Burmese Muslims’ unabated genocide
Posted on 01. Aug, 2012 by S M Hali in World News
By S. M. Hali
While the rest of the Islamic world engages in rituals of the Holy month of Ramadan, fasting, praying and giving alms, the Muslim community of Rohingya in Burma is being incessantly targeted and slaughtered mercilessly with nary a voice raised in condemnation. Thousands of Burmese Muslims have been massacred while a large number have been forced to flee for their lives and dwell in squalid conditions. Who are the Rohingya and why are they being persecuted by the majority Buddhists?
The term “Rohingya” has been derived from the Arabic word “Raham” meaning sympathy and is used for the Muslims residing in the Arakan state of Burma (Myanmar), they began settling in the region following the arrival of Arab traders in the 8th century. Currently over 800,000 Rohingya subsist in Burma and have been described by the UN as “one of the world’s most persecuted minorities”, yet the UN has never raised a finger in their defence. The root of the problem is that the repressible Burmese regime does not recognize the Rohingya Muslims as citizens or grant them the status of an indigenous ethnic group with full citizenship rights. The Burmese junta considers them as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh while the Burmese law enforcing agencies are not ready to protect them from rioters.
The persecution of the Rohingya continues unabated since General Ne Win usurped power in 1962 in a coup d'état and stripped the Muslims of their Burmese citizenship and cracked down on them mercilessly. Thousands were forced to flee to neighbouring territories of Bangladesh, Indonesia and Thailand but it was a case of “out of the frying pan into the fire.” They were turned back callously or forced to suffer more persecution. In February 2009, five boats with Burmese Rohingya packed as sardines were taken out in the high seas and abandoned to die. Four of the boats sank in a storm while one was washed ashore the few survivors narrated horrifying accounts of torture by Thai authorities before being abandoned at open sea. The Bangladeshis too have been rather coldhearted in turning the Rohingya away.
One would have expected greater compassion from Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, but the champion for the oppressed masses, who has spent decades of incarceration too, has disowned the Rohingya Muslims, categorically stating that they “should not be considered (Burmese) citizens.”
The Rohingya Muslims have been subjugated and repressed for decades, but the cause of the immediate carnage is reported to be that last month, three Muslim boys were accused of raping and killing a Buddhist girl and were arrested. One of them purportedly committed suicide, while the remaining two were sentenced to death after a trial of 4 days. The Rohingya version differs, claiming that a Muslim boy fell in love with a Burmese girl and the couple eloped but were captured and tortured to death in custody while the other two innocent boys were persecuted. Resultantly, in retaliation to the Muslim youth’s alleged crime, the local Buddhist community attacked a bus brutally killing 10 Muslims. The Military moved in after 30 Muslims had been hacked to death but apparently it only aided the marauders, since within 2 days, the death toll for Rohingya Muslims rose to 680 and continues to this day.
The miserable plight of the 800,000 Rohingya Muslims merits immediate attention of the world and more importantly, the powerful and oil-rich Islamic states and the Organization of Muslim Countries (OIC), who should take up the cudgels on their behalf. The so called peace-loving Buddhists have demonstrated that they can be more violent and gruesome than the worst murderers of history. Surely Buddha must be writhing with pain and agony in his grave as his disciples are ignoring his lessons of harmony and peaceful coexistence, having turned to brutish beasts in Burma.
Devoid of even an identity and citizenship, the Rohingya Muslims patiently await the grim reaper “death” to come and make short work of them ending their misery because the world remains oblivious to their suffering. Gruesome images of the tortured and badly mauled carcasses of the Rohingya are pasted on websites and personal blogs, but the same have failed to create a furor either in the Muslim Ummah or the champions of human rights. Must the Rohingya continue to perish in one of the worst cases of ethnic cleansing, putting to shame the concentration camps run by Nazis to exterminate Jews or the killing sprees of the Mongol hordes, while the world watches coldheartedly?
a WordPress rating system
01. Aug, 2012
“yet the UN has never raised a finger in their defence.”
UN? You really mean UN? The imperialistic arm of the barbaric naTo?
UN is naTo
So lets us look at this gang of thug UN
NATO tied to Muslim slaughter at Srebrenica: Muslim
massacre at Srebrenica in 1995
Tue Jul 3, 2012 .WWW.PRESS tv.Ir: By Gordon Duff:
Documents indicate that NATO misreported combat casualties, in this case numbering up to 6000 as civilian victims and credited
their deaths to Scorpion units when, in fact, they were killed in combat with the Bosnian Serb army. However, this still doesn't
Guess who was the top honcho at this criminal gang UN – KOFI one of US Zionist/mafia’s Son Of Bitch soros whore the same bastard who oversaw the genocide of the Muslim in Srebrenica/Ruwanda IRAK is now in our SYRIA to carry out the Zionist/imperialist agenda.
This is UN
“More fighting is not the answer. Further militarization of this conflict will only perpetuate the devastation and prolong the suffering. A sectarian civil war would also gravely imperil Syria's neighbors. The only solution is a Syrian-led transition that meets the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people,” he told reporters.
“What you heard before from Ban Ki-moon, I think underlines his hypocrisy, his status really as an imperialist operative. There is no other way to describe him: systematically biased in favor of the NATO death squads that have come into the country, systematically a hatred of the Assad regime,” Tarpley said.
He blamed Ban for turning the United Nations 'into an instrument malleable in the hands of the Western military alliance (NATO) against independent countries.'
“If you let the United Nations become the instrument of the US, British, NATO attacks on independent countries, then you’re threatening the very existence of this institution and I would say that is what Ban Ki-moon is doing,” the expert stated.
“His behavior is a scandal; he should resign or he should be impeached if there is a means to do that through the Security Council,” Tarpley demanded.
Lebanon – UN kofi was met with the IRE of the Lebanese people when he ALLOWED the horrific barbarity of the israHELLI on little babies/girls sleeping in their bed
The Muslims will take charge of impeaching the barbarians at UN
OMG Aung San Suu Kyi wall street/London bankers whore she calls her country by the name given to them by the imperialists YOU think will care? The whore speaks yankee/britshit imperialism. The BRAVE HONOURABLE LIBYANS FOUGHT FOR MONTHS the imperialists whore opened herself to zionist rape
ANYONE TAINTED BY US/UK/fece france/naTo will never give care
“the powerful and oil-rich Islamic states and the Organization of Muslim Countries (OIC), who should take up the cudgels on their behalf.”
OIC= Oh I see has never addressed any issues regarding the Muslims. They are the same as the horrendous despotic whores of Zionist/imperialists THEY REPRESENT THEMSELVES and are an EMBARRASMENT & SHAME for the Muslims
Corpse mutilation is an imperialist israhelli naTo modus operandi and
DeLIE LIAR is their selling brand. This moron is on western tel LIE vision selling his Islamophobia
01. Aug, 2012
the nobel laureate are mass murderer bellicose goons so why should this imperialist prostitute be any different?
the question is WHO ASKED THEM TO DO ETHNIC CLEANSING since they OPENED up for RAPE by zionists
BURMA! just let in the zionists for rape & pillage without even verbal objections and
you think these mass murdering serial KILLERS will PROTEST?
01. Aug, 2012
"Aung San Suu Kyi, but the champion for the oppressed masses, who has spent decades of incarceration too, has disowned the Rohingya Muslims, categorically stating that they “should not be considered (Burmese) citizens.”
the whore has signed the rape my nation tab. Imagine that Libyan fought tooth and nail to stop being takenover by zionist mafiosi and this bitch just handed her country to the satanic demons
the barbaric buddhists will soon experience the fate of Libyaand they will have the same done onto them as they have done to our people
The only country to bring this atrocity to attention is
World Bank to resume aid to Myanmar – RT.COM
The World Bank announced Wednesday it will resume assistance to Myanmar after a 25-year hiatus. The bank is ready to provide $85 million in development grants, while also offering to clear almost $400 million of old loan debts, the AP reports. They funds could be disbursed by October if the bank's board approves.
01. Aug, 2012
Pakistan gov stood with the monster naTo against our Ummah of Libya and now you ask why the world is silent regarding the Rohingya?
Col. the Lion of Africa gave Pakistanis a cricket stadium – so that they can play their favourite sport and be healthy.How did Pakistan repay the gesture?
Posted: 31 Jul 2012 05:01 AM PDT
Le spectre de Gaddafi continue à hanter les esprits du monde capitaliste
Entrevue avec Eric Rouleau, journaliste et diplomate français …read more: MEMBERS | FREE version.
"No less indicative of the degree of moral decay, there is that never, so-called "journalists" do remember the reason why Moussa Sadr went to Libya. The latter, like many of its counterparts in various nations, was invited to an ecumenical international Congress for the dialogue between the religions. Found, once again, that Gaddafi was a modern pioneer of dialogue and peace in the world. The vast majority of Africans and Asians in are convinced [7].
02. Aug, 2012
I hate to say this, but stand in line. What a world we live in.
02. Aug, 2012
No doubt Aung San Suu Kyi is an MI6 asset. With the increasing liberalisation of Burma, it is entirely plausible the junta, UK and Aung San Suu Kyi desire the ethnic cleansing of Muslims.
The dynamics of this genicidal atrocity is the same as Rwanda. A fictional slight is broadcasted in the media, people are encouraged to take revenge and the military stand aside to permit the butchery.
03. Aug, 2012
OIC's rejoinder:
OIC to convene political and humanitarian meetings to address the crisis of Muslims in Myanmar
The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu disclosed that the Organization will hold an extraordinary meeting of the OIC Executive Committee at the level of Permanent Representatives in its Headquarters in Jeddah on 5 August 2012 to discuss the issue of Muslims inMyanmar. Among the participants in the meeting will be Dr. Wakar Uddin, Director General of the Arakan Rohingya Union, which was founded in May 2011 at the OIC Headquarters in Jeddah. The Arakan Rohingya Union is an umbrella of 25 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and Associations that represent the Rohingya minority around the world.
In his briefing to the media in his office in Jeddah on 31 July 2012, Ihsanoglu pointed out that the OIC will hold a consultative meeting in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia on August 3rd, which will be attended by more than 20 humanitarian NGOs. The meeting will discuss the challenges these organizations face in providing humanitarian aid to Muslim refugees fleeing Myanmar. He added that the Kuala Lumpur meeting aims to develop a clear vision about the situation inMyanmar, discuss the ways necessary for the delivery of aid and determining what the OIC could provide in this respect.
Ihsanoglu also clarified that the OIC will present its endeavors concerning the issue of Muslims in Myanmar including the outcomes of the Permanent Representatives' meeting in Jeddah to the forthcoming Extraordinary OIC Islamic Summit, which will be held in Makkah on 14 and 15 August 2012 in order to be discussed by the Muslim leaders. He noted that the OIC will continue its close cooperation with the international community in order to reach a formula to resolve the issue of Muslims in Myanmar.
From the Press
· Burmese Muslims’ unabated genocidehttp://www.nation.com.pk/pakistan-news-newspaper-daily-english-online/columns/01-Aug-2012/burmese-muslims-unabated-genocideanother heart wrenching article about the plight of Rohingya Muslims.