Jihad and Terrorism: Are both synonymous?
Posted on 30. May, 2010 by Jeff in Letters to Editor
By: Yasmeen Ali

Terrorism is no Jihad
Western media is more often than not, awash with the details of “jihadists” who commit atrocious acts in the name of religion. More and more, Islam is projected as a religion of violence, hatred and vengeance. However, Islam comes from the root word Salaam, which means peace. It also means submitting one’s will to Allah .The word Salaam is also an attribute of God. In this context, it means ‘The Giver of Peace’.
Two terms needs definition here. Jihad and Terrorism. Jihad is the Arabic for what can be variously translated as “struggle” or “to fight,” depending on the context. In the West, the word is generally understood to mean “holy war,” and denotes, inaccurately, to exclusively military connotations. The Quran does call for “jihad” as a military struggle on behalf of Islam. But the Quran also refers to jihad as an internal, individual, spiritual struggle toward self-improvement, moral cleansing and intellectual effort. It is said that Prophet Muhammad considered the armed-struggle version of holy war “the smaller jihad,” but considered the spiritual angle of holy war–the war within oneself–as “the great jihad.”
Terrorism, is a different concept altogether. According to Jason Burke, it may be defined as “the use or threat of serious violence” to advance some kind of “cause”.
But does Islam condone terrorism ? Is Terrorism and Jihad one and the same? Military conflict is to be directed only against fighting troops and not against civilians. As a matter of fact, all religions of “The Book”, promote peace and tolerance, not violence. Attacking innocent civilians, women, children, sick in hospitals, people going about their daily chores who are not at war with you is terrorism. If there is a threat to human life, property and honor, fighting for defending life, property and honor is deemed as Jihad. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution which is a part of the United States Bill of Rights, adopted in 1791, aimed to protect the right to keep and bear arms and may be deemed a concept on the same lines.
We need to examine if Terrorism is linked ONLY to Islamic militant outfits using gullible minds to serve their vested interests? This question has come more sharply in focus with the case of Faisal Shehzad.
Terrorism has it’s roots in cultures and religion other than Islam. We need t remember, Indra Gandhi was killed by her Sikh body guards, as she had ordered the massacre in the Golden Temple of Sikhs, her son Rajiv ,was killed by Tamils, the very same who have the honor of inventing the suicide jacket, in the first place, they are Hindu Extremists. We also need to remember the Babbar Khalsa, a Sikh terrorist group, blew up Air India’s Kanishka aircraft off the Irish coast on June 23, 1985, killing nearly 200 passengers and made an unsuccessful attempt the same day to blow up another Air India plane at Tokyo. In October 1992, suspected Sikh militants gunned down five civilians and a law enforcement officer in a heavily wooded area in Uttar Pradesh that had become a refuge for Sikh separatists fleeing a crackdown by Indian authorities in Punjab. The attack followed a massacre two months earlier of twenty-nine villagers in the same area. In that incident, villagers collecting wood in the forest were captured by suspected militants, bound, and killed by automatic gunfire .Then there are the “Christian Terrorists”, of all the religious wars in human history waged by any religion, at any place, and at any time, none have been bloodier, more genocidal, more barbaric, and more protracted than the 200-year “holy wars” by the Western Crusades against the Arabs and Islam.
“Islamic terrorism”, a term coined by the West, is itself a controversial phrase, although its usage is widespread throughout the English-speaking world. Muslims object to the term as it contradicts the spirit of Islam, which is a peaceful religion. What then, allows people from different religion, more especially Islam, to terrorism in the name of Jihad? The reasons are varied ranging from injustices suffered in the hands of a system that offers no relief, to lack of avenue to improve one’s lot, lack of education, lack of an understanding of the religion that is exploited by vested interests, and, a genuine thinking, that they are answering to a higher call. Terrorism is often conducted in the name of religion. More often than not, it evolves from the misuse of the term “jihad” by vested interests thus exploiting impressionable minds. We must also face the failure of our leadership of all shades and hues, of too many vested interests and agendas.
Besides the obvious need to evolve long term and short term strategy to address the lot of the common man who fights a war of survival, it is extremely important, that we address the question if Quran be taught as a mandatory part of our curriculum in both government and private educational institutions? Will self understanding of The Book disallow others from planting twisted ideas in minds? Can we overlook the role of a strong leadership in addressing peoples grievances?
Jacques Chirac, in his speech on September 24th, 1986 correctly said,” A “war against terrorism” is an impracticable conception if it means fighting terrorism with terrorism.”. Regrettably, the West is yet to pay heed to that sane advice.
The writer is a lawyer currently teaching in the Beacon House National University. She owns and operates her own blog. Yasmeen is a regular writer for Opinion Maker.
30. May, 2010
Yasmeen, execllent article.You are indeed doing a great job.
Dr Khan
30. May, 2010
The author has given a very realistic view point of the Jihad and terrorism. World in general and West in particular need to know the diffrence between thses two terms. Islam is a religion of peace and love, whereas terrorism is a contrary act/ belief.
We need to educate our next door neighbour and all those playing in its hands in the garb of the religion.
Yasmeen Ali
30. May, 2010
Dear Dr Khan
Thank you for understanding the crux of the article & taking the effort to respond.
YAA@Dr Khan,
30. May, 2010
Relating Jihad with terrorism in any manner is wrong. This can be titled as the real context of jihad, as has been appropriately suggested by one of my friends, with whom I was discussing this article.
This article is not much to gain from. Terror is valid as a war tactics. Using it in the criminal sense however is right, but the context is not a criminal case but where people with a cause use the this Islamic concept wrongly, applying it pervasively and on all things that don’t like, and which can be addressed by less violent means.
All the holy wars and confrontations are full of terror, like awe and shock, that is devoid of any morality even, as it deters a full nation and deprives it from freedom even. Such a use of force by the USA is in fact real terrorism.
Going conceptually wrong is less criminal, but when one knows the use of force a naked aggression and even it is done on the fake assumptions of WMDs and hidden nukes, then we case safely assume that this is what is a real criminal use of force, terrorism it might be in either cases.
The writer need more insight when writing on such topics.
Yasmeen Ali
30. May, 2010
Thank you for replying. You have obviously not read the article with insight. Jihad is not being related to Terrorism.It is the LACK OF ANY THING in common that has been discussed. Definitions & examples are given to support dissimilarity.
I hope a reread of the article will help you clear your concept.
30. May, 2010
A logical and reasoned article. The anti Islam forces are not in listening mode. The crusade fever as christened by Bush is being spread by those following him with greater verve. The termed Jihadis is specifically used knowing that it does not mean what they wand it to mean.’ Sommum, bookmum, umun Fahum Layalamoon’. This artificially created war will go on till its logical end. Or at best It shall remain like previous Crusades ‘to be continued’. Islam can not wiped out it is here to stay.
What Muslims have to do and must do is return to real Islam that is Qura’n. If we do so we shall not require give any explanation to any one.
30. May, 2010
Thanks for posting this article on a very pertinent topic. I will
confine my discourse to what is happening in Pakistan.
In this age and how I see Jihad being abused by fellow muslims in my
country it is indeed synonymous with terrorism. What happened in
Lahore was by Muslims, what has been happening all over the country
under the guise of jihad and fully supported by jihadi tanzeems is
most condemnable and barbarian at best. The attacks on each other’s
mosques, imambargahs and congergations, the organized killings of Shia
muslims, the suicide attacks on Barelvi congregations, the hate speech
against Ismaili muslims, christians etc all tantamounts to JAHALAT and
evil amongst us and its tacit patronage by various political and
religious extermist groups which at times has also received state
Let us revert back to what happened in Lahore. To say that these were
mad men lets Pakistani society off the hook. The man who tried to save
his neck but instead swung from the noose, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, was
just as responsible. True, his was a crime that came from weakness and
opportunism rather religious hatred. Subsequently anti-Ahmadi hysteria
was cultivated for decades, both informally and at the level of the
state. Ahmadis were lumped with Zionists, Americans, Hindus…you
name it. To get rid of such pestilence is kar-e-sawab.
Of course, these days its not just the Ahmadis who are being
butchered. Shias, Christians, Hindus,…yet it does not seem to bother
people much.
Most just cluck their tongues and go about things as before. Its water
off a duck’s back. These days the Supreme Court is discussing the
ethics of
sex change and can’t be bothered by terrorism issues, human and women
rights. Aafia Siddiqui is our new-found hero and soon it will be the
likes of Faisal Shahzad
Not only that we are all blind but also are in a phase of collective
psychosis as deep as Nazi Germany’s. Let us not forget that Yazid too
was a muslim and that’s exactly how he justified his acts.
Let us stop blaming others for our faults and mistakes. Its the evil
within. It has to be defeated, we have no other choice.
30. May, 2010
Thanks Yameen. This is an excellent and timely article which should be spread to the west. I request all those who receive this article to circulate it amongst their western friends.
sylvia t villalobos
30. May, 2010
Readers should understand the future of jihad as an authentic Islamic notion in the light of the present political circumstances, which have been effectively rendered volatile by the vague and illogical use of the language of terrorism. The attitudes both in the Muslim and western milieu regarding the emergence of jihadism and suggest and on how this volatile situation can be diffused. The West must also constructively engage the moderate Islamists rather than be threatened by them. Matter of fact is that for the most part they constitute the only organized political forces that are committed to democracy and can be the means that can move all Muslim away from the affliction of authoritarianism.
It is befitting to superficially assess jihadist activity as a type
of religiously motivated terrorism and then get rid of it. Bur for those in search of a clarification to the problem at hand, it is crucial that they not only understand the intricacies that shape the political problems of the Muslim world but also the objective view of Islam as a political force. Western scholars, the media, analysts as well as policy makers when discussing about Islam should be cautious and with utmost care and sensitivity. The conventional Islamist forces need to be distinguished from the extremists. Segregation between political movements and terrorist outfits in the context of political Islam. Extensive generalizations have to be avoided in order to discern between legitimate political struggles and terrorism. It is enticing and practical to create a monolith but why do so when none actually exists. Violence as a response to violence will only breed more violence. Ham-fisted policies will only abet and exacerbate the already antagonising and volatile situation. The immediate need of the hour is a sensible approach to structural and functional changes in the Muslim nation-states. Whereas change is conceivably the most enduring constant in the world, there is a lucid choice between aggressive political change and peaceful political evolution.
Unfortunately, there is profound sympathy for the cause of jihadism among common
Muslims all over the world, and can be attributed to a number of causes, which
includes lack of understanding regarding Islam, the view of the west as a nemesis of the Muslim world, the arrested political development in the Muslim world, and the
ill-fated nurturing of a conspiracy theory mindset that traces all the ills of the
Muslim world to a global Jewish-Zionist plot to control the world. Enmity toward non- Muslims in the Muslim world is a reaction to the historical attitude of the non-Muslim world toward the Muslim world, for example the incident of the crusades, followed by British and French colonialism and other manifestation of European imperialism, Zionism that led to the establishment of Israel on the land that had been under Muslim suzerainty, and in more lately the United States foreign policy concerning the Muslim nation -states.
It is about time that Muslims should re-claim back the perception of jihad from the extremist whose deeds threaten its very integrity as a legitimate and authentic Islamic concept. These actions have led to the blurring of the distinction involving what really constitutes a genuine political struggle for freedom that may involve the legitimate use of force and what can truly be denounced as terrorist acts.
?They are all not alike. Of the People of the Scripture there is a staunch community
that recites the revelations of Allah in the night season, falling prostrate (before Him).?
Raja Mujtaba
30. May, 2010
@sylvia t villalobos, It’s very gratifying to see such an elaborate comment from a Non-Muslim. Many Muslims are not clear about Jihad. Sylvia I am impressed.
Yasmeen Ali
30. May, 2010
Thank you for the detailed response. I am impressed by your understanding of the subject.
YAA@sylvia t villalobos,
30. May, 2010
@sylvia t villalobos,
30. May, 2010
Injustice & Extremism breeds Terrorism
30. May, 2010
Injustice & Extremism breeds Terrorism……………..
Manoj Padhi
30. May, 2010
What an Ordinary Indian thinks about this issue ?
‘Issues that affect you’ with host PE Suraj Singh:: Terrorism
30. May, 2010
I have read with interest the article written by Yasmeen Ali which somehow made it’s way to my mailbox. At the very outset let us clear our clouded minds that the two are not synonymous in the broader perspective of the word ‘Jihad’. Jihad is not only a struggle against injustice or a fight/war waged against those hurting or destroying believers in Islam but it is certainly not a Jihad if innocent people are being killed mostly muslims by ‘muslims’. This is not Jihad at all infact this is terrorism and totally negates the spirit of Jihad which was aptly described by Yasmin that it has a much broader scope of connotation and that includes struggle against illiteracy,meaningless violence and crime,bad governance,corruption and so many other social ills which berefts Pakistan in particular and Muslim world in general.
We need not look at Islam through western prism which will always be distorted as mentioned that crusades had been made against Islam and that even today continues in various forms and manifestations. There was no earthly reason for such injustices as we witness in Iraq,Afghanistan,Palestinians and now creeping into Iran and Pakistan.It is definitely a very unfair world against Islam, a great reliogion of peace,tolerance and brotherhood but their is a red line which must never be transgressed by those opposing Islam. In my view America and the Western world in particular has demonstrated the worst unfairness and partisan role in maintaining global harmony. Shifting goal posts wherever Israel is concerned and looking the other way to all the crimes being committed against the defenceless Palestinian people and openly flouting UN resolutions and compare it against the actions taken against Iraq for implementing UN resolutions or what the west plans against Iran just to protect Israel. Iran has as much right to defend itself,acquire technology,or be strong to defend itself and it’s resources as US,UK,France Germany,Israel,India or any other country would. These are the distortions and unfairness in global politics which has given rise to such extreme reactions as they do not see any hope of getting justice at the end of the day and have no other option but to hit back. In the process the vested interest have their own machinations to exploit nations such as Pakistan to get them involved in wars which is not of their making at all. Our weakness is our economic foes arising from corruption,bad governance,illiteracy and lack of national cohesion with the result we stand exploited and take dictates from the vested interests.
Who will accept the concept of destroying nations on frivilous pretexts of WMD or chasing OBL. America is naturally well protected by oceans and far away from places where they have been meddling. They should with all their technology and resources at their disposal protect their homeland and be fair to all nations particularly the weak and their will automatically be a paradigm shift to be seen as a true and fair global leader and will command respect from all.
As a young student in 50′s and 60′s i recall the USA of yesteryears and the peace corps people assisting Pakistan in education and economic uplift programs being so warmy welcomed in Paksitan but then see how things have changed today. When put to a test be it the security pacts of SEATO/CENTO or even today’s ‘closest ally’ outside NATO nobody believes them at all as they have never been a friend to anyone except themselves and to Israel. On the other hand erstwhile Soviet Union stood by the Indians in 1971 and the Russians even today whether in defence or economic relationship through their friendship Treaty which had been honoured in letter and spirit. Why are the Pakistanis not against Chinese ? Becuse they have demonstrated and proven themselves as true friends. Nobody talks on lines of Jihad or Terrorism against them.
Bottom Line: Let the world demonstrate fairness to all irrespective of religion,caste,creed,size,geographical location and we will have a different world. But will that happen-No. Vested interests will be there,exploitation will be there,wars will be there and fight against injustices will be there.This is the world we live in and every nation therefore fends for it’s own.If a country is economically and militarily strong the other will respect you otherwise basket cases will continue to face the grim doom and loss of self esteem and pride only to be dominated by small terror groups such as some worst case scenarios of Somalia,Rwanda,Congo,
or emerging hot spots as Iraq, Afghanistan ,North Korea and few others. I love Pakistan and have faith in our people and sooner than later we will be able to take charge of our problems Inshallah.
Qazi Ebadullah
30. May, 2010
Dear Yasmin Ali,
Assalamoalaikum wa rahmatullah,
Thank you for the article ,Jehad/terrorism.
We need to spread the word among the so called educated ignorants of this planet.Present world is run by shaitan who has got the licence from Allmighty.The test begins at the time when we are facing the hard facts ,living in the era of Djali period ,this is the bigining of the End..
The 72 predictions of our beloved prophet SAW are very much visible .
This is the test for good people …
The ultimate tredgedy is not the oppression & cruelty by the bad people but silence over that of the good people..Martin Luther King.
I am in a rush to complete my poem for todays Litrary conference organised by Iqbal Accedemy London.
I am not on facebook any more ,have deactivated FB.
Take care .
Fi amanillah.
Prof.Shahid Iqbal
30. May, 2010
Great article by YAA.
30. May, 2010
Yasmeen – a good article which points to a number of core issues.
However, living as I do in the UK, I may be better positioned than some to see both sides of the coin. Sylvia makes some excellent observations, and although the interpretation of Jihad has been hijacked…its mostly by our own i.e. fellow muslims. I hear youngsters in our communities talk of it in the same terms as portrayed in the media…why..well because its something they stive to and because their elders have not given them the wisdom of reason on this subject…we have a community which is totally divided where there is little or no interaction between parents and children apart from Salam and Allah Hafiz.
I can understand that a compounding of many decades even centuries of mal-treatment of Muslims in many parts of the world have lead to a common belief that we are being singled out and that clearly provides a fertile ground for those who wish to take advantage….but….we also shoulder blame, in fact we should shoulder the majority of the blame for what has happend to us.
For some reason, we stopped progressing. Progressing in terms of development of culture, education, philosophy and of course religion. Development of religion is not the re-arrangement of it for modern pusposes but the teaching of it in a simple, concise and clear manner without tainting it with a political bent. Your point about teaching the Quran is a very valid one…….but as with anything in the Muslim world…we wonder how well we can execute this task when the quality of our teaching is so weak in general.
The Muslim world is also quick to blame others – the Global conspiracy, Zionists etc for things that occurr. However, and I do not take away external factors and influences….BUT…we need to focus on ourselves and what we do and how we do it. If we can focus on making our societies more fair, better support our needy, educate our young – which is a mammoth task…we will not only hold together the fragmentation of our peoples but also form a barrier to the side shows of external influence. This needs to happen at a national, provincial and individual level. The average man needs to talk less about American agents and more about what he’s doing to teach his children the right path.
This brings me back full circle to your definition of Jihad. Yes, for me, its the inner struggle to ensure I as an individual am walking the right path, thinking in the lines of the morals and practices that we all ought to. I do not believe that we are born “empty” and are filled by our surroundings. We are all born with an inate understanding of right and wrong, which is supported and augmented by our parents, peers etc. How is it that we have abrogated that responsibility not only to ourselves but to our nearest and dearest……in pursuit of …well many things. We need to refocus and begin with ourselves and ensure our nuclear family is right, and, maybe in a few generations, we will be back to where we need to be.
If I may re-work a well coined phrase…….”jihad begins at home” – just ensure we understand what that really means.
Apologies in advance if this seemed a little unstructured…but maybe its a reflection of us in that respect.
Yasmeen Ali
30. May, 2010
Thank you for the detailed rep;ly Ather. Enjoyed the post. Yes I 100% agree we as parents & a society have failed to convey Quran in its correct sense to the younger generation.This makes them an easy target by the vested groups to use them in their nefarious aims.Hence the question:Should Quran be taught as partt of curriculam?I am not talking of Deeniyat.I am talking of Quran.
World Travel Tours » US lifts travel advisory on Sri Lanka
30. May, 2010
[...] Jihad and Terrorism: Are both synonymous? | Opinion Maker [...]
30. May, 2010
Dear Yasmeen,
I must say Raja Mujtaba has a persuasive pen and thank you for sharing his very illuminating article. My approach is towards finding solutions for the many problems Pakistan faces and to do my best to persuade the movers and shakers to implement them. Success has been mixed.
Happy brainstorming and more ?out of the box? solutions.
30. May, 2010
The article is innocent mixing of terrorism with Jihad. Such a juxtaposition is criticize if not the contents itself.
This should have been framed as the spirit of Jihad and the use of criminal force.
Jihad is a big concept, and even can be waged against those Muslims who deviate from the correct path.
This is not just fighting and killing, but is a whole concept without which one can’t become a good Muslim.
Yasmeen Ali
31. May, 2010
Dear TJ You have either not understood the article nor want to.Maybe you should take a course in English Language?
US, Europe must cooperate to fight terrorism: Holder | World Cup 2010
30. May, 2010
[...] Jihad and Terrorism: Are both synonymous? | Opinion Maker [...]
31. May, 2010
It’s too pathetic hearing this non sense argumentation ,islam roots from peace bla bla , and then there is an abrupt jump to tarnish people from other religions as if there religion teach them violance and terrorism .
if we look into the historical record of our prestine islam ,honestly ,it is very saddening and pathetic .
The objective of such writtings is nothing more than the appologatic effort to celebrate covertly voilance ,hatred ,obscurantism ,and terrorism .
31. May, 2010
@ Yasmeen Ali,
Your splitting hair on the Koranic interpretation of Jihad and the one being practiced by the muslim terrorists is disgusting. Koran has explicit instructions to destroy the non-muslims(non-believers)…., and you muslims can not twist the interpretations to deceive the people from other faithhs.
Your attempt to club Islamic terrorism with all other examples is a poor attempt to justify the cancer of muslim terrorists.
What makes Islamic terrorism diistinct from any other form of terrorism is that, Islamic terrorism enjoys muslim state support, from Saudi Arabia to Pakiatan.
The musims are systematically brain washed in the name of religion in the Saudi funded madrasas, and then goes on to the state ( Pakistani army) supported terrorist train camps… then they are provided weapons and logistic support to commit barbarian acts, like the one in Mumbai, and now on the Ahmadis in Lahore.
Jacques Chirac’s idiotic statement aside, islamic terrorism needs to be crushed with Iron fist all over the world………….., and then perhaps you muslims may spend time to address the root cause …. !!
Yasmeen Ali
31. May, 2010
Kindly reread & point out where terrorism is supported?However we MUST address cases like Faisal Shehzad & those whom we call suicide bombers.Can you begin to imagine the brainwashing they must have recieved to think they are answering to a higher call?A person willing to lay his life on line?Vested interests will always exploit you if you are willing to be exploited.We need to address this at grass root level,not just pass the buck on t others.We must not overlook failing on our own part as contributing to a situation where others take advantage.We need to understand the difference betwen Jihad & Terrorism.I fail to see anything disgusting in that.
Yasmeen Ali
31. May, 2010
I forgot to add yes, in a lot of cases it is/was supported.After all what is Taliban.Was it not the Mujahideen of yesterday?Who created them?Who nurtured them?Do we all not know this?Hence my statement in the article that there must be long & short term strategy AND we cannot overlook the failings of our leadership here.However, the thrust & theme of the article is defining Jihad as distinct from Terrorism.Giving a brief background to terrorism & that it is NOT originating from Islam as per the hype created by the western media.@Yasmeen Ali,
Tanvir Ahmed Siddiqui
31. May, 2010
@neel123,@neel123: <"islamic terrorism needs to be crushed with Iron fist all over the world????.., and then perhaps you muslims may spend time to address the root cause ?. !!
Mr. neell23: My Friend Your above statement in totality against Islam as religion and against muslim even as human, reflects nothing else but your own reservs of personal hatred, prejudice and intollerance. Your this defensive mindset is unreceptive of any rationale. If at all interpretation of Koranic verses be actually, really and exactly the same waht you have highlighted above than how come a non believer or a non-muslim like you is still lived and survived in subcontinent and other parts of the wrold ( like in Spain) where Muslims dominated for centuries?
My friend its really pity that like in all other religions Islam is also under attempts of hijacking by illiterate extremist elements . You may have all rightfull genuine and valued reasons to hate extremism and terrorism but you cannot bracket this issue in totality against Islam and Muslims. You cannot do so because Our Prophet Muhammad (SAW Peace Be Upon Him) in his last address to Muslim Ummah took oath from all Muslims to ensure the protection of the rights of non muslims and non believers since Islam is way of Life of Peace at the basis to live and let live.
Yasmeen Ali
31. May, 2010
Tanvir Sahib Thank you for your balanced views.I agree that there are good & bad people in all religions.We must not & cannot generalise.If we try learning from history,only.IF.
YAA@Tanvir Ahmed Siddiqui,
Tanvir Ahmed Siddiqui
31. May, 2010
@Yasmeen Ali
Yes YAA: had it been really so true according to interpretation of MR. neel123 than that Hallaucastlike darma of mass assasination of those non-believers and non-muslims would have been staged somewhere by Muslims.
World Travel Tours » Americans warned of terror threat at World Cup
31. May, 2010
[...] Jihad and Terrorism: Are both synonymous? | Opinion Maker [...]
31. May, 2010
vVgood article, Continue.
31. May, 2010
Dear YAA every word is 100% on the money…. You are becoming very professional on an International scale
31. May, 2010
It is really sad that today on the one hand we constantly talk about the Islamic Ummah while on the other hand Pakistanis today hate each other more than they hate the Americans or Indians or Jews we hate Muslims and non-Muslims alike. We are either killing the Christians or Hindus or Shias or Ahmedis or Barelvis or Deobandis.
In order to put this genie back in the bottle several things have to happen before this very long and painful journey starts.
First of all the army top brass ? ALL OF THEM ? have to decide to get rid of ALL jihadis. This in itself is a huge IF. Yes, Kayani and maybe even most of the top brass may want to stop supporting the jihadis but this cancer is widespread at the lower ranks of officers and jawans. They have to be convinced that there are NO GOOD JIHADIS. Yes, it would throw their Kashmir and strategic depth strategy in serious disarray. And how you weed out ALL jihadi lovers from the army?s ranks? How long will it take?
Secondly the media HAS TO stop giving air time and column space to these pro jihadi elements from TV programs to anchors to the Gen Gul?s of the world. There are just too many viewers/readers who have no research of their own and are very easily swayed by these people.
Thirdly we may have to go to the undemocratic way of banning ALL religious parties. Easier said than done.
Manoj Padhi
31. May, 2010
What an Ordinary Indian thinks about this issue ?
naveed tajammal
31. May, 2010
@Manoj Padhi,
manoj, it would indeed be a very interesting reading, if you could enlighten us with your perspective, or how a hindu sees this article.
31. May, 2010
Million dollar question is how to make west understand the difference between jihad and terrorism ?
Equally intriguing is the aspect that much of the terrorism is fuelled by western and jewish/zionist unjustified policies.
31. May, 2010
Dear Yasmin,
I advocate strongly your recommendation that the teaching of the Quran become part of the curricula from ‘Nursery to the University.’ This will help remove the dichotomy in theory and practice to a very great extent as also enable real and salient development of mind and character.
31. May, 2010
If one starts reading Quran, he need not go in to such complex approach to understand the spirit of Jihad. As evil is integral to this world, Jihad is integral to faith to save one from evil.
Like the night has the day, the oppression has the Jihad as its counter.
Jihad is mostly by peaceful means, less those who use power to suppress humanity.
It can be waged again any criminal, from individual to a big entity, not discriminating faith that includes those who are generally identify as Muslims even.
31. May, 2010
If one starts reading Quran, he need not go in to such complex approach to understand the spirit of Jihad. As evil is integral to this world, Jihad is integral to faith to save one from evil.
Like the night has the day, the oppression has the Jihad as its counter.
Jihad is mostly by peaceful means, less those who use power to suppress humanity.
01. Jun, 2010
Aid flotilla has made west even more “benaqab”
It has definitely turned more neutral minds in favor of Palestinian cause
May Allah make it a turning point in resolving age old arab israeli conflict . Ameen
But it may turn more muslims youth into jihadis
02. Jun, 2010
Ameen to that. This reminds me of the prologue Karen Armstrong wrote in the revised addition of her biography of muhammed (pbuh). I feel alot of nations have to take reponsibility for their own histories and accept that we are now a global community. What happens in Iran will effect France etc… But alas power corrupts and politics would have no structure if repression wasn’t its most imp tool.
Enjoyed Reading it.
03. Jun, 2010
believe self study is essential of tafaseer (and I would add Tadabbur Qur’an by Maulana Islahi whose discussions carry a lot of weight). However, study in a group comprising of people with better understanding is more beneficial.
But, the study must lead to the proper understanding and implementation of the requirements in our lives. Some of the sahaba used to read and contemplate on each ayat, and not go to the next ayat until they had implemented it in their life. Umar (radhi Allaho anh) or his son, spent 8 years to complete Surah Baqarah.
The essence of the Qur’an is atee Allaha. If we read and do not meet the requirement of ita\at, we are willfully disobeying Allah, and may put us in the fold of the munafeqeen, who we know will be in the lowest part of jahannum. They have been aptly described in the following ayaat:
8:20 (Y. Ali) O ye who believe! Obey Allah and His Messenger, and turn not away from him when ye hear (him speak).
8:21 (Y. Ali) Nor be like those who say, “We hear,” but listen not:
8:22 (Y. Ali) For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are the deaf and the dumb,- those who understand not.
Allah Hafiz
pharmacy technician jobs
04. Jun, 2010
Great site. A lot of useful information here. I?m sending it to some friends!
Nadeem Khan
04. Jun, 2010
An apt article in an apt time. Excellent.
To empower a power, the later is required to be weakened by doubts. The foreign powers and their media has distorted the real meaning of Jihad so much, for some purpose, that now extremism, terrorism and finally Jihad are made all the same. This trick worked a lot and majority, even in Pakistan and many other muslim countries, people are now considering the slogans of Jihad as extremism and terrorism. The word Jihad has lost mostly its significance for a muslim. I consider this a successful trick by agressors as they are and were always afraid of ‘Muslims gathering for Jihad’ against them. When ever Muslims gather for Jihad, they overpower the other forces due to their faith (In Past not current). USA did used this word Jihad while fighting against USSR in Afghanistan and very well knows the significance of this word amongst Muslims. To over power Afghanistan and Pakistan and other Muslims in the world, the passion for Jihad was needed to be corrupted so that one should think thrice to chant the slogan of waging war against the agressor.
In actual ‘Jihad’ is a terror form for other religions. They are very much terrified by the passion of Jihad of Muslims. Once Muslims turn on for ‘real Jihad’, there is no safety for them. Bush clearly marked the attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan as crusade, intentionally, and intelligently distorted the vision of Jihad into a form of extremism and terrorism to avoid the outrage of Muslim countries as a whole. It is always good to keep divide and rule policy intact.
pharmacy tech
06. Jun, 2010
My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!
Jihad and Terrorism: Are both synonymous? - Pakistan Talk Forums
13. Jun, 2010
[...] [...]
30. Jun, 2010
Why most of the terrorists are from muslim community ? Certainly it is due to religious provision of Jehad .Dont try to shadow the reality .
23. Jul, 2010
Jehad is an out dated term which was coined for tribal societies but now we have modern modes to save interests of society and individuals ,therefore now Jehad is nothing but terrorism .There are vested interests who are trying to twist the realities associated with the term .