KASHMIR: Cameron, Could You Not See Blood On Manmohan’s Hands?

Posted on 01. Aug, 2010 by in Kashmir

It’s Not Just Gaza; Kashmir Is Also Bleeding.

The Role of ‘Memory’ in the present crises in Kashmir

By Inshah Malik

Dead bodies disrespected and mourners punished are scars and scratches on the memory in Indian occupied Kashmir

David Cameron, the British Prime Minister was in Dehli completely blinded by the dollars that he wanted for his ailing economy back in the UK. He showed no concern for the daily falling bodies of the Kashmiris for their right for self determination. Cameron should not forget that this problem is a creation of the departing colonial masters; Lord Mountbatten and Company. He had the moral obligation to raise his voice on this human issue.

Cameron do we need to tell you that India is more ruthless than Israel in dealing with human lives?

Due to International apathy and unconcerned attitude towards the plight of the Indian Held Kashmir, the street politics has overwhelmingly captured the political arena of ‘good governance’ in Kashmir. Street politics is alive and kicking above all democratic, it appeals scores of people gradually and the legitimated government watches this ‘topsy-turvy’ stunt at the bay. The politics other than the mainstream seems to be the one shinning bright on the futuristic goals of Kashmir’s politics. In the light of the fact that the claims of the young street boys appease the people more than Omar’s NC government needs a clear cut analysis. How does the politically immature youth lure the common Kashmiris support as against a promised good future or material well being? Delhi uses its myopic judgment on Kashmir as the final inference both at national and international levels. It comes handy for India to blame Pakistan than to introspect and dig deeper in the murky politics in Kashmir.

Disrespect for human life leads to anger which crushes hope and leads to resistance and not terrorism

The functional television and news media in India is allotted the role to reinforce the existent myths and ideas on Kashmir. Labeling protests as ‘unarmed terrorism’ has distanced the power and the street all the more. After India failing to provide even basic justice, leave alone the ultimate resolution of Kashmir issue, Kashmiris are standing on a scathing record of human rights abuse, unfulfilled political promises and broken pledges. Whenever the governance has detached itself morally from the people the collapse of that government in Kashmir has almost become predictable. Since the inception of the Indian rule in Kashmir many a times the political governance failed as it could not meet the expectations of the common people of which ‘Self determination’ was the biggest aspiration.

The fact that most of people wanted to enjoin their sacred right to determine their political and national status did not hamper some governments in the past to continue being successful for the time they could manage the close ties with the common people. The current government has failed to see the repercussion of ignoring the public dissent and inciting the despondency among people by proffering to exaggerate the ‘economic growth’ which has remained Delhi’s only awareness in Jammu and Kashmir.

The youth discerned with this detachment of government policies with their issues made it a point to create space to toss their anger at the state’s inefficiency culminating into ‘Friday protests’. Government unaware of root causes of such activity created a scenario retaliating the stone pelting youth with armed force which had somehow become a 20-20 cricket show on the streets of Kashmir. Although these boys sought their political voice in the separatist factions but government’s immaturity and inexperience provided enough space for this to become an obsession of Kashmiri youth.

Government’s means of dialogue can solve nothing in the Indian occupied Kashmir.

Tufail Ahmed Mattoo was consistently the 5th teenager killed since January 2010 in a playground by the State military cops, for the state it was nothing more than a incident for which it thought a sorry could terminate this misdemeanor.  However in the street, Tufail’s death was not interpreted just as yet another case or incident but it bought the question of ‘memory’ of loss right back at the people. The person who had lost his son about twenty years back in 1980’s regretted his personal loss yet again and it was deduced to be the loss or common suffering that everyone in Kashmir has seen or experienced. Interestingly the current uprising of the stone pelting youth aggravated by the rampant human rights abuse found its sympathizers even among the older generation who fought with Sheikh Abdullah for the plebiscite protest in 1960’s and their strategies also employed stone pelting.

Standing on the scathing record of abuse: wailing the only resource to survive in Indian occupied Kashmir.

In 2008 the Amarnath land issue exposed Kashmiri’s yet again to their vulnerabilities under Indian rule and in 2009 the twin rape and murder in Shopian resurrected the vulnerability and the memory of deceit suffered from Indian state. For consecutive three years these incidents have bought the memory of loss flipside and it has sharpened the edges of the resistance. The memory has a huge reverence in all historical conflicts and resistances. The Jews till today have kept the memoirs of the holocaust animate for the fact that it reciprocates the collective shared pain. The Kashmiri population is certainly the one that could never mourn its dead because the incidents of death never died and nor did the aspirations. There has never been a stage of moving on and even if it has come for a time being, the political follies of the state and Indian rule have ruined it.

Political talks and oppression can’t go hand in hand; one of these measures has to be clogged to strive for the sustainable solution of Kashmir crises. The immature governance sees the root cause of the problem outside the state but pure analysis can tell that this current resistance is the outcome of ‘memory’ instigated by state’s dim-witted response to the concerned youth.

Inshah Malik is a PhD scholar at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India.  She has been working on Gender and ongoing conflict in Kashmir. She is also actively been writing about people’s issues through various platforms. She is at present working on political economy of Kashmir.

This paper has been exclusively written for Opinion Maker.

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Tags: David Cameron, Gaza, IHK, , Insha Malik, , Manmohan, ,

14 Responses to “KASHMIR: Cameron, Could You Not See Blood On Manmohan’s Hands?”

  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Raja Mujtaba, Raja Mujtaba. Raja Mujtaba said: KASHMIR: Cameron, Could You Not See Blood On Manmohan’s Hands? A report from Indian Occupied Kashmir By Insha Malik http://fb.me/E6P9wKPs [...]

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  2. Dr. Raja M. Khan

    01. Aug, 2010

    Indeed, the forefathers of David Cameron, the ill advised and absurd British Premier are responsible for the Kashmir Fiasco. How can you expect these traitors to stop India from Human rights violations. They rather, encourage India to use more brutal force on to Kashmiris.
    My Compliments to the author; Insha Malik.

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  3. atta rasool malik

    01. Aug, 2010

    kashmir , will not let India to become civilized country let alone global power. It will ultimately fragment India not unite it. This is low profile fire . it can burn many including India. Indian Govt is slowly and gradually eating up special status of kashmir to integrate it Prime Minister of kashmir is now Chief Minister and President has been made as governer . Indians people have started purchasing land in held kashmir . people have not forgotten it. O peace loving people of India .Please solve this issue for the greater good of south asia and for your own prosperity and security. You have biggest land mass , biggest economy and bigger army, show also bigger heart and bigger land better understanding of ground realities.l

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  4. neel123

    01. Aug, 2010

    @ Insha Malik

    It is not just Gaza, Balochistan is also bleeding ………………

    Anyone telling the truth, will be taken as ill advised and absurd, or conspiracy by the Pakistanis in denial like Dr. Raja M Khan.

    The whole world is traitor ………… they have no respect for human rights, only the Pakistanis have ……… Bangladesh genocide in 1971 and now Balochistan are the shining examples …. !

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  5. Naveed Tajammal

    01. Aug, 2010


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  6. neel123

    01. Aug, 2010

    @ Naveed Tajammal,

    I just do my bit to counter the Pakistani Army’s propaganda machine ……….. I do not do it in exchange of any benefit ….. do it as a fight against evil ………. most of my Indian counterparts do not even bother about what is happening in Pakistan …….. !

    @ atta rasool malik,

    India is in no rush to have the status of a great nation …… !
    Kashmir issue will not be solved on the basis of Indian concessions to the Pakistani army …… the smaller should learn to behave like the smaller ………. !

    India showed big heart when it allowed 97000 Pakistani army prisoners of war to go back alive …….. you Pakistanis have short memory ……….. you are not trustworthy……… !

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  7. [...] KASHMIR: Cameron, Could You Not See Blood On Manmohan's Hands … [...]

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  8. Dr.A.K.Tewari

    02. Aug, 2010

    Insha Malik, Only they deserves freedom of expression who also know the responsibilities associated with it .Being in Bombay you must be knowing the reasons due to which the current violence erupted all of sudden .j.K.Police failed to curb it there after paramilitary was deployed .The duel policy of Pakistan is still operative against terrorists .They are getting green signal for east and Red signal for west boarder of the country . Your’s and Pakistan’s fate seems to me alike .

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  9. Parvez

    03. Aug, 2010

    Read some recent history of India (Tamil Tigers, (Mukti Behini), Ambrits (Iraq WMD, Iran 1953) and then talk about freedom. India’s treatment of minorities and tribals is well known. Don’t try to be holier than thou. Come back when you are ready to talk about Human equality, and justice Sahib doctor.

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  10. Dr.A.K.Tewari

    03. Aug, 2010

    Insha Malik at present a research scholor at Tata Institute of social science . Are you her guide there Mr. Javed ? If you are a Pakistani then tell me how many Hindu research scholor are there in such a prestigious Institution . Yes ,black sheep will get what they deserve ……

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  11. Hayabusa brother

    05. Aug, 2010

    Great detailed info, I just saved you on my google reader.

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  12. atta rasool malik

    06. Aug, 2010

    Pakistani politicians did make mistakes in the past while dealing east Pakistan, Now Bangladesh ,Pak army too was taken by revenge in many instances and hence can be blamed for wrong doing there in Bagladesh. If pakistan had committed mistakes, it does not make any wrong thing legal. Let us not protect wrong doing of our rulers, call spade a spade. pakistan is bombing tribals (though out of them many are miscreants) with Jets and heavy artillery, it is wrong.Kashmir is burning because of Indians atrocities, this is fact and it must end. aggressive nationalism is not very nobel idea. We , the comman people must support truth. truth is bitter but it is not harmful for any one to know. My dear Indians , we pray for your prosperity, because there reside so many muslims, though they are badly marginalized. Indians must bring peace to south asia. they are leader and they are held accountable.

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  13. forex robot

    11. Aug, 2010

    Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

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  14. Dr.A.K.Tewari

    11. Aug, 2010

    @ Atta R. mallik. The time has riped enough to realize a new begning between India and Pakistan .I personaly respect your feelings towards India .

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