Archive for March, 2010
Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.
American/Israeli/Indian/Iranian/British hands are all extremely dirty after taking a walk on Dick Cheney?s ?dark side? in Pakistan and they owe a heavy penalty to both Pakistan and Afghanistan for what they have done there. It is high time to drag all the spooks out of their closets and air their dirty linen to the world. Only such a complete CIA housecleaning as this will redeem the United States of America in the eyes of the world. Anything less would do no good at all, and would also be a grave insult to those who have fallen in our poisonous shadow……Peter Chamberlin
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Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.
What do we really know? We really don’t know anything at all. Nobody has any evidence that this woman, a scientist educated in the US did anything at all. There is talk, empty talk about her sending money to charities that might be tied to terrorism. The amount of money is about 2% of a typical payment from one of the Saudi royals that have funded terrorists and suicide bombers for years, but none of them are kidnapped, raped, shot or beaten……Gordon Duff
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The Quiet American
Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.
The Washington planners were not interested in the history, demography or geography of the country which they entered with brutal force. The way it looked to them, it was quite simple: One had to topple the tyrant, establish democratic institutions on the American model, conduct free elections, and everything else would fall into place by itself….Uri Avnery
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""The World's worst terrorists based in Washington""
Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.
Tony Blair said he wept for the children who were killed in Omagh by the terrorist act; but he was silent on the children who died in Iraq as a result of one of the most enduring terrorist acts of the late 20th century, conducted largely by his government and its principal ally, the USA. …..Sajid Ansari
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2010: U.S. To Wage War Throughout The World
Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.
American troops will continue to fan out to most all parts of the world. Everywhere, that is, except to their own nation’s borders…..Rick Rozoff
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Pakistan-India Relations
Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.
So what is this peace that we would have for our-selves and others? The peace we desire is not the absence of war since that will be silly rhetoric. For us peace is an existential state of reality that conditions itself by the superiority of mind over force – a belief in the idea that mind is amenable to reason, and that force should subserve it and not control it….Tarik Jan
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Obama Declares War on Pakistan
Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.
As far as the neighbouring states are concerned, India under the unfortunate Manmohan Singh seems to be accepting the role of continental dagger against Pakistan and China on behalf of the US and the British. This is a recipe for a colossal tragedy. India should rather make permanent peace with Pakistan by vacating the Vale of Kashmir, where 95% of the population is Moslem and would like to join Pakistan. Without a solution to this issue, there will be no peace on the subcontinent…..Webster Tarpley
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Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.
If Barack Obama continues to cater to these extremists, this Nobel peace laureate can rightly be blamed when the next attack features the usual orgy of evidence pointing to a pre-staged Evil Doer. Should another mass murder occur, that incident may well be traceable to the U.S.-Israeli relationship and to the failure of our policy-makers to protect America-and world peace-from this enemy within….Jeff Gates
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Just another Dictator
Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.
The article Why i miss Musharraf took me down the memory lane back to 1999 when Musharraf took over. I remembered NYTimes called him “”Just another Dictator”" after his first speech to the UN. I agreed big time. Never mind the promises, we had heard them before and seen each one broken.
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A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism
Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.
If Barack Obama continues to cater to these extremists, this Nobel peace laureate can rightly be blamed when the next attack features the usual orgy of evidence pointing to a pre-staged Evil Doer. Should another mass murder occur, that incident may well be traceable to the U.S.-Israeli relationship and to the failure of our policy-makers to protect America?and world peace?from this enemy within…..Jeff Gates