Yet Another Investigation Into 9/11
Posted on 30. Dec, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in War On Terror
How long the world would have to wait to see the criminals facing the justice? How many more lives would be plucked before the truth dawns? Who has benefited from this mass murder? Who would dare to reign them in?
By Raja G Mujtaba
Immediately on the occurrence of 9/11 the world went into an awe and shock effect. The effect was so strong that every Muslim around the world was taken to be a terrorist. The Muslims living in the US were the worst affected. The country almost went to the brink of a religious divide, had that happened the entire world would have sunk into chaos. Samuel Huntington’s ‘Clash of Civilsation,’ would have proved more than true, although even now the war is being pushed on the same thought by the Zionists and the Neo-Cons but on a low key.
Mine was one of the first papers, ‘War Against Terror or Islam,’ that I wrote almost immediately after 9/11 occurrence. I challenged the very official line that was so venomously being aired by CNN, FOX News, BBC and every other known channel in the west was blasting at full pitch.
The body language of George Bush and his other Aides was very clearly showing that and confirming that it was a drama being staged for some ulterior motives.
Gordon Duff, Jeff Gates, Wayne Madsen are few of those who have attempted to expose the hidden realities of 9/11. Gordon in his latest attempt has produced yet another report that is based on the investigation of Adam Shaw, an aerobatic and stunt pilot who has over 5000 hours of flying and most of it upside down.
Adam Shaw has gone into all the technical details and the capabilities both of the planes and the pilots to fly such a mission. He has asserted that no pilot with just a basic flying of Cessna 172 can perform such a feat. In fact Boeing 757 or any other ‘Low Wing’ aircraft cannot fly at 450 knots just 20 feet above ground. He has challenged any pilot to fly Boeing 757 at this speed just 20 feet from ground level for half a mile.
The hole in the Pentagon building is much smaller for a 757 to go through, then there was no wreckage to be seen there. No matter how bad the crash maybe the remains of the aircraft are found that help the investigators to investigate into the causes. There were no such parts or components to be seen.
In his latest paper, ‘Hijacker Theory Proven Impossible…’ Gordon Duff has quoted Geraldo Rivera and Judge Napolitano of Fox News who proved controlled demolition at the World Trade Center. He says Jesse Ventura presents witnesses and hard science that debunks the Pentagon attack, all this on network prime time television seen across the United States and around the world.
Jeff Gates has said that the Zionists wage war through deception, through deception they have taken America to war. Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are clear and classic pieces of deception. Iran is also being targeted but before they can attack Iran, Pakistan the only nuclear power of the Muslim World has to be de-nuclearised or even fragmented if need be. As part of the game plan, Pakistan is being profiled as the next ‘Evil Doer.’
Duff asserts that no newspaper article, TV ad or any other attempt to dispute the facts or deny the allegation which include charges of murder and treason against the highest officials in America. Never have charges of this magnitude been made in America’s history without immediate repercussions, speeches in congress, public demonstrations, or demands for retraction and lawsuits. But instead they have opted for silence.
He says, ‘The cover story on 9/11. the tales of hijackers, box cutters, phone calls, all is now buried by science, engineering, physics, metallurgy, aeronautics, real testimony, hard proof of a government conspiracy that includes the White House, Pentagon and beyond.
For those who insist on sticking their heads in the sand, those who choose to believe, to deny, out of fear, out of insanity or out of something worse, here is more overwhelming fact. For those who value truth, respect fact and choose science over propaganda and politics, I wish things like this hurt less.
It seems like every week we put up a new video, more science, more government lies discovered, more treason. For those of you who have been off the grid for the last decade, perhaps living in a cave, or have been searching the wilds of Borneo for Osama bin Laden, this will all seem new.
If you wonder why Americans are so sick, so depressed, so angry this Christmas, its 9/11. Time for America to “man up” and deal with 9/11 once and for all.’
Now all said and done, there have been countless private studies and investigations that have torn apart every page of the Official Enquiry on 9/11. Engineers, Architects, Explosive Experts, Pilots etc. have carried out different investigations, none agreed with the official version. The BIG question that arises, who will reign in the actual perpetrators, actors and promoters of this gory drama that has cost millions of lives in the Muslim World?
These millions of departed souls are asking, why were they massacred, what was their fault, why were they removed from the lives of their near and dear ones? Is there anyone who can rise and question on their behalf? Would the actual criminals, enemies of humanity, the gulpers of world resources and wealth be taken to task?
Would the flag bearers of justice, fair play, human rights, seekers of truth etc. rise and come forward to fix the responsibility of 9/11 foul play before the world is annihilated in this wild fire torched by the Zionists and the Neo-Cons. These perpetrators and conspirators must be hunted and brought to justice if this world is to be made peaceful, a heaven on earth.
Raja Mujtaba has over 25 years of writings behind him. His focus is on the Muslim World in particular and all other areas where humanity is subjected to injustice, suppression and killings. He sees the world as a global living but not part of the New World Order that is a Zionist Agenda. His conviction is that there can be no peace without justice thus the root cause to every problem must be identified and addressed. Justice leads to peace that develops love. He is the founder of Opinion Maker.
Muhammad Sohaib
30. Dec, 2010
A sound approach utilized by Sir Mujtaba in bringing the truth onto the surface.
However, the investigation done by Mr. Adam Shaw, in my opinion, is worth considering but probably the technical analysis is not 'alright'.
It is not difficult for the pilot of Cessna to perform such a feat, in my opinion. It is because of the reason that Cessna is a single engine aircraft blended with a rich tradition of unmatched quality and provides pilot with all the necessary features.
Moreover, the Boeing variant was 757-300 and it can go up to 420 knots above the ground with the distance of approximately 30 feet. So one can assume over here that it actually went to 20 feet above the ground with an IAS of 450 knots.
In addition to this, a world public opinion was taken right after this incident and out of 17 countries, 9 believed that Al-Qaeda is behind this all.
Nadim Ahmed Siddiqi
30. Dec, 2010
Thank you very much for the posting of this information, Mash'Allah good work and please keep it up and make big noise about it because as said the the million of innocent Muslims had been killed without any reason and someone have to bring these criminal to the justice before any major disaster accrue to the Muslim world but unfortunately the Muslim who call themselves the Muslim are in fact are the agent and they have not raised any question or for the Independent inquire in to the 9/11 at all.
30. Dec, 2010
This type of lie is exactly what our enemies hoped we would do to each other. You have become the enemy of the USA by continuing this farce for so long. Did you know '9/11 conspiracy' crap is about to hit fortune 500? At this very moment there are 98 shooting wars in the world where Muslims are killing either other Muslims or non-Muslims…and it has NOTHING to do with the West.
mal lee
01. Jan, 2011
Ayesha Villalobos
30. Dec, 2010
various media and independent orgsnizations/research have proven that 9/11 was a conspiracy by US and Israel. Still UN have never intitiated any concrete step to bring forward these terrorists to face trial. US claimed to spread democracy overseas but this so called " cosmetic democracy" have become a "deception" deliberately mislead domestic and foreign order to maintain international control,employing secrecy ,propaganda and the suppression of public criticism to isolate and divide their opposition…bu tnow that the whole world has turned vigilant towards these conspiracy . However , this deception had backfired and causes substantial harm both domestically and overseas… specially towards the Muslim. If no justice wil be serve , It is hard to accept the conclusion, that Peace in the world is no longer achievable.
Lisa Brooks
30. Dec, 2010
Thank you for the article Raja, and speaking out against the conspiracy. I wish the USA and Israel were not the enemies of the world, but they are. More Americans are waking up, but the mainstream media is not doing its job…oh wait, there job is to cover things up and keep Americans dumbed down with shows promoting more consumerism when we don't have money to spend and promoting stories about Lindsey Lohan. Keep up the good work!
Ayesha Villalobos
30. Dec, 2010
Well the mainstream media are only concerned about trivialities … like "show business" a swift orgy of the mind and a snapped sensation for the audience. They don’t focused on analysis and facts, at the end of the day “Its business as usual”
News You Need For Dec 30, 2010 « The Ugly Truth
30. Dec, 2010
[...] Yet Another Investigation Into 9/11 [...]
Carl Street
31. Dec, 2010
All this "investigation" of 9-11 is completely pointless. It is like a jilted wife demanding to know all the details of her errant husband's affair — when it is simply enough to know that he cheated.
Similarly, it is enough to know that the official story CANNOT POSSIBLY be valid because it violates the laws of physics. THAT, is all we need to know.
Because we are dealing with experienced, well-funded, and connected agencies we will probably NEVER know the exact details.
But that is NOT necessary — investigations are just so much mental masturbation; it is enough to know that we are being lied to; openly and brazenly.
Of course, MANY a jilted wife demands details as a way to avoid actually doing what is necessary — Those who fail to notice the parallels here are either in extreme denial or stupid and ignorant beyond words.
Either do what is necessary to arrest and prosecute the perpretatrators or shut up and admit your cowardice.
31. Dec, 2010
The problem is no longer an Investigation To know the Truth. The Truth is TOO OBVIOUS : US and Israel mass murdered 3000 american résidents on 9-11 as casus belli for their planned wars of global and middle East (PNAC and Eretz Israel agend domination) The WHOLE world is aware of that terrible truth. The question now is HOW the zionists in Israel and West responsible of The mass murder Will be punished by the peoples of The world.
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31. Dec, 2010
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[...] 30, 2010 Yet Another Investigation Into 9/11 Vast Majority of Americans Oppose Attacking Iran Israel Gets Back Into the Iran Guessing Game [...]
Javed Chaudry
31. Dec, 2010
I totally agree with your very well written article. A lot has been reported so far on this subject by many investigators who are engineers, scientists and experienced pilots. All reports converge on one point that the truth is entirely different from what has been the official position of the Bush-Cheney-FBI rhetoric. In other words, we may not know who was behind 9/11 and may not exactly know all the related details, but we certainly know that bin Laden and his boys had nothing to do with it.
It is indeed very important to establish that who benefitted from it. The Muslim countries certainly did not. The American public also did not receive ant benefit from it. The only group that had benefitted from it are the Zionists and the only country that has benefitted is Israel.
From eye-witness reports we know that the four Black Boxes were recovered at the twin tower site, but FBI, to this day denies it. The eye witnesses claim that the FBI agents took to recorders away, but the official FBI line is that the four recorders were never recovered. The recorders would include the voice recordings of the pilots, which of course would be a critical clue but of course they do not want to share it with the world for a good reason.
01. Jan, 2011
We can speculate forever on the 9-11 conspiracy and perhaps get no closer than we are to who murdered JFK after more than 50 years, but one thing I don't agree with is your depiction of Muslims being vicimized. I think it is fairly well documented the world over that Muslims committing atrocities against other religious peoples, embassies, and the out and out bombings of innocent victims all over Iraq and Afghanistan do not in anyway legitamize Muslim causes. Even psychological tests hav shown than the indoctrination of Muslim faith among its recipients breeds an uncanny intolerance for other groups and ideas making it almost impossible for many Muslims who have been denied education, but not the redundant propaganda of radical Muslim diatribe are basically incapable of coexistence in a peaceful social circumstance, their beliefs will not let them compromise. You fail to acknowledge these facts when characterizing Muslims are slaughtered victims when many of them are in fact doing the slaughtering.
01. Jan, 2011
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Stephen Kriz
01. Jan, 2011
One very big problem with the crackpot assertion that a "missile" hit the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001 is that there are several eyewitnesses who saw a large commercial aircraft (i.e. a 757) hit the Pentagon. Who you gonna believe, a nutcase blogger or your lyin' eyes???
Mansoor Malik
02. Jan, 2011
All sane people of this world should lobby for knowing the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, about the 9/11 incident. It is a tragedy of our times that instead of punishing the perpetrators involved in this criminal act, two sovereign countries Iraq and Afghanistan have been collectively punished. Will the UN wake up in time to save the other threatened countries from this ever expanding inferno?
Jeff Prager
05. Jan, 2011
Stephen Kriz, are you serious?
Jeff Prager
05. Jan, 2011
While I won't argue radical Islam in this space how would you respond to the US being invaded by a Muslim Army and 1 million of us being murdered?
Because if you lived in Iraq you would have been inveaded by a Christian Army and 1 million of you would have been killed.
Who's doing the slaughtering?
Jeff Prager
05. Jan, 2011
Carl Street,
Are you admitting cowardice or are you implementing a plan you've neglected to tell us?