Archive for February, 2010
American activities in Pakistan must be restricted
Posted on19. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

Commenting on the ISPR report on the army and civilian casualties in the Terror War, Syed Munawar Hasan said this report should be an eye opener both for the government and the armed forces. According to the report, over 30,000 Pakistanis have been killed in this US war so far, of which 10,000 are army men. He said the 18,000 alleged terrorists killed in the war were also Pakistanis. ….Munawar Hasan
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Indian Chicanery and China Card
Posted on17. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

If India were responsible, it should settle the Kashmir issue and promote Asian Security paradigm. But it opts to make strategic partnership not only with USA but build very cordial relations with Israel, as it is an arch enemy of the Islamic World. Fulbright had referred to the US Congress as “”Israel occupied territory.”" What an irony!..Dr S M Rahman
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TERRORISM: Why Pakistan quiet on Samjhota Express carnage..?
Posted on17. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

It has been more than 2 years that 68 Pakistanis were burned alive by Hindu extremist outfit Abhinav Bharat near Mairuth, India, when the Samjotha Express was engulfed in fire after bomb explosions while travelling at high speed. The investigating team led by slain Mumbai ATS chief late Hemant Karkare, murdered by the so-called ‘terrorists’ in Mumbai mayhem, found evidence that Lt. Col. Purohit was closely linked to Hindu outfit Abhinav Bharat, a religious extremist and terrorist organization of India…..Sajid Ansari
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Posted on17. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

Afghanistan needs simple things, simple, inexpensive and not hugely profitable, like killing people with rockets. We could help them if they asked us to. We do know a few things. Nobody from Afghanistan is planning terrorist acts inside the US, nobody is planning this, nobody has ever planned it. Bush made it all up like he did everything else while he was president. He is a weakling and pathological liar surrounded by much of the same, dishonest, greedy and not too bright…..Gordon Duff
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Big Brother Erdogan
Posted on17. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

When the republics were young in Lebanon, Turkey and Syria, Turkish and Arab nationalism stood in the way of a clear appreciation of history, leading to nothing but bad blood between Arabs and Turks. That era is now hopefully gone – never to return – thanks to the efforts of Erdogan, referred to, very symbolically, by Hariri as “”Big Brother”" during his Ankara visit…..Sami Moubayed
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Afghanistan: The Meaning of Marjah
Posted on16. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

But from the earliest days following 9/11, the White House was eyeing Iraq, and with the Taliban having largely declined combat in the initial invasion, the path seemed clear. The U.S. military and diplomatic focus was shifted, and as the years wore on, the conflict absorbed more and more U.S. troops, even as other issues – a resurgent Russia and a defiant Iran – began to demand American attention. All of this and more consumed American bandwidth, and the Afghan conflict melted into the background….Kamran Bukhari
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Mullen is the hold
Posted on16. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

Mullen also noted that according to the American assessment Iran could obtain a nuclear bomb from one year to three years. However, Mullen stressed that, “”conflict with Iran would be a big problem for everyone. I worry about the unintended consequences of an attack. While every situation has limits, we’re not there yet. The diplomatic efforts must be exhausted until the end.”" ….Jeff Gates
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IN MEMORY OF: Shahid Azmi, A Man of Substance
Posted on16. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

The tragedy of Shahid’s death is the tragic loss of possibilities of a life that will now never be. A brilliant, astute mind, a thirst for knowledge and a kind, loving heart. He combined moral courage with legal acumen. His work was his politics and his life. This was unpalatable to those whom he opposed and fence sitters who would rather have a lawyer defend his practice by calling it his ‘profession’ – his bread, butter and jam. Instead it was his passion and he took his cases personally. This led to his being branded a ‘terrorist’ lawyer which label had a double entendre given his past. ….Monica Sakhrani
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Criminal State – Documentary
Posted on15. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

What I tell people is that our specialty is enabling people to grasp “”how”" this duplicity operates in plain sight and, to date, with impunity. ..Jeff Gates
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New Round of Indo-Pakistan Talks – February 2010
Posted on14. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

It is sad to observe that Indian offer for talks with Pakistan coincided with a launch of a ballistic missile Agni-III on the coast of Orissa. Although, the launch failed to bag desired results but DRDO claims that the new weapon was designed to carry nuclear warheads weighing 1.5 tons and has range of over 3,500 kilometers. Obviously, Pakistan would also like to return the warm shake hand by India in the same manner for the balance of power in the region. ….Afshain afzal