The Norway Manifesto: A New Bin Laden Is Born
Posted on 31. Jul, 2011 by Dr Ashraf Ezzat in Opinion
"The Norway massacre: Is it a coincidence, is it another 9/11 or is it something that has been brewing for years now and nobody took notice of or saw it coming?"
"The termination of Bin Laden was not the end of this madness; rather it was only the beginning."
Dr. Ashraf Ezzat
- Oslo Bombing and old shadows of 9/11
Is it a coincidence that the Norway attacks came after almost ten years have passed since the similarly horrific attacks on the towers of the world trade center in new York back in 2001 or what has been known in contemporary history as the 9/11 attacks.
As the world was getting prepared to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the New York attacks and as the world was recovering from the 9/11 trauma and about to leave its heavy and gloomy memories behind and never look back again we wake up to this painfully reminder of 9/11.
Is it a coincidence, is it another 9/11 or is it something that has been brewing for years now and nobody took notice of or saw it coming?
Remembering 9/11
- 9/11 attacks in New York, 2001
I still remember the whole world shocked and grieved by the size and the magnitude of destruction and the killing of the 3000 innocent New Yorkers but as the towers were crumbling down like a house of cards a gigantic question mark instantly stood in its place amongst the falling debris and descending ashes begging an answer as to why and who did this atrocious mass murder and destruction.
A great part of the relief from grief and pain is to know the reason that threw you in the depth of tribulation and to discover who caused you this agonizing misery. The moment you reveal the mystery behind the abhorrent crime is the moment your tears start to flow down from their springs washing away some of the pain and the bitterness left inside.
This moment of transient relief and solace was endowed upon the grieving people of the United States when the hardly vigilant administration of former president Bush delivered the Americans and the whole world out of their misery and bewilderment and hastily announced that the 9/11 atrocities had been planned and carried out by a bunch of Muslim fanatics, not more than 20 perpetrators, who had been active members in an international terrorist organization that acted around the globe under the leadership of Osama Bin Laden, some cave dweller in Afghanistan, who used to be a CIA operative during the soviet war there and who only excelled in growing a beard and videotaping ranting speeches.
"You’re either with us or against us"
9/11 was an unprecedented terrorist operation, sophisticated like we have never seen before in modern times and a lot of honest and truth seeking experts of military, architecture, politics, engineering, firefighting, aviation and chemistry attested to the fact, and some of them even proved, that 9/11 attacks were carried out by some covert agencies backed up by on ground assistance.
[youtube Rg3tHNUh-6A 911 Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out Trailer]
In short, the experts and the intellectuals envisioned 9/11 as a false flag operation, one of the biggest ever till now, that meant to launch a worldwide anti- Muslim aggressive campaign that would only benefit the country that has been in conflict with the Arab and Muslim world for sixty years now and who knows for how many more years to come.
But the common people who don’t like sophisticated answers and brainstorming theories and who are used to the fast/junk food culture settled for the delivered to their doorsteps readymade- answer sent directly from the white house kitchen with the compliments of the Zionist chef and his neoconservative staff.
And that answer was eloquently summed up by the reckless former president bush, when he stated the rules of the America & allies’ new game with the axis of evil and announced with a smirky face and a sarcastic tone of voice "you're either with us, or against us" … thus giving the launching signal not only for his stupid war of terror but for an upcoming era of worldwide tide of fundamentalism.
The moment people around the world especially in the United States and Europe bought into this story, as they sat glued to their TV screens like hypnotized couch potatoes, is the moment this whole madness and islamophobia started.
- Former President Bush
The moment the people believed this cover-up and wicked to the bone story is the moment that gave the carte blanche for ten years of absolute political absurdity and military criminality … but most dangerously to the sprouting of religious fundamentalism and ideological terrorism.
The United States cluelessly pointed the finger at Bin Laden and his extremist interpretation of Islam nailing him for 9/11 but nevertheless let him on the loose for like ten years during which all the unbelievable political and military transgressions were committed.
Ten years of extreme right wing and Murdoch style mainstream media craze that kept hitting the target of tarnishing the Islam image irreparably amongst westerners- clearly exposing that this was the real tactical goal of the war on terrorism.
Ten years of meaningless military operations in Muslim countries that never posed a threat to the United States but what does it matter and why should anyone care as long as they were on the Israeli hit list.
Ten years during which the western public opinion has been fed with a constant and highly selective stories and headlines of Muslim suicide bombers, Bin laden fake videos and audiotapes, Muslim women wearing burqa in Afghanistan and banned from driving cars in Saudi Arabia, Ground Zero mosque hysteria, Iran nuclear overestimated threat, churches attacked in Egypt, Niqab banned in France and minarets in Switzerland, Hamas firing rockets at Israeli towns and school buses, Quran burned in America, al Qaeda affiliates in Iraq and the Arab peninsula, enforcement of sharia law and the eminent danger of the jihadists on the west, the perilous rise of political Islam in the Arab world and finally the official announcement of the failure of multiculturalism in Europe.
- The Great Israel landgrab.
When the forces of globalization have swept across the world, when the giant corporations have controlled the media and intoxicated the socio-political environment with right wing extremism and flooded the world with firearms and violent video games that turned our young generations into addicts of adrenaline boosting scenes of cold blooded murder with automatic gun machines… where can we go from there?
When the politicians of the so called free world community stand impotent and helpless in front of the might of the Israeli piecemeal ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians and let this festering wound to grow bigger and smell fouler as it divides the world into two antagonistic and hopelessly incompatible camps … where can we go from there?
When we sharpen the human appetite for blood and revenge with all these false flag operations and Zionist-infiltrated media, when we drag the supposed to be civilized world into some eternal war that knew no frontiers and no tangible objectives in the name of fighting terror, and when those politicians who started this global war foolishly define it as a new crusade … where can we go from there.
- Bin Laden, when the story ends?
When we instill interfaith hatred, infuse an ambiance of vulnerability and build antagonistic egos in the size of cathedrals and mosques … where we can go from there.
When we ingrain those horrifying sketches of an enemy hiding explosives in his most intimate parts of his body, willing to blow himself up provided that he would not leave the world unless accompanied by a few westerners … and when we remove the faces of all Muslims and put Bin Laden’s instead … where can we go from there?
A new bin laden is born
And When it was finally time to terminate the world’s most wanted man, it only took the white house a small unit of special forces, and not the whole US led international troops, to raid on his hideout in Pakistan and give him the surprise of hislife time while he was and watching the news of the American war on the terrorism in which he played no bigger role than the moron whom he and his so called mujahedeen had been played like puppets from afar by some remote control.
- Anders Behring Breivik
… And when the game was over, all it took was a small click on a button, a dignified- mafia style burial in the bottom of the sea … but as the CIA was doing its cleanup job after they dumped the Bin Laden they made, little did they know what future held for them. They had no idea as they were licking their fingers clean that somehow, somewhere; a new Bin Laden was born.
The termination of Bin Laden was not the end of this madness; rather it was only the beginning.
When the so called world community embarks on a war against some staged terrorism, when this world community is tricked into unjustified world conflict we are bound to end up with a precarious situation where we will wake up one day not only morally and economically bankrupt but with a genuinely horrific terrorist attack in one of the world’s quietest and most peaceful backyards.
- Norwegians in mourning
But this time it was not some cave dweller Muslim militant who suspiciously carried it out but the monstrous anti-hero this whole farcical war on terror has cruelly created.
It’s going to take the Norwegians a long time to figure out why this massacre took place on their land that annually tossed out to the world one of its Nobel peace prizes … but the long search will undoubtedly and eventually take them back to 9/11 mystery and the pathetic war on terrorism they foolishly took part in.
I think we can declare the war on terrorism has finally come to its fruition, now that the west is officially at war with Islam.
The Neocons& Zionist club has every right to rejoice, the world is being driven blindfolded into the dark abyss of intolerance and fundamentalism.
…. And as the mass murderer, Anders Behring Breivik has brazenly described his massacre “it is atrocious, but necessary”
… Where can we go from there … ?
For more articles by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat visit his website.
01. Aug, 2011
Comparing OBL with the Nordic mass killer is ridiculous.
OBL never called for the supremacy of Arabs over White or murder of non-Muslims and there is no proof that OBL ever killed soul with his own hands. Furthermore, OBL attended meeting of some Muslim racist group in England or praised French Christian reformer Rev. Martin Luther for cursing the Jews as Brievik praised Islamophobe Robert Spencer over three dozen times.
01. Aug, 2011
I agree Rehmat. Also Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11 and only an idiot would believe Breivik acted alone. His two other "cells" are probably his Israeli handlers (dual citizen British/Israelis) and are sitting in Tel Aviv by now.
9/11 was a Neocon/Zionist inside job. Other than that, this article is tragically true.
01. Aug, 2011
"Is it a coincidence that the Norway attacks came after almost ten years have passed since the similarly horrific attacks on the towers of the world trade center "
…. get real!!!! A madman – sick of the Muslim infiltration into Norway slaugthers 70+ people – the ONLY mass slaughter in the west by a westerner (not even attacking Muslims),
Yet today – I hear another 100 muslims killed by other state-sponsored muslims in Syria. Last week it was a suicide bombing, the week before several bombings. Every day, every week, every month, every year – there are multiple-victim atrocities committed by muslims, So much so now that many don't even make the mainstream media.
All in all tens of thousands of people have been killed by muslims (many of them other muslims) since 9/11.
And MODERATE muslims pick this one RARE incident out to somehow assuage themselves for the collective responsibility of DOING NOTHING to reign in the more devoted of their brethren over the years.
The non-moderate ones were celebrating it – and then blaming the Jews for it! Give me a break!
01. Aug, 2011
Now Now Jenny, Anders Breivik is no mad man, he is a Zionist inspired racist fascist, but he is no different to many more such apologists and admirers of Israel. He also had almost certainly Israeli handlers, this was a Psyop by the arch terrorist itself, and this is so obvious, due to the targets and timing. Of course the studied effort in the media to avoid any mention of the Palestinian indendence connection and of Breivik's actual ZIONIST qualifications also makes any thinking person suspect. The media is Zionist owned and controlled after all.
As for defending Breivik's ideas, which it is noted you are doing, he as are you is the biggest idiot imaginable for the following. JEWS are according to their own words, responsible for the mass migration of people from third world countries (being destroyed by your armies by the way), this "Multiculturalism" is a Jewish creation and thet admit their reasons are for their own benefit. Jews were behind the Communism which this cretinous scandinavian so hated and Zionist Jews have been responsible for most of the terrorism which has been falsely blamed on Muslims, and 9/11 as well as London's 7/7 for example have been proved conclusively to have been Israeli inside jobs, indeed it is common knowledge among the world's intelligence agencies and competent analysts.
There has already been a backlash against the mass migration of people from third world nations into Europe, the public has already caused the governments to start to tighten up their quotas and therefore the whole point of his rant is lost. The purpose of the massacre was to punish Norway for supporting Palestinians, for supporting the global BDS movement against Israel and for speaking against and turning away from the murderous NATO rampage in Lbya.
As for the falsehood that Muslims, Arabs or Palestinians were celebrating 911, you should be ashamed for repeating that lie, for it is known by now to be a lie. Israeli soldiers threw lollies to Palestinian children and then filmed the scenes and used other footage of other events and Israel via its lying media (all media in the West is Zionist owned) tried to present this as Palestinians celebrating the destruction of 9/11 In fact all Muslim countries and governments offered their condolences and expressed their outrage at the attacks, including Iran, Afghanistan and the PA.
The actual truth of the matter is far different. Nitwityahoo was the ONLY world leader who saw anything good in it. Indeed he specifically stated it would be good for Israel.
01. Aug, 2011
Islam beware: Islam world turmoil combined with israelis complaining for expensive housing equals another israel war against the arab world for grabbing more land for the greater israel Freemasonry seconding jewish designs means a surprise USN – India attack on Pakistan and Iran.-
01. Aug, 2011
Thanks mate but I think we'll manage. We vastly outnumber the Zionists and we have God on our side. The Zionists may think they are winning whilst they are just committing terrorism against us, and unequal aggression. They cannot defeat us this way, sooner or later there will have to be a real war, or else you just need to settle down and stop trying to start it.
Israel is a demon state and is not ruled by sanity, so it is expected that eventually they will get the war they are seeking. When that day comes, you can rest assured, we will win. When the war is joined, then those who oppose Islam violently, better beware. We will indeed be your worst nightmare. We do not fear death, and now I am one I understand this so well. In fact once I understood Islam the first thought that struck me was how utterly stupid anyone would be to try and fight a Muslim army.
The time will come, Israel and its lickspittle sabat goy fools, useful idiot nations in the West, will get the war they are seeking and along the way they will have victories. In the end, we will win the last battle. Read the Q'ran if you want to know what comes next. Zionist Jews had better order their rocks early and see if they can train them to be loyal. In fact I think ALL Jews might want to heed the warning, Zionists have put you all in the firing line now.
01. Aug, 2011
Oh and please don;t go settling for the placebo that the West and Israel thinks it has God on its side. What sort of God is it who supports aggression, invasion and torture?
You might call him God, but we know that one as Satan.
01. Aug, 2011
What is the difference between terrorism and counter state terrorism?
Wasn't it the Native Americans who said you would never empatize with someone unless you walk a mile in his moccasins? (paraphrasing)
The fact of the matter is that the "Christian" West has done more harm from a ravaging war perspective than all Muslim terror acts combined.
Oh and btw, you should know by now (i hope) that the US goverment is complicit in the 9/11 attacks with a lttle help from the Mossad of course who were high fiving one another and there to "document the event" on that fateful day.
07. Aug, 2011
Good article but anyone analysing false-flags should know that the perpetrators almost always can't resist to leave an hidden message in the 'open' of who they are and why? In this case the message seem's to be in the header of the Breivik manifesto named "2083 – A European Declaration Of Independence". And the message seem's to be 2083, which easily makes into:
20 – (8 + 3) / 8 + 3 = 9/11
As the world today knows that Israel/Mossad made the 9/11, the Breivik handlers have made their hidden mark or message to let us understand that the real colours of this false-flag is white and blue, with a star of David in the center.
Besides what Rabbit have listed above about the reasons behind the attack on Norway, the country had also recently, as Denmark, introduced border controls against free influx of travelers (read illegal imigrants) from EUSSR. Also Norway is only tied to EUSSR by a border and trade agreement, something that must be most disturbing to not only EUSSR, but also to the Jews behind the multicultural society (read ethnical cleansing) of Scandinavia/Europa. The attentat therefore might have been a blow and message to the Norwegian government, that it's high time aslo for Norway the enlist into EUSSR.
Recommended readings to get an understanding how the word function and is ruled, is the book "Under The Sign Of The Scorpion" by Jyri Lina. The book can be bought in US by Texe Marrs and otherwise by information from the authors homepage.