How the US Radicalized Conservatism
Posted on 26. Feb, 2011 by Lawrence Davidson in US
An Analysis
By Lawrence Davidson
Part I – What is Traditional Conservatism?
If you have the stomach to listen to the likes of Glenn Beck or track the antics of people like Sarah Palin you might get the idea that today’s American political conservatives are a bunch of radicals and extremists. And, as we will see, you would be correct. But this is not how it always was. There was a time when conservatism was a more low key affair with a certain sense of pragmatism and even fair play. There is not much of this traditional conservatism left here in the U.S. except in certain intellectual circles. And, even there, one has the sense that it is hanging on by its fingernails.
If you want to learn more about this remnant you might take a look at the writings of Jim Kalb. Kalb is a leading thinker in the traditional conservative movement, a believing Catholic and, in his roll as a wordsmith, an afficionado of palindromes (a word or phrase that reads the same forwards and backwards) to which we will refer at the end of this piece. Here is how Kalb spells out the meaning of his brand of conservatism,
A network of commonly accepted attitudes, beliefs and practices that evolves through strengthening of things that work and rejection of things that lead to conflict and failure. It therefore comprises a collection of habits that have proved useful in a huge variety of practical affairs, and a comprehensive and generally coherent point of view that reflects very extensive experience and thought.
In other words, this sort of vintage conservatism emphasizes what it regards as useful traditions over rapid innovations, and workable stability over precipitous change. There will always be change, of course, but in the world of traditional conservatives it should be slow and incremental, not "radical" or "revolutionary." Whatever one might think of this traditional conservatism, it is pretty clear that modern American political conservatism has abandoned it for a multitude of extremist positions that play themselves out as publically expressed obsessions. Let us take a look at some examples of this "fall from grace."
Part II – American Political Conservative Obsessions
1) The alleged right to possess unlimited numbers of deadly weapons. For modern political conservatives obsessed with the issue of gun laws, this "right" to be over armed supercedes the public’s need for a safe environment. Thus, compared to the age old tradition of public safety, the gun mania of today’s conservatives is absolutely revolutionary. It certainly has nothing to do with the Constitution’s "well ordered militia" and does not reflect "habits that have proved useful in a huge variety of practical affairs." In fact, the only "habits" this obsession references are those displayed in fantasies that romanticize cowboys and military combat.
2) The battle against legal abortion. This modern political/social conservative cause also references fantasy rather than "a comprehensive and generally coherent point of view that reflects very extensive experience and thought." This is because the outlawing of abortion does not eliminate abortion. It simply drives it into the back alleys creating an ever greater risk to desperate and mostly poor pregnant women. Thus, obsessed as they are with the rights of the unborn, these so-called conservatives care little for the much more traditional right of well-being for those who are "post womb." In addition, unwanted births put stress on the traditional family structure, increase rates of delinquency and deepen poverty. Many of today’s political/social conservatives who seek to outlaw abortion with such religious zeal also sadly stand out as hypocrites. Anti-abortionists, supporting an allegedly "pro-life" cause, often act or support or turn a blind eye to their own violence that can and has reached the level of murder. Perhaps most frustrating of all, these same "right to lifers" often stand in opposition to a pragmatic answer to the abortion problem– that is the age-old and honored tradition of contraception.
3) An obsessive fixation with taxes. Those modern day political conservatives who have this particular mania seem to be incapable of understanding that it is a radical act to advocate the reduction of taxation to the point of social ruination. In order to spare their wallets and allegedly promote "individual freedom" they advocate, among other things, privatizing the public school systems, denial of services to indigent people, and elimination of state involvement in such issues as public health and environmental safety. Yet these state activities are real "commonly accepted attitudes, beliefs and practices." To stand against them is not to be truly conservative, but rather to play the role of the stereotypical wild-eyed revolutionary. That is because, refusing to be taxed for these purposes means the recreation of conditions experienced in a place like Manchester England, circa 1830. That was a time when, as a matter of policy, no money was made available for government regulation of the "private sector." Things got so bad in Manchester (and other industrial towns in England) at this time that there was mass illiteracy, pervasive malnutrition among the poor and, due to workplace pollution, the average laborer was dying at about the age of 16.
4) Paranoid concern with illegal immigration. Immigration, legal or illegal, constitutes a process that is one of the defining pillars of the American national character. Unless you are an American Indian you are an immigrant or the descendent of immigrants, a healthy percentage of whom were not "legal." Therefore, to overreact to immigration is to undermine a traditional practice as old as the nation itself. In addition today’s political conservative approach to immigration is obviously not a "strengthening of things that work and rejection of things that lead to conflict and failure." Immigration of whatever nature has always worked to strengthen the nation’s economy. Hysterical reactions to it reflect an attitude that only "leads to conflict and failure."
Part III – The Problem of Radical Conservative Islamophobia
There is yet one more obsession of today’s political conservatives that stalks the American public landscape in a radically malignant way. It is the phenomenon of Islamophobia. For instance, consider the recent 38th annual meeting of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), attended by a number of Republican presidential hopefuls. Journalists’ reports on the conference show that it was successfully used as a venue by such extremists as David Horowitz ("political Islam is a totalitarian movement that seeks to impose Islamic law on the entire world"), Pam Geller (the CPAC has been"corrupted and compromised by the Muslim Brotherhood"), and Robert Spencer ("Muslims are not able to be moderate–or they would be speaking against what is written in the Koran"). Through their foothold in the conference these radicals were able to influence the already paranoia prone modern American conservative mind. These Islamophobes are joined by some more recognizable, but no less radical, names such asLt. General William G. Boykin (ret.) who at one time served as Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence. Boykin is a Christian fundamentalist obsessed with the fantasy of Muslim infiltration of the United States, particularly through the spread of Sharia Law. He has co-authored a book with former CIA Director R. James Woolsey Jr. entitled Shariah: The Threat to America. He has also urged withdrawing the protection of the First Amendment for Muslim Americans. Boykin enjoys much influence among the religious elements of today’s American conservative movement.
The growing number of conservative elected officials who preach Islamohobia is a clear indicator that this is a fantasy has entered the minds of Republican voters. A good example of the consequences is the present activities of Republican Representative Peter King. King is not from the deep south or somewhere in west Texas. He is from Long Island, N.Y. And, he is now Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, a position from which he spreads the same problematic message as Horowitz, Geller, Spencer and Boykin. King is planning hearings on the "radicalization of the American Muslim community." As presently planned, the hearings promise to be low on accurate knowledgeable and objective witnesses andhigh on those who have a clear record of Islamophobia.
Part IV – Conclusion
This then has been the fate of conservatism in America. What started out as a worldview valuing the wisdom supposedly to be had from tradition, has become a clearly paranoid mentality constantly imagining outside conspiracies and inside saboteurs aiming to destroy national values and the citizen’s personal rights. In addition, the range of remedies that today’s conservatives offer to fight against these "threats" are almost entirely extremist in nature. They range from the financial destruction of the U.S. federal government through severe reduction of taxes, to carte blanche accessibility to deadly force for gun fanatics, to the passing of draconian laws on abortion and immigration, to the McCarthyite persecutions of entire minority groups such as American Muslims. These proposed policies do not reflect any definition of traditional conservatism. They are certainly not examples of a "comprehensive and generally coherent point of view that reflects very extensive experience and thought." Instead they are destructive of the nation’s traditions and values and can only lead to disaster. Thus, out of respect for Jim Kalb’s comparatively sane definition of conservatism, I end with a palindromic warning to all those American pseudo conservatives out there, "Live Not On Evil."
27. Feb, 2011
Islamophobia – in the West is created by the pro-Israeli Zionist politians and the Jewish-controlled mainstream media. These groups and individuals believe Islam being the greatest threat to the Jewish occupation of Palestine.
The major political parties in the US, Britain, France, Germany, Australia, Canada and Netherlands are controlled by the local Israel Lobby groups.
Gilad Atzmon, a Israel-British Jewish writer, recently exposed the 'Islamophobia' among the West.
27. Feb, 2011
Typical liberal piece painting anything good as bad as to lessen their guilt and promote their beliefs and agenda.
27. Feb, 2011
Boy, this is a profoundly awful article.
You posit that conservatism is a "worldview valuing the wisdom supposedly to be had from tradition" and then list the four points that are essentially the high water mark of western conservative tradition and call their defense essentially a sign of lunacy.
I'm not certain if I'm more surprised at how ridiculous this piece is or if you still believe this kind of elitist tripe still passes the smell test in common sense political circles. Sure, in the fantasy land of university life this may be considered the apex of deep modern political thought. But out here in the real world, where we have to live daily with the effects of being denied the right of self defense by the gun grabbers, the licentiousness and family destroying culture of legalized abortion, the inability of the little guy to get ahead because of insane taxation and the destruction of neighborhoods, towns and cities by foreign hordes with different value systems, your article is a relic.
Kim Baliey
27. Feb, 2011
"Youths with guns roam Libya's terrorized capital"
Sounds like Washington D.C.
27. Feb, 2011
Another liberal artical that defines what conservatism is supposed to be.
Nice try.
Willy Whitten
27. Feb, 2011
It certainly has nothing to do with the Constitution’s "well ordered militia" ~Davidson
The 2nd Amendment actually has a few other words besides your attempt at framing those three as the heart of the matter.
27. Feb, 2011
Type your comment here…Jews had nothing to do with Islamophobia, dopey . The muslim murdering dogs at 9-11 , the beheadings, the Lockerbie murders, the mutilation of women by cutting off noses and ears, the killings of thousands of fellow muslims –created Ilamophobia .
27. Feb, 2011
the commi point of view on people who love their freedoms and independence is somewhat funny
27. Feb, 2011
The 9/11 Scam
AIPAC Neocons
Federal Reserve
Controlled Media
D. L.
27. Feb, 2011
A good example of the consequences is the present activities of Republican Representative Peter King. King is not from the deep south or somewhere in west Texas.
"…or somewhere in west Texas"???
Are you implying that folks who live in west Texas are a bunch o' redneck white trash ignoramouses with an IQ if 2???
Maybe I should imply that the author is an elitist liberal who thinks only folks like him have high IQs (mine is 133, and I live in the Big Bend…we are not all idiots like you protend.)
And I am not an Islamophobe, either! Why you take Glenn Beck seriously is beyond me…all he's trying to do is entertain, spread fear, and make millions doing it.
27. Feb, 2011
27. Feb, 2011
Jim Kalb's brand of "conservatism" is simply re-labeled pragmatism.
The dictionary defines "conservative" as "Favoring traditional views and values" and "tending to be moderate or cautious." I have seen little moderation or caution from either "liberals" or "conservatives" over the last 50 years. "Liberals" want to be generous – with other people's money. "Conservatives" want to conserve the wealth of the wealthy – with other people’s money. Neither wants to give the suckers - the people at whose expense they operate – an even break.
The "obsessions" are one. People don't want to be slaves or become slaves.
A slaveis not allowed to own a gun or other weapon. (gun control)
A slave has no say regarding the sexual exploitation of his/her children. (Abortion and contraception without the parents knowledge or consent.)
A slavehas no right to the fruits of his labor – the lord (government) must be satisfied first, and the slave must make do with what his master allows him to have. (Withholding Taxes)
A slavehas no say about the importation of additional slave labor (legal & illegal immigration) for the purpose of driving down wages.
Islamophobia is being promoted by "conservative" leadership, but the people aren't buying – they chose Ron Paul at the CPAC conference, for the second year in a row.
The real issue is not liberal vs. conservative; democrat vs. republican; or even practical vs. impractical. The issue is freedom vs. slavery, good vs. evil. Which will you choose?
James Burns
27. Feb, 2011
A lot of these comments are helping Davidson alon here.
27. Feb, 2011
Fundamentally, conservatism is a reluctance to change; a desire to maintain the status-quo. There is very little hope for social mobility in a conservative society, thus the denial of programs that could benefit the underclass. Conservatives, religious and political tend to align themselves with the power elites and oppose such things as unions that empower workers. They support the right to bear arms, which is critical if the underclass gets too ambitious. Conservatism by any definition is meant to oppress, confine and to con-trol certain groups.
27. Feb, 2011
Mindless leftist dribble! It's obvious this author is totally disconnected with strggle to maintain some sense of sanity in America and the chore of keeping one's head above water economically! Boo to leftist nonsense!
28. Feb, 2011
Lawrence Davidson has more in common with Karl Marx than the founders of this country.
28. Feb, 2011
Maybe if Muslims weren't killing Christians in African and elsewhere, just because they were Christians, that would be one thing to help our view of Islam.
I just heard this morning about a friend who was helping a Muslim family here in California because they fled from the middle east. The "man" of the "family" thought it was just fine to NOT WORK and just live off public assistance. This "man" also wanted my woman friend to "sponsor" them. Smartly she REFUSED!
I've heard other personal stories about Muslims and thus don't think much of their "religion/cult".
Elsa K.
28. Feb, 2011
Wow. I mean, wow. What Karl Rovian ‘framing’ …
Take the most politically correct radical vintage 1960s social engineering, dredge a faux traditionalist from the web as a ‘frame’ for ‘correct’ beliefs, then call his opposition kooks, paranoids, obsessives, and extremists.
(Pause for applause.)
I know a gay Catholic seminarian who denies deity and follows Buddha. Do you think he might help the cause?
Now, the footnotes.
1. American gun control follows old Nazi gun laws. It used to be you didn’t need a ‘license’ either to ‘drive’ or carry. Is America safer today? Too bad spectators in recent MK-Ultra shootings weren’t carrying. More guns, less crime. Not to mention the new police state emerging.
2. The subject of Roe now calls her own landmark case a fraud. Abortion is a 10th amendment issue. Only cheap sloganeering pretends the ‘back alley’ scenario has changed,
3. Taxes. A Rockefeller told Aaron Russo that ‘feminism’ was social engineering to tax female labor. There’s your obsessive fixation with taxes. And ‘feminism’ ties into abortion, so into Rockefeller depopulation plans.
4. Illegal immigration means slavery. Forget collective bargaining. Illegals have no such options. No wonder the Rockefellers like it so much, and fund so many front groups to keep it going. It ruins middle-class wages, the better for feudalism. Ever wonder why gringos can’t wander around Mexico picking up work, but get hurled into dirty Mexican prisons? Ever wonder who profits from the narco state? Take a wild guess. Hint, ask who owns private Interpol.
Nazi means national socialist, Communist means international socialist. Western finance created each ‘side’ to advance feudalism worldwide (Antony Sutton, Carroll Quigley, Greg Hallett) – you get a dialectical choice of socialism or socialism.
The new mind game is Israel v Islam. It’s about high finance but the CFR won’t tell you that. Think oil bourses, banks, havala. Don’t blame the beer and football crowd, they believe their overpaid CFR newscasters. And don’t blame Muslims. They just want to defend family values and culture. Arabs and Jews lived together in the Middle East for millenia.
The modern Rothschild toy state of Sabbatean Satanic faux-Jews offends and oppresses/persecutes/imprisons Islam, Christianity, and good Judaism. Israel is a CFR operation begun by wife-swapping Communists who want to eradicate good Judaism. Look at the Jerusalem supreme court building. The Rothschilds hope to achieve nuclear WWIII using their land-based, CFR battleship flying false religious colors.
Vlad Putin
28. Feb, 2011
This is 100% pure Liberal bullshit. This writer should apply for a job at the White House. Oscuma could use another Commie like him.
O. B. Server
03. Mar, 2011
Author missed “the drugs war” or “prohibition” etc – the number one radicalizer of government/fascists. Whopping huge gaping blind spots like that make me question everything else such authors emit.