musharaf is probably the best dictator Pakistan has ever had. If you consider the jewels that we have had in form of Ghulam Muhammad, Askandar Mirza, Yahya Khan, Ayub, Zia-ul-haq etc. ? he really seems to be an angel with a pearly-hollow over his head. However you can compare these ?Gentlemen? with satan and it will be a contest. We are literally setting the bar on the ground itself.

    I am under no illusion that all of a sudden Musharaf will have a change of heart and he will do the right thing. Right thing being resigning from both positions & setting up an un-biased, consensus short-term government that will ensure free & fair elections. If he had it in him to deliver such a basic thing, I assure you that his name can still live in the history books of Pakistan as one of the greatest leaders of our country, despite all his failures ? but these are human beings who have a hard time looking beyond their nose, so expecting them to do the right thing is really reaching for stars. They have made an art out of reinforcing failures and they are practical manifestation of the phrase ?Don?t throw good money after bad?.

    The pundits are saying that Musharaf & bibi are idelogical allies. As if these two camps actually have ideologies. The only ideology they are familiar with is the ideology of being in power. Isn?t it obvious that being liberal and ?enlightened? is in fashion now days and the trendsetters in Washington would like to make sure that all the political prostitutes are in the same camp, just so the charade looks a little more credible? Otherwise in what kind of a parallel universe Aijaz-ul-Haq, Wasi zafar, Sher Afgan Niazi, Maulana fazloo, Salim Jan Mizari, Peer PagaRA (and hundereds more) be considered as liberals or enlightened? Many of these individuals consider women to be a tiny step up from livestock. Some of them have private-jails and they STILL render verdicts in jirga?s to kill women that are ?lewd? enough to marry the guy they actually like, something which is their GOD given right. Many of them truly believe that all men are NOT created equal, why else would it be a cardinal sin for a common man to consensually marry their daughter or sister punishable by even death? If this is liberalism and enlightenment, GOD saves us all!

    This hypocrisy emanating from benazir is so sickening that even their ardent supporters such as Aitezaz Ahsan, Raza Rabbani etc. are at a loss of words. And when Aitezaz Ahsan is at a loss of words than there is something seriously wrong. I mean this as a compliment to him. Rumor has it that benazir is so envious of Aitezaz Ahsan?s well-deserved fame & stature that she might even consider not giving him a party ticket. How utterly pathetic!

    Problem with Pakistan is not necessarily dictatorship alone. It?s a HUGE part of it but that?s not the sole contributor. Malaysia flourished under mahatir and China is on its way to be a Super-Power under a semblance of a dictatorship, so that?s not it. It?s the sheer incompetence, doesn?t matter how sincere, and I believe that Musharaf really do mean well sometimes but at the end of the day, our Generals are only capable of making a royal mess out of everything. It?s safe to say that we have ?some? evidence of that charge. Call me a hopeless romantic but I feel like something is different this time around. People of Pakistan , I reckon want a change, not just of faces but an actual change of the system. If I am right and pray heavens that I am than I say, ?about damn time yo? all?.

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  17. Laila Isphandyar

    21. May, 2010

    Such a sad state of a nation..They formed the nation in the name of Islam,but how did they ,the people,benefit from it?What do you think about a fellow nation’s state?
    In essence, the tale of the present ruling ?junta? in Pakistan is disappointing and tragic. The incumbent leadership and Parliament are hell-bent on exploiting the entire nation and will most certainly exploit it further. Post Islamic (socio-moral bankruptcy), post historical (no appreciation of historical forces and processes), post literate (many with fake educational credentials and degrees), they might as well have been hatched from eggs yesterday. They do not act on principles but on their deep-rooted selfish impulses – a crime of ?passion? and ?intent? against this nation.
    A HUGE tragedy!

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  18. Zahoor

    21. May, 2010

    Future of Pakistan? Analysis of the dirty Game!!

    It does worry me a lot that our unrealistic and coward leaders of this country continue to play in American hands without any thoughts about the wellbeing of it?s citizens.

    A country which was formed in the name of ?ISLAM? and La ilaha illul lah has come down to the state of affairs where we can think of others as IDPs but not Muslims or Pakistanis.
    Time is running out and our foolish leaders are playing up in the hands of Americans and Saudis. Pakistan Army who although wants to stabilize the country and protect its borders have failed to contained ISI in negotiating and giving a free hand to terrorist organization like MQM and have let the corrupt leaders like Zardari and Nawaz flourish on this nation bleeding corpse! It?s either now or never as wounds may heal but the scars will remain for ever!
    In essence, The Americans has succeeded in dividing this nation eventually into groups who believe that their survival is not within the framework of Pakistan but an independent entity.

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  19. Baqi

    21. May, 2010

    General Musharaf, Bhuttos, Zardaris and Sharifs are not the hope for the future but dead entries of the darkest part of the Pakistani history. They collaboratively articulated a culture of political exploitation and institutionalized corruption to transform Pakistan into a so called ?failed state? and according to the US Foreign Policy magazine, ?most dangerous place on earth.?…The military dictators, Bhuttos, Zardari and Sharifs could never have come into politics unless the whole nation had lost the sense of purpose and meaning of its existence. Are there any concerned and proactive young people to safeguard the national interests of the present and future generations of Muslim Pakistan?”
    In wars, when an aggressor sees the defeat coming, it resorts to mass killings of the civilian population to avenge the fear of the unknown. To pursue its policy of global domination, now American strategists run death squads in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The aim is to terrorize the masses by drone attacks and death squads and destroy their habitats thus creating more reactionary terrorism through its paid political agents – the ruling elite.

    The cruelty of the American led bogus war on terrorism has transformed Pakistan into a non-productive beggar nation, solely looking to military and economic aid for all of its operations. The army Generals and their by-products ? the ruling Bhutto family-PPP Zardari, and in-waiting Nawaz Sharif (Muslim League-N), have infected the body politics of Pakistan with corruption and political tyranny, draining out all of the positive thinking and creative energies of the nation for change, development and a promising future.
    When pretension and stingy greed give life to politically manipulated leadership, treachery and oppression become the rule of political governance in which people are seen as the eggs and chickens, conveniently broken and slaughtered and politicians are akin to assume the above normal role play lacking legitimacy and accountability. Pakistani politics regrettably as is, a venture of intrigues, self-engineered conspiracies and dead roll calls to explain the history of this beleaguered nation. Feudal lords are the political masters, and Bhutto family with complacent army Generals, has been one of them to unfold a na?ve and destructive chapter of the Pakistan?s political misfortunes.
    Pakistan, a Muslim nation of living people is governed by physically, morally and politically dead people who cannot change the course of history nor make any difference to the present volatile politics carving a hopeless future. Islamically, dead are those who are forgetful of the memory of Allah, ignorant and arrogant people devoid of public accountability.

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  20. Saleem Raza

    21. May, 2010

    A very well written article that goes perfectly with the title. India over the past few years has very successfully masked her original wicked face behind the glamour and hype created either through showbiz or through business or industry and in such a situation Mr. Naveed,s article is a true eye opener. Written in a balanced way highlighting both the ever selfish and clever attitude of India as well as the shameless hopeless and greedy face of our so called policy makers, rulers, politicians and thinktanks

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  21. Sohail Raza

    22. May, 2010

    Whole of the issue is canvassed very broadly and boldly to give us the clear image. Though, I must say, another big eye opener by Sir Naveed. Its so convincing and I highly appreciate the way he bridged the facts together.
    The biggest dilemma is the short term and narrow visionary thinking of our business men who are actually unaware of the catastrophic and devastating effect of such like moves. As already stated in the article, its our enemy who is to gain at the end of the day. This cycle is so well planned to trap our nation and enslave us. Our agricultural bone has almost been broken by the time and we are now importing a lot and depending on other nations, though we claim to have the biggest irrigation network. But the point is that we are deprived of water to feed the system. We are not willing to facilitate our farmer just for earning few bucks by importing from abroad; this is because our high offices are making business in the process. So shameful though. Our business men are unable to get the bottom line of business which is that there lies the same amount of money with which both parties try to play, though apparently both seems to be at the advantage but broader picture clearly reflects that at the end of the day, actually one of them is out of business. The whole scenario is very clearly portrayed and its not difficult to see where we actually stand. The only way to survive is to wake up and to visualize the prospects with even minute details; otherwise, sad to say, we got no chance.

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  22. Sheikh Ummair

    22. May, 2010

    Awarness is the key well highlighted here

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  23. Juma Muhammad

    22. May, 2010

    Khatri and Auhrora has gone. Chinoti has jumped in to fleece us.

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    • asim

      26. Jun, 2010

      chinoti is worse then the khatri hindu and sikh aurora, he as a muslim skins us alive,

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  24. Naveed Tariq

    22. May, 2010

    why are the state departments sleeping?

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    • Naveed satti

      24. May, 2010

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  25. Imran Yousaf

    22. May, 2010

    Is wheat to be imporved in years to come.

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  26. Afzal Haider

    22. May, 2010

    we are not facing the actual facts on stated by author

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  27. Akash Junaid

    22. May, 2010

    Really very good topic and research work.

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  28. Muhammad Naveed Tariq

    24. May, 2010

    You have done a splendid effort to awake the Pakistani youth. If a Pakistani is still confused to recognize the friend and foe ?don?t go away? India is a live example of it. India has been provided of numeran examples of worst enemy in our previous 63 years history. The problem which we face to day are the actually given by the India. If we talk about Kashmir issue, Division of Bangaal, Water problem or either terrorism, we find India every where. India tries his best to use every best weapon to weakened Pakistan. The sleeping time is over, this is the time to understand the Indian obnoxious polices. The lesson of previous 63 years have been assigned and experimented in Pakistan. This is our duty to reject or select it. But we will have to reject the Indian polices in the dream light of previous history. In shorter we can say that if India was our friend, ?there is no need of separation after war of 1857?

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  29. Cyril

    25. May, 2010

    Thanks Dear Naveed for sharing your views on the greed of money and its dedicated followers. Its not unsual for people amongst us being worshippers of the biggest strenght of this world. At least we are loyal to something even at the cost of our own destruction.


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  30. Mian Wajid

    31. May, 2010

    Water issue remains a issue, we are going all out for “Saarc”, Does the indian Govt. inlend giving us any Water? or are we to, open our borders, for another front? Trade & further imports from indians.

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  31. naveed tajammal

    05. Jun, 2010

    Thankyou all for your inputs,only in todays news’ newspaper which supports aman ki asha,i.e 05 june 2010 page-18,there is a article on acute water shortage at Kotri barrage,the indus meets the joined waters of all rivers of indus basin at punj nad,at the base of muzzafargarh district,three of the them were lost due to indus water treaty of 1960,however the united waters of jhelum & chinab still travel down at this location,if the indians were not stealing our waters,the state would have been different,as per the clauses of the annexure E and para 18 sub clause (c) as quoted in my article above, the indians are bound to supply us between 21 june and 31 august, of any year,55,000 cusecs of water at Marala HEAD,as per schedule the need at kotri as cited,is 32,000 cusecs, but it is just 4,600 cusecs,where has the water of other rivers gone ??,snows melt in these months,hence the data cited in the treaty,the peak season is just round the corner today being the 5th of june,the gravity of the situation is infront of us,however our Business class rejoices in fun and frolic in dehli, the indians are past masters in this game,they know the base human needs especially of our business class the guild of hideskin merchants,of the past, kindly see them in a festival mood, in the same aman ki asha propogating newspaper,dated 02 june 20,while the party time and musical evenings continue,our farmers pump out the ground water,one is indeed reminded of rome when it was burning& Nero(the emperor) was playing the Fiddle.

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