Archive for January, 2010

Stealing Success Tel Aviv Style

Posted on28. Jan, 2010 by .


The result would be a triple whammy for Uncle Sam: the expensive planes are given to Israel free, the technology is then stolen, and future sales vanish as our Israeli friends market their knock down versions of weapons systems reliant on the stolen technology…..Philip Giraldi

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India's 'Secular Terrorism'

Posted on27. Jan, 2010 by .


In fact, the ideology of Hindutva is being encouraged by the government officials. Besides, attacks on the other ethnic and religious communities including their establishments, appointment of extremist Hindus in top positions in various institutes and alteration of courses in accordance with the Hindu ideology have reflected the intentions of the BJP and the Congress rulers……Sajjad Shukat

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India: Can it be a Great Power or a Global Player?

Posted on26. Jan, 2010 by .


The Indian general’s “”bark”" is simply an admission of India’s institutional weakness and a growing dependency on an external actor! Dr H Mehdi

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AF-PAK: The Upcoming London Conference

Posted on26. Jan, 2010 by .


In short, how considerate of America that assuming the links between the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban and the resulting spread of violent extremism in Pakistan’s heartland, at the end of the day a Talibanized Afghanistan would destabilize and endanger Pakistani security more than would a minimal Indian security presence thus simply ignoring the pakistani paranoia about encirclement by the Indian adversary…….Zaresh Khan

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Wars without heroes

Posted on25. Jan, 2010 by .


Therefore, these wars will not produce heroes. Can a CIA operative in the US who pushes the joystick button to launch hellfire missiles by a Predator or a Reaper drone to kill mostly innocent people in mud hamlets in FATA be called a war hero? Iftikhar A Khan

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Funding Public Health Care With a Publicly Owned Bank: How Canada Did It

Posted on25. Jan, 2010 by .


The provision of government-paid services is gradually being undermined by a combination of cuts to funding and provision of private services. Canada’s health care system is suffering along with the rest of the economy, necessitating the cutbacks and long waits for elective procedures described by critics. But the achievements of an earlier debt-free era attest to the sustainability of a system of public health care funded with money issued through the government’s own central bank. ….Ellen Brown

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Posted on25. Jan, 2010 by .


When you take a look at who the poor in America are that Bauer was talking about, the most obvious group that comes to mind is military families. Most are living in poverty, on food stamps and barely scraping by. As the government is feeding the troops in the field, and spending a pretty penny to do it, meeting Bauer’s plan would be to require troops to cut back on food or find jobs in the local economies of Afghanistan and Iraq, perhaps working as herdsmen or in local shops to supplement their miltiary income. Families could move in with their parents or military wives could find jobs in the adult enterainment industry while children could work on the internet as models. ……Gordon

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Greek MP returns wine gift to Israeli Embassy

Posted on25. Jan, 2010 by .


“”I have been taught since I was very young not to steal and not to accept products of theft,”" he wrote. “”So I cannot possibly accept this gift and I must return it back to you.

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Afghans Deserve Peace

Posted on25. Jan, 2010 by .


RAW and CIA are playing with fire in Afghanistan. Cheating and exploiting Pakistan?s spoiled children (Pakistani Taliban) against Pakistan. At present these de-tracked Muslims are being blinded with loads of money and brain washing. This is temporary arrangement and will not last long. Good will, which the Indians have earned overtime in Afghanistan, will soon evaporate in view of their total enmity towards Pakistan. Such activities will be countered by the same people. RAW sleuths are under estimating the bond of Islam…..Atta Rasul

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Posted on25. Jan, 2010 by .


It is one thing claiming that poor, long dead Osama bin Laden runs terrorists in Yemen. It is quite something else proving that he manages an airport in Europe or runs the Dutch government. When US Senators can’t get thru airport security without being detained, bin Laden’s ability to get diplomatic VIP treatment for known terrorists makes him more than a threat, it makes him a magician……Gordon Duff

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