Paktunkhwa: The Evil Dream of Sarhadi Gandhi
Posted on 28. Apr, 2010 by Jeff in Letters to Editor
Editors Note: Awami National Party was never worth more than 5 seats in the Assembly, it was the short-sighted Nawaz Sharif for his motives that he promoted this party to the level that it has attained today. Not only this, then to get his third time eligibility that he supported the 18th amendment to the constitution that also incorporated the name change of NWFP. After the passage of the bill, Nawaz Sharif wanted to appease the Hazaras who booed him out from the area.
By Naveed Tajammal

Pakhtunistan Flag
It was a sad affair reading a news report, that Asfandyar Wali and Hoti, the CM of K-P,
will be holding a festival in New York, on 15 may 2010,to celebrate the renaming of NWFP and the 2nd Bacha Jan peace conference,(Bacha Jan being, Ghaffar Khan, grandfather of Asfandyar).The chief guest to grace this auspicious bench mark in the redshirt history is to be Sonia Gandhi, who heads the Congress party of INDIA, The same India, which has encircled us with defence pacts, and strangulated our water resources, it seems the renaming has brought out the true colours of the ANP band.
What amazes one is the audacity of this band of recent immigrants in our lands as will be explained, who are claiming divinity over the majority of non-Pathan population of old NWFP.
A peep and a brief prelude on the workings and role of the founding father of this party, is a must for an average reader, only then can most comprehend the designs of old red shirts, and the new redcap party, it is true that ANP did manage to grab a few seats of the total 125 seats of old NWFP. However in reality it was a staged managed affair, to propel a secular minded party, from the shadows to the limelight, never mind what destruction it would bring, Games being games, played by players who call the shots
for the time being, to serve their own vested ends.
Secessionists; the ANP band has always been, from day one, but first see the pious intentions of the God father of this

Bacha Khan with his son Wali Khan
band, the grand parent of Asfandyar Wali, Rajmohan Gandhi, published a book on ”Ghaffar Khan” in 2004,based on various interviews which he had taken of Ghaffar Khan, the Bacha jan, on page 8, of the above cited book the author states, quoting Ghaffar Khan ”I have one great desire, i want to knit ,the divided tribes of Pakhtuns, spread out from Baluchistan to Chitral, into one community………..”
A noble cause indeed, but what of those unfortunate people who have lived in the old NWFP since thousands of years, prior to the coming of first wave of Pathans, in the same area, whose ancestors had given refuge to these wandering tribes pushed out, from west of the present Durand line ??? only 500 years back, in the east 500 years is not of any vintage, however with the passage of time this lot had mixed up with old, residents of the region in 1849 jumped in the British, and from 1855 onward they opened our borders to wave after wave of new immigrants, the Britt’s had their own ulterior motives behind this move, so this new class of Pashtuns came to Punjab, as till 1901, the present NWFP was the Punjab, just to highlight the magnitude of immigrants, only in the old Peshawar district which was, Peshawar, Charsadda, Swabi, Mardan and Nowsehra-the number of immigrants the Pashto speakers between 1881-1931, were 249,347, or quarter a million.

Pakhtunistan Stamp
It is this lot which has spearheaded the ANP move,it is they, who have relations across the borders, not the first lots, which came 500 years back that too in waves till 1600′s,as the Khyber pass opened up, as a trade route !!! And why did Ghaffar Khan get himself buried in Jalalabad, in the old family grave yard ???
Now addressing the linguistic issue, the languages from north to south of old NWFP.
are, Wakhani, Besh-Gali, Wai-Ali, Pashai, Dardic, Khowari (Chitrali), Shini, Kohistani, Hindkohi, Tanauli, Awankari of Kohat, Dhundi-Karali of Abbottabad, Khetrani/Saraiki of DI KHAN, and Muluki of Bannu, Ormuri had been the language of whole Waziristan, again a name awarded to this region by the British, Diri was spoken in DIR, before the influx of Pathans.
Now we revert back to the desire of Ghaffar Khan to unite the Pathan tribes and how so.
D.G. Tendulkar, writes in his book,” Abdul Ghaffar Khan”, 1967. Bombay print, page-518,” Abdul Ghaffar Khan, wanted the frontier area to become a part of India (post 947) having failed in that venture, he demanded a separate province in Pakistan, where he wanted to be a king, having failed here too, now, he wanted to make frontier region a part of Afghanistan”.
In 1930 after the round table conference, Ghaffar Khan had given a proposal to the new King of Afghanistan Nadir Shah,( who had usurped the throne from, Habibullah Kalakhani, miscalled Bacha Saqa), that soon, the British empire will be divided in two parts, in anticipation of which, Afghan government, should approach the British, to let the Pathans of NWFP choose, the state which they wanted to join, the choice given was two aspects only then, Afghanistan or India, this was between 1931-34. The British wanted time, however again between, 1943-1946, it was a hot issue, between Afghans and British. Ghaffar Khan being the instigator, King Zahir Shah and Ghaffar Khan now proposed to the British the following options;
- Formation of an independent Pathan state.
- Accession to Afghanistan, India and lastly Pakistan.
When British did not heed to his demands, Ghaffar Khan joined, the congress party, Nehru and Gandhi became his mentors at large, with it arose the slogan of undivided India independence, meanwhile, they threw a bone to Zahir Shah too, the congress agreed to give him, in connivance with Ghaffar Khan, Karachi port as a personal fief.
Read what Wali khan has to say in his book ”facts are facts” defining the ideology of Pakistan, pages -204-5,”hindus and Muslims, for centuries had lived together,…a part of India was given a different name….”,Today in the shoes of Ghaffar Khan stands, Asfandyar, Sonia carries the Gandhi name, and the mantle of Nehru dynasty, the old band lives(Ghaffar, Gandhi and Nehru) and Karazia represents Zahir Shah, it is the first long awaited step they celebrate on 15 may 2010 in NEW YORK and why not Delhi. Somebody rightly said,
For those who understand,
No explanation is needed,
For those who do not understand,
No explanation is possible.
Naveed Tajammal is a historian with a special focus on Indus Civilisation and the Muslim World. He is been researching for the past 25 years. He is Member Board of Advisors, Opinion Maker.
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28. Apr, 2010
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Raja Mujtaba, Raja Mujtaba. Raja Mujtaba said: https://opinion-maker.org/2010/04/paktunkhwa-the-evil-dream-of-sarhadi-gandhi/ http://bit.ly/bgPUvK [...]
29. Apr, 2010
I don’t know why i am writing the same thing twice today, but i have to mention it as all signals are pointing towards it, so the prophecy of Blood Borders by By Ralph Peters is getting wings of fulfillment with the help of $lind ( Dollar Blinded) Pakistani politicians.
Awais Bilal
29. Apr, 2010
In my opinion renaming dose’t matter at all, as long as every one is united under Pakistani flag. But facts regarding ANP are quite right as it has been quoted since Pakistan came into being, ANP’s love for India. But in current situation when Pakistan is facing so much trouble in dealing Talibanization in Pakistan the role of ANP has been shameful for even those who have been admiring ANP since Bacha Khan.
They have lost the support they use to have. Now they are a party with no aim, objectives or even public support.
Its such a shame that some evil forces are creating misunderstandings in Pakistani people on the basis of Provinces.
I take it as madness , absolute madness of highly uneducated un Islamic people. If you see whole world, every civilized nation is collaborating with other nations in order to defend their interests in new world order, e.g see Europe collaboration, american Mexican and Canadian collobrations and Pakistanies are fighting on issues like water, weat, tomato, potato. I we really need some one to educate masses.
One man seems to take some responsibility in educating people of Pakistan, thats Zaid Hamid. But unfortunately our so called MOLVIES have started blaming him for some thing that he always denied. And by the way our MOLVIES have a long history of being pedophiles (check cases registered in Police station against them)I know the facts as my few friends are MOLVIES and few are in Islamabad Police.About them being sold its a open fact quoted in few books which were banned in Pakistan but still if any one needs avidence they are still available in British Libraries, names and addresses and amount payed to molvies of Pakistan and India in start of 19th century to creat misunderstandings in the name of Islam.
And to all those who need a separate land well just go and read what Bangladesh has achieved after getting independence. I have witnessed Bangali people coming to Pakistan and bribing police men in Islamabad airport with Rs 2000/person. Because its like Dubai to them. I know it as a fact and about 10-15 people from Bangladesh come eveyday on visit visa in search of work and with an intention to never go back.
So people please grow up and think big,positive and open ur Hearts instead of cutting each others legs.
God bless you all.
Zafar Abbas
29. Apr, 2010
All the Khans of North, Sardars of baluchistan and Sind and Chaudharis of Punjab are traitors and this is the reason for detoriorating situtaion of the country. A bloody revolution is the only cure.
Ijaz Khan
02. May, 2010
Well analysed Naveed Tajammul.
Excellent grasp of subject.
Nawaz khalil
04. May, 2010
This is a rediculous piece of misinformation written by the grand son of a Boot polisher of British raj.He doesnt know that India got independence after sacrifices of Bacha khan aand his followers in support of Congress while thier forefathers muslim leagers were praising the britishers and asking them not to leave india.Shame on these psuedo writers who want to twist the history.Anp has got a name for thier nation after 63 years of peacefull struggle.We pukhtoons are greatfull to ANP and its leaders and all other democratic parties for accepting pukhtoonkhwa and let the enemies of pukhtoons lick thier wounds.A saying that Dogs bark but the Karawan goes along,welldone ANP.
15. May, 2010
what a shameful writing piece. the writer seems to belong to the slaves family for English rulers. He seems to have no knowledge of history but just trying to be racist and malicious. Whatever, Pashtuns has nothing to do with pseudo Pakistan and its racist two nation ideology. From Jinnah to Zia and Musharraf, all were British dogs who never did anything for humanity.
naveed tajammal
27. May, 2010
i from a family of slaves, your ANP belongs to that lot reread your history which is not very old, start from 1855. come to 1885,when suwat canal colony was made who got the maximum lands guess ??? and for what services rendered think twice before you label a true son of sind as a bootlicker, what did your zahir shah’s father nadir shah do to the actual ”bacha khan, habib ullah kalakhani,whom your lot hung and then shot him on assurances of quran ??
True Legacy
17. May, 2010
It is a shame how the shoe shiners of British Empire are smearing the character of a true hero. Bacha Khan baba was a freedom fighter, a true Muslim and a true Pakhtoon, who led the revolt, with his partners from across the nation, against British invaders. He spent over 35 years of his life for what he believed in. He was determined to educate the children of his nation (girls and boys) and promoted non-violence.
I just want to congratulate the people of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa for retaining their identity. And want to pay tribute to Bacha Khan baba?s family for the 63 years long and hard struggle.
naveed tajammal
27. May, 2010
your bacha khan was after even habibullah in 1818 to get him a piece of land to become a king, and habibullah was killed in a football match reemmber.
28. May, 2010
@naveed tajammal,
naveed tajammal
27. May, 2010
the khan who says that i am from the progeny from those who were bootlickers of british should think twice before he utters rubbish,it is the maliks and khans of NWFP whose progeny rules the ANP.the khan who so ever he may be should read about the lands awarded as per the swat canal in 1885 and to whom ?? i have the exact references and GOI ( GOVT OF INDIA) FILE numbers and reasons why they awarded these ACRES. AS WELL THE CLAUSES under which they got them, that is true face.
of people whom this khan represents.i still stand to my write up, the pushtun element entered our quarters in the last 450 years,the bulk who wanted paktun istan are those who came after 1855.the books, records,and the gazettes testify what i say.
28. May, 2010
Long Live Pashtunistan… Long Live Afghans.
You are in inferior complex. We are proud of our own histroy and we have rulled india and u ppl for centuries. the renaissance is comming soon in the shape of taliban. whatever, consequesnces, but being pashtuns, i love them. and, then i hope you ppl will remain slaves with this mentality which u like. As regards, loyality, i know how much loyal jinnah and other were with so-called islam and country. a bunch of british spies could never change the history of most proud and bold nation of the wolrd. keep barking, we are gonna achieve our destny by force. we dun weep like you………………………..
naveed tajammal
28. May, 2010
so the talaban are pushtun good, but your lot claims them punjabi.
naveed tajammal
28. May, 2010
and says who that pathans ruled india ? to clear your miconceptions and an advice to read,before putting your foot in your mouth, sultan mahmmud of ghuzz nih was a karlugh TURK,that settles the Ghaznavid’s, the Ghori, of GHAUR were TAJIKS, The KHILJI were khalj TURKS, the Tartars ,are not pathan by any margin,i -bak,razia sultana, balban all were from the progeny of TURK,the TUGLAK too are TURKS,AMIR TIMUR, was a BARLAS, TURK,FORGET THE SYED DYNASTY AS INSATLLED by amir timur,LODDHI, is an off shoot of KHITRAN,as is THE suri,
AS are the ROHELA, in pushto grammer as was written by RAVERTY,i have the copy, ROH is not pushto, but SARIEKI,
READ,ahmed ! before you venture in the world of literates
the pushtun you can claim is ahmed shah,and incidently in the SYRIAC litrature ABDEL IS A TURK, JUST to humour you,as SADO, or asad ullah was born in 1558, just one man,he gains prominence later in life, now every one is a sadozia, one wonders WHY ??? ahmed shah spoke in DARI and in history he is BADSHA E KHORASSAN only.
with a capital at QAND HAR, he did marry off his wayward son timur to the weak king of dehli and who gave in dowry,
mind you lands of lahore suba and multan to his DAUGHTER,not to TIMUR. the WRIT of ahmed was very weak that is why he came on raids,& with the help of MUGHLANI BEGUM who had her own axe to grind,, at lahore,so much for his BRAVERY.as to bravery of ahmed shah a very NEGATIVE point exists against him, as a guard commander . of Nadir Shah, he failed to protect him on the night of his assasination.rather,he absconded with the looted wealth of dehli and bought himself a throne at QANDHAR do you want to know the amounts he doled out ??? next time read history before you lock horns with me,
28. May, 2010
Long Live Pashtunistan…..
No Punjab No Pakistan ……
Mr. dun beat about the bushes. You racist has nothing but to plagiaruze and fabricate history. If you get time, then please read some other book except Pakistan studies books. lol… the porkistan would remain no where. Baluchs are almost on the verge of indeppendece. sindhis are saying Porkistan Na Khapppay, Punjabies are always good subjects as they are…. whome we pashtun will rule inshaAllah.
Have a chill pill……
Raja Mujtaba
28. May, 2010
@ahmed, Discussions are good but not getting personal. I would request Mr Ahmed to please quote some books to substantiate his claims.
naveed tajammal
28. May, 2010
good subjects, are pathans, read history, when came the russains all fled afghanistan,six million landed on us, we fed them and gave them shelter, the first chance of a minor success they invited the indians,as YOUR KARAZIA is DOING NOW.
Yasmeen Ali
28. May, 2010
Dear Mr Ahmed
I am sharing my article :RENAMING NWFP & THE ANP MANOFESTO.This was published in Frotier Post.Plz read.
With reference to Asfandyar Wali’s ANP Manifesto, Editorial Frontier Post dated 18th Dec. 2007.
Before the start of the process of renaming a province commences, various intrinsic factors must be kept in mind.Like the historical geographic boundaries, the d emographic placement of pathans and non pathans in the old districts of NWFP, that is, Peshawar, Hazara, Kohat, Bannu and D. I Khan, also to be kept in mind is the linguistic background of the races which have inhabited the present NWFP since time immemorial to date in order, to give a name which has an equitable meaning and relevance to all its inhabitants.
Pakistan since 1947, is a culmination of many different races, each representing a different culture and heritage, therefore, just because an effective pressure group, now so wishes to rename a province as per their perspective, which negates the other races, who have inhabited this land much before the entry of the pushto-speaking races in this area ,will be an injustice to them. These races, are not represented by an equally well organised and motivated leadership to counter the pressure being so exerted at this point in time. However, in due course of time, there will be a reaction thus creating more ethnic complications for our nation.
Administratively, in the Mughal set up as created by Akbar the present NWFP, was part of Suba Kabul and consisted of various Tumans(Districts), Bolaks (Tehsils) and Sarkars. East of Kabul City, lay Lamghan, consisting of the Tumans of Ali Shang, AliNgar, Mandrawar, Kunar, Nurgul and Bolaks of Darra-i-Nur and Kama, within Lamghan was the Tuman of modern Ningnahar, with its headquarters, initially at” Admah”, between Kabul and Surkh-ab( Rivers). It was Akbar Badshah who shifted the capital of this province to a new location, and, it was named after him,” Jalalabad”, his full name being,”Jalal-ud-din Mohammad Akbar”.
Nangnahar, was originally ” Nekanhar”, meaning thereby, Nek, signifying in persian “good/beneficial” and Anhar is the plural of Nahr or streams or rivulets. Nekanhar by degrees got corrupted into Nangnahar in due course of time. It had nine Darahs out of which flowed nine rivers, all fell in one, now called Kabul River. The two eastern most Tumans of Kabul subah were Hashtghar and Bigram, it was the Tuman of Bigram, which is now called Peshawar. Hashtgar, had, eight towns ie Charsadda, Omarzi, Parang, Sherpao, Tarangzi,Rajur, Usmanzi and Tangi- the “zi” element is a new addition .
The Sufed Koh, earlier called Ak-tagh by the Turks, and by the new people ie the pushto speakers, is called Spin-ghar, seperated the Tumans of Nangnahar and Bangash which also included the Kurram Valley. Bangash was divided two parts ; Bala , meaning Upper and Pain meaning Lower. Bala Bangash started from Thal area and Pain Bangash was the now Kohat Region. The thanedar of Bala and Pain Bangash was located at Kohat.
Bannu, was bordered on the north by the mountains of Bangash and Nughz( Durrand Line -Range). The three Sarkars of Suwat, Bunner and Bajuar were also in Kabul suba. Modern Hazara ,was called Pakli Sarkar, sometimes it was administrated by Kabul, later, it was transferrred to Kashmir suba. Pakli consisted of Dhudhial, Nawa-Shahr and Dhamtaur. Darband and rest of Hazara, ie the lower parts of the present Hazara were part of Lahore suba.
Beyond, in the north of Bajauar, Bunner and Lower Suwat was a track of land called Baloristan, NOT part of the Mughal set up. Sometimes Badkhshan and sometimes Kashghar, dominated the region. Baloristan , extended to the North till the Wakhan Valley. Now coming to the latest addition meaning thereby, other than the old districts already mentioned as part of old NWFP. A description about the land of Chitral is relevant. Till the late 19th century, Chitral( A new name) old being Kashkar, had as its rulers, the progeny of Mohammad Baig. Chitral (Town area and below to the south till Dir), came under Mohtaram Shah and Upper Chitral was held by Shah Khushwakht, the elder brother of Mohtaram Shah.
Mohtaram Shah was known as Aman-ul-Mulk, ie his designation. In 1878, he accepted an agreement with the Maharaja of Kashmir on the behest of the British and started getting a grant of Rs 12000/- per year. The elder brother, refused to acknowledge the Maharaja of Kashmir and the British Rule.Hence, he recruited forces from YASIN, DAR-AL, TANGIR and HUNZA areas of his rule and so went on a war against the Dogra Rule.While, the elder brother fought the British and Maharaja of Kashmir’s forces with full valour, his younger brother attacked him from behind on the behest of British & the Maharaja and thus the elder brother lost the war and turned a fugitive.
In the area known as Dir, now, a Mulla Ilyas, also called as Akhund Baba, a pushto speaker had created a following. In the 1880s,Rehmatullah, the younger brother of Jamdad Khan, the Head of Mullazi Clan( From Mulla a term comes Mullazi), took monetary assistance from Maharaja of Kashmir and deposed his elder brother. By 1895, Rehmatullah’s son, Mohammad Shareef was doing a lot of, “good service” to the British and had especially helped them in the capture of Chitral town. He had also helped the British in capturing, Sher Afzal ,one of the outlawed brothers of Aman-ul-Mulk of Chitral. For his good services, rendered to the British Crown, Mohammad Shareef was made a Nawab. When the Fakir of Api revolted the newly created Nawab of Dir, vide an agreement of december 1898, with the British, had the Fakir of Api declared,”enemy of the State and the Crown”. For these services rendered, his subsidy was raised to Rs 15000/- per annum with an antedate of first October 1898.
The purpose of this information is to establish the fact that, niether was Baloristan a part of Kabul suba nor was Dir. It was much later that they became part of NWFP or Punjab as it was earlier known ie after the annexation of 1849 by the British.
Dera Ismael Khan, was always a part of suba Multan.
These administrative boundaries lasted till 1739, from then till 1747 the whole of Trans-Indus was part of the Iranian Empire. On the asassination of Nadir Shah, Ahmed Shah Abdali who was a Captain of his bodyguards, moved to Qandhar and also took the bulk of the treasure taken from Lahore and Delhi by Nadir Shah. With this money he established himself as an independent ruler in the eastern regions of the Iranian Empire of Nadir Shah. Till the death of Ahmed Shah Abdali and much later there is no entity known as Afghanistan.Ahmed Shah was called in his lifetime as Badhsha-e-Khurrassan. On his death in 1773 his son, Taimur shah shifted the capital to Kabul by now the Sikhs had started their inroads and raids in the eastern parts of Taimur Shah’s kingdom. By 1823 Sikhs had entered Peshawar area and Hazara was annexed by Sikhs in 1818.
The Nawab of Mankera, Hafiz Mohammad Khan ruled an area till the present Muzaffargarh districts, Kot Addu Tehsil and had in the scramble, conquered, Isa Khel and outskirts of Bannu, the old areas of Kabul kingdom. By 1821, the Nawab of Mankera had lost in subsequent battles to the sikhs his lands and was pensioned off to D. I Khan. Kohat recieved its first Governor of Sikhs in 1834 and by 1836, Ranjit Singh had given Sultan Mohammad, Kohat, Tiri and Hangu in a service jagir.
Demographically, the census of 1881 was held 2 years after the Treaty of Gandamak by virtue of which Khyber and Michni Pass and Kurram areas became part of the British empire and hence Punjab. Of the old five districts which are the heartland of NWFP, ie D. I Khan, Bannu, Peshawar, Hazara and Kohat the following is the demographic aspect as per the above census quoted:
a) D.I Khan had a total of 73022 pathans out of a total population of 441,649. In the pathans so mentioned the Niazis were 2377 and the Khetran were 1324, both seraiki speakers but somehow included in the pathan total.
b) Bannu had, 141,022 pathans, out of a population of 322,577,of whom the bulk were Jats, Rajputs, awans, Sheikhs, Mughals, syeds etc. then came others like Nais(Barbers), tarkhans(Carpenters), kumar(Potters),Rangrez(Dyers), a similar composition was in earlier mentioned D. I Khan’s figures too.Bannu had Tehsils of Bannu, Marwat, Isa Khel and Mianwali.
c)Hazara, had a population of 407,075 ,the pathans were numbered as 64,695 out of which 16962 were Jaduns, Hindko speakers and 28906 swatis again hindko speakers too but somehow classified as pathans. Hazara had the following tehsils; Abbotabad, Mansehra, and Haripur.
d) Kohat had a population of 181,540 and an area of Kohat, Hangu and Teri tehsils. In 1855 it had a population of 101,232 but a massive immigration caused a large number of pushto speakers from across the Durrand Line to enter in Kohat regions, thus by 1881 the pushto speakers alone stood at 116,431 rest were hindko/kohati speakers all non pushto ie Awans and other allied aborigine races.
e)Peshawar had the following tehsils; Peshawar, Charsadda, Swabi, Mardan and Nowshera. Between 1881 -1931 a span of 50 years the number of Afghan immigrants who entered this district alone were 249,347 a breakdown on 10 yearly basis to further elaborate the immigration factor is:
-1881: 35892(immigrants)
-1891: 56089(immigrants)
-1901: 55537(immigrants)
-1911: 45366(immigrants)
-1921: 30886(immigrants)
-1931: 25577(immigrants)
Therefore in this district the number of pathans keeping in view the above data was the highest in the 1881 census. The figure of Pathans stood at 276,656 but alongwith this came other races namely Awans: 97445, Gujjars: 13514, Baghban(Arians): 21240, Sheikhs: 9596, Jats: 4917, Rajputs: 3181, Mughals : 4538, Nais; 5648, Kashmiris; 13082, Churra: 7653, Tarkhan: 12504, Mochi: 3263 etc etc etc. Here we see that inspite of the massive inroads of Afghan immigrants since 1855 to 1931 the local population of aborigines remained a steady number. All of the above, were non pathans and spoke the orginal local peshawari/hindko dialects.To further elaborate my point, Bannu too had had, a massive inroad of Afghan immigrant between 1855 -1881 as in 1855 Bannu had a population of 237,557 by 1881 it has arisen to 332,577.
Therefore, keeping the above figures in mind, of the inroads of Afghan immigrants speaking the pushto language spanning only over 150 years back cannot justify of renaming an area as that of Pakhtunkhwa.
Coming now to the main linguistic issue. The languages from North to South of the present NWFP now consisting of 25 administrative units including FATA and administration areas spread over 101,741 kilometers has at its base from the north the following languages/dialects:wakhani, besh-gali,wai-ali,pashai,dardic,khowar or chitrali,shini,kashmiri or koshir, kohistani,hindkohi,tianuali of Hazara, awankari of Kohat, dhundi-kairali of Abbotabad, kohati of Kohat, khetrani/jaffari(seraiki) of D. I Khan and mulki of Bannu.
Now reverting to the mother language of all the above stated dialects is dardic, a term coined by the British. Being the base of all the languages/dialects spoken in the Sindh Valley/Present NWFP, by the original aborigines of this land. Even in the past, dardic influence is found amongst the original inhabitabts of Lamghan and nangnahar, even in the Teri Valley.This language was once spoken in areas now, presently inhabited by the Afridi Pathans.
Technically, dardic languages also covered Baltistan and western Tibet, philology, also shows that it had covered nearly the whole of the Sindh Valley. Punjabi and Lahnda still show traces of the earlier dardic mother language.
Ormuri, in South of present Afridi country is again dardic. Similarly, the Waziristan area on the whole was originally an Ormuri area before the influx of the pathans. Khetrani and Jaffari are again laced with the traces of dardic. Sindhi has in the Lari area ie below Hyderabad, the dardic influence.
In the Dir area,before the advent of the pathans, a language called Diri was spoken which has now in certain cases merged in Garwi of the Swat Kohistan. Lower down the Chitral(Kashkar), River which has now become to be known as Kunar River on it’s right bank lived the people who spoke the Pashai , a language of Dehgans of Lamghan. The area inhabited by the Dehgans(was)between west of Lamghan River and the north of boundry of Kafirs & to the east the Kunar River and to the south the Kabul River.
Tirahi was spoken at one time in Nangnahar and Tira Valley and is closely connected with Pashai and Gawar-bati. Khowar is the language of the Khos, the most important tribe of Chitral(Kashkar state) . On its west, comes the kafir languages & on its east, Shina spoken in present Gilgit area. It should also be borne in mind that Khowar is also related to the original Pamir language ie ghal chah.
The new cultures, in the Sindh Valley like the pushto, baluchi, punjabi, urdu, and ofcourse the english have in the last 150 years entered the Sindh Valley but the basic local languages and culture have till now held on. For example, in our canal colonies, of the present Punjab province the canal colonists of 1886 from what is now called East Punjab have given to our original inhabitants of this a derogatory name
The deductions of the above information is that no one speaks for the locals of the Sindh Valley because the intellectual in the literary circles is either an urdu speaker( a language of ganga jumna doaba) or a punjabi, a language spoken between sutlej & jumna ie that of the canal colonies or a baluchi or a pathan. And to top it the english speaker whose very thought process is on a different tangent altogether. The net result is, our old culture, languages & heritage is slowly being merged in a set of new languages and cultures , this is very detrimental to our very base.
If the Sindh Valley has opened its arms to refugees from Afghanistan since 1855 and now they have developed a pressure group in all justice, our old cultures ,languages, and heritage cannot be wiped out which has traditionally stood fast for thousands of years and a massive inroads of various invaders.Under the circumstances “SARHAD” is a good name ,if the name of NWFP has to be changed. It takes in consideration all races, cultures, languages having existed in “NWFP” from time immemorial.
Yasmeen Ali
naveed tajammal
28. May, 2010
PORKISTAN ? ahmed or the follower,of a brahman,
QUOTE books which say PATHANS have ruled delhi.
as to the word. which you say may live long,it is in reality
pusht MEANS the backside.
TUN means the abode.
KHUWA means the speakers.
so technically pushtun-istan means,
”the back siders land.” an achievement indeed of bacha khan, we all know the love your lot has for the back side.
anyway jokes aside, we all are pakistani’s,you may not have liked the tone of the article,but as wali khan gave tittle of his book, facts are facts” hence the facts which i gave above are the hard truths, i am willing to be enlightened if you have some books which negate what i have stated, all rhetoric must be ”SUBSTANTIATED” by documentation,
if your ”ustad’ has taught you wrong then , accept what i have stated.a inter-net debate is based on references.alone.
and a good day to you.
Kashif Abbasi
31. May, 2010
Yasmeen ali article predicted th where in 2007.Hazara was not organized then,now it is.
Amir Munir
31. May, 2010
The British Good Service is still being used.as Yasmeen wrote.
Fayyaz Mehmood
31. May, 2010
In view of Hazara Province demand will the sariaki speaking parts of NWFP, also demand a new province.
Tanveer Hayat
31. May, 2010
The people of chitral, also need a seperate province as shere Language is not pushto.
Abdul Samad
31. May, 2010
I am a khitran from near border of D.I.Khan. my wife also lives in D.I.Khan and speak saraki.
Tahir Akhtar Awan
31. May, 2010
Mr. Naveed Is the true star in historian galaxy how tried to show the true face of sarhardi leaders to the people of sarhad and Pakistan.
In this materialistic world his effort is fabulous.
naveed tajammal
05. Jun, 2010
in pursuance of my above aricle the details as cited in the government records,and awards given to those who had sided with the british,in the pre and post 1849 time zone,as given in the ”Punjab revenue and administration report-1896”.are as under; kindly ,remember each grant was a individual case,the details are lenghty but available,NWFP remained part of PUNJAB till 1900 AD,
”the GUR KHAN’s”, a tittle given to these rich as they started
growing sugar cane in these award canal colony,called
”the swat canal colony’ which was based on the area called kal-pani,and covered the ”maira circle” in the present districts of mardan & swabi.here before we go in details remember,the british had kept the sword on their heads,as each grant was subject to a standard 7 clauses.
the clauses were:
-For service and position
-To be continued to a single designated ”heir’.
-And conditionally on the Government pleasure,
-Heir to be chosen by Government.
-Subject to Good behavior and service.
-Government service to be rendered while in possession
of these grants.
and then starts a list, however the best part is only 8 owners owned more then 47 % of the whole canal colony such had been their loyalty to the crown.and it is their progeny which has ruled since then.as after 1947,they quashed the clauses.and became the actual owners by right of birth.however in the eyes of law if ever enforced by any power ever, in times to come,they have no right to these fortunes or wealth as the ownership is still of state by right.and the same holds true in baluchistan,sind and the punjab, and of the states which merged in pakistan, ignorance of law is a crime by itself.
Fayyaz Shah
30. Jun, 2010
I wish we all become Humans first and stop this nonsense of which cast is more superior or not, I thought we had left this Hindu crap long agao. We the emerging 3rd Party highly recommend to rename Sarhad as Pakhtun Khwaar cause that is the state of affairs of the Pashtuns on both sides of the Durand Line. The British have made sure that this Race will remain leaderless and illiterate for ever as a revenge. The soft Revolution has already begun, many facts will come forth.The 3rd Part of Pakistan has the Agenda for all.
Fayyaz Shah
30. Jun, 2010
I wish we all become Humans first and stop this nonsense of which cast is more superior or not, I thought we had left this Hindu crap long ago. We the emerging 3rd Party highly recommend to rename Sarhad as Pakhtun Khwaar cause that is the state of affairs of the Pashtuns on both sides of the Durand Line. The British have made sure that this Race will remain leaderless and illiterate for ever as a revenge. The soft Revolution has already begun, many facts will come forth.The 3rd Part of Pakistan has the Agenda for all.
30. Oct, 2011
You fool (Naveed Tajamal) even don't know where the Afghan Borders are upto. If you read a little more than I believe that you won't misguide others by publishing such material. Read Geography and you will be know Afghans borders end in Jehlum down to Gawadar. That's the reason Pakistan always betray people of these areas. Not Pakistan but its Short Sighted People.