A Missing Wikileak
Posted on 14. Dec, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Hot Topics
Alla roads lead to Tel Aviv
By Dr Ghayur Ayub
Tickers on different news channels were running fast at the bottom of the television screen. It was the evening before the next batch of Wikileaks were due for publication. I made sure to buy The Guardian – one of five newspapers publishing the documents. With remote control in hand, I was browsing through Sky News, BBC, CNN, Al-Jazeera and Press TV. To the best of my recollection, it was Sky News which caught my eye. The breaking news referred to a planned Israeli nuclear attack on two American cities, which were to be linked to Pakistan. America would have had a cause to respond in kind and take out Pakistani nuclear sites. I couldn't believe my eyes! I rewound the news to double check what I had just read. Thinking details would be published in the Guardian newspaper the following day I did not record it. Later, I rang a friend and told him about the mind boggling news. The bizarre news kept me awake most of the night.
The next day I got the newspaper and went through it page by page. To my surprise, the “ticker news” could not be seen anywhere. I read it a couple of times but failed to find the particular piece. I could not understand how the newspaper missed such an important part of the leak? In pursuit, I opened the Wikileaks’ website and browsed through it carefully; no luck again. Then, I Googled relevant questions pertaining to Israel; still no luck! To make it more direct, I refined my search based on the information I had read on television. Again no reference. The news had just disappeared from cyberspace. Doubts started emerging whether I had really seen that segment which was embedded in my mind despite me vividly remembering its content. In fact I called a friend about it. So what happened to the news?
The only explanation I can think of is that the news item must have leaked out by mistake and then swiftly been retracted. After all it is common knowledge that the leaks are selective. I have no idea who else watched it during that brief period it was on the air. Was it a coincidence that at that very moment I was browsing through the channels? Many would say yes. But I don't believe in coincidences. I call them part of 'cosmic language'. All it means is that nature talks to us in its own language that has no syllabi. I may write on this subject some other time. But for now I had to find the 'missing leak'.
During my search I came to know about a basic fact that even the embarrassment factor was not that high for the politicians and foreign diplomats as they all understood each other and routinely lied which explains the uniformity in their reaction to the leaks by denying them. It also became apparent that the leaks related to Israel were primarily Iran-centric and that Iran's nukes pose an “existentialist threat” to Israel. It was interesting to find that before the leaks were publicized Natanyahu did not think they would seriously damage Israel’s position. No wonder when he visited jubilantly Tel Aviv's Beit Sokolow, the home of the Israeli Journalists Association, for the prime minister's annual meeting with the Editors Committee, he was all smiles. This is the place where Ben Gurion used to hold secret meetings. Last year he skipped the event; however, this time around it was different because of the Wikileaks publication. He showed up to display his political command by sticking to his public agenda and sending a message to the White House of what was befalling President Obama. As if he knew there was now no fear that Washington would persist on the question of a settlement freeze or to accelerate negotiations on withdrawal from the territories. He felt confident that the settlement issue would take a back seat and it was time to press on other issues such as extremism in Arab and Muslim world.
At Beit Sokolow he announced “no one will now be able to allege that Israel is acting irresponsibly”. Then he spoke about the Arab leaders urging them to “speak openly about Iran what they have been whispering to the Americans” Speaking his language in an interview with Time Magazine, Julian Assange sent an identical message "We can see the Israeli Prime Minister [Benjamin] Natanyahu coming out with a very interesting statement that leaders should speak in public like they do in private whenever they can".
Natanyahu was proud that Israel maintained information security and that sensitive conversations were not conveyed in diplomatic cables but in face-to-face meetings or via secure telephones. For a split second that “mysterious ticker” flashed back and I thought if only Natanyahu knew that a blunder had been committed by someone somewhere exposing Israel's intentions to start a nuclear nightmare!
He seemed content with the outcome of Wikileaks, ignoring what Huseyin Celik, the deputy leader of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan's AKP Party had said about Israel. Celic accused Israel of engineering the leaks, questioning how Israel could announce before the release that it would not suffer from its publication. He queried, “How did they know that?”
Instead, Natanyahu was quoting Arab leaders from Egypt, Jordan and Persian Gulf States, that they were also fearful of the Iranian threat. He was right in his statement because Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, the crown prince of Abu Dhabi warned, “Iran will threaten Israel's existence should it go nuclear." He called Ahmadinejad a “Hitler”, proposing that “if air strikes will not do the job in Iran the ground troops should be sent in.” Similarly, Saudi King Abdullah wanted the U.S. to “cut off the head of the snake”. Another UAE leader gave his reasons for Iran-bashing by saying that “Iran is establishing ‘sleeper emirates’ across the Muslim world including south Lebanon, Gaza, Kuwait, Bahrain and the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia with the mother of all ‘emirates’ in southern Iraq and now in Yemen.” Similar sentiments were heard from other pro-American leaders in the Arab world. One Israeli official stated, “the Arab countries are pushing United States towards military action more forcefully than Israel”.
As opposed to these reports the American intellectual Noam Chomsky cited a Brookings Institution poll that 80 per cent of Arabs consider Israel as the main threat followed by the U.S. at 77 per cent. Only 10 per cent rated Iran as a danger. He concluded by stating, “When they talk about Arabs, they mean the Arab dictators, not the population, which is overwhelmingly opposed to the conclusions that the analysts-Clinton and the media-have drawn.” According to another report, the Arab rulers “dare follow the American line completely, particularly if this includes a strike against Iran if they did, they’d risk popular revolts”.
I found nothing but Iran-centric Wikileaks in the Jerusalem Post and other Israeli newspapers. They were reminiscent of the "Zimmermann Telegram" during World War I. The declassified documents of history tell us that in early 1917 the British cryptography unit ("Room 40" ) decoded a telegram from German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann to his country's embassy in Mexico City proposing that the Mexicans launch a war against United States and retake Texas. The British showed the telegram to American diplomats. It prompted the Congress and U.S. President Woodrow Wilson to declare war on Germany which contributed to Germany's defeat at the end of 1918.
A few months after this episode of the "Zimmermann Telegram" the Bolshevik Revolution took place in Russia. The new leadership wanted to declassify the documents of the Czar's Foreign Ministry. The task was given to Leon Trosky – the people's commissar for foreign affairs. One of the documents revealed the 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement in which Britain and France planned how they would carve up the Ottoman Empire and also promised a hefty slice to Russia which desired Istanbul and the Black Sea straits. What if the secrets were revealed at that time? Would it have changed the history?
The point I am trying to make is that exposure of secrets can influence events if they appear at the right moment, as in the case of the Zimmermann telegram. So what could be the reason for Wikileaks and how will it affect short and long-term relations amongst Muslim countries vis-a-vis pro-Israel lobbies in America. Would Natanyahu be resting in a comfort zone and constantly pressurizing Obama to stop interfering in the internal matters of Israel especially the settlements issue had the 'missing leak' been circulated? Here comes the million dollar question. Is there a 'missing leak' exposing Israel's heinous motives despite the leaked documents stating that “there is no Israel lobby involvement to involuntarily force US in a war to serve Jewish interests” and that “the world opinion is wielding towards declaring Iran as the head of a snake that must be cut off as the Saudi potentate described it” Not many would believe in the existence of such a 'missing leak'. Even my own lawyer daughter thinks I may have misread the news. But deep down, I know what I saw and read that evening. Perhaps 50 years from now this “ticker news” may show up in a slue of declassified documents similar to Zimmerman's secret telegram. The leaked telegram changed the course of history but the 'missing leak' cannot; as long as it remains missing.
The end
Declassifide | Footage | Atomic | Tests | Atomic Bomb Footage
14. Dec, 2010
[...] Has many Army Air Corps planes in the first 5 minutes. This film celebrates the strength of the Army Air Force by showing many of the different types of military jets and bombers, but mostly through the grandiose and historic event of dropping an atom bomb on Bikini Atoll in Operation Crossroads. “Special Delivery. The delivery of that which is uncommon. Exceptional in character. Different from others. Special Delivery. Army Air-Force’s style is designed for a particular function. But unlike other highly specialized functions is not limited in range, aims, or purposes. During times of war, air power is war power. As destructive as is necessary to destroy the enemy, but AAF planes large and small have more than destructive power. They have constructive power, greatly beneficial to the nation. Thus in times of peace, air power is peace power.” “Special Delivery of America’s historic achievements was the destiny of the B-29. For the Army Air Forces next committed the giant B-29 armada to science. Never before had such a mighty target been assembled beneath a bomb site. 73 ships in a 5-mile area, it was a bombardier’s dream target. ” “Fully aware of the eyes of the world.” “Youth and years of scientific study combined to test the power of the atom. Young man with war tempered nerves. Steeled in battle, awaited coolly for bomb-away. Learned scientists awaited tensely below to study the effects. As the metronome ticked away the eventful seconds, the world in questioning … Video Rating: 4 / 5 Additionally you can look at this related post: https://opinion-maker.org/2010/12/a-missing-wikileak/ [...]
World Spinner
14. Dec, 2010
A Missing Wikileak? | Opinion Maker…
Here at World Spinner we are debating the same thing……
Doomsday Prophecy - Nostradamus Future Predictions
15. Dec, 2010
[...] We need to become familiar with that in surviving, we have to be prepared to take the necessary steps for our own survival. It is for the sake of our future and future generations. Find out how to survive 2012 Doomsday Prophecy an more end of the world Also you can read this related blog page: https://opinion-maker.org/2010/12/a-missing-wikileak/ [...]
Freedom Lost
16. Dec, 2010
Assange has made it very clear, he made a deal with Israel to not disclose any information that was about them, he said he wanted to concentrate on the evil done by the US and did not want to water down the facts against the US by looking at too many details about other countries involvement, in other words he was afraid of the thug Mossad Terrorists who will cross any border to terrorize the truthtellers! Zionism = Terrorism
16. Dec, 2010
The deceptions now taking place are fooling the brightest of minds!
The USA became the most powerful nation/kingdom at the close of WW2. With nearly 1000 military bases now scattered throughout the world and American culture emulated in most nations, who can deny that the US has devoured the whole earth not only militarily, but in many ways. America is definitely a kingdom that is diverse from all nations. Since 1945 the USA has indeed treaded down the world and broke it in pieces. America is the 'fourth kingdom' spoken of by the Prophet Daniel.
The Book of Daniel, KJV
7:23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
Truman was the 33rd President in 1945 at the end of WW2. America became known as a superpower after it dropped the atomic bombs on Japan. So Truman does not count as one of the ten. There have been 'ten kings' arise from this nation since it became what many call the most powerful nation in the world, Obama is the 11th! He is also 'diverse from the first' as he is the first black President.
7:24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom [are] ten kings [that] shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
The Three Kings!
Speculation abounds about animosity between the Bush/Clinton/Bush cabal and Obama. Many also suspect that extortion and bribery against Obama is the reason for numerous Bush/Clinton insiders being placed inside the Obama Administration.
Linda Newkirk posted a prophecy naming Obama as the Antichrist just after the election in November 08.
In a prophecy posted Jan 24/09 Linda was shown a vision of Bush/Clinton/Bush trio plotting the death of Obama, then a vision of Obama with a head wound, and then a vision of the funerals of Bush/Bush/Clinton.
In January of 2009 at the time of the inauguration, Chercheng Xiong received a powerful dream/vision of Obama being the antichrist.
Ken Peters Dream/Vision of the Antichrist and The Tribulation!
WIKILEAKS: Israeli nuclear attack on two American cities - WhiteNewsNow.com Forums
16. Dec, 2010
[...] Israeli nuclear attack on two American cities A Missing Wikileak Posted on 14. Dec, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Hot Topics Alla roads lead to Tel Aviv By Dr Ghayur [...]
Skúli Jakobsson
16. Dec, 2010
It is all about the GeNOcide against the White Race.
Follow the White Rabbit
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan or South Korea, but nobody says Japan or South Korea will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Tweets that mention A Missing Wikileak? | Opinion Maker -- Topsy.com
16. Dec, 2010
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Richy Gordon, Thomas MANTELL. Thomas MANTELL said: Alla roads lead to Tel Aviv A Missing WikiLeaks about Israël http://bit.ly/hBx8zE @MKERisOnTheMoon [...]
16. Dec, 2010
Our Lady of Fatima warned that Communism would spread throughout the world and that nations would be annihilated and all concerned should watch this video:
deadly tracker
16. Dec, 2010
Whoa,, just 2 cities in U,S. nucked by Isreal?..try about 10..dont forget they have more than 300 nukes..best place to stash them. ?? try the airports..thats right ,,the Xray scanners..they are the trojan horse..they emit some radiation which will be activate sensors but because they have been legislated this is were the attacks will happen..'Hidden in plain sight.."
16. Dec, 2010
I recall reading a similar passage at the same time. However I don't recall where I read it. I felt that since it was obviously important that I would hear much more about it soon enough. Since then, nothing.
Name (required)
16. Dec, 2010
Two ways to go on this….
or, ….
16. Dec, 2010
israeli jews have said previously that israel has nukes targeting major cities in europe and the US.
16. Dec, 2010
Jooz are the biggest threat to the world, period! The holohoax is the biggest lie of the 20th century, but jooz are in dire need of a real mass extermination!
20. Dec, 2010
Even the Jew Henry Kissinger said there must be something wrong with Jews if all anybody's wanted to do over the last 2000 years is kill them.
Alla roads lead to Tel Aviv | Philosophers stone
16. Dec, 2010
[...] [more...] // [...]
16. Dec, 2010
steamboat charlie
16. Dec, 2010
Your research seems to consist of channel flipping and web surfing. If you want to be taken seriously then provide some references. Back up your claims with evidence, not mere speculation. (yawn)
And the rest of you are a bunch of bigots. Jews are just people… greed has no race, no religion. You will find evil among all groups, among all peoples. Grow up and step out of your narrow definition of humanity. Your thinking is part of the problem.
17. Dec, 2010
Maybe you should be called "Smokeboat" unless the steam is what's coming out of your ears. Maybe you should go learn some firefighting skills, Izzy is going to be needing them soon, and it seems she isn;t to flash at putting them out, even if she loves to light them.
I heard it was some disturbed left over white phosphorous which ignited the recent karmic bonfires in occupied Palestine the other day. As for thaat busload of karmic customers, kosher bacon, who'd have thought it?
17. Dec, 2010
17. Dec, 2010
Love the pair of Hasbarats at the end there.
Pathetic goons. Everybody with a functioning mind knows this is a very likely scenario and can be assumed to be true on its face.
Actually though, to the author, if it was on, then someone will haverecorded it, so stay tuned. It will turn up probably on Youtube. I have seen similar things myself. Around the early stages of any major news, certain things are often reported wehich thoproughly destroy the later adopted official story. These things invariably dissapear quickly and can often be hard if not impossible to track down again.
An example is back when we had the "Port Arthur Massacre" in Tasmania. There was on the first day or two an article in the West Australian which referred to a high ranking police office in the Tasmanian police force who had stated that both the rifles identified as having been used in the massacre had serial numbers which indicated they had previously been surrendered to the police in a recent amnesty and official records claimed they had been destroyed by the recycling company, Simsmetal.
Some time later I began to wonder about this as it was never mentioned anywhere again and I contacted the newspaper and spoke with the journalist whyo wrote the story (which he confirmed). I asked what came of that particular bit of news and he said he didn't know, because he had been removed from the story and put onto something else, the very next day. All attempts to track down copies of the newspaper from the time have failed. As in several days worth of them missing from the local university library a couple of years later when I decided to try there. I could try some more, and may do one day, but I am assuming it has dissapeared, since it doesn't even seem to be on anybody elses radar.
With Israhell it is different. Lots of peoploe are watching that creepy little terrorist state very closely. So stay tuned, if you saw it it may well surface.
17. Dec, 2010
It/s missing because it's not true.
Israel is no more a "terrorist state" than is the US, GB, Germany, Russia, etc. etc.
Compared with brutal dictatorships like Syria, Iran, No. Korea, Israel is pure as the driven snow.
The truth is that all nations have blood on their hands. Israel is no worse than most others, and a lot less brutal than many.
17. Dec, 2010
Sky News is owned by Zionist Christian billionaire Rupert Murdoch, who recently honored by Israeli agent, Abraham Foxman, national director ADL – for his “stalwart support of Israel and his commitment to promoting respect and speaking out against anti-Semitism”.
The enemity between India’s Muslims and World Zionist Congress goes long way – even before the two countries showed up on the world map.
29. Aug, 2011
Please keep thowring these posts up they help tons.
Alla roads lead to Tel Aviv | Dark Politricks
17. Dec, 2010
[...] By Dr. Ghayur Ayub in Opinion Maker [...]
Missing WikiLeaks: All roads lead to Tel Aviv | Pakalert Press
17. Dec, 2010
[...] By Dr. Ghayur Ayub in Opinion Maker [...]
Turkey: ‘Who benefits from Wikileaks?’ | Rehmat's World
18. Dec, 2010
[...] “The Breaking News at Sky TV (owned by Zionist billionaire Rupert Murdoch) referred to a planned Israeli nuclear attack on two American cities which were to be linked to Pakistan. America would have had a cause to respond in kind and take out Pakistani nuclear sites,” Dr. Ghayur Ayub in A Missing Wikileak. [...]
Wikileaks Debunked « Theupliftingcrane's Blog
18. Dec, 2010
[...] Alla roads lead to Tel Aviv [...]
18. Dec, 2010
[...] [...]
A Missing Wikileak | The Total Collapse
18. Dec, 2010
[...] Source. Share Share and Enjoy: [...]
19. Dec, 2010
This is a pathetic story like most Wikileaks punditry because it's based on nothing that was sourced or proven. It's disinformation until
someone else confirms what the author purports to have seen on Sky TVs ticker tape news.
Bikini | Bomb | Effects | Hiroshima | atolls | Atomic Bomb Effects
19. Dec, 2010
[...] Operation Crossroads 1946, nuclear bomb explosion at sea with its effects on ships an the bikini atolls. very interesting footage from “Trinity and Beyond”. visit http://www.vce.com for further information. Video Rating: 4 / 5 Make sure to also read: https://opinion-maker.org/2010/12/petraeus-further-spoiling-the-messy-situation/ Also you can check out this related blog post: https://opinion-maker.org/2010/12/a-missing-wikileak/ [...]
A Missing Wikileak « The Light among the shadows
23. Dec, 2010
[...] By Dr Ghayur Ayub Dec. 2010 https://opinion-maker.org/2010/12/a-missing-wikileak/ [...]