Archive for November, 2009
Indian Cold Start doctrine
Posted on25. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

How long will we follow humiliating policy of appeasement which is ruining Pakistan? Isn’t it high time to sound the bugle and chase out Blackwater type non-actors from the soil of Pakistan before they swoop at our nukes and whisk them away? We need to guard our nukes with utmost vigilance and cut those hands that try to get near them….Big Asif Raja
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'Do more' or 'No more'
Posted on25. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

The three players are the American leadership, the government of Pakistan, and the Pakistani public. It happens that the first two players have closed their ears and shut their eyes to the realities on the ground, while the third one being unaware of its rights has been ignored. ….Dr Ghayur Ayub
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NRO! So What?
Posted on25. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

Now our emotional damages have started to outstrip those unimaginably huge financial and moral losses. Ruthless heinous and merciless stabbing and chopping that has been done on us in all these years by all these thousands of so called alleged butchers, fraudulent, plunderers, looters, scoundrels, murderers and what not? Tanvir Siddiqui
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Thanks For the Land ….Let's Get Some More!
Posted on24. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

Out of 192 countries on the planet, our military has installations in over 140 of them; only a small fraction of some 200,000 troops at such installations provides legitimate security to U.S. embassies. These deployments have existed since World War II, decades before the outset of the current ‘war on terror.’…Mehreen Saeed
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Manmohan Singh's sojourn to USA
Posted on24. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

Among several causes of defeat of Germany in 2nd World war, one reason was Hitler’s wrong choice of Italy as an ally. Likewise, France was a liability for the Allied forces. USA is blindly and myopically trusting India which is well-known for its cunningness, selfishness, small-heartedness, falsehood, broken promises and double standards. It also has a poor track record of its military exploits be it wars with Pakistan and China, its misadventure in Sri Lanka, counter insurgency operations or UN missions…..Brig Asif Haroon
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A Real Revolution in the Making in the U.S. Health Care Industry
Posted on24. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

This may partially explain why since 1970, American health costs have grown at an average annual rate of 9.6 percent per year. That is close to twice the pace of the increase of the overall economy. For example in 2010, health costs in the U.S. are expected to increase four times faster than the annual increase in the average hourly wage of American workers. This is clearly unsustainable, less it bankrupts the entire U.S. economy…Dr Rodrigue Tremblay
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Posted on24. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

The documented truth, which flows through my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, is that every occupant of the Oval Office has at one point or another, and as President Ford once put it, been made “”as mad as hell”" by Israeli prime ministers. So the use of presidential expletives to describe them and Zionist lobby leaders at moments of great tension probably has a history going all the way back to Israel?s unilateral declaration of independence….Alan Hart
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Implications – Indian PM Visit to US
Posted on24. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

American leadership is aware of the facts that Indian serving army officers were involved in crushing Christians, Muslims and Sikhs. Lt Col Prohit and his others comrades are living examples of state brutality of India. On November 23, 2009 Indian Express and others leading newspapers also disclosed the involvement of Indian first line political leadership in destroying Babri Mosques and killing innocent Muslims. …..Zaheerul Hassan
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Posted on23. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

According to Smith, around 50,000 British are converting to Islam each year and since 2001, four hundred thousand British have converted to Islam. He said the Muslim population in Britain has reached 2 million and followers of Islam are now the second biggest population in Britain after Christians….Ghazala Awan
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Zionism's un-Christian Bible
Posted on23. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

Although much needless suffering has already been caused by the Scofield Bible, perhaps it’s not too late for Oxford University Press to publicly disavow its harmful book. Among its many victims are 3.5 million Palestinian refugees whose right to return is fervently opposed by Christian Zionists, who believe that the land belongs exclusively to “”God’s chosen people.”" Maidhc