Archive by Author

US: A terrorist training base

Posted on04. Mar, 2011 by .


By Wayne Madsen:
In 2008, the U.S. government used an eminent domain acquisition to procure the Moorman Pine tract adjacent to Harvey Point for use by the CIA base. The owners of the tract acquired the property in 2002 for a golf and residential project. The owners settled with the government for $5.8 million.

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Obama in Focus

Posted on02. Mar, 2011 by .


By Wayne Madsen:
The problem for Barack Obama is not shouldering blame for sins of his mother and step-father but the fact that he has lied completely about their history. In his book, “The Audacity of Hope,” Obama writes about his mother’s first trip to Indonesia in 1967: “In later years my mother would insist that had she known what had transpired in the preceding months, we never would have made the trip. But she didn’t know — the full story of the coup and the purge was slow to appear in American newspapers. Indonesians didn’t talk about it either.”

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Wayne’s Analysis of Pakistan Part 2

Posted on28. Feb, 2011 by .


By Wayne Madsen:
One of the contractor fake UPI journalists obtained a journalist visa from the Iranian Interests Section, which operates under the Pakistan embassy in Washington, to visit Tehran in 2003 and engaged in “target analysis and spotting” for a planned U.S. attack on Iran. The fake journalist also maintained close liaison with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s office and officers of the Israeli Defense Force. The “reporter” also engaged in counter-intelligence/terrorism operations in the Pakistani northwest tribal border region with Afghanistan, as well as in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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Israeli Students And Their Vision Of The World

Posted on27. Feb, 2011 by .


By Wayne Madsen:
After the detention of Israeli art students by U.S. authorities hit the media in early 2002, Mark Regev, the then-spokesman for the Israeli embassy in Washington who now serves as Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s spokesman, denied that any Israelis arrested in the United States were espionage agents. Regev categorically stated, “Israel does not spy on the United States,” as if convicted American spy for Israel Jonathan Pollard never existed.

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Wayne’s Analysis of Pakistan Part 1

Posted on27. Feb, 2011 by .


By Wayne Madsen:
In his deposition, John Doe #1, a former Marine hired by Blackwater, alleges that Blackwater smuggled weapons into Iraq in bags of dog food. He also states that a number of people who provided or were prepared to provide information to authorities on the activities of Blackwater and Prince “have been killed in suspicious circumstances.”

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Spying on Internet Users

Posted on23. Feb, 2011 by .


By Wayne Madsen:
Our source explained the avatar program by saying, “Every Internet user has a life on the Internet,” adding, “but with the avatar, every user has a second life on the web.” In the case of the avatar, every Internet user has a virtual “snitch” that reports their every action and movement on the web to the government.

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Iraq: US False Flags

Posted on19. Feb, 2011 by .


By Wayne Madsen:
Caught with its pants down once again, the Obama administration’s top man on Latin American policy, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Arturo Valenzuela, a noted gusano supporter, called on Buenos Aires to return the military and espionage cargo “without delay.” The demand was echoed by State Department spokesman P J Crowley, the CIA’s public relations “embed” in Hillary Clinton’s top advisory group. It is significant that President Obama is avoiding Argentina on his upcoming trip to Latin America.

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Stuxnet: A violation of US computer security law

Posted on22. Jan, 2011 by .


By Wayne Madsen:
By the end of September of last year, over 100,000 computers worldwide had been infected by Stuxnet. So much for The New York Times’ specious report that the worm did little damage. Industrial control system security specialists from the chemical, oil, and gas industries expressed concern that the U.S. government was less-than-forthcoming about the effects of Stuxnet on their industries. The computer security firm Symantec appears to have been laundering information to private industry from the government.

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Past Haunts Obama

Posted on19. Jan, 2011 by .


By Wayne Madsen:
The Freedom Studies Center was headed by John Fisher, a former FBI agent under J. Edgar Hoover, another center supporter, who became head of security for Sears, Roebuck & Company in Chicago to bust up communist infiltration of Sears’ affiliated labor unions. Fisher later worked for the right-wing American Security Council, a corporate entity that fought against communist influence in the United States and abroad.

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Why Obama is Subjected To Blackmails

Posted on08. Aug, 2010 by .


SPECIAL REPORT. Obama and Emanuel: members of same gay bath house club in Chicago By Wayne Madsen President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are lifetime members of the same gay bath house in uptown Chicago, according to informed sources in Chicago’s gay community, as well as veteran political sources in the city. The [...]

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