Archive for 'Israel'

Obama and Israels security
Posted on02. Dec, 2011 by Alan Hart.
By Alan Hart If American election campaign funders who support Israel right or wrong formed a circle and demanded that President Obama stand naked in the middle of it while they sang Hava Nagila (“Let us rejoice”), I am sure he would agree to do so. That thought came into my mind when I read [...]
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Israeli Democracy Fades To Black
Posted on20. Nov, 2011 by Lawrence Davidson.

An Analysis By Lawrence Davidson Part I – Bad Movies Have you seen those old time movies notable for their endings? The cowboy is seen riding into the sunset or the lovers are reunited, etc. And then comes the end – the screen dramatically fades to black. Most of these movies are pretty bad. The [...]
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The importance of being anti-Israeli
Posted on22. Sep, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

By Dr. Ismail Salami When valleys accuse their mountains of having altitude-and march denounces april as a saboteur then we'll believe in that incredible unanimal mankind (and not until). — e.e. cummings Anti-Israeli sentiments have begun to surge radically as the Israeli officials are going through fire and water to prevent the Palestinian bid for [...]
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US Nuclear Weapons Unaccountable
Posted on22. Sep, 2011 by Wayne Madsen.

Israel Behind The Crime Israel's nuclear smuggling network was key element in Carnaby murder in Houston By Wayne Madsen Israel, working with deeply-embedded intelligence moles in the United States, including within the U.S. government and "off-the-books" intelligence front companies, has been pilfering spent U.S. nuclear fuel from American nuclear arms caches at a phenomenal rate [...]
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Israeli Math
Posted on18. Jul, 2011 by Wayne Madsen.

By Wayne Madsen:
Amiram Magid, who resides in Jerusalem at the Israeli Foreign Ministry, has been promising the Caribbean states security and intelligence assistance in return for their votes in the UN General Assembly against recognition of Palestine’s sovereignty. Many Caribbean travel officials scoff at Magid’s promise of an influx of money-tossing Israeli tourists in return for pro-Israel UN votes by the Caribbean nations
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Israel and the Issue of Delegitimization
Posted on01. Jul, 2011 by Lawrence Davidson.

By Prof Lawrence Davidson:
In 2010 the Zionists decided they would try to split the opposition by defining different categories of criticism of Israel. Those who are critical of just particulars, this or that Israel policy or tactic, were put in the category of acceptable critics. I would point out that this was a big concession on their part for, if you think back ten years or so, any public criticism of Israel was assumed to be inspired by anti-Semitism.
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The “Wandering Jews” of Israeli diplomacy
Posted on30. Jun, 2011 by Wayne Madsen.

cajoling and arms twisting against Palestine independence Six eastern European members of the European Union, which have not decided on how to vote on Palestinian sovereignty, are due to be visited by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Lieberman. The countries are Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. Netanyahu and Lieberman will [...]
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Israel: an impediment to nuclear-free Mid East
Posted on16. Jun, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

By Kourosh Ziabari:
Even as the U.S. intelligence services have confirmed that Iran does not intend to produce nuclear weapons, Tehran is lethally under the pressure of the United States and its European friends over its civilian nuclear program. This is while 9 countries in the world own more than 20,000 nuclear warheads and this leaves us with a basic question: who poses the real threat to international peace and security?
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Israel: Reasonable Conjecture on Changing Demographics
Posted on15. Jun, 2011 by Lawrence Davidson.

An Analysis By Prof Lawrence Davidson Part I – Israeli Jews Are Voting With Their Feet If the historical goal of the state of Israel is to provide the world’s Jews a secure national home, a place of refugee in a world of real or potential anti-Semitism, it seems to have failed. It has [...]
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Rebranding Israel
Posted on15. May, 2011 by Alan Hart.

By Alan Hart:
With most Republicans who run for election to Congress now as willing as most Democrats to speak from Zionism’s script in order to secure Zionist lobby organized campaign funds and votes, it can be taken for granted that the applause Netanyahu will receive in Congress for his propaganda nonsense will match that he’ll get at AIIPAC’s convention. The truth can be simply stated. On matters to do with Israel-Palestine, it is not the Congress of the United States of America. It’s the Congress of Zionism and its deluded Christian fundamentalist allies.