Michael Moore’s Bail Money for Julian Assange – Why

Posted on 14. Dec, 2010 by in Hot Topics

A statement from Michael Moore


Yesterday, in the Westminster Magistrates Court in London, the lawyers for WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange presented to the judge a document from me stating that I have put up $20,000 of my own money to help bail Mr. Assange out of jail.

Furthermore, I am publicly offering the assistance of my website, my servers, my domain names and anything else I can do to keep WikiLeaks alive and thriving as it continues its work to expose the crimes that were concocted in secret and carried out in our name and with our tax dollars.

We were taken to war in Iraq on a lie. Hundreds of thousands are now dead. Just imagine if the men who planned this war crime back in 2002 had had a WikiLeaks to deal with. They might not have been able to pull it off. The only reason they thought they could get away with it was because they had a guaranteed cloak of secrecy. That guarantee has now been ripped from them, and I hope they are never able to operate in secret again.

So why is WikiLeaks, after performing such an important public service, under such vicious attack? Because they have outed and embarrassed those who have covered up the truth. The assault on them has been over the top:

**Sen. Joe Lieberman says WikiLeaks "has violated the Espionage Act."

**The New Yorker's George Packer calls Assange "super-secretive, thin-skinned, [and] megalomaniacal."

**Sarah Palin he's "an anti-American operative with blood on his hands" whom we should pursue "with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders."

**Democrat Bob Beckel (Walter Mondale's 1984 campaign manager) said about Assange on Fox: "A dead man can't leak stuff … there's only one way to do it: illegally shoot the son of a bitch."

**Republican Mary Matalin "he's a psychopath, a sociopath … He's a terrorist."

**Rep. Peter A. King calls WikiLeaks a "terrorist organization."

And indeed they are! They exist to terrorize the liars and warmongers who have brought ruin to our nation and to others. Perhaps the next war won't be so easy because the tables have been turned — and now it's Big Brother who's being watched … by us!

WikiLeaks deserves our thanks for shining a huge spotlight on all this. But some in the corporate-owned press have dismissed the importance of WikiLeaks ("they've released little that's new!") or have painted them as simple anarchists ("WikiLeaks just releases everything without any editorial control!"). WikiLeaks exists, in part, because the mainstream media has failed to live up to its responsibility. The corporate owners have decimated newsrooms, making it impossible for good journalists to do their job. There's no time or money anymore for investigative journalism. Simply put, investors don't want those stories exposed. They like their secrets kept … as secrets.

I ask you to imagine how much different our world would be if WikiLeaks had existed 10 years ago. Take a look at this photo. That's Mr. Bush about to be handed a "secret" document on August 6th, 2001. Its heading read: "Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US." And on those pages it said the FBI had discovered "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings." Mr. Bush decided to ignore it and went fishing for the next four weeks.

But if that document had been leaked, how would you or I have reacted? What would Congress or the FAA have done? Was there not a greater chance that someone, somewhere would have done something if all of us knew about bin Laden's impending attack using hijacked planes?

But back then only a few people had access to that document. Because the secret was kept, a flight school instructor in San Diego who noticed that two Saudi students took no interest in takeoffs or landings, did nothing. Had he read about the bin Laden threat in the paper, might he have called the FBI? (Please read this essay by former FBI Agent Coleen Rowley, Time's 2002 co-Person of the Year, about her belief that had WikiLeaks been around in 2001, 9/11 might have been prevented.)

Or what if the public in 2003 had been able to read "secret" memos from Dick Cheney as he pressured the CIA to give him the "facts" he wanted in order to build his false case for war? If a WikiLeaks had revealed at that time that there were, in fact, no weapons of mass destruction, do you think that the war would have been launched — or rather, wouldn't there have been calls for Cheney's arrest?

Openness, transparency — these are among the few weapons the citizenry has to protect itself from the powerful and the corrupt. What if within days of August 4th, 1964 — after the Pentagon had made up the lie that our ship was attacked by the North Vietnamese in the Gulf of Tonkin — there had been a WikiLeaks to tell the American people that the whole thing was made up? I guess 58,000 of our soldiers (and 2 million Vietnamese) might be alive today.

Instead, secrets killed them.

For those of you who think it's wrong to support Julian Assange because of the sexual assault allegations he's being held for, all I ask is that you not be naive about how the government works when it decides to go after its prey. Please — never, ever believe the "official story." And regardless of Assange's guilt or innocence (see the strange nature of the allegations here), this man has the right to have bail posted and to defend himself. I have joined with filmmakers Ken Loach and John Pilger and writer Jemima Khan in putting up the bail money — and we hope the judge will accept this and grant his release today.

Might WikiLeaks cause some unintended harm to diplomatic negotiations and U.S. interests around the world? Perhaps. But that's the price you pay when you and your government take us into a war based on a lie. Your punishment for misbehaving is that someone has to turn on all the lights in the room so that we can see what you're up to. You simply can't be trusted. So every cable, every email you write is now fair game. Sorry, but you brought this upon yourself. No one can hide from the truth now. No one can plot the next Big Lie if they know that they might be exposed.

And that is the best thing that WikiLeaks has done. WikiLeaks, God bless them, will save lives as a result of their actions. And any of you who join me in supporting them are committing a true act of patriotism. Period.

I stand today in absentia with Julian Assange in London and I ask the judge to grant him his release. I am willing to guarantee his return to court with the bail money I have wired to said court. I will not allow this injustice to continue unchallenged.

Michael Moore

P.S. You can read the statement I filed today in the London court here.

P.P.S. If you're reading this in London, please go support Julian Assange and WikiLeaks at a demonstration at 1 PM today, Tuesday the 14th, in front of the Westminster court.

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Michael Moore's Bail Money for Julian Assange - Why, 9.1 out of 10 based on 98 ratings

54 Responses to “Michael Moore’s Bail Money for Julian Assange – Why”

  1. Rehmat

    14. Dec, 2010

    Simply because Julian is an agent of the Israel Lobby. His 'Leaks' are nothing but to make excuses on behalf of Israel for Washington to attack Iran, turkey, Pakistan, Hizbullah.

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  2. World Spinner

    14. Dec, 2010

    Michael Moore's Bail Money for Julian Assange – Why – Opinion Maker…

    Here at World Spinner we are debating the same thing……

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  3. Jeanette

    14. Dec, 2010

    The ONLY thing you need to know about Assange is the FACT that he's funded by George Soros. FULL STOP.

    Reply to this comment
    • Don

      15. Dec, 2010

      that is simply not true: even if soros actually were financing wikileaks, that doesn`t in essence tell us anything about wikileaks itself.
      in all due fairness, the jury on wikileaks must remain out until we have more FACTS, not just hearsay…

      Reply to this comment
    • Aussie Tintin

      24. Dec, 2010

      Hi, as someone who is highly suspicous of assanges alliegances and how he claims to have financed WL for the past 4 years i am most keen to read any information you may have regarding assange and soros. where did you come to learn of this? can you please provide links? i and many others are keen to learn more regarding this. regards and best wishes.

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  4. 14. Dec, 2010

    I second Rehmat's assertion of a cover for nepharious purposes inside wikileaks.
    Sure they can have damaging exposures, but only to a certain degree. We will not be reading about the children raped in front of their mothers in Iraqi held prisons to "get them to leak" any info they never would or could have, pushed by little men with strange starish shaped tatoos on their shoulders. Mike, remember me? I steer nobody wrong and I have corrected so many ships lost at sea. Wikileaks founders assessment of the 9 11 attacks are the dead give-away to his masters hand,,, zionnazi monsters that will kill to cover their coveting plans of domination over those they call goy. Simply amazing this non-jew can read thier prophecies and clearly state that NONE of their pre-return incidents have never come true, not a one of their own self penned prophecies. Hense the zionist mind is created, realizing their story has no basis in fact and future, time to fake it all rabbi.
    Who Could, no who would grow an errection in the ready to interrogate a child? A USA oath taking serviceman?

    Reply to this comment
  5. Pat

    14. Dec, 2010

    A million Iraqis killed so far.  Do you really believe that story about Bin Laden?  Check out Bollyn.org.

    Reply to this comment
  6. luckyturquoise

    14. Dec, 2010

    Type your comment here…If only the people that are still asleep would rally to your thinking Mike a great many positives could be done. This country is in big trouble and a lot of people do not realize it yet. Thanks.

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  7. Lucius Malfoy

    15. Dec, 2010

    Purebloods looking out for Purebloods, that's all. It's a distraction and side show.

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  8. DancingIsraelis

    15. Dec, 2010

    I want to know what has happened to all the dirt on Israel?

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  9. Jack Nelson

    15. Dec, 2010

    "THE TRUTH WILL SET US FREE." In the not too distant future, people like Michael Moore and Julian Assange will be hailed as exceptionally courageous patriots, having facilitated the exit of the Illuminati from world domination. When seven billion people awaken to the truth about how we have been manipulated and controlled by these dark energy power brokers for thousands of years, they will not be able to continue in their nefarious activities. This will happen in our lifetime . . . believe it! 

    Reply to this comment
  10. Jeremiah

    15. Dec, 2010

    While a noble gesture by Mr. Moore we all need to worry where this fabricated storyline is taking us as a society.  We the people might have our solution in mind, one that agrees with Moore's ideals of openness and truth above all, but the powers that be likely have their own solution in mind.  One that involves a highly regulated internet(login with SS# for instance) to stop the leaking of documents that puts our men and womens lives at risk overseas(their line not mine), bringing us another step closer into a real world 1984.
    One of the only outlets of worldwide freedom is the internet, if they take that away in the name of stopping a "wikileak type scenario" we'll be much worse off.

    Reply to this comment
  11. Helen

    15. Dec, 2010

    'Superman Savior of Truth, Freedom, & the American Way'', Assange is not. Is he on somebody's payroll, whose 5-pointed star is pretty tarnished by now? Maybe. But this is not a perfect world. Nobody is clean, remember that. The fact that these cables are calling sick, perverted, and murderous criminals-in-suits to account makes them valuable. Some heads will roll. OK, so certain cover-ups are still being covered up by Wikileaks. So Michael has his own agenda also. I'm a 'Truther'; but some of my fellow travellers cannot be trusted either. Pure motives aside (and today they don't exist anywhere) – I second the motion. Thank God for Wikileaks. Whatever.

    Reply to this comment
  12. kris

    15. Dec, 2010

    Thank you for your courage and doing what is right, Michael Moore.  I appreciate you.

    Reply to this comment
  13. paul sparaco

    15. Dec, 2010

    Type your comment here…they have us all over the board on this one
    cass sustein is an origionator of the wiki site
    yet its great tohave this info
    yet it is going to be used as a prelude to attack iran
    yet yet yet…………i dont know whether to shit or go blind in this one
    and thats just the way the fuckkkerz want it im sure

    Reply to this comment
  14. Timothy Michael

    15. Dec, 2010

    We have got to stick together on this or hand our children a very bleak future… we have got to protect our right to free speech and free press and us our technology to communicate the truth. Wikileaks forever!

    Reply to this comment
  15. Daniel

    15. Dec, 2010

    Michael Moore is full of camel dung. What he doesn't point out is that 911 was an inside job and god's chosen psychopaths were behind it.
    Fuk off Moore you fat turd

    Reply to this comment
  16. John

    15. Dec, 2010

    I long for the day the Lord returns and sorts all this chaos out.

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  17. Mike

    15. Dec, 2010

    How's the fat farm treatmenet coming Mike? Hope your blog picture isn't an "after" shot.

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  18. Miguel Grande

    15. Dec, 2010

    Julian Assange is a Zionist tool who is being bailed out by a Zionist tool, Michael Moore. Remember, that little Zionist propaganda film produced by Disney. Fahrenheit 911. Ari Emanuel and his brother Rahm had a little bit of a hand in that misinformation film. 

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  19. ed

    15. Dec, 2010

    Micheal seems to have a good heart, but may fail to realize its how deep the corruption goes as far as being inherent.
    America's ideology han never been its tradition, so its hard to understand dissapoiintment.
    Assuming Moore is sincere, he should stay outta this as Assange may not be as well intended as assumed.
    Assange looks like he's been prepped by a handler coming out of nowhere – just like Obama.

    Reply to this comment
  20. Steven

    15. Dec, 2010

    It  is hard for me to write praise for you. Every once in awhile the sun shines on a dogs butt.  You are correct on this one.

    Reply to this comment
  21. Wake Me When It's Over

    15. Dec, 2010

    WikiLeaks just scratched the surface.
    'iki'Leaks dives below and digs into the 'iki' sludge.

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  22. craig

    15. Dec, 2010

    "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."
    Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
    Why aren't there any documents about the 9/11 fraud, 7/7, and Madrid bombings?  The recipients of bailout money?  Israel? 
    The climate gate leaks didn't have an author labeled to them because they prevented a massive fraud in the form of carbon taxes and the "culprits" would have been murdered.  Assange is being used or he is using us.

    Reply to this comment
    • Barry Wiseman

      15. Dec, 2010

      Well said Craig…Lenin was so right…and another way is to "false flag"….it works almost all the time too…Krstallnacht even fooled the Nazis…and 9-11 fooled the entire USA  for a while..Any leak that tells us nothing of the crimes of Israel, Great Britain and the USA is  not a leak… it is a pile of crap

      Reply to this comment
  23. James120756

    15. Dec, 2010

    I agree with Michael Moore, but then again, I often do.  If the truth bothers people or threatens Nations, so be it.  What we are doing isn't working, that's fairly obvious.  Diplomacy has become a game of Risk rather than a way to work together.  Besides, at this point I'm ready to grab a pitchfork.  Eat the rich!

    Reply to this comment
    • Toxick1

      15. Dec, 2010

      michael moore is a sensationalist a__hole.  And you agree with him?  Well!

      Reply to this comment
  24. audrey

    15. Dec, 2010

    Wikileaks is dodgy, they just leak info we knew  already, and strange not a leak about Israel…
    I can smell a rat!

    Reply to this comment
  25. not stupid

    15. Dec, 2010

    Happy to have you on board.  Here at New York Times, we have been busy helping Julian edit the leaks that are fit to print.  With you on board, we'll add the fit to view dimension and wrap it up.  
    Good work, as usual.  Keep it up.  (See you on slops!)

    Reply to this comment
  26. WinstonUZ8u

    15. Dec, 2010

    So Mike, why do YOU lie about 911?
    Emannuel Goldstein works for Big Brother.
    My IP has been logged.

    Reply to this comment
  27. joseph

    15. Dec, 2010

    Type your comment here…The bullshit about Wikileaks being an intelligence operation is a disinformation gambit by rather stupid people in the intelligence community who have been caught with their pants down.

    Reply to this comment
  28. acudoc

    15. Dec, 2010

    Type your comment here…
    Perhaps WikiLeaks will tackle the monetary system next—-there's where the dirtiest and darkest secrets lie. Our debt-based money has made indentured servants of us all.
    Thank you, Michael Moore, for posting bail for Julian Assange. I don't always agree with your views but I have never doubted your sincerity.
    Dennis Spain

    Reply to this comment
  29. bigk007

    15. Dec, 2010

    moores spending some of that capital eh?  now i'm a believer!  like jam on toast spend what it takes to get him out.  its tough being a whistleblower these days.  good thing the world has moore.  he's got the balls to stick his neck out there in front of palin and co.  that's bravery.  cause when those fundamentalists smell blood they show no mercy!  its good to know moore's the lion tamer in the political arena to be taking on such fat cats as the tea party and the federal government all at once.  superheroes do exist.  moores a hero now.  a true david and goliath epic.  moores crossed the line from the mere spectator to an active participant in the fight against tyranny and despotism.  this canadian salutes you!

    Reply to this comment
  30. phezboy

    15. Dec, 2010

    Wait a second Michael you tell us very simply "please please please never believe the 'official story'", and yet you still are siding (much like assange) with the 'official' story of 9/11. I mean how could you not? Two planes hit two building and bring down 3 buildings all at free fall speed! I guess even though world trade centre number 7 didn't get hit with anything it must have have been peer pressured after watching it's two large brothers fall with all the speed of a controlled demolition. I actually thought you were a stand up bloke michael. Not another pawn. How dearly I want both of you to be fighting on my side. But I fear with both yourself and assange you're nothing more then wolfs in sheeps clothing.

    Reply to this comment
  31. Rehmat

    15. Dec, 2010

    Michael Moore  doesn't believe the official 9/11 story 100%. In his book 'Where is my country, dude' he tries to blame Bush and Saudi royals for pulling 9/11. There is no mention of Jew, Israel or Mossad in the book of the movie make on that book.
    I heard the former British MP George Gallowy in Toronto last month. He is well-known for being a Champion for the Palestinian-Lebanese cause – but when asked about his opinion on 9/11 – He too agreed with Bush's story – that Al-Qaeda was behind 9/11.

    Reply to this comment
  32. Joseph E Fasciani

    15. Dec, 2010

    Type your comment here…

    This is a long analytical argument, but well worth a careful reading:

    Dr Michel Chossudovsky is a prominent Canadian university historian and researcher. His website is deservedly very popular. Note how he equally skewers both the Right and Left for using facts in selective ways to promote their agendas. He is, as I am, from the Extreme Center; we find ourselves surrounded by loud, poorly informed people of all stripes from all walks of life. The truth is rarely simple, and often very hard to ascertain. There is so much at stake in economic and geopolitical terms that one must be cautious when first hearing of "news," as it may be carefully scripted propaganda from God knows where!

    What this examination of the Wikileaks project also suggests is that the mechanics of New World Order propaganda, particularly with regard to its military agenda, has become increasingly sophisticated.

    It no longer relies on the outright suppression of the facts regarding US-NATO war crimes. Nor does it require that the reputation of government officials at the highest levels, including the Secretary of State, be protected. New World Order politicians are in a sense "disposable". They can be replaced. What must be protected and sustained are the interests of the economic elites, which control the political apparatus from behind the scenes.

    In the case of Wikileaks, the facts are contained in a data bank; many of those facts, particularly those pertaining to foreign governments serve US foreign policy interests. Other facts tend, on the other hand to discredit the US administration. With regard to financial information, the release of data pertaining to a particular bank instigated via Wikileaks by a rival financial institution, could potentially be used to trigger the collapse or bankrutpcy of the targeted financial institution.

    All the Wiki-facts are selectively redacted, they are then "analyzed" and interpreted by a media which serves the economic elites.

    I think there was a line from the Stones or Beatles about everybody needs a fix or addiction. I regret I cannot be more precise. This also reminds me of Ted Sturgeon's brilliant short story from fifty years ago about a fellow so addicted to hearing the latest news he loses his persona. The title was something like "And now the News".

    All best, J

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  33. Joe

    15. Dec, 2010

    First time I agree with your usually disguisting socialist take on every thing Micheal. Maybe there is hope for you yet…..

    Reply to this comment
  34. Frank Booth

    15. Dec, 2010

    I don't care about the USA (israel) any more…I'm moving to South America…! Bye! It's all over…!

    Reply to this comment
  35. 4Yahshua

    15. Dec, 2010

    It's good to see MM taking a stand for freedom of the press! We are all free to learn the truth. However, I have found that most I tell recoil from it. Most will NOT believe that the U.S. Government is controlled by a Bush Sr. 30 year White House (under British Royalty ~ STILL!) under the Vatican  (Sadly in that order!) Must we only awake when we are taken to FEMA Death Camps??

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  36. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jerry Dean Bowers, Ik ben die ik ben. Ik ben die ik ben said: https://opinion-maker.org/2010/12/michael-moores-bail-money-for-julian-assange-why/ [...]

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  37. Kate

    15. Dec, 2010

    I have only one thing to say to Michael Moore. Any friend of George Soros, is no friend of Liberty and Justice or "truth."

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  38. crust

    15. Dec, 2010

    All this noble stuff about "truth" and holding various govts. accountable for all their terrible actions.  And not one mention of Isreal and the terrible genocide against Palastine or the Isreali teenage sex slave trade or the Isreali organ harvesting trade.
    Wikieaks stinks of corruption and manipulation, either Moore is one of them or just incredibly stupid and blind.

    Reply to this comment
  39. Jack Frost

    15. Dec, 2010

    What's wrong with the truth?  I am amazed at watching the talking heads on mainstream media spin how American lives are at risk due to the 'exposure' from wikileaks – yet the true disaster are the hundreds of thousands killed(if not a million plus) as a result of non-disclosure of the facts.  Twisted stuff my friends.

    Reply to this comment
  40. heliumraven

    15. Dec, 2010

    Do you really think that any of the things that have been leaked, would have been allowed to be leaked, if those in true power didn't want them to be?
    You must always keep in mind the man behind the curtain and never allow yourself to be distracted by the side show…no matter how bawdy.

    Reply to this comment
  41. Michael

    15. Dec, 2010

    Truth is the root of Freedom.
    Trust the Truth Seekers, NOT your Government.

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  42. [...] den Originalbeitrag weiterlesen: 15 – Michael Moores Bail Money for Julian Assange | Opinion Maker   Ende Zitat/ Auszug Dieser Beitrag wurde unter Leaks abgelegt und mit 1984-campaign, [...]

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  43. Victor Fletcher / Toronto Street News

    16. Dec, 2010

    Why does Michael hide the truth about 911 Truth?
    Assange was paid by Israel to hide their shit.
    Netanyahu said Assange is a great guy!

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  44. [...] Find More Nostradamus Future Prophecies Products Additionally you can look at this related post: https://opinion-maker.org/2010/12/michael-moores-bail-money-for-julian-assange-why/ [...]

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  45. Mansoor Malik

    16. Dec, 2010

    My, my what level of Hypocricy of the Western govts.When extremely obnoxious news about the Muslim World is published, the Freedom of Information Act is thrusted down our throats and its publication is further promoted with ulteriour motives.Now these same govts should get used to the taste of their own puddings thru the Wikileaks.Bravo, the peoples of the Free World should keep on exposing the real face of their so called Democratic Leaders and in turn send them packing home when the time comes for their elections.

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  46. al

    16. Dec, 2010

    Moore made an entire movie about
    911 without mentioning that ISRAEL DID IT

    Reply to this comment
  47. [...] Eagle,  expressing his considerable support for Julian Assange and the dissemination of TRUTH: https://opinion-maker.org/2010/12/michael-moores-bail-money-for-julian-assange-why/  Although Time Magazine chose the founder of Facebook as “Person of the Year“, the [...]

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  48. Hughie

    17. Dec, 2010


    Get to the facts. You are a shill for the CIA and Wikileaks is run by Israel. Who are you trying to kid.

    Micheal Moore – CIA Agent.


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  49. [...] Price: $ 9.98 Additionally on this topic you can read: https://opinion-maker.org/2010/12/michael-moores-bail-money-for-julian-assange-why/ [...]

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  50. Tracey

    19. Dec, 2010

    Mike,  Please keep doing what you are doing.  This NWO agenda has to stop now.  Jullian must have the secrets the public needs, to enlighten them. 
      Thank you for being you.  I have your back, as I'm staying close to all updates.  Please keep them coming, as I will keep informing my circle. 
      You have LOTS of support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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